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首页 > 英语培训 > 每位50元用英语怎么说

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每位学生的花费是五十元。(英语翻译,2种方法) (1) Each of the students spent fifty RMB YUAN (3) The students each spent fifty RMB YUAN (4) Every student has spent fifty RMB YUAN (5) Each student has spent fifty RMB YUAN (6) The expenditure of each student is 50RMB YUAN (7) The expense of the every student is 50RMB YUAN

fifty yuan each student 祝学习进步,天天快乐!

你好! 洗碗一次起价五十元 Wash the dishes a starting at $50

asked for to buy

six forty enty to seven ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

我买这辆脚踏车花费了一百五十元钱 I spent one hundred and fifty yuan on the bike

I need 20 minutes to get to takes me 20 minutes to get to school.

it will cost every students 200yuan.

有12种方法 1. 10张5元,5x10=50元 2. 1张10元,8张5元,10x1+5x8=50元 3. 2张10元,6张5元,10x2+5x6=50元 4. 1张20元,6张5元,20x1+5x6=50元 5. 1张20元,1张10元,4张5元,20x1+10x1+5x4=50元 6. 3张10元,4张5元,10x3+5x4=50元 7. 4张10元,2张5元,10x4+5x2=50元 8. 1张20元,2张10元,2张5元,20x1+10x2+5x2=50元 9. 2张20元,2张5元,20x2+5x2=50元 10. 2张20元,1张10元,20x2+10x1=50元 11. 1张20元,3张10元,20x1+10x3=50元 12. 5张10元,10x5=50元 谢谢,请采纳

设m张20元、n张10元、p张5元 50=20m+10n+5p 1)若m=0,则 若n=0,则p=10;n=1,则p=8;n=2,则p=6;n=3,则p=4;n=4,则p=2;n=5,则p=0;共6种 2)若m=1,则 若n=0,则p=6;n=1,则p=4;n=2,则p=2;n=3,则p=0;共4种 3)若m=2,则p=0或1;共2种 综上所述,共有6+4+2=12种方法。

177 评论


是每人每天50元用英语怎么表示吗?换成英语是50 yuan per person per day,每人是 per person,每天是per day,50元是50 yuan.

303 评论


each person/per person都可以表达“每人”1 Transportation costs 50 yuan per 60 yuan per day per person3 How much does each person need to pay?4 The park is free of charge tomorrow.

98 评论


  • 元用英语怎么说

    yuan[英] [juˈɑn][美] [juˈɑn, juɑn] 元的英文单词是yuan. 作名词意思是元(中国货币单位);【大写】元朝。 元(又称圆),我国的

    不想不想澪 7人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 50元英语怎么读

    Fifty euros

    实创13720050898 10人参与回答 2024-06-10
  • 50%用英语怎么说


    tiankongch 7人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 50用英文怎么说

    fifty 五十

    蝎子豆丁 3人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 50元的英语怎么读

    fifty yuan,五十元fifty dollars 五十美元fifty pounds 五十镑

    huangduanhua 7人参与回答 2024-06-12