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首页 > 英语培训 > airraid典范英语翻译

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raid的意思比较多,列举如下:raidn.(名词)A surprise attack by a small armed force.突然袭击,奇袭:由小股部队进行的急袭Sudden, forcible entry into a place by police:突然搜捕:警察突然使用暴力闯入某地:a raid on a gambling den.警察对赌窝的突然袭击An entrance into another's territory for the purpose of seizing goods or valuables.侵入:为了攫取货物或财宝而闯入他人领地A predatory operation mounted against a competitor, especially an attempt to lure away the personnel or membership of a competing organization.掠夺:对竞争对手采取的掠夺式的行动,尤指目的在于吸引走竞争组织的人员或成员An attempt to seize control of a company, as by acquiring a majority of its stock.侵吞:获得对某公司支配权的努力,如通过获得该公司的大部分股票An attempt by speculators to drive stock prices down by coordinated selling.抛售股票:投机者为使股票价格大幅下跌而采取的联手抛售行为v.(动词), , .(及物动词)To make a raid on.袭击:对…发动奇袭.(不及物动词)To conduct a raid or participate in one.进行奇袭:采取或参与奇袭语源:Scots [raid on horseback] 苏格兰语 [马上奇袭] from Middle English rade 源自 中古英语 rade from Old English r³d [a riding, road] * see reidh- 源自 古英语 r³d [骑马,路] *参见 reidh-

198 评论


防空洞拼音:[fáng kōng dòng]释义:Air raid shelter,[军] air-raid shelter,bomb shelter,bombproof dugout,[军] abri短语:防空洞 air raid shelter;bomb shelter;Virusindigo Remix家庭防空洞 Anderson shelter;Anderso helter地下防空洞 underground shelter;undergroundairraidshelter;buried shelter

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KK: [ ]DJ: [ ]. 突然袭击;侵袭[C][(+on/upon)]Commandos made another raid on the French coast.突击队对法国海岸又发动了一次袭击。2. (警察等的)突然查抄,搜捕[C][(+on/upon)]The police made a raid on the house looking for drugs.警方突然搜查这幢房子,寻找毒品。3. 劫掠;挖取(指从竞争对手处挖人)[C][(+on/upon)]The hungry children made a raid on the pantry.饥饿的孩子把食品柜洗劫一空。4. (公款等的)侵吞,盗用. 袭击Our troops raided the enemy camp.我们的部队袭击了敌营。2. (警察等)对...突然查抄(或搜捕)The police raided the house and uncovered a cache of weapons.警方突然搜查这幢房子,发现了秘藏的武器。3. 侵吞4. 劫掠;挖取(人才等)The university is out to raid faculties from coast to coast.那所大学要到全国各地去挖教授。. 发动突然袭击[(+into)]raid on a camp袭击营地

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名词:袭击, 搜捕动词:奇袭, 搜捕

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n 团队,阵列,专有名词

359 评论


简明英汉词典 raid kngsoft n. 袭击, 搜捕 v. 奇袭, 搜捕 [英汉] 现代英汉词典袭击;突击... [五国语言]通用词典[英语]air raid... [英汉] 英汉船舶大词典n.奇袭,袭击... [英汉] 英汉计算机词汇= Random Access Image Devices,随机存取图象器件; = Redundant Access Independent Disk, 廉价磁盘阵列;冗余阵列磁盘机... [英汉] 英汉法学大词典抢劫公款行为 ,突然搜查 ;n.袭击... [英汉] 英汉航海大词典n.奇袭,袭击... [英汉] 英汉化学大词典n.袭击,搜查,抢劫;vt.袭击,搜查,抢劫... [英汉] 英汉经贸大词典n.非法盗用,抢劫... [英汉] 英汉计算机大词典n.袭击(搜查,抢劫);vt.袭击(搜查,抢劫)... 近义词:assault attack invade loot pillage plunder seize

271 评论


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