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Ladies and gentlemen, It's my honour stand here to give your a speech "the power of belief".The topic makes me remind of a meaningful story that I read in a magazine. It is about belief. I know a lot from that story and I wish I could share the story with the friends on the forum. There was a small school in a remote village, in spite of its poor condition, it succeeded in bringing up university men, even masters and doctors. All the persons near the village were willing to send their children to study there. About twenty years ago, an old teacher had come down in the world for some reason and come up to the small school. Since he came, more and more persons with ability appeared which made the villagers maintain that the teacher was specialized in magic. Someone tended to imagine that the teacher could forecast the future because he would like to say some words to their children such as “you must be a mathematician later, you must be a writer in the future and you must be a musician……” By and by, the parents found that their children were quite different. It seemed that they assuredly had talent for math, for writing or for music. The child who was told to be a mathematician had more interest in math, likewise the child who was told to be a writer had great passion for literature gradually. They were inclined to be entranced with study and become self-conscious as well. The parents felt puzzled about the changes and doubted whether the children would become outstanding persons according to the teacher. Were their children useful persons? Before long it turned out that most of the children from the remote village did go to university. From then on, the old teacher was regarded as a prophet. Could he predict with miraculous accuracy? Actually, every clear-eyed person should know that the teacher was not a fortune-teller at all. There wasn’t anyone who can foresee the future in existence. The smart teacher just infused a sort of belief into his students. It was exact this kind of belief that made them consider that they were knockouts and they would win the game in the end. That was the power of belief. I still had some vague memories about my first English dictation until now. There were just ten simple words such as “face” “bee” “rose” etc. Despite this, I failed in the examination. I was asked to be the teacher’s office to repeat the work with the other two students in my class. But to my astonishment, they two passed the exam except me this time. I felt terribly depressed because I strained every nerve to recite the words. I had made every effort to do the job but still got a bad result. I began to be suspicious of my capability. I was doomed to fail, I once deemed it in this way. “Take it easy, my good girl, I believe you will win at last.” My English gave me a pat on the head, saying that gently. I couldn’t help piping one's eye and I felt that a flow of warm current was flowing into my heart. Eventually I passed the exam and even got a high mark in the next exam, furthermore I made a progress every next time. The teacher praised me for that and said: “You see, I am right, you do have genius for English.” From that time on, I had great interest in English and what’s more I became the top student in my class due to my efforts. Sometimes I asked myself what would happen but for my teacher’s encouragement. I couldn’t imagine that, likewise but for Cancuk’s comment on my English, maybe I wouldn’t have the self-confidence to finish this article. Your casual words will have incogitable influence on the others between times. Remember that no one is destined to fail in the world, as long as you have belief, you will succeed at length. Thank you.

153 评论


The campaign draftToday I want to campaign for the president of Syria . this is my campaign draft: Dear citizens this is a defining moment in our history . In last year and this year .Our country happened so many incident of violence , and it caused hundreds of people died and injured . The other countries which against us especially The United States take advantage this kind of issue to slander our government ,and the also want to invasion our country . It is the surrounding of us .But the problem of inside is more important .The first is the democracy of the political . Also the incumbent present has take many measure to change the current situation . But as we all know it is not so hopeful , and in some people’s words, it is so bad . Because a lot of problems the reformation let our country even worse . So this is a defining moment in our history . You need a powerful president to lead you to go though the most dangerous time in our country . I think I an the powerful president of our country .If I could be the president I will push the political reform. I will let the political more democracy and I will let the government decree become more poblical . If I could be the prisedent of our country I will take some steps to prevent our land - the Golan Heights . If I could be the prisedent of our country I will take measures to develop the economic ,I will holding negotiation with the opposition party to solve .In one words it’s the right choise you chose me to become the prisedent of our country. Thanks for you litsening .

179 评论


I want to be the next president. Like Obama's "Yes, we can", I would also like to say, "yes, I can be a good president and we can change our world". The reason why I join the campaign of president is that i have various experience of global conferences organization. Through these conferences, i have closely cooperated with different governments as well as international organizations and had a better insight of their system. Based on this understanding, I gradually develop a unique perspective about developing our country and the world. With my knowledge and background, I have the confidence of this country to stand against the challenges we are faced with in the future and become a powerful country in this world. Thank you!

329 评论


新总统竞选时都会发表一些演讲,表明自己执政方向和为国家人民带来的好处。以下以如果我能当选总统为题的演讲稿。Good morning Ladies and gentlemen, I am so glad to be here with all of you I am a president, I will prohibit people from cutting the wood and destroying the forest, so that people living in a tree-lined environment. If I am a President, I would like to add one law that if someone abandons the small animals. If I am a president, I will help people out of poverty, and let the people live in a happy I am a president,I would love for peace, the elimination of war, for the benefit of human beings in the world.

319 评论


My grandmother became a widow in 1970. Shortly after that, we went to the beast shelter to pick out a puppy to keep her enterprise. Grandma decided on a little terrier that had a reddish-brown speck upon each eye. Because of these spots, the dog was promptly appointed and Penny quickly became quite accompanied to every other, yet namely appendix grew many stronger about 3 annuals after when Grandma had a stroke. Grandma could no longer go, so while she came family from the hospital, she and Penny were constant her stroke, it became a real problem for Grandma to let Penny in and out because the door was at the bottom of a flight of stairs. So a mechanism using a tether and pulley was installed from the behind door to a deal at the altitude of the stairs. Grandma fair had to pluck the deal to open and near the door. If the store was out of Penny's preference dog edible, Grandma would make 1 of us cook Penny browned meat with diced potatoes in it. I tin remember teasing my grandmother that she adored that dog better than she loved her the years passed, Grandma and Penny became inseparable. Grandma's antique house could be fraught to the brim with folk, but whether Grandma went to take her drowse,Hermes Necklace, Penny hiked according nearby her and lingered along her side until she awoke. As Penny elderly, she could no longer bound up on the mattress to arrange next to Grandma, so she laid ashore the carpet beside the mattress. If Grandma went into the bathroom, Penny would hobble along beside her, wait outdoor the door and companion her back to the bed or chair. Grandma never went anywhere without her faithful companion by her period came when either my grandmother and Penny's health were failing quickly. Penny couldn't get around very well,Hermes Wallets, and Grandma had been hospitalized several times. My uncle and I lived with Grandma,hermes outlet, so Penny was not left unattended, even when Grandma was in the hospital. During these times, Penny sat by the window looking out as the automobile bringing Grandma home and would excitedly wait at the gate when Grandma came via it. Each homecoming was a grand reunion among the Christmas Day in 1985, Grandma was again taken to the hospital. Penny, as usual, sat watching out the window for the car bringing Grandma home. Two mornings later when the dog woke up, she couldn't appear to work out the stiffness in her hips as she normally did. The same morn, she began having seizures. At old fifteen,hermes bags, we knew it was time. My mom and aunt took her to the veterinarian and stayed with her until the the big quandary was if to acquaint Grandma when she was still in the hospital or wait. The determination was made to differentiate her meantime she was in the hospital because when we pulled up at the house, the 1st object Grandma would look for was her darling Penny seeing out the window and then happily greeting her at the door. Grandma shed some tears but said she knew that it had to be done so Penny wouldn't night while still in the hospital, Grandma had a heavy heart onset. The doctors frantically worked on her but could not revive her. After fifteen years of loving companionship,cheap hermes handbags, Grandma and Penny passed away among a few hours of each other. God had it all worked out ?C Penny was waiting at door when Grandma came Home. Related themes article:welcome the foreign festivals 98 watch the world go by 6 what is a great book 286 waiting for the breeze 2 2 topic discussion china vs japan 72

127 评论


Thanksgiving Day is one of America's most beloved and widely celebrated holidays. Whether descendants of the original colonists or new citizens, Americans join with family and friends to give thanks to a provident God for the blessings of freedom, peace, and plenty. We are a Nation of people who have come from many countries, cultures, and creeds. The colonial Thanksgiving at Plymouth in 1621, when the Pilgrims of the Old World mingled in fellowship and celebration with the American Indians of the New World, foreshadowed the challenge and opportunity that such diversity has always offered us: to live together in peace with respect and appreciation for our differences and to draw on one another's strengths in the work of building a great and unified Nation. And so at Thanksgiving we must also remember to be thankful for the many contributions each generation of Americans has made to preserve our blessings. We are thankful for the brave patriots who have fought and died to defend our freedom and uphold our belief in human dignity. We are thankful for the men and women who have worked this land throughout the decades, from the stony farms of New England to the broad wheat fields of the Great Plains to the fertile vineyards of California, sharing our country's bounty with their fellow Americans and people around the world. We are thankful for the leaders and visionaries who have challenged us through the years to fulfill America's promise for all our people, to make real in our society our fundamental ideals of freedom, equality, and justice. We are thankful for the countless quiet heroes and heroines who work hard each day, raise their families with love and care, and still find time and energy to make their communities better places in which to live. Each of us has reason to be proud of our part in building America, and each of us has reason to be grateful to our fellow Americans for the success of these efforts. Now, therefore, I, William J. Clinton, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 26, 1998, as a National Day of Thanksgiving. I encourage all the people of the United States to assemble

131 评论


“you must be a mathematician later, you must be a writer in the future and you must be a musician……” By and by, the parents found that their children were quite different. It seemed that they assuredly had talent for math, for writing or for music. The child who was told to be a mathematician had more interest in math, likewise the child who was told to be a writer had great passion for literature gradually. They were inclined to be entranced with study and become self-conscious as well. The parents felt puzzled about the changes and doubted whether the children would become outstanding persons according to the teacher. Were their children useful persons? Before long it turned out that most of the children from the remote village did go to university. From then on, the old teacher was regarded as a prophet. Could he predict with miraculous accuracy? Actually, every clear-eyed person should know that the teacher was not a fortune-teller at all. There wasn’t anyone who can foresee the future in existence. The smart teacher just infused a sort of belief into his students. It was exact this kind of belief that made them consider that they were knockouts and they would win the game in the end. That was the power of belief. I still had some vague memories about my first English dictation until now. There were just ten simple words such as “face” “bee” “rose” etc. Despite this, I failed in the examination. I was asked to be the teacher’s office to repeat the work with the other two students in my class. But to my astonishment, they two passed the exam except me this time.

342 评论


I was sitting outdoor my new home yesterday (we just shook last week,cheap hermes hanbags, and we adore the current location), watching the world go by. There were folk in motorcars,Hermes handbags, in a hurry to get to their next date. There were birds flying by, insects consist in ... busy as the people in cars, factories and weeds thriving in the humid Guam air. Inside the house, my children were likewise engaged, as ever, production a muff of the house (which my wife and I would presently wash up), getting into things,Hermes Wallets, their natural curiosity overpowering our before pleas for them not apt activity with cream or take things separately. The sky was slightly somber and there was a cool breeze, very muscular and pleasing really. It’s not constantly that the most of us just sit noiselessly, and grant the world to pass us by. Why not? What namely so essential namely it can't wait until after? What email must be answered right this moment? Do we really need to peruse all those treatises online, all those messages from others, all those weeklies and magazines? Do we need to have the television and radio and Internet on all the time? Is life passing us by as we keep our ideas super-busy? Are we lacking out ashore the pretty world around us as we constantly think about the hereafter ? what we need to do, our anxieties approximately what might occur ? and the quondam ? what we did erroneous, what somebody another did to us, what we said,Hermes outlet, what should have happened? When was the last period you equitable sat,Hermes Bangle, and observed? Why no do it today? Related themes article:what is a great book 286 waiting for the breeze 2 2 topic discussion china vs japan 72 today i begin a new life 55 to beth’s first grade teacher 76

85 评论


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