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it is said 据说it is believed 被相信it is true 这是真的整句话就是 这据说是被人所相信的(公认的)

119 评论


大学英语听说教程III听力原文(Unit12)2005-4-8UNIT 12Text 1The Launching of the EuroAs firework displays ushered in the euro from Paris to Athens, Rome to Madrid, curiosity drove Europeans to cash machines at midnight December 31, 2001 for the first look at the brightly colored new notes. More than 300 million Europeans began changing their old currencies for the euro in the most ambitious currency changeover in history. To prepare for the large demand, banks across the euro zone disabled 200,000 ATMs in the afternoon, changing software and loading them with euro notes. Altogether 15 billion banknotes and 52 billion coins--worth 646 billion euros, or $568 billion--have been produced for the switchover.Knowing how people can be attached to their national currencies, architects of the euro expressed hope that it will help realize dreams of a united Europe.Across the continent, officials welcomed the euro as a sign of economic stability a new symbol to bind 12 nations on a continent at the heart of two world wars."We will become a greater Europe with the euro," ELI Commission President said in Vienna, shortly after he used the new currency to buy flowers for his wife. "We shall become stronger, wealthier."His view was shared by Helmut Kohl, the former German Chancellor, who with the late French leader Francois Mitterrand had championed the single currency to bring peace and security to Europe. Kohl wrote in a newspaper, "A vision is becoming a reality. For me, the common currency in Europe fulfills a dream. It means there is no turning back from the path toward unification of our continent."The nations adopting the euro are: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain. Those staying out are Britain, Sweden and Denmark.Text 2Britain's Reaction to the Single CurrencyBuckingham Palace and other royal residences open to the public do not accept euros at their gift shops and entry turnstiles.The new currency was launched in 12 European Union countries on January 1st, 2002, but Britain was not one of them.A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman said the decision not to accept the euro was purely a business one and not a political statement. The retail outlets at the official residences have never accepted any other currencies. It is simply because as very small retail outlets, they don't have the facilities for changing currencies.However, many retail outlets in Britain have prepared to accept the new currency since millions of tourists are expected to visit the country every year. In 2002 alone, visitors from the euro zone were estimated to spend more than 6.55 billion euros in Britain.Major department stores Debenhams and Marks & Spencer and a big electronics retailer accept euros, but only on a limited basis initially.Twenty-nine of Marks & Spencer stores, primarily those in tourist locations, have at least one cash register on each floor to process euro transactions. Its other stores have at least one designated area --either a register or a customer service desk where the currency is accepted. Products are not priced in euros, however, and change is given in British money.The British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Britain will only join the single currency if economic conditions are right. A series of recent opinion polls show many Britons oppose the euro and see it as against Britain's sovereignty. Part CTapescriptWithdrawing MoneyTeller: Hi. Can I help you?Peter: Hi. I've, uh, just opened a checking account and I want to withdraw 150 euros. What I want to know is, who do I make the check out to?Teller: Well, since the money is for you yourself, you make it out to cash.Peter: OK. W...how do I do that?Teller. You just write the word 'cash' on this line.Peter: This line here?Teller: Yes, next to 'pay to the order of'.Peter: OK. C-A-S-H. Now, I want to make this 150 euros. There, how's this?Teller. Well, you've written the amount in numbers, but you have to write it out in words, too. That goes on the second line, there.Peter: Oh, yeah.Teller: By the way, it's a good idea to draw a line from the end of the amount to the word 'euros' so nobody can change the amount.Peter: Oh, thanks. Well, that should do it. Here you go.Teller: You forgot to sign your name. There, in the bottom right comer.Peter: Woops, sorry. Here you go.Teller: The date.Peter: W...huh?Teller. The date -- you forgot it. It goes in the top right comer.Peter: Oh, right. OK, am I done?Teller: Yes. That's fifty --a hundred a hundred and fifty euros.Peter: Thanks a lot. Have a good day.Teller: You too.

81 评论


老师叮咛:李辉老师说,想要提高听说能力,基础发音知识的掌握是关键!下面的知识点都是英语口语中最常出现的、最值得同学们优先理解的知识点!经过了全网首席高考英语名师李辉老师团队高度认真地整理校对,无错、可信!可供全国各省高中生打印、学习、背诵! 一、连读 ①辅音+元音 用法:一句话中相邻的两个单词,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开始,拼读成“辅音+元音”。 讲解:你还记得汉语拼音中有些单词xi'an(西安)、ku'ai(酷爱)吗?如果去掉隔音符,就成了xian(先)、kuai(快)了。英文中几乎所有的句子都是从头拼到尾,简单地说:连音就是两个单词相遇能拼读就拼,不能拼读就让过。 eg:loo k a t ; Mak e i t in a better place.②元音+元音 用法:一句话中相邻的两个单词,前一个单词以元音结尾,后一个单词以元音开始,则在两个元音之间加上一个轻微的[j]或[w]的音,拼读成“元音+ [j]或[w] +元音”。 1.[i:]或[eɪ]结尾的元音+[j]+元音 (1) Come and see[j]us again soon. (2) It will be[j]over soon. (3) Will you be[j]able to come tomorrow? (4) Could you say[j]it again please? (5) Please pay[j]Ann her salary.2. [endif]以[u:]或[əʊ]结尾的元音+[w]+元音 (1) Don't do[w] it again. (2) ]Let's go[w]upstairs and have dinner. (3) Can you show[w]us something else. 注:元音与元音的连音是一种自然滑过后带出来的音。当你的发音接近流利时,你会发现不用刻意去发[j]和[w]就可以有效果,所以尽管放松地去练习,模仿是第一老师。③省略【h】的连读 用法:在连音规则中,以“ h ”开头的单词[h]音近乎省略。因为[h]发音很特殊——只是出气没有摩擦,所以拼读时好像被省略了。 (1) Does he know? (2) What happened? (3) Please give her a box.二、略读 ①爆破音+爆破音=失去爆破 用法:六个爆破音中任意两个相遇,一个爆破音后紧跟着另一个爆破音时,前面一个音点到为止,形成阻碍,但不发生爆破;第二个音完全爆破;若第二个爆破音在词尾,则必须轻化。以一个爆破音结尾并以同一个爆破音开始时,只发一次音,前一个音只做好发音准备而不发音,直接发第二个音。 1.单词内失爆: eg: (1) active=a(c)tive [k]+[t] Students are encouraged to be active in class. (2) blackboard=blac(k)board [k]+[b] Our class has a large blackboard. (3) dictation=di(k)tation [k]+[t] We'll have dictation today. (4) football=foo(t)ball [t]+[b] There is going to be a football match tonight. Shall we watch it together?2.句子内失爆 以上列举的失爆和不完全爆破现象,都发生在单词内。实际上,在一个句子或者词组中,相邻的两个单词出现失爆和不完全爆破现象的几率要大于出现在单词内。 (1) Stop talking!=Sto(p)-talking! (2) I don't care.=I don'(t) -care. (3) I had a bad cold.=I had a ba(d)-cold.②爆+辅:/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/+辅音字母 用法:爆破音[t]和[d]后面紧跟鼻辅音[m]和[n],[t]和[d]形成阻碍,在词末必须通过鼻腔爆破;发音时,舌尖紧贴上齿龈,稍放开立刻贴回,从爆破音到鼻音舌位不变,让气流通过鼻腔冲出,在词中则不完全爆破。 1.[t]和[d]+[m]和[n]在词末 (1) Britain [tn] Britain is made up of England, Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland. ](2) certain [tn] They are certain to agree. (3) frighten [tn] The high prices frighten off many customers.2.[t]和[d]+[m]和[n]在词中 (1) admire=a(d)mire [d]=[m] I really admire your enthusiasm. (2) admit=a(d)mit [d]+[m] She admits to being strict with her children. (3) goodness=goo(d)ness [d]+[n] Thank goodness!3.[t]和[d]+[m]和[n]在句中 (1) Good morning!=Goo(d)-morning! (2) Let me take a look.=Le(t)-me take a look. (3) Sit down.=Si(t) down.③不完全爆破 用法:爆破音[t]和[d]后面紧跟舌边音[l],则必须由舌两边爆破,这种情况多发生在词尾。爆破音 [t]和[d]后面紧跟清晰舌边[l],则为不完全爆破。 [t]和[d]+[l]在词末 (1) battle [t]+[l] Any soldiers were killed in the battle. (2) gentle [t]+[l] His soap is very gentle on the hands. (3) little [t]+[l] I'm a little tired. (4) settle [t]+[l] The company has agreed to settle out of court. (5) title [t]+[l] Give your name and title.1.[t]和[d]+[l]在词中 (1) heartless=hear(t)less [t]+[l] The decision does seem a little heartless. (2) lately=la(te)ly [t]+[l] Have you seen him lately? (3) [endif]badly=ba(d)ly [d]+[l] Things have been going badly. (4) needless=nee(d)less [d]+[l] Banning smoking would save needless deaths.2.[t]和[d]+[l]在句中 (1) Good luck!=Goo(d)-luck! (2) I would like to have one.=I woul(d) like to have one. (3) At last, we made it to his party.=A(t) last, we made it to his party.④爆破音+摩擦音/破擦音=失去爆破 用法:当爆破音后紧跟着摩擦音和破擦音时,该爆破音形成阻碍,但不完全爆破。摩擦音:[f][v][θ][ ð][s][ z][ ʃ][ ʒ ][h][r] 破擦音:[ts][dz][tr][dr][tʃ][dʒ] 1. 单词内失爆: (1) advance=a(d)vance [d]+[v] We live in an age of rapid technological advance. (2) bookshop=boo(k)shop [k]+[ ʃ] The bookshop opens at 7 o'clock in the morning. (3) helpful=hel(p)ful [p]+[f] A: Sorry, I can't be more helpful. B: Thank you. You're been very helpful. (4) lecture=le(c)ture [k]+[tʃ] Mr Li is giving a lecture to first-year students. (5) object=o(b)ject [b]+[dʒ] The object is to educate people about road safety.2. [endif]句子内失爆: (1) You look fantastic.=You loo(k)-fantastic. (2) I'll get there by ten.=I'll ge(t) there by ten. (3) Let's have a good chat.=Let's have a goo(d)-chat. (4) I haven't read the book.=I haven'(t)-read the book. (5) Wish you a great success!=Wish you a grea(t)-success! (6) Put the book on the desk.=Pu(t)-the book on the desk. (7) I'd like a room with a good view.=I'd like a room with a goo(d) view. (8) I am quite sure that you will win.=I am qui(te) sure that you will win. (9) Don't judge people only by appearance.=Don'(t) judge people only by appearance. 三、句子的重音 在连贯的话语中,不可能所有的词都同样重要,必须有些词较为关键,有些词则相对次要一些。一般来说,关键词需要重读,这就是句子的重音,而其他词则不必重读。或者可以说成:实词重读,虚词不重读。 一般需要重读的词(实词/关键词):实义动词、名词、形容词、副词、数词、疑问词和感叹词等。 一般需要重读的词(虚词/非关键词):助动词、情态动词、冠词、介词、连词、物主代词、关系代词和关系副词等。 另外,人称代词、连词、介词和助动词等一般不重读,但在特定情景中,也需要重读。如人称代词做并列主语或宾语时需重读,句首的介词也需要重读,做主语或宾语的指示代词也需要重读。 外国人喜欢在重要的地方用重音,因此在听力考试中,即使整句话没有听懂。句子重音可以帮助考生找到关键词,并把握住主要意思,正确理解所听的内容,并猜出正确答案。 写在最后:学习以上知识后要上网找一篇带有录音的一篇文章 ( 可以用一点英语等听力 app 或者从自己的课本或听力题做起),跟着录音自行标出连读略读和重音,并反复练习这样才能更好地掌握哦!

186 评论


Information Technology

101 评论


It is said 据说(Rumor has it that谣传说)It is believed 人们相信(People tend to believe人们往往认为)It is true 事实上(There is no denying the fact that不可否认)

310 评论



228 评论


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  • it英语怎么说

    IT是Information Technology英文的缩写,全称含义为“信息技术”涵盖的范围很广,主要包括:现代计算机、网络通讯等信息领域的技术。

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  • 读英语it

    it 英 [ɪt]  美 [ɪt] IT作为信息技术的代名词,人们通常把它读作:[aɪ 'tiː] 。

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