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偷拍Use a hidden camera (in an undercover interview, etc.)偷拍-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 汉英A candid snapshot.一张偷拍的快照-- 英汉 - 短句参考You're on @Candid Camera.你被偷拍了。-- 超越目标英语 第4册 - Unit 10 I WONDER WHAT HAPPENEDa candid photograph一张偷拍下来的照片-- 英汉 - 翻译样例I'm getting tired of hanging around here answering phones. OK? But don't tell anybody.就这样,好吗? 但甭给任何人讲,我不想让摄影记者把咱们俩在一起的镜头偷拍下来。-- 教父部分 - jiaofu_08A freelance photographer who doggedly pursues celebrities to take candid pictures for sale to magazines and newspapers.猎奇摄影者为了偷拍镜头卖给杂志和报纸的顽强地追踪某些庆祝活动的自由摄影者-- 英汉 - 短句参考An unposed informal photograph.偷拍的照片一张事先未摆好姿势的非正式照片-- 英汉 - 短句参考Celebrities are considered fair game for the predatory paparazzi-photographers who take candid shots, in an intrusive manner, of celebrities for celebrities, mainly to tabloid papers and magazines.“拍拍垃圾”们(专门为报刊偷拍名人照片的摄影师)固然可恶,但人们认为名人也活该成为他们的猎物。-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 汉英"Wang, a 15-year-old boy from a Chengdu high school, videotaped his physical education teacher, Mr. Liu, in mid-March. "15岁的王林是成都一所高中的学生。3月中旬,他用摄像机偷拍了自己的体育老师。-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 社会Pirated copies of films, often grainy, jumpy versions taped using a handheld camera at a pre-premiere screening, regularly show up on the Internet before a movie hits theaters.盗版电影一般是在影片首映前的放映会上用手提摄像机偷拍的。 画面往往有明显雪花,图象也很闪烁。 一般早于影片公映的时间而出现在网上。

163 评论


peep是偷看的意思。 偷拍的英文意思to take a picture of a person without permission or without their knowledge

301 评论


Health not to have art is art HuangWeiJing brother letter, for the health and beauty yangcheng evening news · supplement of the draft to me. He will I have, I've always is and I gave the, this time are no exception. However, strong and handsome double talk about, I have difficulties. I seams, and beauty for long lasting. Beauty is mentioned. As for the health, it is can a little about. I at he will become energetic, quite some chronic diseases, but, I think, the full compliance with laws, never mind. Now body analysis, eight miles, leg to carry. Still work every day seven or eight hours, paper can also write every day thousands of words. Unequivocal. Others blamed this, but I was a little complacency. Small SuDeQuan friends in "China Daily" to write an article, said I forgot his age. He said to the point. Though I forget the age, but not to forget himself, misbehaving. I'm still a little self-knowledge. In that case, a lot of people always ask me what I regimen of arts, there is a secret. My answer is: no secret, never pursue what recipe. I have a three socialist, this is it, don't exercise, not picky, don't whisper. The need to explain. The so-called don't "exercise", is not all against physical exercise. I just against those who "exercise",. For them, heaven and earth, and exercise-also, life,-exercise also. I think, the meaning of life and value is in work. Work must have a healthy body, but more important is to must have time. If most of his time to exercise, what's the meaning of this? As for "not picky," the easy to understand. No matter which country's food, as long as my taste, my mouth will eat. What cholesterol, what high fat, entirely go to hell. Those who eat left pick right pick, trembled and eat eggs don't eat yellow, meat eating entrails. The results are more high cholesterol. My cholesterol never high that people are thought strange, in fact what KeGuai? As for the "no whisper", it said those things actually has been involved in. I never for his own health and pull a long face. Some people without the disease, pretending to some people without disease fantasy his sickness. I see the very uncomfortable, satiating feel.

247 评论


【拼音】: dīng shì dīng,mǎo shì mǎo

【解释】: 某个钉子一定要安在相应的铆处,不能有差错。形容对事认真,毫不含糊。

【出处】: 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第四十三回:“我看你利害,明儿有了事,我也‘丁是丁,卯是卯’的,你也别抱怨。”

【举例造句】: 银钱大事,再比小侄年轻的人,他也会丁是丁,卯是卯的。 ★清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第四十三回

【拼音代码】: dsdm

【近义词】: 丁一卯二

【反义词】: 藕断丝连

【歇后语】: 钢板上钉铆钉

【灯谜】: 丁卯不容

【用法】: 作分句;指办事认真

【英文】: be conscientious and meticulous

【故事】: 贾母疼爱王熙凤,说她管家辛苦了,让大家凑银子为她过生日以示感谢。于是全家上下纷纷凑钱交到王熙凤处。尤氏把银子交给王熙凤,王熙凤见少了李纨的,就开玩笑地对尤氏说要丁是丁卯是卯地办事,王熙凤也借机免了平儿的银子。

329 评论


  • 毫不含糊英文


    雪诉离歌 7人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 毫不相同英文


    黄豆珵珵 7人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 毫不动摇英文

    called the lditarod Trail.这个英文句子的翻译就是:叫作伊迪塔罗德小径。 A)It is the best time for sight

    最爱的mango 6人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 黏糊糊的英文


    哈皮小暖 7人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 毫不介意英文

    Do not mind at all

    cherryhu111 6人参与回答 2024-06-13