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首页 > 英语培训 > 到达的英文单词以r开头

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要学好英语,首先就要把以r开头的 英语单词 或者 短语 的基础打好。下面我为大家带来r开头的英文单词和短语,欢迎大家学习! r开头必备文短语 1. rather than 比 2. reach one’s understanding 使某人理解 3. reach out (for) 伸手去够 4. read bits here and there 这读一点儿那读一点儿 5. reception desk 接待处 6. refer to 指,查询 7. regard „as„ 把 „看作 8. relate to 联系 9. rely on sb. (for sth.) (在某事上)依赖某人 10. remember me to sb. 代我向„问候 11. remind of 使某人想起 12. reply to 答复 13. respect sb. as 把某人尊敬为„ 14. rest rooms 休息室 15. result from 由于 16. result in 结果是, 导致 17. return to normal 恢复正常 18. right away 马上 19. right now 现在 20. ring back 回电话 21. ring off 挂断 22. ring up 打电话 23. rise by 上升了 24. rise to 上升到 25. rise to one’s feet 站起来 26. rise up 起义,起来反抗 27. roll over 翻滚 28. rot away 烂掉,腐烂 29. round up 聚拢,赶拢 30. run across 不期而遇 31. run away 逃跑 32. run out of 花光,用光,消耗光 33. run the length of 长度为„ 34. rush hour (上下班时)车辆拥挤时间 35. rush off one’s feet 忙地不可开交,忙地不亦乐乎 36. reject/ ri’dʒekt/ vt.拒绝;丢掉;驳回 37. rabbit/ ‘ræbit/ n.兔子,野兔 38. race/ reis/ n.比赛,竞赛,竞争 39. race/ reis/ n.人种,种族,民族 40. racial/ ‘reiʃəl/ a.种族的,人种的 r开头经典英文短语 1. rack/ ræk/ n.搁物架;行李架 2. rack/ ræk/ vt.使苦痛,折磨 3. radar/ ‘reidə/ n.雷达,无线电探测器 4. radiation/ reidi’eiʃən/ n.放射,发射;辐射能 5. radio/ ‘reidiəu/ n.无线电;收音机 6. radioactive/ reidiəu’æktiv/ a.放射性的 7. radius/ ‘reidjəs/ n.半径 8. rag/ ræg/ n.破布,碎布,抹布 9. rail/ reil/ n.横条,横杆;铁轨 10. railroad/ ‘reilrəud/ n.铁路 vi.由铁路运输 11. railway/ ‘reilwei/ n.铁路,铁道 12. rain/ rein/ n.雨, 雨水 vi.下雨 13. rainbow/ ‘reinbəu/ n.虹,彩虹 14. rainy/ ‘reini/ a.下雨的,多雨的 15. raise/ ‘reiz/ vt.举起;引起;提高 16. range/ reindʒ/ n.排,行;山脉;范围 17. rank/ ræŋk/ n.排,横行;社会阶层 18. rapid/ ‘ræpid/ a.快的 n.急流 19. rare/ reə/ a.稀薄的;稀有的 20. rarely/ ‘reəli/ ad.很少,难得 21. rat/ ræt/ n.老鼠,耗子 22. rate/ reit/ n.比率;速度;价格 23. rather/ ‘ra:ðə/ ad.宁可,宁愿;相当 24. ratio/ ‘reiʃiəu/ n.比,比率 25. rational/ ‘ræʃənl/ a.理性的;出于理性的 26. raw/ rɔ:/ a.未煮过的;未加工的 27. ray/ rei/ n.光线,射线,辐射线 28. reach/ ri:tʃ/ vt.抵达;伸出vi.达到 29. react/ ri’ækt/ vi.起反应;有影响 30. reaction/ ri’ækʃən/ n.反应;反作用 31. read/ ri:d/ vt.读,看懂 vi.读 32. reader/ ‘ri:də/ n.读者;读物,读本 33. reading/ ‘ri:diŋ/ n.读,阅读;读书 34. ready/ ‘redi/ a.准备好的;愿意的 35. real/ riəl/ a.真的;现实的 36. reality/ ri’æliti/ n.现实;真实 37. realize/ ‘riəlaiz/ vt.实现;认识到 38. really/ ‘riəli/ ad.真正地;实在 39. realm/ ‘relm/ n.王国,国土;领域 40. rear/ riə/ n.后部,后面;背面 r开头常用英文短语 1. rear/ riə/ vt.抚养,培养;栽种 2. reason/ ‘ri:zn/ n.理由;理性 vi.推理 3. reasonable/ ‘ri:znəbl/ a.合情合理的;公道的 4. rebel/ ‘rebəl, ri’bel/ vi.造反 n.造反者 5. recall/ ri’kɔ:l/ vt.回想;叫回;收回

253 评论


英 [əˈraɪv]美 [əˈraɪv]


不及物动词 到达,来; 发生


1. Good weather has arrived at last.


2. At what time did you arrive at the station?


3. He arrived professionally when he was still young.


4. The delegation arrived in London last Monday.


5. What decision did you finally arrive at?


英 [kʌm]美 [kʌm]


不及物动词 来; 出现; 开始; 发生

及物动词 做; 装扮…的样子; 将满(…岁)



1. come on : 进步, 发生, 开始;

2. come down : 下来, 下跌;

3. come to oneself : 苏醒;

4. come in : 进来;

5. come to : 苏醒;

6. come across : 偶遇;

7. come forward : 站出来, 自告奋勇, 主动响应;

8. come to pass : 发生, 实现;

9. come along : 出现;

10. come again : 请再说一遍;

11. to come : 未来地;

12. come out : 出现, 出版, 结果是;

13. come round : 顺便来访, 绕道而来, 转向, 改主意, 苏醒, 平息;

14. come and go : 来来往往;

15. come by : 从旁边走过, 得到;

1. 例如,你可能对消息到达目的地之前的跳数的平均值感兴趣。

For example, you may be interested in the average hop count a message has to travel before reaching its destination.

2. 这句话翻译没有错误,呵呵~只是提供一个相对更权威的中文翻译,帮助作者把握题意呵呵~政府应该保护那些疆域范围内的偏远地带,保持他们的原始状态,尽管这些地区一般来说非常偏僻,很少有人能够到达。

I totallyagree with the assertion that Government should preserve the wildernessareas in their natural state no matter how many people will accessthere(这个短语结构不明白什么意思呀~) because these areas deserve and have the necessity to beprotected and government is a powerful organization to gain this ends.

3. KittyChu译:这是第一个国家纪念塔,美国政府於西元1906年建造,是巨大的火成岩聚集而成的,火成岩穿越沉殿物所生岩床,但并没有到达表面,形成地层上的一个圆形凸块。

This is the first national monument established by the US government in 1906. It is a large mass of igneous rock which is intruded through sedimentary rock beds but does not actually reach the surface, producing a rounded bulge in the sedimentary layers above.

4. 所以,如果她能准时到达,我就把我的名字倒着写。

So, if she can arrive on time, I will write my name down up.

5. 当密使们到达了君士坦丁堡并被被圣索非亚大教堂的美丽震撼之时,他们对新信仰的`选择也达成了共识。

It wasn't until they arrived in Constantinople, and were so astounded by the beauty of the cathedral of Hagia Sophia, that they decided on the faith they would like to follow.

6. 佩里到亚洲,佩里最终于1853年到达东京湾,他的到达开启了美国与日本的外交与贸易往来。

His arrival led to the establishment of diplomatic and trade relations between the United States and Japan.

7. 我现在就可以用船把人送出去,我会让他们安全到达的。

Daniel: I can start ferrying people now. I can get them there safely.

8. 当你的战备到达100%或超过100%时,会变成86

You also now cannot exceed the maximum of 100%.

9. 他的协和航班从伦敦到纽约当然是直飞当他到达纽约时他直接通过移民和海关检查处他没有任何大的行李只有短途旅行带的一小提箱他走过抵港大厅他的妻正那和他打招呼就当天早上她为他送行她并没有乘飞机或者轮船那她是怎么见到他的呢?

He had no baggage to collect as he only took a briefcase for his short trip.

10. 尽管如此,引起足够的位移在洋底,它造成了大规模的海啸,甚至到达非洲的海岸。

Nonetheless, it caused enough displacement in the ocean floor that it caused massive tsunamis even reaching the shores of Africa.

102 评论


race -radar - radiation - radio -raid - railroad - rain - raise - rare - rate - reach -react -read - ready -real - realistic - reason - reasonable -rebel - receive - recent -recession -recognize - record - recover -red - reduce - reform - refugee - refuse - regret - reject -relation - release - religion - remain -remains - remember - remove - repair - repeat - report -represent -

230 评论


英语词典翻到以R开头的那一页,一个一个数下去:rabbi rabbit rabble rabid rabies race racial racing racism racist……

222 评论


ra(bb)ira(bb)(in)icalrab(ble)ra(ff)(in)oseraft(er)rag(ou)trag(time)rai(ment)rall(en)t(and)or(ally)ram(ble)rram(part)ran(ch)(er)or(and)omransom(ed)rappro(ch)e(ment)r(ar)e(ness)r(ation)(ally)rawhidereabsorp(tion)rea(cc)ommodatereac(tion)(ar)yr(ea)d(er)readju(st)readopt(ed)r(ea)dy-to-we(ar)rea(ff)irm(ation)reaf(for)e(st)(ation)r(ea)lr(ea)l(ity)r(ea)lizerealli(ance)re(ally)re-allyreanim(ation)reappe(ar)(ance)reappor(tion)(ment)re(ar)ma(ment)re(ar)mo(st)reassem(ble)dreassur(ance)reatta(ch)(ment)reav(ow)(ed)reb(ound)(ing)rec(ed)(ed)receiva(ble)rcvd [received]rcvr(sh)ip [receivership]reces(sion)alre(ch)au(ff)ere(ch)(er)(ch)ereckon(ed)recomm(ence)re-commis(sion)re-(con)nectrecon(st)ruct(ed)recr(ea)ntrecr(ea)t(ed)recre(ation)redactr(ed)anr(ed)d(en)(ed)red(ed)ic(ation)redeem(ed)redeliv(er)redet(er)m(in)(ed)r(ed)(ing)oteredirect(ed)redisposi(tion)redistilredistribu(tion)redivid(ed)r(ed)ol(ence)red(ou)(ble)dred(ou)bta(ble)red(ound)(ed)redraftredrawredressreduceredund(ance)re(en)(for)cere-(en)tr(ance)re(for)m(ation)refr(ing)(en)tregi(ment)(ation)Rei(ch)stagre(in)c(ar)n(ation)re(in)de(er)rejuv(en)(ation)rel(ation)(sh)iprem(ed)ialrem(ed)yrem(in)isc(ence)rem(one)tizeR(en)aiss(ance)r(en)alre(name)drenasc(en)trenavigater(en)contrer(en)dezv(ou)sr(en)egaderenegerenewalR(en)orenom(in)(ation)ren(ou)nce(ment)ren(ow)n(ed)R(en)sselaerr(en)ti(er)renum(er)aterenunci(ation)repd [repaid]rep(ar)(ation)re(part)eere(part)i(tion)repeoplere(question)(ed)requiterer(ea)dr(er)(ed)osreref(in)ererunres(ound)(ing)re(st)aurantre(st)h(ar)r(ow)re(st)ive(ness)re(st)or(ation)ret(in)aret(in)ueretroflexrev(en)uerev(er)b(er)(ation)rev(er)eRev(er)er(ever)(ence)r(ever)(en)dr(ever)ierev(er)s(ed)rev(er)t(ed)r(ever)yrevolu(tion)(ar)yre(word)(ed)rh(in)e(st)(one)rh(in)oc(er)osRhon(dd)aRh(one)ribb(and)ri(bb)on(ed)riboflav(in)ri(dd)(ance)rifacimentori(ff)raffrifleryri(gg)(er)(right)ab [rightabout](right)e(ou)s(ness)(right)f(ful)lyrigm(ar)oler(ing)(en)trit(ar)d(and)oro(ar)(ing)ro(bb)(ed)ro(bb)(er)yRoentg(en)rom(ance)rRo(many)ro(of)(er)roped(ance)rros(ea)terosi(ness)rot(en)(one)r(ou)(ble)r(ou)(gh)(en)(ed)r(ound)ab [roundabout]r(ound)elayr(ou)(st)ab [roustabout]r(ou)tr(ou)xru(bb)(ed)ru(dd)(er)rudi(ment)(ar)yru(ff)ianrum(in)antrunab [runabout]ru(the)nicru(th)(less)(ness)

188 评论


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