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今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考英语一教材解读,自考英语二00015教材的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!英语专业自考需要那些教材?我这有个明细 你参考下,具体都可以咨询招生办考的科目都是一样的,只不过不同地区的教材出版社不同。读英语专业分有几个专业,不知你具体是读哪个专业,不知道你是哪个地区,详细的信息你可以百度一下自考365 里面有许多信息。1.难不难,淘宝上购买历年真题,上手练一练,应该可以得出结论。2.需要教材。烦请打开某某省教育考试院官网的自考栏目,找出英语专业计划科目表,然后得出教材和科目代码,打开当当输入科目名称+代码得出教材。3.教材几乎都是全国统一,具体以所在省教育考试院官网的自考栏目文件为准自考的成绩八年有效。可以拿你的准考证去当地教委自考办打印成绩,然后接着报考。全国高等教育自学考试英语(一)和英语(二)指的是什么?有什么区别?一、全国高等教育自学考试英语和英语分别指:1、英语指的是英语A级考试。英语A级考试主要考核考生实际应用英语进行日常和业务涉外交际的能力,旨在促进高职高专英语教学向培养高等应用技术型;同时为用人单位提供对高职高专毕业生英语水平的评价标准,以提高其进入人才市场的竞争力。2、英语指的是英语B级考试。英语B级考试以《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》为依据,既测试语言知识也测试语言技能,既测试一般性语言内容也测试与涉外业务有关的应用性内容。二、英语和英语有3点不同:1、两者对应的考试不同:英语对应的考试:原“大学英语三级考试”相当于“高等学校英语应用能力A级考试”。英语对应的考试:原“大学英语二级考试”相当于“高等学校英语应用能力B级考试”。2、两者的考试难度不同:英语的考试难度:英语A级是优秀点的大专生考的,难度高于B级低于大学英语四级。英语的考试难度:英语B级是英语基础较薄弱的大专生考的,难度相当于初三至高中的英语水平,低于A级。3、两者的要求掌握的内容不同:英语要求掌握的内容:A级覆盖《高职高专英语课程教学基本要求》的全部内容,需要掌握3400个英语单词以及由这些词构成的常用词组。英语要求掌握的内容:B级要求需要掌握2500个英语单词以及由这些单词构成的常用词组。参考资料自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

今天教务老师给大家收集整理了高中自考教材分析英语,英语一自考教材的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!高中英语教案大全教育 要使人愉快,要让一切的教育带有乐趣。接下来是我为大家整理的高中英语教案大全,希望大家喜欢!高中英语教案大全一《Unit 2 Working the land》(1)知识目标:让学生通过阅读课文更多地了解我国的农业科学家袁隆平的科研成果及其影响。(2)能力目标:让学生进一步使用恰当地阅读方式与技能,如略读(skimming), 快速阅读 (fast reading),细读(close reading)等(3)情感目标:让学生不但学习袁隆平的科研精神,更要学习他不计较名利,踏踏实实的生活态度。教学重难点1.阅读课文更多地了解我国的农业科学家袁隆平的科研成果及其影响。1. 话题的引导。(Pre-reading)1).开头通过设计了一首熟悉的诗歌,让学生知道话题—farming.2).涉及到提高产量从而解决世界饥荒问题,从而引出本节课的中心话题–伟大人物袁隆平。2. 跟读与阅读 完成导学案练习贯彻目的与困难策略,指导学生根据不同的阅读目的,在阅读的不同阶段,灵活使用各种阅读策略,捕捉 文章 主要信息,理解作者的写作意图,突破本文的教学重点与难点。采用整体语言教学法和任务型语言教学法。1)、通过阅读训练,引导学生如何利用略读(skimming)的 方法 把握文章的大意,侧重培养快速阅读理解能力和文章中心把握能力。2)、精读各个段落语段,侧重培养快速捕捉文章重要细节的能力和猜测生词的能力,学会欣赏文章中的优美 句子 。3: 阅读过程–浅层次阅读。(Reading I)1). 其中关于人物的基本信息中,通过设计了一个信息表格的浅层次阅读练习,对文中人物有了初步了解。2). 关于他的梦想,书本上描写得非常生动,我让班里有艺术特长的学生画了一幅漫画,利用画面反映课文第四段所描述的内容,同时用第一人称配了声音效果。4. 阅读过程–深层次阅读。(Reading II)在处理了一些简单信息之后,阅读人物最重要的是要读出人物不同于其他人的成就以及值得学生学习的一些可贵品质。就这两方面的内容,设计了一棵树的形象,引导学生去寻找袁隆平作出的成就以及他身上拥有的可贵品质。5.知识点的处理:由句子的分析带出语言点,记住句子,记住了单词用法一、单词拼写1. ____________ vt. & vi. 斗争; n.努力2. ____________ adj. 感到满意的3. ____________ n.自由; 自主4. ____________ vt. & vi. 配备; 装备5. ____________ n. 产量, 输出量6. ____________vt. 输出 n.出口7. ____________vt. 搞乱, 使糊涂8. ____________ n. 补给; vt.提供9. ____________ adj. 适当的, 相配的10. ___________vt. 使膨胀 vi. 发展二、单词运用1.We had a ___________(努力) to stop the criminal.2. The document will be _____________ (传阅) to all members.3. I’ll type your report if you’ll baby-sit in e_________.4. Our farm ___________ the market with fruits and vegetables.5. We should s__________ the results of the exam briefly and report to the headmaster.6. Sydney’s population _____________ rapidly in the 1960s.7. He has a ____________ (晒黑的) face and bright eyes.8. The plane _________ speed as it was approaching the airport.9. The workers there worked _______ crazy, with only thirty minutes’ break at noon.10. He __________ (耕作) the farm with great success.Comprehending:Paraphrase these sentences.1. At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside2.Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.3. Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.4.He would much rahter keep time for his hobbies.Consolidation Exercise;1._____ your generous help, or I will not overcome the difficulty.A.Thanks to B. BecauseC. Thanks for D. Thank to2. It is so_______ that he is always making noises.A. disturbed B. disturbingC. disturb D. disturbs3. He missed the bus, for ________ he came late for work..A. whom B. that C.where D. which4.你必须戒除掉自己吸烟的坏毛病。5. 满意于学生的成绩,他如释重负的笑了。6. 他宁愿在家里看电视也不愿意打 篮球 。高中英语教案大全二《Chinese seasonal festival》一、教材分析1.单元内容所体现的意义:本单元的主题为Celebration,主要是介绍了中外国家的一些主要节日,以及人们在一些重要节日的庆祝活动。通过本单元的学习,可以帮助学生理解交际中的 文化 差异,初步形成跨文化交际意识。2.课前的内容与本节内容的内在联系:在Warm-up 环节部分,学生已了解一些关于“庆祝”的内容及相关词汇,为本课的话题作了一些词汇和内容的铺垫。二、学生分析1.学生年龄特点,和对学科学习的情感表现:学生对学习的内容有着强烈的好奇心,表现出多样的学习技能和策略,喜欢把语言学习与自己的现实生活和兴趣联系起来。2.学生语言知识和技能:学生对本课话题Chinese Seasonal Festivals 已具备一定的背景知识、经历和 经验 ;况且在Warm-up 环节,学生已了解了一些相关的内容及词汇,这些都有助于语言活动的开展 。但是要用英语进行思维和表达,还是有一定的难度。3.学生的学习策略和其他技能:高一的学生已初步具备用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的综合能力,但需进一步的提高。三、教学目标1.语言知识目标:A.词汇和 短语seasonal, journey, celebrate, traditional, including, Lantern Festival, origin, decorate, take part in, burn down, sweet dumpling, culture, ZongziB.重点句子1)The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by Chinese people.2)In the old days, dragon boat races were held in Chinese communities.3)Lanterns were usually lit by candles and decorated with pictures of birds…2.语言技能目标:1)提高从文章中获取主要信息,并进行分析、推理和判断的能力。2)积极参与语言实践活动,提高用英语进行思维和表达的能力。3.知识能力目标:1)学会用英语简单介绍中国的节假日。2)进一步了解我国的一些主要的节日及其相关的历史源源,从而尊重 传统文化 ,增强爱国主义精神。4.情感与人文素养目标:1)关注学生在学习中的情感态度变化,引导学生形成乐于与他人合作,具有和谐与健康向上的品格。2)掌握有效的学习策略,学会独立获取信息和资源,并能整理、分析和 总结 ,从而充实生活。3)通过文化的了解,增强爱国主义精神和民族自豪感,提高对中外文化异同的敏感性和鉴别能力,为跨文化交际能力打下基础。5.重点与难点:1)如何让学生在阅读活动中获取信息,理解全文。2)在语言实践活动中,要求学生用英语进行思维和表达,有一定的难度。四、教学设计理念与策略1.教学设计理念:1)采用任务型语言教学。2)采用激发主体兴趣的教学模式。3)运用合作学习的方法。2.教学策略: 1)Fast reading to get general idea.2) Careful reading to get detailed information.3) Free-talk before reading to make students interested in what they will learn.4) Group work after reading to make students understand what they have learned better.五、教学用具a recorder, a computer, and a projector六、教学过程Step1 Lead-inT: What is your favorite season? What festivals happen during your favorite season?( 以问题的形式引入本课的主题:Chinese seasonal festival. 由此引起学生的学习兴趣,自然导入课题)S1: I liker summer. There are Children’s Day, Dragon-boat Festival and Mother’s Day.S2: My favorite season is winter. They are Spring Festival and Lantern Festival and Christmas Day.S3: ……T:Well done. Thank you. Now, let’s enjoy some interesting pictures and guess what is happening and what is being celebrated.(欣赏图片和讨论的同时,让学生把注意力集中到与本课有关的三个节日上:端午节 、 元宵节 和 中秋节 。并且通过图片可以让学生掌握更多的节日和如何表达,如 清明 节, 母亲节 等)Step2 While-reading1.Fast-readingRead the texts quickly. Match the pictures with the festivals.Picture A Mid-Autumn FestivalPicture B Dragon Boat FestivalPicture C Lantern Festival(快速阅读环节中的问题可以培养学生的 快速阅读技巧 和获取文章整体信息的能力,达到理解课文表层意思的目的。此类问题可提问一般的学生,增加他们 学习英语 的信心。)1.Careful-reading1)Ask the students to read the first passage carefully and answer 3 questions below.(1)When is the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrated?(2)What do people eat on this day?(3)Why is this festival important?(细读环节则是对重要的段落进行细读,加大信息量,帮助学生加深对课文的理解。教师选取了文章的第一段,引导学生观察和提取与中秋密切相关的具体事实和信息。)2)在老师示范完第一段提问后,把学生分成两大组,然后两组间针对此段文章内容互相提问(以小组竞赛形式进行,既活跃课堂气氛,也可以拓展学生思维能力,提高他们的发问和回答的能力,也从而加深他们对课文内容的了解。)3)Read the texts again and fill in the table.高中英语教案大全三《Scientists at work》一、教学背景分析1. 单元背景分析随着科学技术的发展,各种各样新的发明和发现都层出不穷。生活在这样一个知识爆炸的年代,学生们更应用心去体会并感受科技和发明创造者给生活带来的变化,进而能联想到他们平时所学的学科及知识,并用英语为媒介进行知识的整合与串联。同时从另一个角度来说,科技进步的同时,我们的社会也产生了各种各样的矛盾与争论,因此如何正确的看待或处理这些问题,也成为广大学生应该了解并掌握的知识。2.学生情况分析本单元的设计与实施是建立在学生经过高一上半学期新教材学习基础之上。学生已经逐步的适应了在活动与任务中学习英语以及如何处理语言知识与活动开展的关系。并且,他们也已经形成并培养了一定的小组合作学习及自主学习的能力。二、教学目标分析听:在听懂教师向学生讲述实验中注意事项基础上,继续学习并强化捕捉特定信息的能力,以及确定全文主要话题的概括能力。说:应能在了解一定的现代科技发明基础上,思考并学习如何对一种新的事物进行描述。同时能与他人进行交流,叙述事物的利与弊端。读:强化略读、查读等阅读微技能,训练通过寻找关键词,主题句等方式更快速并准确的确定文章的段落大意,理清文章的总体框架与脉络。继续运用已经掌握的基本猜词技巧猜测部分单词,并在上下文体验中感受某些佳句给读者带来的深层含义。写:学习在对事物进行理性思考的基础上,运用恰当的句型与词汇描述对事物正反面的不同观点,同时更应注重掌握一些必要的过渡词增加此类写作的条理性与层次感,并应熟悉议论性 作文 的基本写作框架。情感态度与文化意识(1)。进一步培养小组合作学习的能力,通过调查、采访、讨论等活动完成任务,取长补短,加强团体协作意识。(2)。引导学生用英语进行不同学科特点的思考,体会学科之间的联系与区别。通过话题启发学生积极思考,调动学生的学习兴趣。(3)。指导学生用批判的思维去接受新的事物,增强他们的 辩论 意识与能力。(4)。意识到科技工作的艰苦以及所必需的个人品质与素质,鼓励学生在学习过程中的创新精神与实践能力。词汇:学习并使用一些与science 和scientists有关的词汇。语法:进一步了解一词多义现象与合成词的构成。功能:学习如何就某一事物给予别人指导与说明。话题:掌握有关实验说明的话题表达以及如何从正反两方面对某一话题进行分析讨论。指导学生运用已学会的抓重点、做记号、摘笔记等方式对所学内容进行整理与归纳,并鼓励学生增加与教师和同学交流、合作,继续培养正确的 自我评价 与相互评价的习惯,从而总结交流学习所得,进一步形成有效的 学习方法 。并指导学生把 英语学习 从课堂延伸到课外,发挥已掌握的使用工具书,查找资料、上网等方式增加用英语思维与表达的能力,了解实验对于科学研究的重要性,树立正确的向上的 学习态度 ,形成具有批判性的看问题习惯。三、教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是science and scientists。话题依附于听力、对话、阅读与写作等语言载体中。本单元的话题内容与学生的日常学习有着密切的关系,应该说是以英语为媒体让学生表达他们对平时理化生等理科课程,特别是相关实验,所想到及感受到的内容。因此,尽管本单元的话题对学生而言有着一定的难度,但却有体现出了以学生为中心,贴近学生生活而又富有时代气息的特点。Warming up设计了四幅与学生的理科课程有关的图片,学生通过对日常熟悉的相干实验工具及场地的识别,展开相关学科特点与学习的讨论。同时在此基础上,要求学生们在Listening部分能熟悉某些实验室的规则及注意事项,掌握如何给予别人指导与说明,并能抓住文章的中心话题,捕捉相关细节内容,回答有关的问题。Speaking则是一个极富时代气息的讨论练习。要求学生们能对现在热门的尖端科技有所了解,(练习中提供了诸如Maglev train, cloning, nuclear energy, computer 与 space flight等内容)然后能就这些新的科学技术与工具进行理性的辨证的思考,既能感受到它们给我们的生活带来的巨大利益,同时也能发现其中所存在的不足与弊端,并能通过讨论、对话等形式发表自己的观点与想法。这一部分也应该是本单元写作内容的一个铺垫。Reading讲述的是科学家 Franklin的风筝实验,从而证明Lighting and electricity are the same的 故事 。学生在理解文章的基础上,能充分感受到实验对于科学工作的重要性及科学家是如何获得事业上的成功的。同时能落实材料中所出现的一些单词与短语的使用。Language Study是在本单元词汇学习的基础上,让学生进一步了解并掌握一定的构词法。主要是兼类词、一词多义现象及合成词的构成。Integrating skills 通过学生对科学家是否应利用动物进行实验,从而达到发明新产品现象的讨论,理性的从正反两个方面看待这一问题。同时在阅读、思考与讨论的基础上,写下一篇阐明自己观点、立场与看法的短文。四、教学重点与难点(1)。能就某一话题进行合理的分析,并从不同的角度去分析问题,展示一个物体的利与弊两个方面。同时能在讨论时学会运用哪些结构与单词对事物进行评价,诸如“ It’s good / bad / harmful for… / It’s dangerous / expensive / important / unnecessary/ It brings people …/ It can help people…(2)。掌握如何就某一话题给予别人指示与说明,能熟练运用 Don’t do… / Don’t forget to… / Make sure… / Remember that… / Do be careful of…等结构进行讨论、对话与表演。(3)。能进一步了解一词多义及合成词的知识。以便能更好的区别单词词义与猜测单词词义,利用构词法知识扩充词汇量,并能真正做到为阅读服务。自考教材00831 0831现代英语语法大家有看过自考教材 00831 0831 现代英语语法吗?下面是我给大家整理的自考教材 00831 0831 现代英语语法,供大家参阅!自考教材 00831 0831 现代英语语法【书名】:现代英语语法【组编】:全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会【主编】:李基安 王望妮【版次】:2015年5月第1版【出版】:外语教学与研究出版社【代码】:00831【定价】:46.00元自考教材 00831 0831 现代英语语法课程内容Chapter1 The structure of the English sentenceChapter2 Sentence TypesChapter3 Noun and Noun Phrase(1):Noun and NumberChapter4 Noun and Noun Phrase(2):Determiner and GenitiveChapter5 Verb and Verb Phrase(1):Tense,Aspect and FutureChapter6 Verb and Verb Phrase(2):Passive Voice and Subjunctive MoodChapter7 Verb and Verb Phrase(3):Modal AuxiliariesChapter8 Verb and Verb Phrase(4):Non-finite VerbsChapter9 Adjective Phrase and ComparisonChapter10 Preposition and Preposition PhraseChapter11 Coordination and SubordinationChapter12 Relative ClauseChapter13 AdverbialsChapter14 ConcordChapter15 Information Structure and EmphasisChapter16 CohesionAppendix I NOUN+PrepositionAppendix II Preposition+NounAppendix III Verb+PrepositionAppendix IV Adjective+PrepositionBibliography自考教材 00831 0831 现代英语语法命题实施一、命题的指导思想本门课程的命题应以全日制高校相同层次相同课程的同等水平为标准,从课程的特点出发,考核应试者能否熟练掌握现代英语语法的基本理论概念,掌握词的形态变化和用词造句的规则,以及简单的组句成篇的一般形式规律。二、命题的工作步骤1、第一阶段,命题教师学习、研究和分析本课程考试大纲的内容,以及大纲中规定的试题题型,统一命题要求,进行命题分工。2、第二阶段,命题教师分头按接受的命题任务进行命题。3、第三阶段,组成4套左右试卷。每次统考所用的试卷由自考办在其中随机抽取1套使用。三、命题要求1、命题教师应根据本门课程的考试大纲和教材,按照命题任务所分配的题型和题量进行命题。需要重点考查的内容,可以采用不同题型或从不同侧面提出问题,但不得出偏题、怪题。试题可以只考一个考核点,也可综合考核不同语言技能的多个考核点。2、试题编制的质量要求所编试题要做到:A:题意清楚,文字准确,内容完整,措词严密;B:所给的条件科学、恰当;C:标点符号正确,无拼写错误;D:答案简明、准确、评分标准合理;E:每题编制一张试题卡片。3、题型编制规范(1)单项选择题领会能力层次试题可选自教材,但措辞避免与原教材雷同;简单应用层次试题选自教材外,长度和难度与考纲例题相当。(2)多项选择填空题领会能力层次试题内容可参考教材,但措辞避免与原教材雷同;简单应用层次试题选自教材外,长度和难度与考纲例题相当。(3)填空题领会能力层次试题可选自教材,但措辞避免与原教材雷同;简单应用层次试题选自教材外,长度和难度与考纲例题相当。(4)判断改错题试题选自教材外,每题只含一个错误。改正时,可改写或增加或删除一个单词。(5)简答题简答题的问题选自教材,但措辞避免与原教材雷同。(6)名词解释题名词解释题的问题选自教材。(7)改写句子题选自教材外句子,长度和难度与考纲例题相当。四、注意事项编制单项选择题型试题时必须做到:①应有4个备选答案,且其中只能有一个正确答案;②题干文字简练,表述清楚,题意明确,备选答案的共同用语应尽可能置于题干之中;备选答案必须是题干所提问题,各个备选答案之间应避免互为依据或相互包含;④错误答案应具有迷惑性,或者是平常学习时易于混淆的内容;⑤正确答案的顺序应按随机原则排列,备选答案的题序号以A、B、……示列。编制多项选择填空题型试题时,题型1:每题应有6个备选项,要求将其分为a, b两组;题型2和3:每题应有5至6个备选答案,且其中只能有2个正确答案,要求分别填入两个空格处。五、组卷要求1、试卷内容既要全面覆盖,又要保证突出重点。2、每套试题均应相互独立,对某一试题的解答不得给另一试题以任何提示。3、每套试卷均应能明显区分应试者及格或不及格两大层次。4、题型分值结构(1) 单项选择题20分(每小题1分)(2)多项选择填空题16分(每小题2分)(3)填空题20分(每小题1分)(4)判断改错题8分(每小题1分)(5)简答题6分(每小题2分)(6)名(7) 词解释题4分(每小题2分)(8)改写句子题26分(每小题2分)六、其他上海市自考委受全国考委委托,负责组织本门课程的命题工作,其有关事项均按国家教委(92)第22号《高等教育自学考试命题工作规定》执行。请问哪里可以买到英语自考的教材上虞哪里有?英语自考等级考试教材四买自考教材,可去自考报名的地方预订或购买。哪里有自考英语的语音教材各大书店都有的呀。不知道您是在哪里的,要是在上海的话应该不会有这个问题的。。满大街都可以找到,尤其在学校附近的书店。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:


全国2012年4月高等教育自学考试英语语法试题课程代码:00831一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. 1.There are a lot of ________ in Xinhua Children’s Hospital. ( )A.woman doctors B.woman doctor C.women doctors D.women doctor 2.We ________ . Please fasten your seat belt. ( )A.have landed B.are landing C.landed D.land 3.Mary and John ________ each other since childhood. ( )A.have been knowing B.knew C.have known D.had known 4.Almost all the main roads in the city center ________ by the end of next year. ( )A.will be widened B.were widened C.will have been widened D.would be widened 5.The factory will be fined if the work ________ by the end of the month is delayed. ( ) A.to be completed B.will be completed C.being completed D.completed 6.I don’t think it advisable that the young man ________ to the important post since he has no practical experience. ( )A.is appointed B.will be appointed C.be appointed D.has been appointed 7.Mary’s score on the test is the highest in her class; she ________ have studied very hard. ( )A.may B.should C.must D.ought to 8.The students are staying up late these days ________ for the final exams. ( )A.to preparing B.to prepareC.being prepared D.prepared9.He tried ________ a new microphone and was able to make himself heard. ( )A.to use B.to be used C.to using D.using 10.Mr. Johnson met ________ at the party that day. ( )A.a certain retired movie funny star B.a retired certain funny movie star C.a funny certain retired movie star D.a certain funny retired movie star 11.Tom likes watching TV ________ novels. ( )A.more than to read B.more than reading C.than reading D.rather than to read 12.The Conservative Party is one of the ________ parties in Britain. ( )A.major B.mainC.big D.huge 13. ________ , he couldn’t deal with these problems. ( )A.Obviously speaking B.Obviously to speak C.Obvious D.Obviously 14.The room is too cold without heating and too small for a family of four. ________ , it is better than I expected. ( )A.Still B.But C.And D.So 15. ________ their differences, John and Mark remain good friends all their lives.( )A.But for B.For all C.Above all D.Except for16.She is a gentle and quiet girl, ________ none of her sisters is. ( )A.who B.whom C.that D.which 17.She is married to a man who she believes ________ both makes a lot of money and loves her. ( )A.who B.whom C.that D./ 18.Neither of them who had applied for a position in the company ________. ( )A.has been accepted B.have been accepted C.was accepted D.were accepted 19.What she wanted from him ________ just promises at that time. ( )A.is B.areC.was D.were 20.I know I need a good car, but I can’t afford ________. ( )A.it B.one C.that D.this 二、填空题(本大题共28小题,共36分)Section A: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the group. (共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)21.go, goes, is going, advice, advices, piece of advice My special thanks ____________ to Professor Brown, who read the first draft of this book and gave me a lot of invaluable ____________ . 22.a, a, the, the, some, such ____________ beautiful is not always the same as ____________ good. 23.worrying, are worrying, has been worrying, fining, being fined, is fined The browns ____________ about their son ____________ for overspeed.24.was, were, be, never, being, will never be, has never to be Though be ____________ reduced to poverty, he ____________ dishonest. 25.work, worked, working, tell, told, telling ____________ hard until ____________ to stop. 26.which, which, what, what, that, that There is something ____________ I want you to do but ____________ you hate to do. 27.what, which, that, is, are, was What he did and ____________ he said ____________ totally different. 28.such, so, it, make, to make, made ____________ is not funny at all ____________ fun of a disabled man. Section B: Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets. Make changes or add something where necessary. ( 共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)29.Let’s not talk to the director, ____________ (we)?30.You say you took the book without his permission. ___________ (other words), you stole it. 31.The book will provide a ____________ (stimuli) to research in this very important area. 32.They speak ____________ (not French) nor German, but a curious mixture of the two. 33.In my ____________ (mind) eye, she remains a little girl of six although she’s actually a grown woman. 34.I’m afraid you ____________ (have) to be responsible for everything you do after you’re eighteen. 35.Look at the dark clouds. It ____________ (rain).36.Mary is naughty, but she____________(be) a good girl today.37.Congress has decided that the present law____________(maintain).38.­—The lights have gone out. —A fuse____________(blow).39.Having finished the first project, John went on____________(work) on another one. 40.____________ (stand) on the church tower, the whole village could be seen.41.When I told her the news, she became all____________(depressed).42.How much did the second____________ (expensive) has cost?43.I think the noise____________(come) below the window.44.Don’t get____________(mad) the children. They don’t know what they’ve done.45.____________ (consider) the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score two goals.46.That is the reason____________(for) he is leaving so soon.47.Each man and woman____________(be) asked to complete a form.48.I don’t want____________(there be) any disturbance during my lunch break.三、改错题(本大题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分) Correct one error in each of the following sentences.49.—Did you work out the solution to this problem?—I am at my wits end with this problem.50.I’m going to buy a new coat. The weather report says it is very cold.51.Far is it from me to call him a thief.52.She talked a long time, and in the end she could make him believe her.53.The Himalayas have a magnificent variety of plant and animal life.54.The additional work will take five another weeks.55.Such chances should never be let to slip.56.There is something wrong with the car; it needs overhauled.57.Having paid my taxes, the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.58.Just take a look at that fellow, so you’ll get sick.59.Brown bread and butter are usually eaten with smoked salmon.60.Not a single page he read the whole semester.四、改写句子(本大题共12小题,每小题2分,共24分) Rewrite the following sentences as required.61.Adding a suitable tag to the following statement: I don’t believe you’ve finished knitting that cardigan yourself.62.Reinforcing the negation in the following sentence: No one on the committee approved of my proposal.63.Combining the two sentences by using coordination: He himself is interested in the subject. All his students are beginning to show an interest in it.64.Combining the two sentences by using an adverbial clause: John spoke through a microphone. He could be heard in every room.65.Combining the two sentences by using a conjunct:The house was in bad repair. It was to be sold at a reduced price.66.Combining the two sentences by using a conjunct: The term papers were very brief. They were better than I had expected.67.Using extraposition: Whether there was gold left in the mine was not known.68.Using fronting: The plane dived into a large crowd of spectators.69.Using a modal auxiliary: I’m sure that he is working late at the office.70.Using whatever cohesive device is appropriate: We are told that he will come tonight, and if he comes tonight, our meeting will be held tomorrow. If he doesn’t come tonight, there won’t be any meeting tomorrow.71.Using whatever cohesive device is appropriate: I finally threw out my dirty tennis shoes, which pleased my mother tremendously.72.Using subjunctive mood: I had recommended him to be placed in a more responsible position.五、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题4分,共8分) Answer the following questions.73.Give a brief answer to the criteria of the classification of open class words and their significance.74.List the types of subjunctive mood with examples.


一单项选择题1C 2B 3C 4C 5A 6C 7C 8B 9D 10D 11B 12A 13D 14A 15B 16D 17D 18C 19D 20B二 填空题Section A21 go,advice 22The,the 23 are worrying,being fined 24 is,will never be 25 Work,told 26 that ,which 27 what,are 28 It,to makeSection B29 shall we 30 In other words 31 stimulus 32 neither French 33 mind's 34 will have 35 is going to rain 36 is being 37 be maintained 38 must have blown 39 to work 40 Standing 41 the more depressed 42 most expensive 43 comes form 44 mad at/with 45 Considering 46 for which 47 was/is 48 there to be三,改错题49Did you work out the solution to this problem?I am at my wit's end with this problem.50 I‘m going to buy a new coat.The weather report says it is going to be very cold.51 Far be it form me to call him a thier.52 She talked a long time ,and in the end she was able to make him believe her.53 The Himalayas has a magnificent variety of plant and animal life.54 The additional work will take another five weeks.55 Such chances should never be let slip.56 There is something wrong with the car ; it needs overhauling.57 After i have paid my taxes ,the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.58 Just take a look at that fellow, and you'll get sick.59 Brown bread and butter is usually eaten with smoked salmon.60 Not a single man page did he read the whole semester.四 改写句子61 I don't believe you've finished knitting that cardigan yourself,have you?62 Not a single committee member approved of my proposal.63 Not only is he himself interested in the subject,but all his students are beginning to show an interest in it .64 John spoke through a microphone so that he could be heard in every room.65 The house was in bad repair .Therefore ,it was to be sold at a reduced price.66 The term papers were very brief.However ,they were better than I had expected.67 It was not known whether there was gold left in the mine.68 Into a large crowd of spectators the plane dived.69 He must be working late at the office.70 We are told that he will come tonight ,and if so ,our meeting will be held tomorrow.If not,there won't be any meeting tomorrow.71 I finally threw out my dirty tennis shoes.This pleased my mother tremendously.72 I had recommended that he be placed in a more responsible position.

2003年4月自考英语(一)试题及答案 Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1�Since Americans pay very high taxes,they often feel that they are working one day each week justtheir taxes.A�pay B�to be paying C�paid D�to pay【】2�Advertising is only part of the total sales effort,but it is the part thatthe most attention.A�attacks B�attracts C�attaches D�attributes【】3�Information that does not make any to you is difficult to remember.A�trouble B�way C�sense D�mistake【】4�The United States is known for its supermarkets,huge quantities of all kinds of food and household articles are sold.A�which B�that C�when D�where【】5�The ants,hardworkingthey are,have time for play.A�as B�but C�so D�lest【】6�Diamonds are the hardestfound in nature.A�instance B�circumstance C�substance D�existence【】7�Large and powerful,the atmosphere consists of an ocean of gases hundreds of miles.A�high B�higher C�highly D�height【】8�Curiosity and imagination are importantwhich help stimulate the discovery of new facts and the laws of science.A�techniques B�technologies C�qualities D�quantities【】9�Information in long�term memory can beat a later time when it is needed.A�remarked B�reminded C�removed D�recalled【】10�Insurance agents are always friendly,well dressed,and cager to behelp.A�for B�of C�from D�into【】Ⅱ�Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 For human beings there is more to living than just staying alive.Therefore,your 11,or emotional and mental needs are important.You need to love and 12.You need to feel safe and secure.At the same time,you need to feel13.You need stimulation and variety to keep your brain14and to achieve personal growth.You also need to have a sense of 15,a personal identity,in order to know 16you are and how you fit in the environment. Of all the emotional needs,a need for love is the17basic.At different times in life,you experience the need for love in different ways.18.a helpless baby feels love in 19to care.Love means being kept dry and warm and being fed.Gentle touch and firm support create a feeling of trust20 the baby for the people who care for it. 11�A�physical B�political C�psychological D�educational【】12�A�to be loved B�to be loving �to have loved D�to be for love【】13�A�depend B�depended C�dependent D�independent【】14�A�act B�acted C�active D�action【】15�A�self B�own C�you D�yours【】16�A�that B�who C�which D�how【】17�A�much B�more C�most D�very【】18�A�In addition B�On the average C�Of course D�For example【】19�A�response B�regard C�terms D�view【】20�A�at B�in C�with D�by【】Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points for each)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。Passage one Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. The term “flying saucer”refers to strange objects travelling through the earth�s atmosphere at very high speeds.Thousands of people all over the world claim to have seen them.Some believe them to be spaceships from other planets.Others insist that they are a secret type of aircraft being built on earth.Many people maintain that they are only natural phenomena happening under special temperature,light,or weather conditions All reports,however,agree that the strange objects move at extremely high speeds and fail to follow the laws of motion by reversing(逆转) direction instantly without slowing down. In the United States,the first flying saucers were reported on June 4,1947,by a private plane pilot.He saw nine objects travelling in the sky.Each was disk�shaped and very bright.Because their movements were compared to those of a “saucer skimming across the water”, newspaper reporters called them “flying saucers”. Some weeks after the first reported sighting,the United States Air Force was given the job of investigating all the reports of flying saucers.Because of the confusing variety of shapes,sizes,and colors reported,the Air Force adopted the term Unidentified Flying Objects(UFO) to describe them. Since the Air Force officials began their investigation of flying saucers,they have identified most of the objects as stars,planes,man�made satellites,experimental missiles(导弹),or weather phenomena.Some of the UFO reports,including photographs,were deliberate(蓄意的)tricks made to cheat people. All the research so far has failed to prove that UFOs are spaceships coming from outside the earth.Most investigators agree,however,that more study is needed before the question of whether or not flying saucers really exist can be answered.21�The term“flying saucer” is generally used to refer to.A�spaceships from other planetsB�a secret type of aircraft being builtC�some natural phenomenaD�strange objects flying very fast in the sky【】22�The first flying saucers got their name.A�from a private plane pilot who saw themB�for their brightness in colorC�because they looked like disks moving in the airD�because they skimmed across the water【】23�The Air Force preferred the term UFO because.A�newspaper reporters used itB�the term “flying saucer” was very confusingC�UFO is a general term that can refer to a larger variety of objectsD�the Air Force didn�t find any objects that looked like flying saucers【】24�All the research has failed to identify any UFOs as.A�man�made satellitesB�aircraftC�experimental missilesD�spaceships sent from other planets【】25�From this passage we know that.A�the US Air Force was the first reporter of flying saucersB�the term UFO was first used by the US Air Force investigatorsC�UFOs are not worth further investigationD�the question of whether there exist flying saucers has already been answered 【】Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. The American educator Horace Mann once said:“As an apple is not in any proper sense an apple until it is ripe,so a human being is not in any proper sense a human being until he is educated.”Education is the process through which man attempts to pass on to his children his hard�won wisdom and his ideals of a better world.This process begins shortly after birth,as parents seek to train the infant to behave as his culture demands.Schooling,or formal education,consists of experiences that are carefully planned to help young people learn what adults consider important for them to know and how they should respond to choices. While almost everyone accepts the goal of developing skills in the three R�s—reading,writing and arithmetic—it often seems impossible to reach agreement on any goal beyond that.In the broadest terms,the conflict over educational goals can be viewed as a conflict between two groups of people—conservatives and liberals(自由派). The conservatives tend to identify a desirable education with the transmission of the cultural knowledge,offering courses featuring the three R�s at the elementary level and academic(普通文化课的)studies or strong vocational(职业的)or business courses in the secondary school.They stress training of the mind and development of abilities. The liberals tend to be interested in the development of the “whole child,”not merely in training his mind or in preparing him for adult life in a remote future.They emphasize rich,meaningful school living in the present,and they view subject matter as a resource for total human development rather than as a goal in itself.They believe that content should be acquired not for its own sake but as a means of encouraging thought and inquiry.26�What Horace Mann means is that.A�education is essential for man�s growthB�an apple is delicious only when it is ripeC�a man is like a child without proper educationD�education can be compared to the growth of an apple tree【】27�At school,children.A�find it hard to win wisdomB�have choices in what they learnC�are taught what adults select for them to learnD�learn how they should respond to teachers� questions【】28�The three R�s does not include.A�arithmeticB�writingC�readingD�reasoning【】29�It�s most unlikely that the conservatives should emphasize.A�the teaching of basic cultural knowledgeB�courses in three R�s in the elementary schoolC�courses such as modern physics and marketing at the secondary levelD�the development of the student as an individual person【】30�The liberals hold that.A�the goal of school education is mainly to prepare students for adult lifeB�teaching activities should be rich and meaningful to the studentsC�course content should be learned and remembered for future useD�book knowledge is the only resource for learning【】Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. It has been a wide�spread belief that the American family is dying.But a new study reveals that the American family is stronger than ever.This study affords surprising evidence of the persistence of American commitments to family life. The American family is changing,not dying:It is becoming smaller,men and women are becoming more equal,and the divorce rate is higher.But despite the high divorce rate,marriage has never been more popular.The majority of divorced people remarry,but only 2% marry more than twice.Most marriages last a long time,and a large proportion of divorces are from teenage marriages.Depending on the specific situation,there�s often good reason for teenage marriages to break up. There is no evidence that children receive less attention from mothers who work outside the home than from mothers working inside the home.So far the amount of educational or development time hasn�t varied very much,whether or not the mother works outside the home.In fact,working mothers try to make up for it by setting aside time only for their children. The study shows that television is by far the most significant new child�care arrangement of this century.The most important activity for children up to age 14 is watching television. School is the second most time�consuming activity for children.They spend an average of about 19 hours a week in school.A larger proportion of children go to school now than ever before,and they stay in school longer.Another big change is that the proportion of very young children in day�care centers(日托站) has almost doubled in recent years.Compared with these two dramatic changes in child activity,the changes caused by mothers working outside the home appear very small.31�The main idea of this article is that.A�the American family is dyingB�young people today don�t want to get marriedC�the American family is changing,but it is stronger than everD�education has resulted in dramatic changes in the American family【】32�Which of the following statements is NOT true?A�Marriage is more popular than before.B�Many divorced people remarry.C�The majority of marriages last long.D�Working mothers devote less time to their children.【】33�The author of this article believes that.A�the American family is here to stayB�children should not watch so much televisionC�mothers should not work when their children are smallD�teenage marriages should be encouraged【】34�What is the most significant new child�care arrangement of this century?A�The day�care center.B�Television.C�The schoolD�Development time.【】35�According to the writer,which two major factors have led to the belief that the American family is dying?A�The divorce rate is high and working mothers neglect their children.B�The divorce rate is high and children care more about television than anything else.C�Divorces are becoming increasingly more and many teenage marriages break up.D�Children stay in school longer and mothers have little time to take care of them.【】PART TWOⅣ.Word Spelling(10 points,1 point for two words)将下列汉语单词译成英语。作为提示,每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。36�表扬 v.p 37�橡皮n.r 38�表面n.s 39�厚的a.t 40�蒸汽n.s 41�权力n.p 42�噪声n.n 43�第九num.n 44�大声的a.l 45�方法n.m 46�羞耻n.s 47�紧张n.t 48�非法的a.l 49�运气n.l 50�中间的a.m 51�严重的a.s 52�财富n.w 53�浅的a.s 54�信号n.s 55�胜利n.v Ⅴ.Word Form(10 points,1 point for each)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。56�Many people feel that the United States(have) a very complicated tax collection system.57�In 1964,the Olympic Games in Tokyo(become) the first program to be transmitted via satellite.58�In the recent past,medical researchers(begin) to emphasize the fact that heart diseases are associated with stress,smoking and a lack of exercise.59�Taxes consist of the money which people pay(support) their government.60�For centuries the Atlantic Ocean kept the Americas from(discover) by the people of Europe.61�The American consumer often feels constantly(disturb) by insurance agents.62�Women tend to engage in more eye contact than men,especially when(talk) to other women.63�Though marriage(practice) in almost all countries of the world,the customs are quite different from one culture to another.64�No one has been able to prove that fish is any(good) for the brain than many other kinds of food.65�If we did not have atmospheric pressure,we(can,not have) automobile tires.Ⅵ.Translation from Chinese into English (15 points,3 points for each)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。66�人所共知,大西洋仅有太平洋一半大。67�人们可以在电视里观看他们想看的任何电影。 68�在过去几年里你在保险上花了多少钱?69�为了不被人误解,你应当认识肢体语言与文化关系密切。70�直至14世纪较精确的地图才开始出现。Ⅶ�Translation from English into Chinese (15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。 While the quantity of food needed by the body is measured by the amount of energy,or calories,it has,the quality of food is determined by its nutrients.Nutrients are the substances in food that are needed by your body.You can consume enough soft drinks,bread,and potatoes to supply you with enough calories for the energy you need.But these foods will not supply you with all the necessary nutrients your body needs in order to function well. It is believed that there are forty�five nutrients needed by the human body.It is essential that each of them be present in various amounts in a good diet.Each nutrient is responsible for performing a special body function.2003年下半年高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(一)试卷完全详解Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure1�【analysis】句中意思为美国人每周有一天的工作是为付高额税的, 因而为目的状语,应用一般式的主动形式。 【key】选D.to pay。2�【analysis】这后半句为强调主语的强调句,意思为这部分最吸引注意, 故应选B�attracts吸引;而A�attacks攻击;C�attaches依附;D�attributes引起,都不对。 【key】选B�attracts。3�【analysis】全句意思为“对你没有任何意义的信息是难以记忆的”。 应为C�sense意义;而trouble苦恼,way方式,mistake错误,都不符合。 【key】选C�sense。4�【analysis】后部分为定语从句说明supermarkets超市,即为场所, 应用D�where。 【key】选D�where。5�【analysis】 以as引出的状语从句,可以把表语提到主语前面来,如Cold as the weather was,it couldn�t cool our enthusiasm for work.故本句应选A�as。 【key】选A�as。6�【analysis】全句意思为“钻石是自然中所发现的最硬的物质”。 应选C�substance物质;而instance实例,circumstance(通常作复数)环境,existence存在,都不合适。 【key】选C�substance。7�【analysis】 数字后说明高应用形容词high,如The house is ten meters high。 【key】选A�high。8�【analysis】句子含意“好奇心与想像力是重要的品性”, 品性或品质为quality, 而technique技巧,technology工程学,quantity重量,数量都不合适。 【key】选C�qualities。9�【analysis】句子意思为“长期记忆的信息在以后需要的时候能记起来。” 应为D�recalled记起;而A�remark评论;B�remined sb.of sb./sth.使某人回想起来某人;C�removed移开;因句中无of结构,故应为D。 【key】选D�recalled。10�【analysis】be of help有帮助,为习惯用语。 【key】选B�of。Ⅱ�Cloze Test11~12【analysis】句意为“你的心理的或感情的,思想上的需要是重要的。你需要去爱和接受爱。” 11�C�psychological心理的;12�A�to be loved被爱。【key】11�选C;12�选A。13~14【analysis】句意为“你需要感到平安和无忧虑。同时,你需要能自立,你需要激励和多姿多彩以保持大脑活跃和实现个人成熟”。【key】13�选D�independent自立;14�选C�active活跃。15~16【analysis】句意为“你也需要有理性,个人特性,为了了解你自己和你如何适应环境”。【key】15�选A�self;16�选B�who。17~19【analysis】句意为“在所有的感情需要中,爱的需要是最基本的。一生中的不同时段,你会经历不同方式的爱的需要。例如,不能自立的婴儿感到关心的爱护”。【key】17�选C�most最;18�选D�Forexample例如;19�选A�response,in~to应…而。20【analysis】句意为“轻柔触摸和坚定保护能使婴儿对照顾他的人产生信任感”。【key】选B�in。Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension21 【analysis】全文意思为“飞碟指地球上空高速飞行的奇异物体,1947年6月4日美国私人飞机驾驶员,看到天空九个碟形物盘旋,因此报上称之为飞碟,因形状不一,所以美国空军称之为不明飞行物”。21题应为D,即飞碟一般用于指空中飞速快的奇怪物体,即D。 【key】选D.22 【analysis】题意为“最初飞碟名称来自看来如空中运动的碟似物”。 【key】选C.23 【analysis】“空军用不明飞行物是因为这个术语能指代种类较多的物体”。 【key】选C.24 【analysis】“关于从其他行星过来的宇宙飞船的辨认的研究全失败了”。 【key】选D.25 【analysis】“从本文我们知道美国空军研究人员首先用了不明飞行物的术语”。 【key】选B.26【analysis】第二篇阅读理解文章含意为“教育是从出生开始,经学校正规教育,使之学会成人认为重要的经验,即三种技巧——阅读,写作与算术。教育的目标分为保守派与自由派。保守派为传播文化知识,提供三种技巧的文化课与职业专业课,强调思想训练和能力培养。自由派强调当前丰富的有意义的学校生活而且把课程看作全人类发展的才能而不仅是目标的本身”。26题Horace Mann的意思是“教育对人们的成长是必要的”【key】选A.27 【analysis】“在校内,孩子们按大人们为他们所选的教材教学”。 【key】选C.28 【analysis】三R并不包括“推理”。 【key】选D.29 【analysis】“保守派极可能强调学生作为个人培养”。 【key】选D.30 【analysis】自由派认为“教学活动应对学生是富有意义的”。 【key】选B.31 【analysis】第三篇意义为“广泛的信念为美国家庭正在消失,而新的研究揭示美国家庭比以前更牢固了。是正在变化,而并不消亡,是更小了,男女更平等了而离婚率更高了。没有证据说明在家外工作的母亲比在家内干活的对孩子们较少关心。不管是否母亲在家外工作,对孩子的教育培养并无太多的变动。孩子在14岁前最重要的活动是观看电视,而学校成为其次花费时间的活动”。 31题这篇文章主题思想为“美国家庭正在变化,但比以前更牢固了”。 【key】选C.32 【analysis】以下叙述哪点是不正确的? 应为D�劳动妇女更少时间专心于孩子了。 【key】选D.33 【analysis】本文作者相信, 应为A�美国家庭仍稳固着。 【key】选A.34 【analysis】本世纪新的孩子照料的安排最有影响的是什么? 应为B.电视。 【key】选B.35 【analysis】按照作者,哪两种主要因素导致美国家庭正在消亡的信念? 应为A�离婚率高和劳动妇女忽视他们的孩子。 【key】选A.Ⅳ�Word Spelling36 【analysis】表扬 v.p 。 【key】praise37 【analysis】橡皮n.r , 来自rub v.擦。 【key】rubber38 【analysis】表面n.s , sur�超过+face面。 【key】surface39 【analysis






































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