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全国2009年4月高等教育自学考试 英语国家概况试题 课程代码:00522 I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (50 points, 1 point for each) 1. Strictly speaking, “the British Isles” refers to_______. A. Great Britain B. Ireland C. the United Kingdom D. Great Britain and Ireland 2. Which of the following kings was responsible for the complete establishment of the feudal system in England? A. Edward I B. Henry II C. Alfred the Great D. William the Conqueror 3. The spirit of the Great Charter was ______. A. a limitation of the powers of the king B. a guarantee of the freedom of the serfs C. a limitation of the powers of the Church D. a declaration of equality among all people 4. Which of the following is NOT true about the result of the Black Death? A. Much land was left untended. B. There was a terrible shortage of labour. C. The surviving peasants had lost their power of bargaining. D. Landowners tended to change from arable to sheep-farming. 5. The War of Roses that took place from 1455 to 1485 was fought between ______. A. Britain and France B. the Parliament and the Crown C. the working people and the aristocrats D. two branches of the Plantagenet family 6. The English Renaissance was largely literary, and it achieved its finest expression in the so-called ______. A. Romantic poetry B. Romantic fiction C. Elizabethan poetry D. Elizabethan drama 7. British constitutional monarchy is a system under which the powers of the ______ are limited by Parliament or the constitution. A. church B. king or queen C. government ministers D. Bishop’s court 8. The Tories in Britain were the forerunners of ______, which still bears this nickname today. A. the Labor Party B. the Liberal Party C. the Conservative Party D. the Social Democratic Party 9. Which of the following was NOT included in the six-point demand of the Chartist Movement? A. Equal electoral districts B. Voting by secret ballot C. The vote for all adult males D. The vote for all adult females 10. During the First World War, Britain was allied with ______. A. Turkey B. the Central Powers C. France and Russia D. Germany and Austria-Hungary 11. Who was the man that led Britain in the crisis of the Second World War? A. George VI B. Theodore Roosevelt C. Neville Chamberlain D. Sir Winston Churchill 12. The new policies adopted by Mrs. Thatcher and Conservative Government after the 1979 election was known as ______. A. Thatcherism B. the New Deal C. New Frontier D. Keynesianism 13. Over the past one thousand years, the British ______ has been broken only once between 1649 and 1660. A. Cabinet B. Parliament C. Monarchy D. Privy Council 14. Who has the power to appoint the Prime Minister in Britain? A. The Queen B. The Parliament C. The House of Lords D. The Church of England 15. In Britain, a full meeting of ______ is called only when a Sovereign dies or announces his or her intention to marry. A. the Privy Council B. the Parliament C. the House of Commons D. the House of Lords 16. Which of the following is NOT involved in the British judicial responsibilities? A. Attorney General B. Ministry of Justice C. The Lord Chancellor D. The Home Secretary 17. Bank holidays in Britain refer to ______. A. official public holidays B. holidays for the banks only C. public holidays except for the banks D. holidays for the financial institutions only 18. Which statement about the British universities is NOT true? A. They enjoy academic freedom. B. They cannot appoint their own staff. C. They are governed by royal charters. D. They provide their own courses and award their own degrees. 19. ______, the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe, has its traditional home in England where it was developed in the 19th century. A. Basketball B. Tennis C. Football D. Baseball 20. London’s Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of _______. A. the Prime Minister B. the Lord Chancellor C. the Home Secretary D. the Attorney General 21. Which statement about the Puritans is NOT true? A. The Puritans did not allow religious dissent. B. The Puritans were poor artisans and unskilled peasants. C. They were dissatisfied with the political corruption in England. D. They went to the United States to establish what they considered the true church. 22. The largest racial and ethnic minority in the U.S. is the ______, which accounts over 12.1% of the population. A. blacks B. Asians C. Indians D. Hispanics 23. The three well-known authors who penned the Federalist Papers are ______. A. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Jay B. George Washington, James Madison and John Jay C. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay D. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Adams 24. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the southern states broke away and formed a new nation called ______. A. the Southern States of America B. the Federalist States of America C. the Confederate States of America D. the Anti-confederate States of America 25. With the development of industry and extension of railroad network in the early 20th century in the U.S.A., there appeared ______. A. a rapid growth of cities B. an influx of foreign goods C. an increase of urban ghettos D. a great increase in the number of farms 26. In the early 19th century, ______ actively used the Sherman Antitrust Act to stop monopolistic business mergers in the United States. A. J.P. Morgan B. Woodrow Wilson C. Henry Rockefeller D. Theodore Roosevelt 27. The Red Scare in 1919 and 1920 was a typical example of American ______. A. religious intolerance B. intolerant nationalism C. Progressive Movement D. deregulation of big trusts 28. In the early 1930s, the American foreign policy was isolationist, but the ______ suddenly changed the whole situation, which propelled the U.S. into the Second World War. A. Pearl Harbor attack B. bombing of Guam island C. seizing of American merchant ships D. sinking of American passenger ships 29. In 1962, President ______ finally decided on the use of naval force to prevent military material and arms from entering Cuba and demanded Soviet removal of the missiles there. A. Nixon B. Truman C. Johnson D. Kennedy 30. In 1853, in the ______, another 30,000 square miles of Mexican land were added to the territory of the U.S.A. A. Atlantic Purchase B. Mexican Purchase C. Gadsden Purchase D. Louisiana Purchase 31. The four problems that face the economy of the United States are______. A. unemployment, inflation, financial crisis and trade deficit B. unemployment, inflation, financial deficit and trade deficit C. mortgage losses, inflation, financial deficit and trade deficit D. unemployment, market failures, financial deficit and trade deficit 32. Which statement about the U.S. Constitution is NOT true? A. It is the supreme law of the land. B. It is the oldest written constitution in the world. C. It was adopted in 1781 at the Second Continental Congress. D. It provides the basis for political stability, economic growth and social progress. 33. The American President usually takes an oath of office, administered by the ______ of the United States in January. A. Chief Justice B. House Speaker C. Secretary of State D. Senate Majority Leader 34. The U.S. Constitution provides that the ______ shall be President of the Senate. A. Vice President B. Secretary of State C. Senate Majority Leader D. Senate Minority Leader 35. Which one of the following is NOT government-run at the U.S. federal level? A. Motor vehicle B. The road system C. National defense D. The postal service 36. It is generally agreed that U.S. higher education began with the______. A. Civil War B. Independence War C. founding of Harvard College D. founding of Princeton University 37. Formal education in the United States consists of ______. A. kindergarten, junior and senior education B. junior, elementary and secondary education C. elementary, secondary and higher education D. kindergarten, secondary and higher education 38. In his Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway ______. A. expresses the idea of facing defeat courageously B. shows the basic goodness and wisdom of ordinary people C. praises the ideas of equality and democracy and the joy of common people D. describes the sharp contrast of wealth and poverty in Chicago and New York 39. In the early part of the 19th century, ______ was the center of American writing. A. Boston B. Detroit C. New York City D. Philadelphia 40. The most important patriotic holiday in the U.S. is ______. A. Halloween B. Veterans’ Day C. Thanksgiving Day D. Independence Day 41. The capital city of Ireland is ______. A. Cork B. Dublin C. Galway D. Waterford 42. Historically, Ireland has been free of ethnic conflicts because of its ______. A. racial unity B. racial homogeneity C. multi-culturalism D. high rate of emigration 43. Ireland has the following demographic features EXCEPT ______. A. a late marriage age B. an excess of females in the population C. a high proportion of bachelors and spinsters of all ages D. a low birthrate compounded by a century of emigration 44. Which of the following is a typical bilingual city in Canada? A. Ottawa B. Calgary C. Toronto D. Vancouver 45. Which of the following statements about immigration in Canada is NOT true? A. It is estimated that one-third of Canadians were born in other countries. B. Immigration has always been an important source of its population growth. C. Immigration has played an important role in the development of its economy. D. in the past Britain and Western Europe were the principal sources of Canadian immigration. 46. In terms of land area, Canada is the ______ largest country in the world. A. second B. third C. fourth D. fifth 47. The head of state of Australia is ______. A. the Governor B. the President C. the Prime Minister D. the Queen of England 48. ______ is the only city on the western coast of Australia with a population of over one million. A. Perth B. Sydney C. Brisbane D. Melbourne 49. A ______, where two parts of the earth’s crust meet, runs the length of New Zealand. A. fault line B. built area C. dormant volcano D. geothermal area 50. The Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 was an agreement between ______. A. the Maori whalers and the British Crown B. the Maori people and the British missionaries C. the Maori traders and the British missionaries D. the chiefs of the Maori people and the British Crown II. Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (30 points, 3 points for each) 51. What are the main functions of the British Parliament? 52. What were the two countries Elizabeth I successfully played off against each other for nearly 30 years? 53. What was the outcome of the English Civil War? 54. What are the three main Christian festivals in the U.K.? 55. What were the three cornerstones of American postwar economic boom? 56. What was the most important document produced between China and the United States when President Nixon visited China in 1972? 57. What is the most central function of the U.S. Congress? 58. What are the two major parties that dominate American politics at the federal, state and local levels? 59. What are the two official languages used in Ireland? 60. Who are the native people living in Australia? III. Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet in around 40 words. (20 points, 5 points for each) 61. Open University 62. The Speaker (of the House of Commons in Britain) 63. Muckrakers 64. The stock market crash of 1929


课程代码:00794请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试综合英语(一)试题1. It is said that the newly-built gymnasium is three miles _______ from here.A. away far B. far away C. far D. away2. I _______ my talk with Tony. Let’s go out for a walk.A. have finished B. had finishedC. finish D. finished3. I am for your proposal that the discussion about future plans _______.A. to be put off B. be put offC. should put off D. was put off4. You will see this product _______ wherever you go in this city.A. advertise B. to be advertisedC. advertised D. advertising5. Jack often complains _______ able to communicate with his parents.A. of being not B. of not beingC. being not D. not being6. We expected many club members would come to the tea party, _______ turned up.A. only a few B. very fewC. but a few D. but few7. The reason _______ the little boy died was lack of medical care.A. why B. becauseC. for D. as8. _______ the drill is, it is very useful in improving your oral English.A. Simple you consider B. You consider simpleC. Simple as you consider D. As simple you consider9. Only when I got there _______ how badly the crops had been damaged.A. did I realize B. I realizedC. then I realized D. then did I realize10. _______ that this small town was exposed to various kinds of dangers.A. In 2003 B. The year of 2003C. It was 2003 D. It was in 200311. Smoking hurts not only the smokers, but also the people around them _______ second-hand smoke.A. because B. because ofC. as D. as of12. To her disappointment, her best friend did not _______ at her birthday party.A. turn over B. turn aroundC. turn up D. turn in13. How I wish I could bring _______my children in an environment close to nature!A. about B. inC. out D. up14. When the fever eventually _______, he is likely to feel tired and weak for a while.A. dies down B. dies outC. loses D. leaves15. She had to _______ after the first round because she sprained her wrist.A. run out B. drop outC. draw out D. come out16. It was Allen who _______ with the bright idea to have a barbecue near the lake.A. went up B. came alongC. went along D. came up17. Humor is a most _______, yet frequently neglected means of handling the difficult situations in our lives.A. affirmative B. affectionateC. efficient D. effective18. Hardly had he arrived at the airport _______ he was told that the flight had been cancelled.A. than B. whenC. before D. then19. The decision _______ how much money should go to education is of vital importance.A. due to B. owing toC. as to D. so as to20. I know she didn’t pass the qualifying exam, but really she is _______ but stupid.A. anything B. nothingC. something D. noneII.认真阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题。根据短文的内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Passage 1A mile or so before they reached Oxford, they stopped the car on top of a hill from which they could see the whole of the city spread out before them. The spires and the domes, the college walls and towers looked as peaceful as when they were first built, hundreds of years ago.When they drove down, over the River Thames and into the city centre, they found it was not so peaceful after all! The main streets were packed with traffic: cars, lorries, coaches full of tourists and the bicycles which the students use to get about. But as soon as they had managed to park the car and get away from the roaring traffic, they discovered a completely different world. Narrow cobbled streets which had hardly changed since the Middle Ages ran between the high college walls of grey or yellow stone. Inside the great double gates of each college they found quiet squares of grass, surrounded by the chapel, the library, the dining-hall and the rooms where the students and teachers live. Many colleges had the most beautiful gardens where one could sit and read, talk, work or dream.Most of the students, or undergraduates, wore informal clothes: sports coats, or pullovers, and slacks. But some of them were wearing their black gowns. George explained that they had to wear these when going to lectures or to their weekly meeting with their tutor, or teacher. Tom and Anne were very surprised to see a few young men dressed in formal black suits, with ties, gowns and scholars’ caps. Anne asked whatever they were doing, wearing evening dress in the morning! George laughed and said that this was the official dress for taking examinations, many of which were held in June.In one college, they visited the dining-hall. It was enormous with a high roof held up by great wooden beams with windows of stained glass as in a church, and long heavy tables and benches. At one end was the “High Table”, which is usually reserved for the Head of the college and the teachers. It really was high, raised on a wooden platform above the level of the rest of the hall. An undergraduate may sit at the High Table once on the day when he has passed all his examinations, takes his degrees and becomes a graduate.21. They stopped the car on top of a hill because _______.A. the spires and domes looked peacefulB. they wanted to see OxfordC. they wanted to take a restD. the old college walls looked different22. Before they got away from the roaring traffic, they _______.A. succeeded in parking their carB. found a car parkC. tried to park their carD. failed to park their car23. Most of the undergraduates were wearing _______.A. suits, caps and gowns B. black gownsC. sweaters or sports jackets D. vests and slacks24. George told Tom and Anne students wore black gowns _______.A. only when they were on their way to lecturesB. when meeting with their tutor once a weekC. on their way to the libraryD. when they were in the chapel25. An undergraduate may sit at the High Table on the day he _______.A. receives his degrees B. passes his examsC. takes his exams D. leaves schoolPassage 2An ideal design for a toothbrush has not been invented. Dentists have put forward many different designs over the years and each has its advantages. We all know the problems of trying to clean less accessible areas, where it is difficult to see and space is restricted. In trying to clean the backs of our lower front teeth and our wisdom teeth we have produced toothbrushes with every type of bend in the handles and curve on the surface of the bristles(猪鬃、毛发). Added to this there is the choice of natural bristle or nylon for the heads of the toothbrush.After numerous tests it has been found that there is no difference in effectiveness between the natural and artificial bristle. In fact, dentists are finding more advantages with the nylon toothbrush. Nylon bristle is said to last longer, is more easily cleaned and harbours fewer germs. The individual nylon bristles tend to be more consistent in texture and do not become soft. The bristles, moreover, do not split as is the case with natural bristle.The main advantage of natural bristles appears to be that they are more resilient(有弹性的) when new. Another controversy is the appearance of hard, medium and soft toothbrushes. We are told that certain hard brushes are good for smokers and promote healthy gums. Once again the publicity is misleading, starting with the conception that hardness means a bristle of a tougher substance. This is not so, for a hard toothbrush is one in which the diameter of the bristles is greater, thus making the brush more rigid. This causes problems because the gums are easily injured and the tooth surface is more easily worn away by this type of brush. In fact, too much pressure and the wrong technique with a hard brush can cause much damage to the teeth and gums. As the bristles are thicker, they cannot get into the narrow openings so easily. The only advantage of this type of brush is that it lasts longer. In general, therefore, a hard toothbrush is not recommended unless used with extreme care. It is much more advisable to use a medium or soft bristle toothbrush. They don’t have a very long life, and replacement is necessary as soon as the bristles split or fall out.26. According to the passage, the artificial bristle is _______.A. more effective than the natural oneB. less effective than the natural oneC. just as effective as the natural oneD. firmer and cleaner than the natural one27. Which of the following, according to the passage, is an advantage of the nylon toothbrush?A. The bristles split more easily.B. The bristles are free from germs.C. The bristles always stay firm.D. The bristles last longer.28. A hard brush is _______.A. a brush with hard bristles B. a brush with thick bristlesC. good for smokers D. good for the gums29. The wrong technique with a hard brush means _______.A. the wrong use of brush B. too much pressureC. the wrong sort of brush D. the wrong toothbrush30. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. A hard brush is all right if you use it firmly.B. A medium brush is recommended as the bristles last longer.C. A soft brush will soon need replacing.D. A brush that is a mixture of medium and soft bristles is recommended.III.用国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分)(注意:考生使用新式或老式音标均可)31.semester 32.unpleasant33.enormous 34.nonsense35.ambulance 36.astonishment37.argument 38.enthusiasm39.circumstance 40.nonetheless41.appearance 42.physically43.loyalty 44.oxygen45.obtainable 46.something47.protein 48.organize49.survival 50.schoolIV.完形填空(将正确答案填在答题纸相应的位置上)(本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分)A.从下列单词中选择适当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。That until first couldwhich would standing whenin where showing actedWe blacks couldn’t take advantage of things we saw other people doing. If we were in a store 51 and some white people came in, the sales people would stop waiting on us. We 52 have to wait, and we could not interrupt. I remember something 53 happened once in either Loveman’s or Pitzitz, 54 they have drawers with hats. This salesperson was 55 some white people hats. Another white lady began to open the drawers and look at the hats. A black lady 56 there thought that while she was waiting she 57 do the same thing. So she opened the drawers. The saleslady 58 like the woman had committed a crime. She told her, “You don’t go in those drawers. You wait 59 I get to you!” That stayed with me a long time. I was about ten or eleven 60 that happened, and I could not understand it.B.根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。I was now five, and still I showed no real sign of intelligence. I showed no apparent interest in things 61 for my toes-more especially those on my left foot. I 62 to lie on my back all the time in the kitchen or, 63 bright warm days, out in the garden, surrounded 64 a family that loved me and hoped for me and 65 made me part of it. I was lonely, imprisoned in a world of my 66 , unable to communicate with others, cut 67 , separated from them as though a glass wall stood 68 my existence and theirs. I longed to run 69 and play with the rest, but I was unable to break 70 from my imprisonment.V.根据所学课文内容完成下列句子,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)71. The day before the art exhibition, Henry managed to get in and ________.72. Mr. Budd was afraid after the Evening Messenger printed the full story of his great idea because ________.73. According to the author of Happiness, many successful people feel miserable because they know they are contributing very little of real value and ________.74. In Freedom in Dying, Jim stated his desire to have his ashes scattered over the sea, which reflected his love of ________.75. Tracy’s liver was transplanted into the author’s husband, David, who ________.76. Samuel H. Scudder was disappointed when his professor asked him to look at the fish because ________.77. Bob Sugg made a living by ________.78. After he finished his work in the restaurant, Sidney Poitier would ________.79. In the United States, a person would be regarded as out of his mind if ________.80. The author in The Outside Chance was able to win the bet on the horse races because ________.VI.将下列句子译成英语,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)81.据说新的方案下周公布。82.杰克终于来了,但还是迟到了5分钟。83.我知道那位老人把大部分钱捐给了穷人。84.无论他怎么努力,他也做不出这道题的答案。85.汤姆睡觉前把玩具收拾好了。86.我在车站闲逛了一个小时,我的朋友还是没来。87.一般而言,年轻人容易接受新思想。88.我们必须采取行动有效处理空气污染问题。89.市政府承诺改进交通系统。90.遭受洪水袭击地区的人民急需食品和水。


(二) 本部分共有5小题,在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,选择答案完成句子。 错选、多选或未选均无分。(10分) 11. 玄奘翻译佛经时对自己提出的要求是 A. 信、达、雅 B. 既需求真,又须喻俗 C. 忠实、通顺 D. 宁信而不顺 12. 讲到译诗体会时,提出译诗须像诗的是 A.鲁迅 B.王佐良 C.林纾 D.钱钟书 13. The most famous speeches of the two most eloquent Attic orators are translated by ______, who tried to preserve the general style and force of the language. A. Cicero B. Saint Jerome C. Eugene A.Nida D. A.F. Tytler 14. In After Babel “the true road for the translator lies through paraphrase” is pointed out by A. George Steiner B. Saint Jerome C. A.F. Tytler D. Theodore Savory 15. 以下句子陈述正确的是 A. 英语句子中被动语态用得比汉语少。 B. 对某事发表评论时,英语是先评论,然后再说有关的事情或情况。 C. 英语句子叙事多靠时间顺序和逻辑顺序。 D. 英语多用意合法,联结成分并非必需。 二、 词语翻译(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) (一)将下列词语译成中文(10分) 16. candidate 17. to build canals 18. wild west 19. surveyor general 20. aggregate output 21. ownership 22. registered capital 23. popular science 24. the World Health Organization 25. environmental quality assessment (二)将下列词语译成英语(10分) 26. 工业产权 27. 交通阻塞 28. 生态平衡 29. 平民文学 30. 故宫博物馆 31. 合营企业 32. 丝绸之路 33. 希望工程 34. 可持续发展 35. 国际经济合作

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三、 改译题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) (一)下列句子的中译文有一个或一个以上错误,请加以改正。(10分) Example: 原文:Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate. 译文:阿德莱德享有地中海气候。 改译:阿德莱德属地中海气候。 36. 原文: Chou arranged for them to join the Berlin Communist group as candidates until their application had been sent to China and an answer received. 译文:周恩来把他们作为候补党员加入党在柏林的支部,直到他们的入党申请书被寄到中国并收到回复。 37. 原文: Brindley’s improvements were practical. 译文:布林德雷的改良是实际的。 38. 原文: The road followed the course of the Nile, now passing through the fields, now drawing a black line separating them from the desert. 译文:公路是顺着尼罗河修筑的,现在穿过庄稼地,现在像是划的一条黑线,这边是庄稼,那边是沙漠。 39. 原文: The people of the United States also have experienced the benefits of world trade. 译文:美国人民也已经经历了国际贸易的好处。 40. 原文: India is a smuggler’s delight. 译文:印度是走私者的快乐。 (二)下列句子的英译文有一个或一个以上错误,请加以改正。(10分) Example: 原文:中国在任何情况之下决不首先使用核武器。 译文:At no time China will be the first to use nuclear weapons. 改译:At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. 41. 原文: 过去向我们学习的人,现在反而超过了我们,这对我们确实是一种鞭策。 译文:People who had learned from us now excelled us. It was a real challenge. 42. 原文: 本公约须经签字国批准或接受。 译文:This convention should be bound by the ratification or acceptance by the signatory states. 43. 原文: 中国的海域有丰富的海水资源。 译文:China’s seas have rich seawater resources. 44. 原文: 她口角边渐渐地有了笑影,脸上也白胖了。 译文:Little by little smiling appeared at the corner of her mouth, while her face became white and fat. 45. 原文: 罗马是建在七山之上的城市,拥有大小500座教堂。 译文: Rome was located on seven hills with big and small five hundred churches. 四、 段落翻译 (本大题共2小题,每小题15分,共30分) (一)将下列短文译成汉语(15分) 46. A modern wife has now been given the choice of whether or not to stay at home and be a full-time housewife. Thirty years ago it was expected that when a girl got married she automatically stopped working to become a full-time housewife and mother. In the 1990’s, society does not expect that of woman. Women today have the freedom to continue with their careers and the freedom to choose whether or not to have children. Some couples deliberately choose not to have children in favor of pursuing interesting and well-paid careers, while others choose to have children at a much later time. (二)将下列短文译成英语(15分) 47. 单位里有了个钱多事少离家近的工作,领导要求希望得到这一工作的人马上提出申请。有人特意向一贯清高的乌先生传达时,乌先生没听完就溜了。事后他对朋友说:“这种事早就有内定的人选,提出申请,左右都会给领导落下话柄。三十六计,走为上计,走而不战是不算输的。”


全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试综合英语(一)试题 课程代码:00794 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 Ⅰ.语法和词汇填空。阅读下面的句子或对话,从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的选项,并在答题纸上将该项的字母涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. I can’t help wondering ________ that has made her so excited. A. what it is B. how it is C. what is it D. how is it 2.________ his leg was badly injured, the boy managed to attend class every day. A. If B. Unless C. Although D. Because 3. Some 40 percent of the hired hands left before they ________ their term of service. A. finish B. finished C. would finish D. have finished 4. His best novel was written in ________ he called the “sweet new style” of the language. A. that B. where C. what D. which 5. I think if I ________ stay in Italy for another three months, we, Jim and I, might become good friends. A. will B. shall C. would D. were to 6. When I arrived she greeted me at the door, her kids all ________ behind. A. standing B. stood C. have been standing D. were standing 7. Across the continent of South America ________ the Amazon River. A. lie B. lies C. is lying D. lying 8. According to a recent official report, Britain’s economy grew ________ the first quarter of the year. A. half as fast as B. half faster than C. half fast as D. as half fast as 9. Mr. Smith fully shares the view of the speaker ________ every man is as good as his neighbor. A. which B. whom C. who D. that 10. Henry’s plan was ________ the couple to dinner at a nice restaurant and then ask them for their forgiveness. A. inviting B. invited C. to invite D. going to invite 11. Most students make a study plan ________ the beginning of the new term. A. on B. in C. from D. at 12. The family found it hard to ________ from the traditions of their own country and adapt to the new environment. A. break away B. break down C. break out D. break up 13. Three years ________ a long time to be cut off from contact with your friends. A. are B. were C. is D. be 14. I wonder why Alice ________ to us recently. We should have heard from her by now. A. hasn’t written B. hadn’t written C. didn’t write D. doesn’t write 15. No fund has been provided to build a system ________ reading fingerprints more efficiently. A. good at B. keen on C. concerned for D. capable of 16. Drying is the oldest type of food storage. Drying fruit sometimes ________ a completely new product. A. turns into B. results in C. turns from D. results from 17. The police with a group of experts arrived at the ________ of the accident in ten minutes. A. sight B. point C. scene D. space 18. The governor spoke to the earthquake victims, ________them that everything would be done to help them rebuild their homes. A. providing B. assuring C. comforting D. advising 19. In many countries, there aren’t sufficient water resources ________ for future development. A. offered B. provided C. existent D. available 20. The flight has been delayed for four hours ________ the foggy weather. A. for fear of B. owing to C. for the sake of D. according to Ⅱ.阅读理解。认真阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出一个选项,并在答题纸上将该项的字母涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 (本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) Passage 1 Long ago, the. Earth was covered in darkness. None of the creatures living there knew what daylight looked like. One day, all of the animals of the forest gathered together in a cleating (林中空地). They wondered if it would be better to remain in darkness, or if it would be better to also have light. Deer, Chipmunk (花松鼠), Raccoon (浣熊), Wolf, Bear,and many other creatures climbed to the top of the highest mountain. There were no trees on its top, and it was covered only with rocks. Millions of stars shone in the dark sky overhead. The biggest and most powerful animal in the forest was Bear, and he was the first to reach the mountaintop. Bear stood on the highest peak, looked out over the forest below, and argued for remaining in darkness. He said that the creatures of the forest would be able to sleep better in darkness because there would be no light to keep them awake. Most of the other animals were afraid, and they agreed with Bear. Raccoon said that he did not mind the darkness because he was so smart that he could find plenty of food, even in the dark. Wolf was easy to please, too. She didn’t mind the darkness because she could howl in darkness or in light. But one animal did stand up to Bear. Chipmunk, the smallest of the animals,argued that it would be better to have both light and dark. Chipmunk was very clever. As Bear continued to argue for darkness, she made many good arguments for light. Slowly, the night passed. Bear grew tired of talking, but Chipmunk chattered on and on, as if she had all of the energy in the world. As the other animals dropped off to sleep, one by one, Chipmunk kept arguing. Finally, the first sunrise ever seen by the animals appeared over the top of the mountain. They woke up and were amazed by what they saw. Chipmunk began to dance from rock to rock. Bear became angry because he didn’t get his own way. He roared loudly and ran after Chipmunk. He chased Chipmunk all the way down the mountain. Bear was fast, and he reached out his giant paw to grab Chipmunk. Chipmunk got away, but not before Bear managed to scratch her back with his long claws. And that is why, to this day, you can see stripes on Chipmunk’s back! 21. The lesson of this story is that _______. A. making decisions is difficult B. there is only one right way to do things C. one should hold out for what he believes D. it is always better to go along with the crowd 22. According to the passage, Bear is _______. A. a good listener B. used to having his own way C. unsure about what he wants D. well liked by the other animals 23. The word “chattered” (Paragraph 4) means _________. A. talked quickly B. laughed loudly C. sang softly D. argued angriIy 24. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Raccoon loved to live in darkness because he was smart. B. Deer kept quiet because she liked both darkness and light. C. Wolf liked darkness because she was pleased to howl at night. D. Chipmunk believed it was better to have both darkness and light. 25. Bear was angry when he saw the sunrise because ________. A. he loved darkness B. his authority was challenged C. Chipmunk became the leader D. other animals didn’t listen to him Passage 2 Most single parents work outside the home; and in many two-parent families,both parents work. Unless working parents have been lucky enough to arrange a flexible schedule that allows them to be home when their children are not in school, they are not available to care for their children during the period immediately after school. The result is children of all ages being left to care for themselves after school. Young children in these families have been referred to as latchkey kids because they carry their own house key. Older students are more likely to care for themselves after school. Parents provide supervision (监管) after school for over half of the students in grades K-5. Other children stay with adults other than their parents, attend center-based programs, or take part in extracurricular activities (课外活动) such as sports, arts, or clubs. Children in poverty are slightly more likely to stay with relatives than other children; they are also less likely to care for themselves after school than children in families with higher incomes. One-fifth of the children in kindergarten through fifth grade attend after-school programs in centers or schools with adult supervision and guidance on first aid, nutrition, health, homework, and being on their own at home. These programs are sometimes available at the child’s school, or they may be organized by local houses in cooperation with community groups. Young children may learn how to get home from school safely, how to use the telephone and be familiar with emergency telephone numbers, what to do in case of fire, how to deal with strangers, and how to use their time wisely. Often parents must pay a fee for their children to take part in such programs. Unfortunately, some families cannot afford the cost of such care. Educators should be aware of the realities faced by children left alone after school. Children are sometimes frightened to be at home alone, especially when they have no brothers or sisters. The process of traveling from school to home can be dangerous and frightening in neighborhoods where drugs are being sold and peers (同龄人) are encouraging one another to misbehave. Television often becomes the babysitter, providing children with the opportunity to learn from educational programs—or from programs unsuitable for children. In most cases, children are thankful for caring adults who can provide supervision and assistance. 26. The main topic of the passage is _________. A. parentless kids B. homeless kids C. kids after school D. kids at kindergarten 27. Compared with kids from rich families, children in poor families are more likely _________. A. to be left alone after school B. to attend after-school programs C. to stay with relatives after school D. to care for themselves after school 28. According to the passage, after-school programs aim to _________. A. warn children to keep away from strangers B. teach kids how to get along with their peers C. give parents advice on how to educate children D. provide children with supervision and guidance 29. The purpose of the passage is _________. A. to draw people’s attention to children’s awkward situation after school B. to advise after-school centers to provide more activities C. to suggest parents spend more time with their children D. to urge children to look after themselves after school 30. Which of the following is supposed to be the target readers of the passage? A. Kindergarten kids. B. Educators. C. Government. D. Students. 非选择题部分 注意事项: 用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。 Ⅲ.用国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音,写在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分)(注意:使用新式或老式音标均可) 31. wicked 32. tasteless 33. charming 34. breathing 35. backwards 36. acts 37. entirely 38. courtesy 39. initiate 40. length 41. repair 42. pleasure 43. banquet 44. chemistry 45. conceit 46. beyond 47. among 48. sew 49. because 50. growl Ⅳ.完形填空。请将你的答案写在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共20小题,每小题 0.5分,共10分) A.从下列单词中选择适当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。 in taking while similarities both friendly with supermarkets emotion rnanner patient each The person I am very close to in my family is my mother. My mother is medium height who always wears a 51 smile on her face. Blue is her favorite color as she thinks it stands for peace and 52. I think it has a lot to do with her personality. As a music teacher, she is always very 53 and kind to her students. There are quite a few 54 between us. People always say that I look like my mother more than my father. We 55 like listening to the music and watching movies. On weekends, we often go shopping in the 56 or the department stores. But we are also different 57 many ways. My mother is a good gardener. I am not so patient in 58 care of the plants. Besides, my mother can cook many delicious dishes, 59 I can’t cook at all. I have learned from her how to treat people and how to deal 60 problems on my own. She is the one I am close to as she really influences me a lot. B.根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。 I had planned to stay at this job for only two days. But now I’m going to stay.The exercise is great. The lifting gets easier with every load, 61 if my left shoulder stays sore. I become faster and neater as time goes 62. I’m outdoors in clean air. And, contrary 63 what people think I don’t get dirty on the job. I have 64 up my mind, too, to go on saying hello in backyards. It doesn’t 65 any harm, and it still feels fight. Frankly, I’m proud. I’m doing an essemial task, “like a police officer or a fire fighter.” I left this country a little cleaner 66 I found it this morning. Not many people can say that tonight. John Gardener has said that a society 67 praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers is in for 68. “Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold 69 ,” he wams. He might have gone a step further and called 70 respect for both our economists and our trashmen; otherwise they’ll both leave trash behind. Ⅴ. 根据所学课文内容完成句子。将你的答案写在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 71. In “Freedom in Dying”, Jim’s bravery and courage in the face of death has taught the author __________. 72. According to “The English Character”, the four typical qualities of the English people are modesty, reserve, sportsmanship and ________. 73. In “The Emotional Bank Account—Secrets of Happy Families”, the author tells us that in relationships, the little things are the big things because they help us to _______. 74. In “I Got My B.A. by Sheer Luck”, the author Walter Pauk said he got full score by sheer luck, but it is actually due to ______.  75. In “The Joker”, though Henry Ground was believed to be a good-for-nothing, people could not help liking him for ________. 76. In “Hobbyist”, the druggist says that he sells an undetectable poison simply to ________. 77. In Jack London’s short story “Love of Life”, what drove the man to walk on despite all the difficulties and dangers was _________. 78. In “How Dictionaries Are Made”, the author believes that the writing of a dictionary is a task of _________. 79.“Hans Christian Anderson’s Own Fairy Tale” tells the story of how a shoemaker’s son became _________. 80. According to the author of “The Time Message”, time is tricky because it’s ________. Ⅵ.汉译英。将下列句子译成英语,写在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 81.是她的弟弟帮她渡过了难关。 82.如果多花点时间练习,她早就通过了驾驶考试。 83.你们带上雨伞,以防下雨。 84.医生们每天上午9点开始查房,是吧? 85.过去三个月,他们一直轮流照顾老人。 86.停车场每小时收费10元。 87.他刚搬到北京时,不太习惯那里的生活。 88.尽可能多地接触英语是学好这门语言的关键。 89.只有全身心地投入,他才能按时完成任务。 90.我经常看到他把散落在地上的垃圾捡起来,扔进垃圾桶。

(二) 本部分共有5小题,在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,选择答案完成句子。 错选、多选或未选均无分。(10分) 11. 玄奘翻译佛经时对自己提出的要求是 A. 信、达、雅 B. 既需求真,又须喻俗 C. 忠实、通顺 D. 宁信而不顺 12. 讲到译诗体会时,提出译诗须像诗的是 A.鲁迅 B.王佐良 C.林纾 D.钱钟书 13. The most famous speeches of the two most eloquent Attic orators are translated by ______, who tried to preserve the general style and force of the language. A. Cicero B. Saint Jerome C. Eugene A.Nida D. A.F. Tytler 14. In After Babel “the true road for the translator lies through paraphrase” is pointed out by A. George Steiner B. Saint Jerome C. A.F. Tytler D. Theodore Savory 15. 以下句子陈述正确的是 A. 英语句子中被动语态用得比汉语少。 B. 对某事发表评论时,英语是先评论,然后再说有关的事情或情况。 C. 英语句子叙事多靠时间顺序和逻辑顺序。 D. 英语多用意合法,联结成分并非必需。 二、 词语翻译(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) (一)将下列词语译成中文(10分) 16. candidate 17. to build canals 18. wild west 19. surveyor general 20. aggregate output 21. ownership 22. registered capital 23. popular science 24. the World Health Organization 25. environmental quality assessment (二)将下列词语译成英语(10分) 26. 工业产权 27. 交通阻塞 28. 生态平衡 29. 平民文学 30. 故宫博物馆 31. 合营企业 32. 丝绸之路 33. 希望工程 34. 可持续发展 35. 国际经济合作

自考英语试卷题型是怎样的? 第一部分、完成对话 本部分共有3段不完整的对话,设10道题。第一段对话设4个空格,下面有用来完成对话的4个选择项,要求考生根据对话内容将全部4个选择项分别填人对话中的空格,使之完整。第二段和第三段对话分别设3个空格,下面有用来完成对话的4个选择项,要求考生选择其中的3个分别填人对话中的空格,使之完整。 本部分满分为10分,每题1分。考试时间为10分钟。 第二部分、阅读理解 本部分共有4篇短文,总长度为1200词左右。每篇文章后设5道题,共20题。考生须在理解文章的基础上从为每个问题提供的4个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。本部分满分为40分,每题2分。考试时间为35分钟。 第三部分、词汇和语法 本部分共设20题,其中10题为词汇题,10题为语法题。每一题中有一个空白,要求考生在理解句意的基础上在4个选择项中选择一个最佳答案。 本部分满分为10分,每题0.5分。考试时间为10分钟。 第四部分、完形填空 本部分是一篇200——300词的一般性短文,短文中设10个空白,每个空白为一道题。考生须在理解短文意思的基础上从为每个空白提供的4个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结构恢复完整。 本部分满分为10分,每题1分。考试时间为10分钟。 第五部分、英译汉 本部分可以是一篇长度为120个左右英文单词的短文,要求考生翻译全文;也可以是一个较长的段落,要求考生翻译其中带有下画线的5个句子。要求译文意思准确,文字通顺。 本部分满分为15分,考试时间为25分钟。 第六部分、短文写作 本部分可要求考生写一篇常见的应用文,也可用提纲、情景或图表做提示,要求考生说明或论述一个一般性话题,文章长度不低于100个英文单词。 本部分满分为15分,考试时间为30分钟。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:


本试卷分为两部分,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。 第一部分为选择题,1页至7页,共7页。应考者必须在“答题卡”上按要求填涂,不能答在试卷上。 第二部分为非选择题,8页至9页,共2页。应考者必须在“答题纸”上答题。Ⅰ.VocabularyandStructure(10points,1pointforeachitem) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。(此题出自教材)Ⅱ.ClozeTest(10points,1pointforeachitem) 下列短文中有+个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。Ⅲ.ReadingComprehension(30points,2pointsforeachitem)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。(一共三篇阅读文章)PARTTWO(50POINTS)Iv.WordSpelling(10points,1pointfortwoitems) 将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。 请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。(大多单词来自教材)V.WordForm(10points,1pointforeachitem) 将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。Ⅵ.TranslationfromChineseintoEnglish(15points,3pointsforeachitem) 将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。(几乎都可以在教材上找到原句)Ⅶ.TranslationfromEnglishintoChinese(15points) 将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。


全国06年4月自学考试:英语(二)试卷及答案 2006年09月21日 14:18 来源:腾讯教育 第 1 2 3 4 5 6 页 PART ONE (50 POINTS) I.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1point each) 1. It would be better to make a decision now, ______ leave it until next week. A. other than B. rather than C. less than D. more than 2. We‘ll inform you as soon as tickets become ______. A. valuable B. capable C. acceptable D. available 3. The foreign company has been______ running this factory for decades. A. enormously B. effectively C. infinitely D. extremely 4. If you ______ my advice, you wouldn‘t be in such trouble now. A. took B. takes C. has taken D. had taken · 免费用QQ打电话超清晰 · 银行卡 安全快捷换Q币 · 沟通无极限手机Q时代 · 魔法表情秀出百变心情 · 管中窥豹 明察秋毫 · QQ秀 秀出个性真自我 5. The meeting ______, we left the room quickly for dinner. A. over B. was over C. is over D. been over 6. All the money ______, Frederick started looking for work. A. having spent B. has been spent C. having been spent D. had been spent 7. ______ his talk when Mary ran out of the lecture hall. A. Hardly had be begun B. Hardly he had begun C. Hardly he has begun D. He hardly had begun 8. The two sisters are _____ in many ways, not only in appearance but also in temperament. A. like B. likely C. alike D. lively 9. The purpose of the program is to provide training for employees so that they can work ______. A. late B. later C. lately D. latest 10. I hope my boy friend will be handsome, strong and ______ kind. A. above all B. in all C. at all D. after all II. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point each) However careful one may be, he cannot possibly listen carefully to everything that he hears. There are 11 of reasons for this. One of them is the overload of messages most of us 12 each day. In addition to the numerous hours we 13 hearing other people speak, we may spend several hours listening to the radio or sitting in front of a television set. 14, it is impossible to focus our attention completely on what is said; our mind might be 15 elsewhere. Preoccupation with our personal concerns is 16 reason we don‘t always listen carefully. A romance 17 sour or a good grade on a test may take prominence in our mind even as 18 is speaking to us. Furthermore, we are surrounded by all kinds of noises which interfere 19 listening. For example, voices at a party or 20 of traffic may simply make it difficult for us to catch everything that is being said. 11. A. the number B. a number C. number D. numbers 12. A. accept B. obtain C. receive D. possess 13. A. put B. consume C. spend D. spare 14. A. Besides B. Whereas C. Otherwise D. Nevertheless 15. A. wondering B. swinging C. recycling D. wandering 16. A. other B. some C. the other D. another 17. A. gone B. going C. goes D. went 18. A. anyone B. everyone C. someone D. few 19. A. to B. with C. of D. about 20. A. sound B. noise C. voice D. scream III. Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points each) Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Many of today‘s most trusted sales techniques were invented over a century ago by a young merchant named Eaton in Toronto. When he was young, Eaton worked briefly with his brothers in small-town stores. In 1869, he sep up his own shop in downtown Toronto. He had many competitors, but he was also ambitious and had a plan for success. He offered a unique style of trade, but as was expected, all the other shopkeepers laughed at him, believing he would eventually fail. However, Eaton was not a man to be easily defeated; he came up with a brand new notion of business – “Goods satisfactory, or money refunded.” He sold all his goods at fixed prices and only for cash. With a sharp sense of what the public wanted, he went out of the way to meet their needs. His business grew rapidly. He set up new branches and started mail order service that allowed people to buy from a list of his goods. Eaton‘s list—advertisements of his day—was the first of its kind. It was distributed and read all over the country. It was the only way to access good-quality goods at reasonable prices for people living far away from big cites. It became part of their life. They even called it The Wishing Book. The secret of the list’s success was that Eaton gained the respect of this customers; they trusted him for good prices and quality goods. Probably because he remembered his miserable early days in Ireland, Eaton thought much of the welfare of his employees: better working conditions, shorter weekday hours than his competitors and Saturday afternoons off in the summer. In all this, he was a leader. 21. The best description of Eaton is that ______. A. he was the richest merchant in Toronto B. he was a successful technical inventor C. he introduced new sales practices D. he changed people‘s ideas about businessmen 22. Eaton‘s success lay primarily in that ____. A. he sold only good quality goods B. he was the first person to provide good service C. he treated his employees better than any of his competitors D. he won respect from his customers 23. From the passage we can infer that ______. A. Eaton invented the idea of the internet shopping B. Eaton drove other businessmen to failure C. Eaton never sold his goods on credit D. Eaton was defeated by his rivals 24. The best title for this passage is _____. A. Good Goods, of Money Refunded B. Eaton, a Sales Inventor C. Customers‘ Respect, a Secret of Success D. Eaton‘s list, a Welcome Event in Sales History 25. Eaton‘s List was important to people on farms because it was a convenient way of getting _____. A. good-quality goods at reasonable prices B. goods at unreasonable prices C. good-quality goods at unreasonable prices D. poor-quality goods at reasonable prices Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. The threat of a global outbreak (疾病大爆发) of bird flu makes it urgent for the international community to cooperate effectively. Wealthy countries will have to provide hundreds of millions of dollars for the testing and production of medicines necessary for treating patients suffering from bird flu. Developing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia, where the bird flu virus (病毒) has spread since 1997, must work out special programs so that farmers will not hide sighs of possible outbreaks. In addition, the way such farm birds as chickens and ducks are traditionally raised and marketed in the developing world should be changed; there should be more distance between the birds and their keepers. Countries should deal with the disease with joint effort. If one country is inadequately prepared, it will be a threat to every other country. The potential effects of a national outbreak of bird flu are enormous. Firstly, an outbreak may kill large numbers of people. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that an outbreak similar to the mild Hong Kong flu of 1968 could kill as many as 7.4 millions people. If it were as dangerous as the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed 50 million, the number would be much higher. Secondly, such an outbreak may cause great financial damage. The latest outbreak of bird flu, which began in December 2003, has cost Southeast Asia more than $10 billion and depressed its GDP by 1.5 percent. If a new outbreak of bird flu were to last for a whole year, $800 billion would be lost. Despite the 124 human cases and 63 deaths from bird flu since December 2003, the virus remains mainly a disease animals. However, the more animals that die of the disease, the more chances it has of spreading to people. Large numbers of dead or dying birds mean that more people will be exposed to the virus and change into a virus with new characteristics. If the international community works together efficiently, man can surely prevent such a virus and possibly save millions of lives. 26. Faced with the threat of a global outbreak of bird flu, the international community should ________. A. establish new markets B. work together effectively C. stop birds from flying to other countries D. raise fewer chickens and ducks 27. The second paragraph focuses on ______. A. World Health Organization B. flus in Hong Kong and Spain C. the economy of Southeast Asia D. possible effects of a bird flu outbreak 28. The number of people who have died of bird flu since 2003 is _______. A. 63 B. 124 C. 7.4 million D. 50 million 29. In the third paragraph, the author is mainly interested in _____. A. stimulating financial growth B. reducing economic damages C. saving human lives D. protecting bird species 30. The passage deals with all the following aspects bird flu EXCEPT _______. A. the origin and history of bird flu B. the importance of international cooperation C. the possible dangers of a national outbreak D. the significance of preventing it from spreading Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. The long summer holidays are finally over and some parents are pleased. “We worry more about their safety in the holidays,” explains one mother from North London. If teenagers are not wandering around on public transport in a big and potentially dangerous city, they are chatting to strangers in an internet chat room! Well, that‘s an extreme picture of the UK today, but many parents are worried about how much freedom they can give their children during the holidays and at weekends. Weekends are not the only time to worry! Newspaper are full of stories about too many school kids going to school by car because their parents do not want them to travel alone on a bus or train. This summer there were more frightening stories of teenagers disappearing with questionable friends that they met on the net. All the Media stories help increase parents fears, but is the UK really so dangerous? Many young people feel that life for their parents was easier. In the 1960s young people played in the streets more and traveled around town without their parents. “At least our parents can keep tabs on us,” says 16-year-old Julia. “So many people have mobile phones now and their parents ring to find out where they are. I use my mobile to get Dad to come to the station when I arrive late.” Mobiles are not just expensive toys; they help keep young people safe. Most significantly, they help keep young people safe. Most significantly, they make parents feel better. Only one problem is, though, that some young people have been attacked by thieves who want to steal their mobile phones. Young people like going out with friends, but they now need to learn how to get home safely. Five million young people in the UK between the ages of 9 to 16 use chat rooms to make friends, but they, too, need to be careful and never give their personal details to a stranger. Young people today have more opportunities to meet new people and go out at night more than their parents ever did. Now school, television programs and newspapers must help teenagers to enjoy their freedom and to be responsible for their own safety. 31. Some parents are upset about the summer holidays mainly because their children ______. A. wander around on bus in the city B. chat to strangers in Internet chat rooms C. make questionable friends on the net D. are taken little care of by teachers 32. For the sake of the safety, many parents send their kids to school ________. A. by car B. by bus C. by train D. by public transport 33. Most significantly, mobile phones _______. A. enable parents keep a close watch on their kids B. help keep teenagers safe C. make parents feel less worried D. protect teenagers from being attacked 34. Teenagers should never give any strangers ______. A. their mobile phone numbers B. their family address C. their personal information D. their parents‘ names 35. This passage is mainly about ________. A. freedom for teenagers in summer holidays B. safety for teenagers in summer holidays C. activities for teenagers in summer holidays D. troubles for teenagers in summer holidays PART TWO (50 POINTS) IV. Word Spelling (10 points, 1 point for two items) 将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。 36. 获胜者,优胜者 n. w_ _ _ _ _ 37. (使)枯萎,凋谢 v. w_ _ _ _ _ 38. 垂直的,竖的 a. v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39. 易变的,变量的 a. v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40. 唯一的,独特的 a. u_ _ _ _ _ 41. 地下的,隐蔽的 a. u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42. 真实的,如实地 ad. t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43. 星期二 n. T_ _ _ _ _ _ 44. 传统,惯例 n. t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45. 同情,同情心 n. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46. 投降,让步 vi. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47. 足够的,充分的 a. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48. 亲属,亲戚 n. r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49. 抵抗,反抗 n. r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50. 有目的的,蓄意的 a. p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51. 财产;性质 n. p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52. 俯望,漏看 vt. o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53. 发源,源自 vi. o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54. 音乐的,悦耳的 a. m_ _ _ _ _ _ 55. 意图,打算 n. i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V. Word Form (10 points, 1 point each) 将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。 56.He _________(write) her 10 letters since he met her last years. 57. I think it necessary for him ________ (finish) the work in time. 58. The house is ______ (complete) before his brother‘s wedding ceremony. 59. You had better ________ (bring) enough money with you. 60. The _______ (good) he feels, the more work he will do. 61. If I hadn‘t listened to you, I would _______ (make) such a silly mistake. 62. The three players repeatedly denied ________ (take) any drug. 63. People who are entitled to ________ (vote) should be over eighteen. 64. The government has taken measures to reduce the total energy ______(consume)。 65. If she ______(catch) the 10 O‘clock train, she can get there by lunch time. VI. Translation from Chinese into English (15 points, 3 points each) 将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。 66. 男人的平均身高比女人高几英寸。 67. 你所说的与我们正在讨论的豪不相干。 68. 教育应该使每个学生德、智、体全面发展。 69.这本书对读者产生了很大影响。 70.这次考试比我们预想的要难得多。 VII. Translation from English into Chinese (15 points) 将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。 There is a clear distinction between one who is supposed to know and another, usually a younger person who is supposed not to know. However, teaching is not necessarily the area of a special group of people, nor should it be looked upon as a technical skill. Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting than forcing information into a blank mind. If you have a certain skill, you should be able to share it with others. You do not have to get a certificate to convey what you know to them or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves. All of us, from the very youngest children to the oldest members of our society, should come to realize our own talent and abilities as teachers. We can share what we know, however little it might be, with others who have need of that knowledge or skill. 「答案及评分参考」 I. Vocabulary and Structure (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A II. Cloze Test (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B III. Reading Comprehension (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 21.C 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.D 28.A 29.C 30.A 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.B IV. Word Spelling (本大题共20小题,每两小题1分,共10分) 36. winner 37. wither 38. vertical 39. variable 40. unique 41. underground 42. truthfully 43.Tuesday 44. tradition 45. sympathy 46. surrender 47. sufficient 48. relative 49. resistance 50. purposeful 51. property 52. overlook 53. originate 54. musical 55. intention [评分参考] 多写、少写或错写一个或一个以上的字母均为错 V. Word From (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 56. has written 57. to finish 58. to be completed 59. bring 60. better 61. have made 62. taking 63. vote 64. consumption 65. catches [评分参考] 语法错误或拼写错误均不给分。 VI. Translation from Chinese into English (本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分) 66. On the average, men are higher than women by several inches/several inches higher than women. 67. What you said has nothing to do/has no relevance with what we are discussing. 68. Education should enable every student to develop morally,intellectually and physically. 69. The book has made a great impact/had a great effect/influence on its readers. 70. The test was much more difficult than we had expected.






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