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首页 > 英语培训 > 熟能生巧英语作文300词

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Skill comes from practice In the summer I play tennis,began to practice,action is good,to rally movement disorder up,there is no essential full swing,foot standing instability,also was criticized by the teacher,the heart can not say how anxious,tears in the eyes roll straight. Back home,I told my mother,my mother touched my head,comfort said:"don't worry,will be good,more practice skill accompany you practice." The next month,the mother every evening to accompany me to the field to practice serving and catching,although very hard,also flow a lot of sweat,but have a great harvest,service can already sent to the specified location,the forehand ball is also very skilled,strong interest in deeply appreciate the "skill comes." the truth,in fact,learning is the same,more practice makes perfect. I really want to go to the game show. 熟能生巧 暑假里我学打网球,开始练球的时候,动作是蛮好的,一到对打动作就乱了起来,挥拍也没有挥完整,脚也站不稳,还被老师批评了呢,心里别提有多着急了,眼泪直在眼睛里打滚. 回到家,我难过地告诉妈妈,妈妈摸摸我的头,安慰地说:“别急,多练就会好的,熟能生巧嘛,妈妈陪你练.” 接下来的一个月里,妈妈每天傍晚陪我到球场练发球和接球,虽然很辛苦,还流了许多汗,但是有很大的收获,发球已经能发到指定的位置,正手接球也很熟练了,打球的兴趣浓厚了.我深深地体会到了“熟能生巧”的道理,其实学习也一样,多练就能生巧. 嘿嘿!现在的我真想早点到赛场上露一手呢.

227 评论


The well known proverb "Practice makes perfect." means that when we set about a difficult task or begin to learn something new, we need to practice constantly. Getting familiar with something is merely the first step. Only through constant practice can we get to know how each part is related and only in this way can we become skilled in doing the work and in the end have a better command of it. Many examples can be cited to illustrate this fact. Learning to write English composition is a good case in point. Many students complain that writing in English is really a great problem for them. But do you notice how often they practiced writing English compositions in their daily life? If they fail to follow what the proverb says, if they don't write regularly in English, how can they expect to improve their writing? Let's take playing piano as another example. Many want to be famous pianists, but few know the road to success. How can one play the piano wonderfully if he only practices it once in a while. The road to success is filled with hard work. Only when one persists in practicing hour after hour, day after day can he get to the peak of success. There are other countless examples in our daily life, but I think the above mentioned are evident enough to illustrate the truth of the proverb. We ought to keep the proverb in mind whenever we do something new and difficult.

359 评论


Skill comes from practice 或者Practice makes perfect

253 评论


Practice Makes Perfect熟能生巧The saying that practice makes perfect means that after you have plenty of practice in what you are doing, you will be perfect in it. He who practices a lot will master the skill more quickly than he who seldom or hardly practices.谚语“熟能生巧”就是说进行大量的练习后,你将会做得完美。比起那些很少或从不练习的人,进行大量练习的人会更快地掌握技能。For example, when we learn English, we have to learn grammar, words, expressions and so on. The most important thing may be how to put what we have learned into practice. If you only learn the grammar rules by heart and don't do enough exercises, it is certain that you can't understand them perfectly. But if you practice a lot, maybe you will understand them more deeply and you can find some good methods of applying them. Memorizing English words whenever time permits, we can easily memorize them and can even find a way to memorize them more quickly.比如,我们学英语的时候,我们必须学习语法、单词、词句等等。最重要的是如何把我们所学到的知识运用到实践中去。如果你仅仅牢记语法规则而不做足够的练习,你肯定不能充分理解它们。做大量练习之后,你可能就会深刻理解它们,而且你还能找出一些好的方法去运用它们。只要时间允许就去记英语单词,这样我们能轻易记住它们,甚至能找出一种更快的记忆单词的方法。There is another example. A famous singer can sing very well. Of course, his talent is very important, but practice is necessary. It is necessary to practice to make the singer sing better and better.还有一个好例子,一个著名的歌手歌唱得非常好。当然他的天赋是非常重要的,但是练习也是必要的。正是练习使这位歌手唱得越来越好。It is evident that practice is important for everybody. If you want to improve your study and work, you should remember that practice makes perfect.显然,练习对每个人来讲都很重要。如果你想提高你的学习和效果,记住:熟能生巧。

202 评论


  • 熟能生巧英文

    我的答案绝对对,我的英语书有的,希望对你有帮助,practice makes perfert

    doubledennis 7人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 熟能生巧英语

    Practice makes perfect . 完全正确 !望采纳 !谢谢!

    汉口小霸王 9人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 英语熟能生巧

    译文:skill comes from practice。 重点词汇:skill 英 [skɪl] 释义: n 技能,技巧;本领,技术 n (Skill)人名;

    伊斯忐忑 10人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 熟能生巧英语单词

    Practice makes perfect . 完全正确 !望采纳 !谢谢!

    我是梅干啊 8人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 熟能生巧英文单词

    帮楼上翻译一下并改正There is an old saying in China: Practice makes perfect. Practice is a

    无人边框 5人参与回答 2024-06-13