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1、hobby; 业余爱好;嗜好。




(2)  动词;使感兴趣; 使参与,使加入; 引起…的意愿; 使产生关系。

3、 be fond of;对什么感兴趣;爱好某事。

(1)动词词组;疼; 喜爱,爱好; 待见。

4、 have an appetite for;对什么有兴趣。



1、My hobbies are letter writing, football, music, photography, and tennis.


2、Encourage your child in her interests and hobbies .


3、From mudanjiang, to be fond of flute, like to dance and paint.


4、I see you have an appetite for destruction.


I like doing sports and reading in my free time. My favorite sport is basketball. I often play basketball with my clas *** ates after school and play with my friends on weekends. I like playing basketball because it can make me strong and health. When I play basketball, I fet all my worries and I can make lots of friends who have the same interest. In the evening when I finish doing my homework, I like reading because I can get lots of knowledge from books and the books can tell me more about China and the world. Books are our best friends and they can open our eyes,too. I like all kinds of books, story book, novels and so on....

I like reading books when I have time. I think it's a good way to relax and spend my free time. When I was a kid, my mother often read books for me before I went to bed. From then on I was interested in reading books. "Books are man's best friends." Books give us reading, we can understand more kinds of people, how do they think. When I read, I always lose myself in the book and fet all my worries. I like reading all kinds of books, story-books, novels and so on. My farourite book is "Harry Porter".当我有时间时,我喜欢读书。








My HobbyI am a 15-year-old student in junior Grade 3. Though I am occupied with my study, I would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano, surfing the of my favourite hobby is reading. Reading has been in my life for many years, since I began to learn characters. It can not only kill the time, but also, more important, help improve my prehension ability. When reading, I can learn a lot. Reading Shakespears works, I know how Hamlet looks like. Reading Socrates, I can see how great ancient Greek philosophers are. Reading Lu Xu, I e back to the old time of really affect my Hobbies Diffrent people have diffrent hobbies I have a lot of hobbies like reading books, watching movies and so on. I like reading books because I get lots of know ledge I find more interesting things so I like reading diffrent kinds of books I also like watching movies I enjoy my leisure time so I usually watch movies in my free time it's makes me happy. I think watching movies and reading books are most interesting than any hobbies I love make life like chinese book.

I like doing sports and reading in my free time. My favorite sport is basketball. I often play basketball with my clas *** ates after school and play with my friends on weekends. I like playing basketball because it can make me strong and health. When I play basketball, I fet all my worries and I can make lots of friends who have the same interest. In the evening when I finish doing my homework, I like reading because I can get lots of knowledge from books and the books can tell me more about China and the world. Books are our best friends and they can open our eyes,too. I like all kinds of books, story book, novels and so on.

My HobbyI have many my spare time,I like listening to some pop music,especially the music played by some pop can make me relax and let me fet my unhappy I'm in good mood,I always read some history books,which I think is benefical to my study .Besides,surfing the Inter is another means of entertainment of the Inter I can get some useful information and chat with my friends as Inter has shortened our distance.我的爱好我有很多爱好.在我的业余时间,我喜欢听一些流行音乐,特别是一些流行乐队的音乐.它可以让我放松,让我忘记不开心的时刻.如果我心情好,我总是读一些历史书籍,我认为这是有利于我的研究.此外,上网是另一个我的娱乐方式.通过互联网我可以得到一些有用的信息和与我的朋友聊天.互联网已经缩短了我们的距离....

I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.我有许多爱好,譬如:读书、滑冰、看电视,读书是我最喜欢的。

I like reading for three of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colorful and without time and space reading, I can trace back to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human can bring myself to the United states, a glamorous land I have been longing to visit.我喜爱读书有三个原因:首先,书籍带我进入一个新世界,这个世界五颜六色没有时空限制。



Secondly, reading can better myself by showing me a new the past years, most of my knowledge has been obtained from have learned from many people by reading about their ideas on science, politics, life and society.其次,读书能够在我面前展现新的空间,使我完美。



Finally, reading bridges the gap beeen my dream and my order to succeed in my career in the future, I must keep reading, my favorite hobby.再次,读书在我的梦想和目标之间架起厂一座桥梁。



My Hobbies Diffrent people have diffrent hobbies I have a lot of hobbies like reading books, watching movies and so on. I like reading books because I get lots of know ledge I find more interesting things so I like reading diffrent kinds of books I also like watching movies I enjoy my leisure time so I usually watch movies in my free time it's makes me happy. I think watching movies and reading books are most interesting than any hobbies I love make life like chinese book.

Badmintom is a popular hobby in China. It is also my hobby. Since I was child,I have like badmintom. At my childhood ,I watch the badmintom copetition on TV,the petition was first try badmintom in primary school,I didn't like it because i often missed . I did't realise how important it was to catch badmintom and a ccurate play. I know I wasn't playing attention while our teccher was demonstrating how to do it. That time my skill was very bad. I didn't like am in Secondary school. When I was at last year. My clas *** ates called me with them to join the badmintom club. they play with the unusual skills,I saw so many tricks there for I like badmintom thought it was cool strick,I asked them if they knew how to play and catch the badmintom. They now ,they teach me many new tricks,their skill is very good! I usually play it ice a like badmintom very much. Playing badmintom is fun and good for our health . I hope other student to play.

I have lots of hobbies and interests. I like playing sports, especially badminton. I will play badminton with my friends every Sunday. It strengthens my body and is good for my health. I am interested in collecting stamps, because from collecting them, I learn more about the world.我有很多的兴趣和爱好。






Different people have different hobbies. For example,someone likes reading, someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so used to read books because by reading books I could learn many funny things. But now I don't like it just because I need a is my favorite hobby now. By traveling I can visit many different places of interest and learn a lot about people, places and 's very love have great fun in is your hobby?Let's share together!

转载请注明出处 » “爱好”的英文是什么?

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汉语解释:爱好 àihào 喜爱;具有浓厚兴趣并积极参加 爱好游泳 业余爱好 〈方〉∶感情融洽;要好 乡里人都和她很爱好。你知道爱好的英文怎么说吗?

爱好[ài hào]


hobby ; interest ; be fond of ; have an appetite for

网 络hobby;Hobbies;be fond of;gusto



My hobby is a good safety-valve for the tension that builds up at work.


His interests ranged from chess to canoeing.

他生 *** 好艺术。

He has a bent for art.


Photography is one of his hobbies.


One of my hobbies is painting.


He spent his spare time gardening, to the exclusion of all other interests.


Do you have any hobbies?

爱好音乐是人类固有的特 *** 好音乐是人的天性。

A love of music is inherent in human nature.

爱好和平者常为出色的战争领袖。 爱好和平者常为出色的战争领袖。

A lover of peace emerged as a magnificent leader of war.


He spent his spare time gardening to the exclusion of all other interests.

Their friendship developed through their shared interest in the Arts. 对艺术的共同爱好加深了他们之间的友谊。

2It was peopled by a fiercely independent race of peace-loving Buddhists. 那里住着一个与世隔绝的种族,人们都是爱好和平的佛教徒。

3My hobbies are letter writing, foot-ball, music, photography, and tennis. 我的业余爱好是写信、踢足球、听音乐、玩摄影和打网球。

The folk-song world was another of his abiding interests. 民歌是他的另一个始终不渝的爱好。

It is only a hobby, not a life or death struggle. 这只是一项爱好,不需要拼死拼活地努力。

305 评论


爱好的英文是hobby。具体释义如下: hobby 英 [hbi] 美 [hɑ:bi] n.业余爱好;嗜好,兴趣;小马 hobby的基本意思是“嗜好,业余爱好”,指人们在工作时间以外所从事的自己喜好的事情。hobby是可数名词,有复数形式,常用不定冠词修饰。 扩展资料 常用短语搭配 1、动词+hobby have a hobby有业余嗜好 have no hobby没有什么爱好 2、形容词+hobby absurd hobby荒唐的嗜好 chief hobby主要的.业余爱好 3、hobby+介词 hobby for research in history研究历史的爱好 hobby of collecting stamps爱好集邮

92 评论


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