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Self-taught undergraduate

专科学历,标准的翻译应该是“Associate degree”,但简历或者招聘信息里面,也经常看到这样翻大专学历 college diploma/graduate 本科学历 university diploma 学士学位 bachelor degree 硕士学位 master degree 博士学位 doctor degree

undergraduate self-educated

问题一:大专和中专 用英文怎么表达? 大专: [ dà zhuān ] 1. junior college 中埂: [ zhōng zhuān ] 1. technical secondary school 问题二:中专 大专 专科 的标准英文 如何翻译? 中专 [zhōng zhuān] 基本翻译 technical secondary school 大专 [dà zhuān] 基本翻译 junior college 专科 [zhuān kē] 基本翻译 junior college education; professional training 问题三:中专学历英语怎么说 technical secondary school major/education 或者 graduated from technic阀l secondary school 问题四:“职高,中专”用英语什么翻译 本科,undergraduate / bachelor 大专,junior college / diploma 高中,high school / senior high school / senior middle school 中专,technical secondary school 职高,secondary vocational technical school 技校,technical school 初中,middle school / junior high school / junior middle school 问题五:学历的本科,大专,中专用英语怎么说 学历:Education 本科:undergraduate 大专生:junior college student 大专文凭:associate degree 中专:technical secondary school 问题六:学历/学位中的 “职专 中专 大专” 分别用英语怎么说?? 职专:Occupation 中专:technical secondary school 大专:junior co饥lege / College - Graduated / College - Some 问题七:grade是什么意思?中专生用英语怎么说? grade:年级, 中专生:secondary specialized or technical school student



不是的 以前是,近几年的也变难了,不过相对4级还是差很多 题量小,没有作文。

From tests the undergraduate course

just self-tough


自考本科: Undergraduate Self 自学考试: Self-examination

just self-tough

Self-taught undergraduate

Self-taught Exams for Higher Education


自考self-taught自考本科self-taught undergraduate course摘自百度翻译!

自考本科: Undergraduate Self 自学考试: Self-examination

Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations自考Self-Taught Undergraduate自考本科



just self-tough

Self-study examination 自考Higher education examination for self-taught people 高等教育自学考试Marketing speciality of economics 经济学市场营销专业The junior college graduated 大专毕业金山,请参考

self-taught exam

Hold a bachlor degree of self-learning

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