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首页 > 英语培训 > 直接下单用英语怎么说

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问题一:今天开始下单了英文怎么翻译 Today is the beginning of the order 望采纳 问题二:我已经下单了 英文怎么说 I have already ordered. ******************************************************************************************************* ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问, 另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! ******************************************************************************************************* 问题三:在线下单用英语怎么说 在线下单的英文翻译_百度翻译 在线下单 Online order order_百度翻译 order 英[??:d?(r)] 美[??:rd?(r)] n. 秩序; 命令; 次序; 规则,制度; vt. 命令; 订购; 整理; vi. 下订单; [例句]Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs. [其他] 第三人称单数:orders 复数:orders 现在分词:ordering 过去式:ordered过去分词:ordered 问题四:在下订单的时候通知我英语怎么说 if you will rise the price,please notice me when you are going to place an new order 问题五:求英语翻译。 翻译内容是 为什么我下单的时候说9月7日前达到现在又说9 为什么我下单的时候说9月7日前达到现在又说9月27日到达了 ?而且已经8天还没发货? Why when I place the order said on September 7 to say again on September 27, arrived in now? And has eight days haven't delivery? 问题六:由于我们的产品在市场上非常受欢迎,请你方尽快下单用英语怎么翻译 非常受欢迎=very good feedback/ very popular/high sales turnover/ =>Since our products have very good feedback from the market, please consider to place your order ASAP(as soon as possible). 问题七:英文中“下定单”怎么说 下定单 [网络] Placing An Order; Place Order; place an order; [例句]准备发票,出货单,下定单和有关文件等。 Prepare packing list, delivery orders, invoices& related document 问题八:英语一个句子翻译 Now that the price has gone up, if you want to order now, I have to recalculate the price. 问题九:中文翻译成英文:她们还在采购我们的接头,我建议贵司可以直接下订单给我们,出货时由Sping统一安排 20分 兄弟,百度翻译!

95 评论


下单的英文为place an order。


place an order【pleɪs ən ˈɔːdə(r)】意为订购;下单;发出订单。


1、We wish to place an order at a good price level.


2、British Rail are going to place an order for a hundred and eighty-eight trains.


3、Do you wish to place an order at this time?


4、Buyers who were lucky enough to place an order shared their experience of digging the blind box online.


333 评论


place order take order take bill

91 评论


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