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首页 > 英语培训 > 去理发店英语交流对话

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Receptionist:Hello, Miss. What can I do for you this afternoon? 小姐你好,我能为你做什么? Customer:I need a haircut. But you seem so busy today。 我要理发,可是看起来你们今天很忙。 Receptionist: Yes, it is busy today. We usually have a lot more clients on the weekend. Would you like to take a seat and wait for a while, please? 是的,今天确实很忙。我们通常在周末的时候顾客会多一些。您坐下等会儿好吗? Customer: OK. But how long will I have to wait? Is it going to be more than 30 minutes? 好的,不过我得等多久啊?会超过30分钟吗? Receptionist: It should be around that. If you’d like, please feel free to read the magazines while you wait。 差不多,如果你愿意,可以在等的时候随便看看杂志。 Customer:Thank you。 谢谢。 (20 minutes later) Receptionist: Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss. Our hairdresser, Mr. Lee, is just finishing with a client in a moment or two. Will you have a shampoo first? I’ll get a gown for you。 小姐,很抱歉让你久等了。我们的理发师李马上就给那位顾客理完了。你先洗个头好吗,我去取袍子来。 Customer:OK. Thanks。 好的,谢谢 理发店等待理发及咨询英语口语句子: 我要理发。I need a haircut。 我与理发师的预约是在10点。I have an appointment with the barber at 10. 我需要排队等候吗?Do I need to take a place in line? 要很长时间吗?Will it take very long? 在等的时候,我可以看看桌上的杂志吗? May I read the magazines on the table while waiting? 该我了吗? Is it my turn? 理个平头多少钱?How much is a crew cut? 洗头要多少钱?How much do you charge for a shampoo? 我不能再等了。I can’t wait any more。

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理发店里的'“洗、剪、吹” ,你都会说吗?羡慕别人的发型(hairstyle)好看,不如赶紧行动,去美发店(hairdresser‘s)里找一款合适自己的发型!   1. You look good with your new hairstyle.   你的新发型很好看。   2. A hair salon was just opened in our neighborhood.   我们小区新开了一家美发厅。   barber 理发师   hairdresser 美容美发师   stylist 形象设计师   barber’s 理发店   hairdresser‘s 美发店   hair salon / beauty salon 美容美发厅   A beauty salon was just opened in our neighborhood.   3. How do you want your hair cut?   您想把头发剪成什么样?   剪 cut   洗 wash 也可以说shampoo 如:I’d need a shampoo 我要洗发   吹 blow dry   Perm:烫发eg:Do you want a perm like you had last time?您要不要跟上次一样烫头发?   dye 染 dye one’s hair 染发   4. I want a shampoo and a set.   我想洗洗头,再做个发型。   shampoo n. 香波,洗发水 v. 洗头发   hair conditioner 护发素   You shampoo my hair with this brand of shampoo.   请用这个牌子的洗发水好吗?   5、A trim will do.   修修就可以了。   trim sth 修剪某物   trim the Christmas tree 修剪圣诞树   The shirt is trimmed with lace. 给衬衫绣上花边。在这里是修饰的意思。   trim your hair 修头发   trim your beard 修胡子   sideburns 两鬓 ;鬓角 eg:what do you want for you sideburns?您要留什么样的鬓角?   fringe 刘海

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