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Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks. 1. In 1066, ____, with his Norman army, succeeded in invading and defeating England.A. William the Conqueror B. Julius Caesar C. Alfred the Great D. Claudius2. In the 14th century, the most important writer (poet) is ____ . A. Langland B. Wycliffe C. Gower D. Chaucer3. The prevailing form of Medieval English literature is ____.A. novel B. drama C. romance D. essay4. The story of ___ is the culmination of the Arthurian romances.A. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight B. BeowulfC. Piers the Plowman D. The Canterbury Tales5. William Langland’s ____ is written in the form of a dream vision.A. Kubla Khan B. Piers the PlowmanC. The Dream of John Bull D. Morte d’Arthur6. After the Norman Conquest, three languages existed in England at that time. The Normans spoke _____.A. French B. English C. Latin D. Swedish7. ______ was the greatest of English religious reformers and the first translator of the Bible.A. Langland B. Gower C. Wycliffe D. Chaucer8. Piers the Plowman describes a series of wonderful dreams the author dreamed, through which, we can see a picture of the life in the ____ England.A. primitive B. feudal C. bourgeois D. modern9. The theme of ____ to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romances.A. loyalty B. revolt C. obedience D. mockery10. The most famous cycle of English ballads centers on the stories about a legendary outlaw called _____.A. Morte d’Arthur B. Robin Hood C. The Canterbury Tales D. Piers the Plowman11. ______, the “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London in about 1340.A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Sir Gawain C. Francis Bacon D. John Dryden12. Chaucer died on October 25th, 1400, and was buried in ____.A. Flanders B. France C. Italy D. Westminster Abbey13. Chaucer’s earliest work of any length is his _____, a translation of the French Roman de la Rose by Gaillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meung, which was a love allegory enjoying widespread popularity in the 13th and 14th centuries not only in France but throughout Europe.A. The Romaunt of the Rose B. “A Red, Red Rose”C. The Legend of Good Women D. The Book of the Duchess14. In his lifetime Chaucer served in a great variety of occupations that had impact on the wide range of his writings. Which one is not his career? ____.A. engineer B. courtier C. office holder D. soldier E. ambassador F. legislator (议员)15. Chaucer composes a long narrative poem named _____ based on Boccaccio’s poem “Filostrato”. A. The Legend of Good Women B. Troilus and Criseyde C. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight D. BeowulfKey to the multiple choices: 1-5 ADCAB 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 ADAABⅡ. Questions1. What are the features of Beowulf?2. Comment on the social significance and language in The Canterbury Tales.


自考2015年4月《外国文学史》真题。【考点】19世纪文学(三)——列夫·托尔斯泰14. 英国唯美主义文学的代表作家是( )。A 王尔德。 B魏尔伦。 C戈蒂耶。D马拉美。答案是A王尔德



你去买书吧,我以前的自考书都送人了,外国文学史难度一般,我都没看书,直接做题,看题,考试。 论述题前面还有简答题。

一、单项选择题(本大题共24小题,每小题1分,共24分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.被马克思称之为“永久的规范和高不可及范本”的文学是( ) A.古希腊文学 B.古罗马文学 C.文艺复兴文学 D.古典主义文学 2.古希腊人对特洛伊战争的起因所做的神话性解释是( ) A.潘多拉的诅咒 B.不和的金苹果 C.诸神争当神王 D.诸神争当雅典城的保护神 3.中世纪城市文学的代表作是( ) A.《神曲》 B.《罗兰之歌》 C.《列那狐传奇》 D.《伊戈尔远征记》 4.文艺复兴时期,法国最有代表性的小说是( ) A.《堂·吉诃德》 B.《巨人传》 C.《坎特伯雷故事集》 D.《老实人》 5.英国文艺复兴戏剧的创始人是( ) A.莎士比亚 B.本·琼生 C.马洛 D.乔叟 6.英国革命诗人弥尔顿在《失乐园》中塑造的反抗者形象是( ) A.亚当 B.夏娃 C.撒旦 D.参孙 7.代表18世纪英国现实主义小说最高成就的作品是( ) A.《鲁滨逊飘流记》 B.《格列佛游记》 C.《汤姆·琼斯》 D.《感伤的旅行》 8.被称为“浪漫主义运动之父”的法国启蒙作家是( ) A.伏尔泰 B.卢梭 C.狄德罗 D.孟德斯鸠 9.俄国文学中第一个“多余人”的形象是( ) A.毕巧林 B.罗亭 C.奥涅金 D.奥勃罗摩夫 10.长篇小说《红字》的作者是( ) A.霍桑 B.华盛顿·欧文 C.库柏 D.爱伦·坡 11.俄国批判现实主义文学流派的别称是( ) A.“白桦派” B.“自然派” C.“旅美派” D.“唯美派” 12.法国批判现实主义文学的开山之作是( ) A.《红与黑》 B.《高老头》 C.《红与白》 D.《巴马修道院》 13.创造了“自由诗体”的美国浪漫主义诗人是( ) A.爱默生 B.马克·吐温 C.惠特曼 D.威廉·豪威尔斯 14.屠格涅夫在《前夜》中塑造的保加利亚革命者形象是( ) A.叶琳娜 B.拉夫列茨基 C.罗普霍夫 D.英沙罗夫 15.法捷耶夫在卫国战争期间创作的表现革命英雄主义的著名作品是( ) A.《青年近卫军》 B.《日日夜夜》 C.《前线》 D.《瓦西里·焦尔金》 16.1958年,因小说《日瓦戈医生》而获诺贝尔文学奖的苏联作家是( ) A.肖洛霍夫 B.索尔仁尼琴 C.帕斯捷尔纳克 D.艾特玛托夫 17.英国小说家毛姆以一位法国印象派画家为原型创作了小说《月亮和六便士》,其主人公原型是( ) A.莫奈 B.高更 C.塞尚 D.德加 18.美国作家杰克·伦敦开创美国文学中美国梦幻灭题材先河的自传体小说是( ) A.《铁蹄》 B.《美国的悲剧》 C.《马丁·伊登》 D.《幻灭》 19.卡夫卡以格里高尔·萨姆沙为主人公的小说是( ) A.《在流放地》 B.《判决》 C.《饥饿艺术家》 D.《变形记》 20.印度古代杰出诗人迦梨陀娑的戏剧代表作是( ) A.《云使》 B.《优哩婆湿》 C.《沙恭达罗》 D.《时令之环》 21.波斯文学史上的“诗歌之父”是( ) A.哈菲兹 B.内扎米 C.萨迪

2006年4月自考“外国文学史”串讲资料第一章 古代希腊罗马文学1.古代希腊罗马是欧洲文化的发源地。恩格斯说:“没有希腊文化和罗马帝国所奠定的基础,也就没有现代的欧洲。”2.古希腊位于地中海东北部,包括巴尔干半岛的地端(即希腊半岛)、爱琴海中数百个岛屿和小亚细亚西部沿海一带。公元前十二世纪以前,地中海中的克里特岛和希腊半岛上的迈锡尼地区已经出现了奴隶制国家,有了相当发达的文化,史称“克里特—迈锡尼文化”。(地理位置、特点、什么文化)3.古希腊文学分四期:(1)荷马时代的希腊文学。公元前11世纪到公元前9世纪,史称“荷马时代”(或“英雄时代”),是神话、史诗繁荣时期。在希腊形成了以宙斯为中心的一组神话,在这组神话中,希腊诸神按父权制氏族的方式形成了一个大家族。雷电之神宙斯是万神之主,他的妻子,也是他的姐妹叫赫拉。他的两个兄弟波塞冬和哈得斯,分别掌管海洋和冥土。这些神都住在希腊北部的奥林匹斯山上,因此他们被称为“奥林匹斯神统”,主要是十二位主神,除了宙斯、赫拉、波塞冬之外,还有太阳神阿波罗、智慧女神雅典娜、月亮神(也是狩猎女神)阿尔忒弥斯、战神阿瑞斯、美神(也是爱神)阿佛罗狄忒、火神(也是工匠神)赫菲斯托斯、神使赫尔墨斯等。 希腊神话的特点是人神同形同性。(2)奴隶制城邦国家形成时期的希腊文学。(此期的文学成就--记抒情诗人的名字)此期抒情诗兴起。古代希腊的抒情诗起源于民间歌谣。其中独唱琴歌(竖琴伴奏)三大著名诗人:阿尔凯奥斯、萨福(古希腊最著名女诗人,被誉为第十位文艺女神)、阿那克瑞翁。合唱琴歌最重要的合唱诗人是品达罗斯。在抒情诗兴起的同时,希腊的民间流传着散文体的动物故事,后人整理成《伊索寓言》。(3)“古典时期”的希腊文学。 戏剧是这一时期希腊文学的主要成就。亚里士多德的主要理论著作《诗学》历来被认为是西方文艺思想史上的权威性作品。(4)“希腊化”时期的希腊文学。此期主要为“新喜剧”,重要作家是米南德。作品《恨世者》和《萨摩斯女人》。4.古罗马时期文学大致分三个时期:(1)共和国时期的罗马文学。罗马的戏剧是在罗马原有的民间戏剧的基础上,接受希腊戏剧的影响而发展起来的。有悲剧,也有喜剧。喜剧方面有较高的成就,主要戏剧作家:普劳图斯(《一坛黄金》、《孪生兄弟》、《吹牛的军人》)和泰伦提乌斯(《婆母》、《两兄弟》)。(2)共和国晚期和“奥古斯都”时期的罗马文学。这是罗马文学的“黄金时代”。奥古斯都时期最重要的作家是三位诗人:维吉尔、贺拉斯和奥维德。维吉尔主要作品《牧歌》、《农事诗》和史诗《埃涅阿斯纪》。史诗《埃涅阿斯纪》是维吉尔最重要的作品(内容是罗马帝国起源)。贺拉斯的《诗艺》是他主要的文艺理论著作。奥维德早期作品《爱的艺术》(戴望舒译《爱经》)主要以爱情为题材,他的代表作是神话故事诗《变形记》。(3)帝国时期的罗马文学。帝国初期的罗马文学已趋衰落,史家称之为罗马文学史的“白银时期”。罗马的传记文学也比较重要。主要传记作家塔西陀和普卢塔克(作品《希腊、罗马名人传》)。另外,北非作家阿普列尤斯的《金驴记》(一译《变形记》)为欧洲最早的一部完整的长篇小说。5.古代希腊流传至今的最早的文学作品是两部史诗——《伊利昂纪》和《奥德修纪》。相传这两部作品是诗人荷马所作,所以又叫“荷马史诗”。荷马问题的核心是史诗的作者和形成问题。十八世纪末十九世初的德国学者沃尔夫和拉赫曼提出“短歌说”,以尼奇为代表的另一些德学学者坚持“统一说”,赫尔曼为代表提出“基本核心说”。《伊利昂纪》是描写特洛亚战争的。希腊主帅阿伽门农,主将阿基琉斯。特洛亚方面的主将赫克托尔。《奥德修纪》主人公是木马计的策划者奥德修斯。史诗写他从特洛亚回国途中在海上飘流期间发生的故事。他的妻子珀涅罗珀,儿子帖雷马科。2 2006年4月自考“外国文学史”串讲资料6.古代希腊戏剧起源:是从狄俄倪索斯的祭典发展而来的。狄倪索斯是酒神,也被希腊人尊为自然之神。7.希腊悲剧艺术形式:戏剧的成分和合唱队的抒情成分,始终是悲剧的两个不可缺少的组成部分。8.古希腊主要悲剧作家:埃斯库罗斯、索福克勒斯、欧里庇得斯,史称三大悲剧诗人。三大诗人的创作反映了雅典奴隶主民主制发展的三个不同时期,也标志着希腊悲剧发展的三个不同阶段:(1)埃斯库罗斯:是希腊悲剧的创始人。史家称为“悲剧之父”,最著名作品《被缚的普罗米修斯》,他的作品提倡民主精神和爱国精神,如《波斯人》。(2)索福克勒斯:作品《安提戈涅》、《奥狄浦斯王》(杀父娶母)。(3)欧里庇得斯:作品《美狄亚》、《希波吕托斯》、《安德罗玛克》、《特洛亚妇女》。9.阿里斯托芬被恩格斯称为“喜剧之父”。作品《云》、《蛙》、《阿哈奈人》。第二章 中世纪欧洲文学一、中世纪早期的欧洲文学:1.教会统治和教会文学:欧洲封建社会在意识形态方面的基本特点是:基督教在文化、教育、哲学、文艺以至整个精神领域里,占有绝对的统治地位;基督教成了欧洲封建制度的支柱。(1405年基督教东西两派分裂,西派称为天主教)。教会思想统治的主要武器是《圣经》。《圣经》分《旧约》和《新约》(西方教会文学最重要的是《新约》,东方最重要的是《旧约》)。2.人民英雄史诗:中世纪早期人民文学的主要成就是各族人民的英雄史诗,像日耳曼人的《希尔德布兰特之歌》,盎格鲁•撒克逊人的《贝奥武甫》、冰岛人民的“埃达”和“萨迦”。“埃达”较完整地保留了北欧人民最古老的神话、传说和英雄史诗,是欧洲文学中仅存的异教作品,是以诗歌的形式记北欧的神话。“萨迦”是散文叙事文学。二、中世纪中期的欧洲文学:1.英雄史诗和民间谣曲:史诗如法国的《罗兰之歌》、西班牙的《熙德之歌》、德国的《尼伯龙根之歌》、俄罗斯的《伊戈尔远征记》为四大史记。其中以《罗兰之歌》最为著名。 “罗宾汉谣曲”是一组歌唱侠盗罗宾汉的作品。2.骑士文学:法国是骑士制度比较发达的地方,所以也是骑士文学最兴盛的地方。骑士文学的主要体裁是骑士抒情诗和骑士叙事诗。骑士抒情诗最早产生于法国南部的普罗旺斯。骑士叙事诗是骑士文学的主要形式。骑士叙事诗按其题材来源可分为三个系统,即以古代克尔特人的亚瑟王与他的圆桌骑士为中心的不列颠故事诗;以拜占庭流传的希腊晚期的传说为题材的拜占庭故事诗;还有模仿古代希腊、罗马文学作品的叙事诗。 亚瑟王与他的圆桌骑士的故事是骑士叙事诗常写的题材。其中最著名的骑士有郎斯洛、格莱斯、盖兰德和圣杯的保护者契莱尔等。描写亚瑟王传奇的最有名的作家是法国诗人克雷蒂安•德•特罗阿。他的著名作品《郎斯洛》。骑士叙事诗中另一个重要题材是亚瑟王传说中的“特里斯丹与依瑟”的故事。3.城市文学:城市文学的主要形式是韵文故事、讽刺叙事诗和寓言诗。韵文故事(又称“笑话”)是一种短小精悍的诗体小故事。作品《驴的遗嘱》。讽刺叙事诗的代表作是法国的《列那狐传奇》。市民文学的另一部代表作是法国的《玫瑰传奇》。法国的吕特博夫和维庸是比较著名的市民诗人。三、但丁1.恩格斯评价但丁,“他是中世纪的最后一位诗人,同时又是新时代的最初一位诗人。”2.但丁出身于佛罗伦萨一个小贵族家庭。《新生》写贝雅特里齐,共三十一首,又用优美的散文把它们串连起来。《新生》中的诗歌属“温柔的新体”诗派。3.但丁的学术著作《飨食》和《论俗语》(均未写完)。《论俗语》是一篇语言学著作,也是一篇美学著作。4.《神曲》的意大利文原意是“神圣的喜剧”。但丁只给自己的作品取名《喜剧》。《神曲》全长一万四千二百三十三行,分为《地狱》、《炼狱》、《天堂》三部。但丁随维吉尔而行,首先来到地狱和炼狱。在维吉尔带领下,一层层地上千到了乐园。这时维吉尔突然不见,天空中祥云浮现,仙乐声中出现了万花蔟拥的贝雅特里齐。这位圣女把他带进了天堂。(两个引路人)3 2006年4月自考“外国文学史”串讲资料第三章 文艺复兴时期欧洲文学第一节 概述一、文艺复兴和人文主义1.文艺复兴:在中世纪教会的神学统治下,古代希腊罗马文化被埋没了将近一千年。到了十四世纪,特别在十五、十六世纪,古代文化又重新被欧洲人重视,出现了一个研究古代文化、复兴古代文化的热潮。在这种“复古”运动中,欧洲的文化科学发展到一个空前繁荣的时期。这就是欧洲历史上有名的“文艺复兴”。2.人文主义及特点:文艺复兴时期形成的资产阶级世界观被称为人文主义(在西方文字中,人文主义与人道主义是一个词,在汉文翻译中用了两种不同的译名,用人文主义一词专指文艺复兴时期的资产阶级人道主义思想)。人文主义起初是指十四、十五世纪兴起的那些人文学科而言的。人文主义推崇“人”,主张以人为本,反对神的绝对权威。具体讲,人文主义用人性来反对神权,肯定人的价值和人的力量,反对教会的神权论;用个性解放、个人幸福来反对禁欲主义,强调幸福在现世的人间而不在来世;用理性来反对教会的蒙昧主义;从政治上讲,人文主义拥护中央集权,反对封建割据。但人文主义所强调的人指的是资产阶级自身和资产者个人,它的思想基础是个人主义和人性论。二、意大利文学:意大利的人文主义思想在但丁的作品中已露端倪。到十四世纪下半期,在但丁的故乡佛罗伦萨又出现两位人文主义运动的先驱者彼特拉克和薄伽丘。3.意大利的弗兰齐斯科•彼特拉克被史学家认为是第一个人文主义者。他的诗集《歌集》开一代诗风。彼特拉克大量采用十四行诗体。4.意大利的乔万尼•薄伽丘 短篇小说集《十日谈》。《十日谈》的框式结构是学习阿拉伯故事集《一千零一夜》的结果。故事的重要主题是反教会,揭露天主教会和僧侣的腐败、虚伪。通过爱情题材反对禁欲主义,反对封建偏见。小说用意大利语言写成。5.卢多维科•阿里奥斯托作表作《疯狂的罗兰》。6.托夸多•塔索是意大利文艺复兴运动的最后一个代表作家。代表作是长诗《被解放的耶路撒冷》。三、法国文学7.法国以龙沙为首的贵族派人文主义集团——“七星诗社”推崇古典文学。后期人文主义作家代表是蒙田,作品《随笔集》。8.法国民主倾向的人文主义者的代表是弗朗索瓦•拉伯雷。长篇小说《巨人传》,前两部写巨人国王卡冈都亚和他的巨人儿子庞大固埃的出生、教育、游学和他们的文治武功,后三部写庞大固埃和他的朋友巴汝奇如何探讨婚姻问题,以及他们为寻找“神瓶”而游历各地的见闻。四、西班牙文学十六世纪以来,西班牙文学进入繁荣时期,文学史上称为“黄金时代”。9.洛贝•德•维加是“黄金时代”西班牙民族戏剧的代表。他最优秀的作品是《羊泉村》。10.西班牙最早出现的也是最好的一部流浪汉小说是《托梅斯河上的小拉撒路》(中译本名《小癞子》)。11.“黄金时代”西班牙文学的最高成就,是塞万提斯的创作。西班牙文学由于他的成就而登上了文艺复兴时期欧洲文学的高峰。他的不朽名作《堂吉诃德》成为这一时期欧洲文学发展史上的最重要的硕果之一。五、英国文学12.英国人文主义思想在十四世纪已经露出曙光。杰佛利•乔叟就是英国第一个表现出这种新思想倾向的文学代表。他的名著是《坎特伯雷故事集》(大部分用诗体写成)。13.十五世纪末,英国人文主义学者托马斯•莫尔,对话体幻想小说《乌托邦》(1516),是近代空想社会主义小说的开端,在欧洲文学史上占有特殊地位。14.十六世纪中叶以后,英国人文主义文学发展到兴盛时期。埃德曼•斯宾塞,长诗《仙后》被认为是当时英国诗歌的代表作。15.“大学才子派”剧作家有约翰•黎里、罗伯特•格林、托马斯•基德和克里斯托弗•马洛等。其中以马洛最为重要,他的三部悲剧《帖木儿》、《马尔他岛的犹太人》、《浮士德博士的悲剧》*。


题目:谁是首次提出空白诗句英语话剧的主要工具?答案:DChristopher Marlowe was the first English author to make full use of the potential of blank verse, and also established it as the dominant verse form for English drama in the age of Elizabeth I and James I. The major achievements in English blank verse were made by William Shakespeare, who wrote much of the content of his plays in unrhymed iambic pentameter, and Milton, whose Paradise Lost is written in blank verse.克里斯托弗马洛是第一个英文作者充分利用的潜力,无韵诗,还建立了它的主导形式的诗句英语话剧时代的伊丽莎白一世和詹姆斯一,主要成就在英语韵诗发了言威廉莎士比亚,谁写的大部分内容,他的戏剧在unrhymed抑扬格五音,和米尔顿的失乐园是用无韵诗。

《文学概论》课程分A卷和B卷,考生可根据使用教材版本不同任选A卷或B卷,使用1989年版和1995年修订本教材的考生请选A卷,使用2000年第1版的考生,请选B卷,若两卷均答,以A卷作为评卷依据。 A卷 一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1.文学处于人类社会结构中的___________位置上,它与哲学、政治、道德、宗教等一样都属于___________. 2.导致作家艺术风格形成和发展的因素,概括地说,一个是___________的影响;另一个是___________的作用。 3.文学发展的继承和革新的辩证关系,简而言之,继承是___________,革新是___________. 4.依据作品所运用的语言的有韵或无韵,可将文学区分为_________和___________两大类。 5.创作灵感的基本特点是:A、___________B、___________C、___________. 6.对叙事文学而言,艺术构思中形象酝酿阶段的基本使命是:A、使人物形象___________;B、使人物形象___________;C、使人物形象___________. 7.在关于艺术起源的理论中,“劳动说”的先期提出者是___________和___________. 8.从语言的直观层次看,诗歌具有___________和___________的特点。 9.文学作品的形式是指运用语言具体表现作品内容的___________和___________,是作品完成后的感性形态。 二、选择题〔每题1分,共15分。1—5题为单项选择(每题只有一个正确项),6—15题为多项选择(每题有二至五个正确项)。请将所选答案的序号填在题干后的括号内,错选、少选或多选,该题不给分〕 1.在我国文论,最先对诗歌中的作家作品风格进行类型研究的是( ) A. 曹丕 B.陆机 C.刘勰 D.钟嵘 2.“每一种民族文化中,都有两种民族文化”的理论的提出者是( ) A.马克思 B.恩格斯 C.列宁 D.毛泽东 3.依据不同的艺术手法各自在作品中所表现的内容的不同,可将其区分为以下几种( ) A.隐喻、夸张、排比、对偶 B.叙述、描写、抒情、议论 C.讽刺、反语、婉转、荒诞 D.写实、浪漫、象征、魔幻 4.17世纪法国古典主义文艺思潮的哲学基础是( ) A.经验主义 B.实证主义 C.唯理主义 D.感觉主义 5.根据作品容量的大小和篇幅的长短,可将戏剧文学区分为下列类别( ) A.情节剧与抒情剧 B.歌剧与话剧 C.独幕剧与多幕刷 D.悲剧与喜剧 (以下为多项选择题) 6.我国晚清学者王国维认为,诗的意境可区分为以下几类( ) A.雄浑之境 B.冲淡之境 C.有我之境 D.无我之境 E.古朴之境 7.文学作品形式的相对独立性,表现在以下几个方面( ) A.从创作角度看,相似的内容可用不同的文学样式来表现 B.从创作角度看,形式的高下优劣将直接影响内容的表达 C.从发展角度看,一种形式一旦形成便具有相对的稳定性 D.从发展角度看,形式的变革可有力促进文学的快速发展 E.从欣赏角度看,形式最先为读者所感知并可以单独欣赏 8.以审美的方式掌握世界的特点是( ) A.以抽象的理性形式反映对象 B.以具体的感性形式描绘对象 C.以冷静的客观态度说明对象 D.以浓烈的主观情思观照对象 E.以观念性的图式去图解对象 9.叙事类文学中的典型人物是一个有机统一的性格整体,它包含以下几方面内容( ) A.在生命性的基础上,普遍性与个性的统一 B.在哲理化的基础上,抽象性与象征性的统一 C.在形象性的基础上,理念性与经验性的统一 D.在整体性的基础上,丰富性与特征性的统一 E.在审美性的基础上,独创性与深刻性的统一 10.下列文学流派中属于西方现代主义范畴的是( ) A.自然主义 B.表现主义 C.象征主义 D.存在主义 E.超现实主义 11.文学作品语言的特征是( ) A.音乐性 B.形象性 C.说明性 D.含蓄性 E.情感性 12.文学创作的主导思维方式为什么是形象思维 它是由下列哪些因素所决定的( ) A.文学所表现的特殊对象内容 B.文学所运用的特殊方式手段 C.文学所采用的语言文字材料 D.文学所发挥的独特社会功能 E.文学所身处的意识形态地位 13.文学鉴赏之所以具有审美享受的性质,其主要原因是( ) A.鉴赏的客体作品内蕴审美特质 B.鉴赏的客体作品具有思想倾向 C.读者以审美的态度去观照作品 D.读者以理性的思维去分析作品 E.读者以科学的精神去阐释作品 14.在我国文学,以作家在创作题材上的共同性来命名的文学流派有( ) A.边塞诗派 B.江西诗派 C.山水诗派 D.田园诗派 E.阳湖诗派 15.评价文学作品的艺术标准,可具体化为以下几方面内容( ) A.反映生活的真实性 B.艺术形象的典型性 C.作品组构的整体性 D.艺术表现的独创性 E.作品特色的民族性 三、名词解释(每题3分,共15分) 1.情节 2.审美享受 3.艺术构思 4.典型人物 5.“巫术说” 四、辨析题(每题7分,共14分;先判断命题的正误,然后简要地阐明理由) 1.一个时代文学的繁荣局面,是由作家和读者共同造就的。 2.所谓文学的世界性,是指文学的民族性消亡后的全球大一统的文学。 五、简答题(每题6分,共12分) 1.怎样理解语言艺术形象的间接性特点及它的长处与短处。 2.文学作品的主题为什么会具有时代性 六、论述题(每题12分,共24分) 1.在同一民族、同一时代中,产生文学风格多样性的原因是什么 2.为什么说文学批评是一种融合了社会批评的美学批评 B卷 一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1.波兰现象学美学家英加登认为作品由___________、意义层、___________和___________中的“世界”层等四个层次构成。 2.文本只有在读者阅读过程中,经过读者的体验,并与作者构成___________时,才能被称为美学对象。 3.中国近代学者王国维认为,意境可以区分为___________和___________. 4.文学象征意象的基本表现手段是___________. 5.隐含的作者是在叙述者背后使叙述者和他的___________得以存在的___________. 6.在抒情作品的创作中,抒情的途径一般有:一、___________;二、___________. 7.艺术直觉是指在文学活动中主体从对象的___________上直接把握其内在蕴含与意义的思维方式或___________. 8.在文学接受活动中,接受者的阅读动机主要有三种:一是___________;二是__________;三是___________. 9.我国20世纪80年代末兴起的先锋小说家的无体裁写作主要有两种形式,其一是__________;其二是___________. 10.英国伯明翰当代文化研究中心的理论家曾把文文化阅读区分为__________和___________. 二、选择题〔每题1分,共15分。1—5题为单项选择(每题只有一个正确项),6—15题为多项选择(每题有二至五个正确项)。请将所选答案的序号填在题干后的括号内,错选、少选或多选,该题不给分〕 1.在第三人称叙述中,由于叙述者的叙述视点可以游移,因此,这种叙述又被称作( ) A.游移焦点叙述B.多焦点叙述 C.无焦点叙述 D.反焦点叙述 2.提出“诗为乐心,声为乐体”的中国古代文艺理论家是( ) A.陆机 B.刘勰 C.叶燮 D.严羽 3.现代数码成像技术比古老的神话更善于制造的是( ) A.虚拟现实 B.生活真实 C.悲剧效果 D.喜剧效果 4.作家创作活动的动力是( ) A.表象记忆 B.情绪记忆 C.情感积累 D.生活阅历 5.直接运用巫术说来解释史前艺术的理论家是( ) A.爱德华 泰勒 B.弗雷泽 C.苏珊 朗格 D.萨洛蒙 赖纳许 (以下为多项选择题) 6.从创作动机在创作过程中所起的作用来看,我们可以将创作动机区分为( ) A.主导动机 B.积极动机 C.非主导动机 D.消极动机 E.以上四项均对 7.后现代主义作品中最突出体现新观念的特征的是文本的( ) A.拼贴 B.拼接 C.杂陈 D.并置 E.排列 8.以下属于审美的是( ) A.审丑 B.审崇高 C.审卑下 D.审悲 E.审喜 9.一定的政治体制与政治观点及其变化,对文学的重要影响体现在( ) A.处于社会变革时期的政治以及激烈的阶级斗争,影响文学的方向和性质 B.统治阶级的政策制度以及个人好恶,影响文学的内容与风格 C.处于社会变革时期的政治以及激烈的阶级斗争,影响文学的繁荣或萧条 D.不同时期的政治,影响文学的内容与风格 E.统治阶级的政策制度以及个人好恶,影响文学的繁荣或萧条 10.文学文本区别于一般文本的独特之处在于( ) A.文学文本具有内指性 B.文学文本总是指一种实际语言形态 C.文学文本建构的是一个虚幻的世界 D.文学文本往往要表达某种相对完整的意义 E.文学文本总是被创造出来供读者阅读和接受的 11.20世纪20年代产生的英美新批评派的代表人物有( ) A.杰姆逊 B.休姆 C.理查兹 D.兰索姆 E.热奈特 12.文学的文化意义包括( ) A.文学可以揭示人的生存境遇 B.文学可以叩问人的生存意义 C.文学可以沟通人与人、人与自然之间的联系 D.文学可以揭示人的生存状况 E.文学可以憧憬人类的未来 13.文学语言组织的审美特征主要表现在以下哪些方面( ) A.内指性 B.音乐性 C.陌生化 D.本色化 E.表现性 14.典型环境与典型人物之所以是一种相互依存的关系在于( ) A.没有典型环境,典型人物就不能形成 B.典型环境是形成典型人物性格的基础 C.典型环境也以典型人物的存在而存在 D.典型环境制约着人物性格的发展变化 E.典型人物对环境具有反作用 15.以下关于情绪与情感之间的关系表述正确的是( ) A.情绪主要源于人的生理性需要,情感则主要源于人的社会性需要 B.情绪产生在情感之前 C.情绪具有一定的情境性,情感不仅有情境性而且有稳定性 D.情绪与情感相互依赖 E.情绪是情感的外部表现,情感是情绪的本质内容 三、名词解释(每题3分,共15分) 1.文学典型 2.原型意象 3.审美心理结构 4.文学思潮 5.语音层面 四、辨析题(每题7分,共14分;先判断命题的正误,然后简要地阐明理由) 1.艺术想象就是艺术直觉。 2.从文学的审美特性看,语言是文学文本的美的组成部分。 五、简答题(每题6分,共12分) 1.文学的电子传播的特征。 2.文学创作中对于语言的运用有哪些具体要求 六、论述题(每题12分,共24分) 1.文学消费与一般商品消费的区别。 2.根据你所学的文学理论知识,请区别文学与科学文化。 浙江省2001年10月高等教育自学考试 文学概论(一)试题参考答案 课程代码:00529 A卷 一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1.上层建筑 社会意识形态 2.社会历史的客观条件 作家自己的主观条件 3.革新的前提和基础 继承的目的和要求(或称目的和方向) 4.韵文(或称文) 散文(或称笔) 5.突发性 直觉性 创新性 6.清晰起来 丰满起来 活跃起来 7.沃拉斯切克 毕歇尔 8.韵律之美 高度凝练 9.内容结构 表现手段 二、选择题(每题1分,共15分) 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.CD 7.ACE 8.BD 9.ADE 10.BCDE 11.ABDE 12.ABD 13.AC 14.ACD 15.ABCDE 三、名词解释(每题3分,共15分) 1.指叙事文学作品中由人物的活动及人物间的相互关系所构成的一系列生活事件的发展过程,是人物性格成长和构成的历史。 2.指读者在阅读文学作品中,他的感知、情感、想象、理解等诸多心理功能被调动起来,处于无障碍状态,从而使他获得一种心灵上的自由、超脱和愉悦。 3.指作家在感受、认识所汲取的生活材料的内在意蕴的基础上,依据一定的意图,运用典型化或意境化的方法建构起一个完整的艺术形象体系的心理活动。 4.指作家的审美力和生命力所创造的,由蕴含着丰富的社会人生意蕴和文化心理意蕴的普遍性、特殊性和个性三个层次互相交融所组成的艺术形象,是一个既有深刻的社会意义又有高度的审美价值的完满而有生气的性格整体。 5.在探索文艺起源问题上的一种理论观点,由英国人类学家爱德华 泰勒和弗雷泽提出。他们认为原始人的一切创作活动都包含着巫术的意义,都是原始巫术的直接表现,因为巫术的思维法则的推动才促成了艺术的诞生。 四、辨析题(每题7分,共14分) 1.对。 文学的繁荣当然离不开作家的创作,但是,它并非作家单方面努力的结果。因为创作的根本目的是为了满足读者的审美需求,所以,读者对文学的热情如何、需求如 何,将直接影响作家的创作激情与创作走向。即是说,只有作家与读者的积极性都发挥出来,并且相互合作,携手并进,才能造就文学的繁荣局面。 2.错。 文学的民族性与文学的世界性并不是截然对立的社会属性。文学的世界性的涵义应作如下理解: 一是各民族的优秀文学越来越多的跨出国门,流传于世界各地,成为世界人民所共享的精神财富。 二是各民族文学在相互间频繁地借鉴、吸收和交融汇合中,不断催生出带普遍性的新的艺术素质来。 五、简答题(每题6分,共12分) 1. 语言艺术形象的间接性特点是:它不像其他艺术形式的形象那样具有直观性。读者面对文学作品根本无法看到形象,读者只有在理解作品的语言的基础上,经过自己 的想象和联想,才能在脑子里浮现出相应的形象来。就是说,读者是通过理解语言符号间接地感受到文学作品中所塑造的艺术形象的。 它的长处是:文学能给读者留下广阔的想象性天地,读者可依据自己的生活经验和知识积累去丰富它、充实它。 短处是:一部秀、最出色的文学作品,对于不懂作品所用以塑造形象的语言的人来说,是毫无意义的。 2.文学作品的主题具有时代性的原因是; 首先,文学反映的总是特定时代的生活内容,其与时代相关联的生活情景、审美意识 等不可能不在作品中表现出来。 其次,作家的心灵窗口会敏感地接纳时代的风云变幻,作家的社会责任性会促进他关注时代的社会问题,并以自己独特的视角与时代相适应的审美理想、审美方式反映它们。 再次,公众的审美趣味、审美要求也总是带有时代特征的,并且会通过这样那样的途径反馈于文学创作。 六、论述题(每题12分,共24分) 1.产生文学风格多样性的主要原因是: 第一、现实社会生活的多样性。生活是文学风格的客观基础,而现实和历史的社会生活不仅是五光十色、异常多样的,而且是变动不居、流动发展的。这样,具有多样性的现实与历史的社会生活,必然导致文学风格的多样性。 第二、作家创作个性的多样性。文学风格是作家创作个性在作品中的体现,而不同的作家因其个性气质、生活实践、文化素养、艺术追求等因素的不同,会形成不同 的创作个性,同一作家其创作个性也会有所变化与发展。这样,多样性的创作个性,必然会使文学风格出现多样性。 第三、公众审美要求的多样性。文学的根本目的是服务于公众,满足公众的审美要求。而公众因其所处的生活环境、社会地位、文化素养、年龄性别等的不同,会形成多种多样的审美趣味和审美要求。这样,多样性的审美要求反馈于文学创作,必然会产生出多样性的文学风格。 2.说文学批评是一种融合了社会批评的美学批评的原因是: 第一、文学作品说到底是社会生活的能动反映,一切时代的优秀的文学作品中,总是包含着深广的社会内容,总是要提出一定的社会问题的。因此,批评就必须依据 正确的历史观和一定的社会生活为参照系,来分析、研究作品,才可能对作品作出客观、公正的评价。就是说,文学批评首先是一种社会批评。 第二、文学批评的主要对象是文学作品,而文学作品的特点在于审美。文学所反映的生活,虽然融合着政治、经济、道德、宗教、哲学等各种因素,但其中的审美因 素却是基本的和主要的。因此,文学批评又不能不是美学批评,即依据一定的美学观来对作品进行分析、研究、并对其作出中肯的审美价值方面的评价。 B卷 一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1.语音层 图式外观层 意向性状态 2.对话关系 3.有我之境 无我之境 4.象征性 5.讲述行为 一种意识 6.以声传情、声情并茂 以景结情、情景交融 7.感性形式 心理能力 8.审美和娱乐 求知与受教 批评与借鉴 9.多语体或杂语体小说 自反小说或元小说 10.品质阅读 价值阅读 二、选择题(每题1分,共15分) 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.AC 7.AD 8.ABCDE 9.ADE 10.BDE 11.BCD 12.ABCDE 13.ABCD 14.AC 15.ABCDE 三、名词解释(每题3分,共15分) 1.是指写实型作品言语系统中呈现的、显出特征的、富于审美魅力的、含有丰厚历史意蕴的性格,又称典型人物或典型性格。 2.是指在某种抒情传统中长期反复使用并因之产生了固定内涵的模式化意象。 3.是指接受者原有的文学知识、审美趣味以及阅读过的作品所构成的比较稳定的心理图式。 4.是在一定的时空范围内流行的文学观念与文学创作潮流,它与特定的社会思潮、哲学思想相关联,体现了一定历史时段内文学的主要倾向。 5.是文学语言组织的基本层面之一,它是文学语言组织的语音组合系统。 四、辨析题(每题7分,共14分) 1. 错。 首先,艺术想象与艺术直觉有许多共同点,它们都与感性形象紧密相关,都伴随着强烈的美感享受,都具有创造性。 其次,虽然二者具有共同点,但艺术想象不是艺术直觉,艺术想象的过程一般是有意识的,而艺术直觉的过程则是无意识的;而且艺术想象的过程是由感性形象到感 性形象,期间虽有创造,但也主要是形象层面的加工改造,而艺术直觉的过程则是从感性形象入手,终结于形象所蕴含的意义与韵味的把握。 2.对。 首先,语言中蕴含着语音、节奏、象征、形态等审美的因素,在文学中,通过作家对语言的这些“美的资源”的悉心开发和铸造,语言本身在意义表达中就会显示出它的独特的“美”来。因此,语言是文学文本的美的资源。 其次,在文学中,语言当其成功地和富于个性地表达了意义时,它本身也会显示出独特的美来,语言美是文学美的不可分割的组成部分。 五、简答题(每题6分,共12分) 1.首先,电子传播是视听复合符号的信息传播。 其次,电子传播提供的直观性是空前的真实与虚假的混合。 再次,电子传播具有世界性与商业化的倾向。 2.文学创作中对语言运用的具体要求有: (1)文学创作的语言表达要恰如其分。 (2)文学创作的语言表达要有透明性。 (3)文学创作的语言表达要有独创性。 六、论述题(每题12分,共24分) 1.首先,在消费需求与目的上,一般物质产品的消费主要满足人们物质生活的需要,以实用性、功利性为目的;文学消费则主要满足人们精神文化生活的需要,以审美性、娱乐性为目的。 其次,在消费方式与评价上,一般物质产品的消费都造成实物的减少或破旧,引起价值有形或无形的损耗,而文学消费则只损耗产品的物质形式方面的价值,其内蕴的文化审美价值并不因传播与接受而减损。 再次,在消费实现上,一般物质产品以被使用和主体的享受为消费实现,非艺术、文学的精神产品一般也以某种知识观念的汲取与引用为消费过程的终结,它们都是 为消费而消费,并不对产品本身构成新的生产与再生产。文学消费则既是名副其实的消费,又是富有创造意义的生产,两者同步进行构成了消费实现。 2.首先,文学的中心问题首先是人、人的感受、情感、愿望和理想。科学的中心问题则主要是自然世界,科学也研究人自身,但在科学尤其是在自然科学中,人主要作为一种自然而进入科学的视野。 其次,文学和科学都要揭示世界的奥秘:文学要揭示的是人的心灵方面的奥秘,科学揭示的是自然方面的奥秘。 再次,文学与科学都追求真与美,但文学追求的真主要是人的情感的真,科学则追求客观世界规律的真;科学在必须选择时,它选择真而“牺牲”美,文学则在真与美二者中永不可作单一的选择。文学要求真、善、美的统一。

Exercise One I. Name the Writers by the given passages. (10%)( ) 1. What man art thou,quoth he, That lookest as thou wouldst find a hare; For ever on the ground I see thee stare.( ) 2. Here where nothing is private, the common affairs be earnestly looked upon...There where all things be common to every man, It is not to be doubted that any an shall lack anything necessary for his private use, so that the common storehouses bars be sufficiently stored( ) 3. Can honor set to a leg ?no, or an arm? No:...what is honor? A word, what is that word, honor? Air.( ) 4. ...What though the field be lost? All is not lost; the unconquerable will And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield...( ) 5. It sucked me first, and now sucks thee, And in this flea, our two bloods mingled be; This flea is you & I,& this Our marriage-bed, marriage temple is.( ) 6. To err is human, to forgive ,divine( ) 7. Imitation here will not to do the business. The picture must be after Nature herself.( ) 8. Mother bore me in the southern wild And I am black, but O ! my soul is white; White as an angel is the English child But I am black, as if bereaved of light( ) 9. Farewell my friend ! farewell my foes ! My peace with these, my love with those: The bursting tears my heart declare----- Farewell the bonnie banks of Ayr!( ) 10. I love all that thou lovest Spirit of Delight ! The fresh earth in new leaves dressed And the stary night Autumn evening, the moon When the golden mists are bornII.True & False statement. (20%)( ) 1. Chancer's contribution to English poetry lies chiefly in the fact he introduced from France the rhymed stanza in Iambic meter to English poetry.( ) 2. Hamlet,the great tragedy of Shakespear, with perfect artistry, studys the big question "to be or no to be."( ) 3. Bacon was the founder of modern science & also famous for his "essays."( ) 4. Milton's Areopagistica is a pamphlet about religious abuse.( ) 5. University wits contribute a lot in prose writing as well as drama writing.( ) 6. Romance is a typical kind of noble literature & has nothing to do with common people.( ) 7. Sperser's "Faerie Queene", Sidney's "Astrophel & Stella "& Shakespeare's"Sonnets" are the most famous sonnet sequences of Elizabethan Age.( ) 8.Blank verse is the most popular literary form in 11th-14th century.( ) 9. Marlowe was the greatest pioneer of English drama & it was Marlowe who first made blank verse the principal instrument of English drama.( ) 10.The eighteenth century is an enlightenment century that most of the writers show great interest on reasoning, rationality & classicism (Neo-classicism)( ) 11.Swift was born in London, England. He was a national literary figure & well-known by his humorous work-----Gulliver's Travels.( ) 12.Defoe is the author of Robinson Crusoe, which is a scientific and fantastic work.( ) 13.Richardison wrote his first novel when he was very young, he is thought as the follower of English psycho-analytical novelist.( ) 14.Shelley is among the world's greatest lyric poets. He is the most wonderful lyric poet England has ever produced.( ) 15.Tom Jones is the masterpiece of Henry Fielding & it offers a panoramic picture of 18th century England with the life of people in London, in the countryside & on the open road.( ) 16.Robert Burns is a peasant poet & is famous for his songs  written in the Scottish dialect on a variety of subjects.( ) 17.Lamb,Hunt,Hazlitt & De Quincy are among the most famous prose writers in romantic period.( ) 18.Sentimentalism is the transition period from realism to romanticism.( ) 19.The best known historical novel created by Walter Scott is "Ivanhoe."( ) 20.Charles Dickens is the best known representative of critical realism.III. Put the literary terms into Chinese. (20%) 1. alliteration 2. Romance 3. allegory 4. blank verse 5. euphuism 6. tragic-comedy 7. ballad 8. elegy 9. pastoral 10. picaresque novel 11. heroic couplet 12. lyrics 13. metaphysical poets 14. Spenserian stanza 15. realistic fiction 16. Romanticism 17. canto 18. soliloquy 19. neo-classicism 20. interludeIV. With the character of the book giving out, write down the name of the book. (10%) 1. The Wife of Bath 2. Bassanio ,Antonio 3. Sir John Falstaff 4. Friday 5. Joseph Andrews 6. Clarissa 7. Sophia 8. Don Juan 9. Cythna 10. LilliputiansV. Match the following information. 1. William Shakespeare a. To Daffodils 2. Walt Scott b. Ode to West Wind 3. Percy Bysshe Shelley c. Ivanhoe 4. William Longland d. Pilgrim's Progress 5. Geoffrey Chaucer e. Oliver Twist 6. Charles Dickens f. Piers the Plowman 7. John Milton g. Troilus & Criseyde 8. John Bunyan h. Utopia 9. Thomas More i. Samson Agonistes 10. William Wordsworth j. OthelloVI. Listing. (20%)1. List the most important dramas created by William Shakespeare (At least 8 of them) (8%)2. List the famous women characters appearing in the works in each important literary periods.(5%)3. List five important poets of different literary periods (5%)4. List two best English elegies in English literary history(2%)VII. William Wordsworth's literary theory of poetry.(10%) 参考答案:I.1. Geoffrey Chaucer 2. Thomas More 3. Shakespeare 4. John Milton 5. John Donne 6. Alexander Pope 7.Henry Fielding 8. William Blake 9. Robert Burns 10. Percy Bysshe ShelleyII. 1-5 T T T F T 6-10 T F F T T 11-15 F F F T T 16-20 T T F T T III. 1. 头韵 2. 传奇文学/罗曼司 3. 讽寓 4. 无韵诗/白体诗 5. 夸饰文体 6. 悲剧 7. 遥曲/民谣/民歌 8. 挽歌/诗 9. 田园牧歌作品 10. 流浪汉小说 11. 英雄双行/韵体 12. 抒情诗 13.玄学派诗人 14. 斯宾塞诗节 15. 现实主义小说 16. 浪漫主义 17. 诗章 18. 独白 19.新古典主义 20. 插剧IV. 1. Canterbury Tales 2. The Merchant of Venice 3. Henry IV 4. Robinson Crusoe 5.Joseph Andrews 6. Clarissa Harlowe 7. Tom Jones 8. Don Juan 9. The Revolt of Islam  10. Gulliver's TravelsV. 1-5 JCBFG 6-10 EIDHAVI.1. A Midsummer Night's Dream As You Like It The Merchant of Venice Twelfth Night Hamlet macbeth Othello King Lear 2. Wife of Bath,Portia,Betrice, Pamela, Clarissa, Cythna 3. Chaucer ,Edmund Spenser ,John Milton, Alexander Pope, William Wordsworth  4.Shelley's "Adonais" & Mitton "Lycidas".VII. 1. All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings 2. The theme is to be situations & incidents chosen from common life 3. The language used is to be a selection of language really used by men 4. Ordinary things are to be presented in an unusual way 5. finding of universal signicance in human societyExercise Two+I. With the following passages, please name the writers.(10%)( ) 1."Farewell,my friends ! Farewell, my foes ! My please with these, my love with those: The bursting tears my heart declare_______ Farewell the bonnie banks of ayr ! "( ) 2. The curfew tolls the knell of parting day. The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea; The plowman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to blackness and to me.( ) 3. My mother bore me in the southern wild, And I am black, but o ! my soul is white; White as an angel is the English child, But I am black, as if brereav'd of light.( ) 4. Vain, very vain, my weary search to find That bliss which only centers in the mind. Why have I strayed from pleasure and repose To seek a good each government bestows ?( ) 5. When I had once addressed your lordship in public, I had exhausted all the art of pleasing which a retired and uncouthly scholar can possess...Is not a Patron, my lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the water, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help ?( ) 6. Break, break, break, On thy cold gray stones, sea ! And I would that my tongue could utter The thoughts that arise in me.( ) 7. The year's at the spring And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; The will-side's few-pearled; The lard's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn: God's in the heaven ______________ All's right with the world !( ) 8. If thou must love me, let it be for naught Except for love's sake only. Do not say "I love her for her smile...her look...her way Of speaking gently...For a trick of thought( ) 9. I shall not see the shadows, I shall not feel the rain; I shall not hear the nightingale Sing on as if in pain.( ) 10.Cast a cold eye On life, on death. Horseman, pass by !II. Some of the following statements are true, some false. Mark them out.(20%)( ) 1. W.B.Yeats was a poet and dramatist, who was born in Ireland.( ) 2. Thomas Hardy was only a novelist, who didn't write any poem at all.( ) 3. John Galsworthy was one of the most prominent of the 20th century English realistic writers.( ) 4. Mrs Warren's profession is one of the "Plays Unpleasent" by Bernard Shaw.( ) 5. Thomas Stearns Eliot was a poet, dramatist and a critic.( ) 6. Alfred Tennyson was the only English poet ever to have been ennobled purely for poetry.( ) 7. Ben Jonson was a famous poet-dramatist, who advocated reformation in classic  drama of old Greek and Roman masters.( ) 8. Shakespeare's long experience with the stage and his intimate knowledge of  dramatic art thus acquired doesn't make him a master----hand for play----writing but( ) 9. " O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon, Irrecoverably dark,total eclipse Without all hope of day !" The above lines are from Byron's Don Juan, not from John Milton's Samson Agonistes.( )10. Robert Burns and Walter Scott were born in Scotland, both of them are  the famous national poets.III. Put the following literary terms into Chinese. (25%) 1. Aesthetic 11. iambus 21. cavalier poets 2. Imagism 12. poet 22. enlighten 3. Modernism 13. romanticism 23. sentimentalism 4. tragedy 14. trochee 24. naturalism 5. comedy 15. Critical Realism 25. historical novel 6. monologue 16. Renaissance 7. blank verse 17. humanism 8. sonnet 18. artistic 9. quatrain 19. literary career 10. anapest 20. metaphysical poetsIV. Write down the name of the book with the given characters. (10%) 1. Lady Chatterley 2. Tess and Angel Clare 3. Edith and Carker 4. Beck Sharp and Amelia Sedley 5. Mr.Rochester 6. Heathcliff and Catherine 7. John Barton and his daughter Mary 8. Adam Bede and Hetty Sorrel 9. Clarissa 10.Joseph AndrewsV. Link the author and the work together.(12%) 1. Shakespeare A. Dombey and Son 2. Dickens B. Ivanhoe 3. W.B.Yeats C. Tess of D'urbervilles Villes 4. T.S.Eliot D. Heartbreak House 5. Henry James E. Women in Love 6. Virginia Woolf F. Prometheus Unbound 7. James Joyce G. The Portrait of a Lady 8. Walter Scott H. the Tower 9. Bernard Shaw I. Ullysses 10. Hardy,Thomas J. Night and Day 11. D.H.Lawrence K. Waste Land 12. Shelly L. OthelloVI.Fill in the blanks.(8%)1. __________________was the work that first make Dickens famous as a popular writer of novel.2.After he went blind,Milton wrote and finished his three great works:epic masterpieces_________and ________and one biblical tragedy ___________.3. Wordsworth was the world's greatest interpreter on ___________.He looked upon himself as _______________.4.ALexander Pope was the undisputable master in the field of ______________and ___________verse.5. Burns is a patriotic poet as well as a national symbol of ____________.6. In 1884 ____________was made a Baron___________the only English poet ever to have been ennobled purely for his poetry.7. "Dover Beach" is a poem by _____________,who was also a famous critic.8. ________________was not only the last but the most perfect of romanticists.VII. Comment on 20th century English modernism literature.(15%)标 准 答 案I. 1. Robert Burns 2. Thomas Gray 3. William Blake 4. Oliver Goldsmith 5. Samuel Johnson 6. Alfred Tennyson 7. Robert Browning 8. Elizabeth Barret 9. Christina Georgina Rossetti 10. W.B.yeatsII. TFTTTTFFFFIII.1.审美原理 2. 意象主义(派) 3. 现代主义 4. 悲剧 5. 喜剧 6.独白 7.素体诗 8. 商籁体(十四行诗) 9. 四行诗 10. 抑抑扬格 11.抑扬格 12.音步 13.浪漫主义 14. 扬抑格 15. 批判现实主义 16. 文艺复兴 17.人文主义 18.艺术的 19.文学生涯 20. 玄学诗人 21. 骑士诗人 22. 启蒙主义 23.感伤主义 24.自然主义 25.历史小说IV.1. Lady Chatteley's Lover 2. Tess of D'urbervilles 3. Dombey and Son 4. Vanity Fair 5. Jane Eyre 6. Wuthering Heights 7. Mary Barton,a Tale of Manchester Life 8. Adam Bede 9. Clarrisa Harlowe 10.Joseph AndrewsV. 1.(L) 2. (A) 3.(I) 4.(K) 5.(G) 6. (H) 7. (I) 8. (B) 9.(D) 10. (C)  11.(E) 12. (F)VI.1. The Pickwick Papers 2. Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes 3. nature's message, nature's priest 4. satire, didactic 5. Scotland  6. Tennyson 7. Matthew Arnold 8. KeatsVII. omitted


The major writers of the Modern Period Ⅰ。Ezra Pound (1885-1972) 一。 一般识记 Ezra Pound's contribution to American literature: Pound was one of the most important poets and critics of his time and he was regarded as the father of modern American poetry. He is a leading spokesman of the "Imagist Movement", which though short-lived, had a tremendous influence on modern poetry. 二。 识记 His major works: Pound composed poems, wrote criticisms and did translations. (1) His poetic works: In 1915 Pound began writing his great work, The Cantos, which spanned from 1917 to 1959 and were collected in The Cantos of Ezra Pound (1986)。 He joined a famous literary salon run by an American woman writer Gertrude Stein, and became involved in the experimentations on poetry. His other poetic works include twelve volumes of verse Collected Early Poems of Ezra Pound (1982), and Personae (1909), and some longer pieces such as Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920)。 (2) His critical essays: Make It New (l934), Literary Essays (l954), The ABC of Reading (1934) and Polite Essays (l937), etc. These essays best reflect Pound's appraisals of literary traditions and of modern writing. (3) His translations: The Translations of Ezra Pound (1953), Confucius (1969), and Shih-Ching (1954) These translations have not only cast light on Pound's affinity to the Chinese and his strenuous effort in the study of Oriental literature, but also offered us a clue to the understanding of his poetry and literary theory. From the analysis of the Chinese ideogram Pound learned to anchor his poetic language in concrete, perceptual reality, and to organize images into larger patterns through juxtoposition. 三。 领会 1. Ezra Pound's poetic subjects or themes: (1) His earlier poetry is saturated with the familiar poetic subjects that characterize the 19th century Romanticism: songs in praise of a lady, songs concerning the poet's craft, love and friendship, death, the transience of beauty and the permanence of art, and some other subjects that Pound could call his own: the pain of exile, metamorphosis, the delightful psychic experience, the ecstatic moment, etc. (2) Later he is more concerned about the problems of the modern culture: the contemporary cultural decay and the possible sources of cultural renewal as well. In The Cantos, Pound traces the rise and fall of eastern and western empires, the moral and social chaos of the modern world, especially the corruption of America after the heroic time of Jefferson. From the perception of these things, stems the poet's search for order, which involves a search for the principles on which the poet's craft is based. 2. His artistic achievment: (1) He is the leader of the Imagist Movement: Led by the American poet Ezra Pound, Imagist Movement is a poetic movement that flourished in the U.S. and England between 1909-1917. It advances modernism in arts which concentrated on reforming the medium of poetry as opposed to Romanticism, especially Tennyson's wordiness and high-flown language in poetry. Pound endorsed three main principles as guidelines for Imagism, including direct treatment of poetic subjects, elimination of merely ornamental or superfluous words, and rhythmical composition in the sequence of the musical phrase rather than in the sequence of a metronome. The primary Imagist objective is to avoid rhetoric and moralizing, to stick closely to the object or experience being described, and to move from explicit generalization. The leading poets are Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, D.H.Lawrence, etc. Pound's famous one-image poem "In a Station of the Metro" would serve as a typical example of the Imagist ideas. (2) His use of myth and personae: Pound argued that the poet cannot relate a delightful psychic experience by speaking out directly in the first person: he must "screen himself" and speak indirectly through as impersonal and objective story, which is usually a myth or a piece of the earlier literature, or a "mask," that is a persona. In this way, Pound could sustain a dialogue between past and present succesfully. (persona: It is an invented person; a character in drama or fiction. Persona, a Latin word meaning "mask ," is used in Jungian psychology to refer to one's "public personality"-the facade or mask presented to the world but not representative of inner feelings and emotions. In literary criticism, persona is sometimes used to refer to a person figuring in, for example, a poem, someone who may or may not represent the author himself. ) (3) His language: His lines are usually oblique yet marvelously compressed. His poetry is dense with personal, literary, and historical allusions, but at the expense of syntax and summary statements. 四。应用:Selected Readings: 1. In a Station of the Metro (1) Theme: This poem is an observation of the poet of the human faces seen in a Paris subway station or a description of a moment of sudden emotion at seeing beautiful faces in a Metro in Paris. He sees the faces, turned variously toward light and darkness, like flower petals which are half absorbed by, half resisting, the wet, dark texture of a bough. (2) The one image in this poem: This poem is probably the most famous of all imagist poems. In two lines it combines a sharp visual image or two juxtoposed images (意象叠加) "Petals on a wet, black bough" with an implied meaning. The faces in the dim light of the Metro suggest both the impersonality and haste of city life and the greater transience of human life itself. The word "apparition" is a well-chosen one which has a two-fold meaning: Firstly, it means a visible appearance of something real. Secondly, it builds an image of a ghostly sight, a delusive and unexpected appearance. (3) Pound uses the fewest possible words to convey an accurate image, which is the principle of the Imagist poetry. This poem looks to be a modern adoption of the haiku form of Japanese poetry which adapts the 3-line, 17 syllable and where the title is an intergral part of the whole. The poem succeeds largely because of its internal rhymes: station/apparition; Metro/petals/wet; crowd/bough. Its form was determined by the experience that inspired it, involving organically rather than being chosen arbitrarily. 2. The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter (1) Theme: It is an adaptation from the Chinese Li Po (701-762) named Rihaku in Japanese, which, by means of vivid images and shifting tones, describes the silky shy tenderness of the young wife writing to her absent husband the river-merchant. The history of her feelings for her husband develops as the following: her bashfulness when she was a young girl, her spiritual affinity with him during the phase of their marriage, the material nature of her love at the time of his departure as well as her longing for his return when she grows old. (2) use of images and allusion: In this poem Pound uses images such as "hair" "grown moss" "falling leaves" to suggest the passing years and growing age. Besides, Pound employs an allusion to "a story of a woman waiting for her husband on a hill." In Pound's version, the line emphasizes the otherworldly nature of her love during her marriage. 3. A Pact This poem is about Pound's evaluation on Whitman. Pound started to find some agreement between "Whitmanesque" free verse, which he had attacked for its carelessness in composition, and the "verse libre" of the Imagists who showed more concern for formal values. In the poem Pound affirmed Whitman's contribution in the experiment on the form and content of American poetry and expressed his eagerness to communicate with Whitman…… Ⅱ。 Robert Lee Frost (l874-l963) 一。 一般识记 His life and writing: Frost is an important poet in the 20th century .He won the Pulitzer Prize four times and read poetry at the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy in 1961. He spent his early childhood in the Far West and later the family moved to New Hampshire. He went to Harvard but left in the middle because of his tuberculosis. When he was 28, he began to venture on writing. 二。 识记 His major works: His first book A Boy's Will (1913), whose lyrics trace a boy's development from self-centered idealism to maturity, is marked by an intense but restrained emotion and the characteristic flavor of New Eng1and life. His second book, a volume of poems North of Boston (1914), is described by the author as "a book of people," which shows a brilliant insight into New England character and the background that formed it. Many of his major poems are collected in this volume, such as "Mending the Wall," in which Frost saw man as learning from nature the zones of his own 1imitations, and "Home Buria1," which probes the darker corners of individual lives in a situation where man cannot accept the facts of his condition. Mountain Interval (19l6) contains such characteristic poems as "The Road Not Taken," "Birches". New Hampshire (1923) that won Frost the first of four Pulitzer Prizes includes "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", which stems from the ambiguity of the speaker's choice between safety and the unknown. The collection West-Running Brook (1928) poses disturbing uncertainties about man's prowess and importance. Collected Poems (l930) and A Further Range (1935) gathered Frost's second and third Pulitzer Prizes. Both translate modern upheaval into poetic materia1 the poet could skillfully control. Frost's fourth Pulitzer Prize was awarded for A Witness Tree (l942) which includes "The Gift Outright," the poem he later recited at President Kennedy's inauguration. Frost took up a religious question most notably in "After Apple-Picking:" can a man's best efforts ever satisfy God? A Masque of Reason (l945) and A Masque of Mercy (1947) are comic-serious dramatic narratives, in both of which biblical characters in modern settings discuss ethics and man's re1ations to God. 三。 领会 1. His thematic concerns: (1) Generally Frost is considered a regional poet whose subject matters mainly focus on the landscape and people in New England. These thematic concerns include the terror and tragedy in nature, as well as its beauty, and the 1oneliness and poverty of the isolated human being. But first and foremost Frost is concerned with his love of life and his belief in a serenity that only came from working usefully, which he practiced himself throughout his life. (2) Frost wrote many poems that investigate the basic themes of man's life: the individual's relationships to himself, to his fellow-man, to world, and to his God. Profound meanings are hidden underneath the plain language and simple form. His poetry, by using nature as a storehouse of analogy and symbol, often probes mysteries of darkness and irrationality in the bleak and chaotic landscapes of an indifferent universe when men stand alone, unaided and perplexed. 2. His nature poems: Robert Frost is mainly known for his poems concerning New England life. He learned from the tradition, especially the familiar conventions of nature poetry and of classical pastoral poetry, and made the colloquial New England speech into a poetic expression. A poem so conceived thus becomes a symbo1 or metaphor, a careful, loving exploration of reality, in Frost's version, "a momentary stay against confusion." Many of his poems are fragrant with natural quality. Images and metaphors in his poems are drawn from the rural world, the simple country 1ife and the pastoral 1andscape. However, profound ideas are delivered under the disguise of the p1ain language and the simple form, for what Frost did is to take symbols from the limited human world and the pastoral landscape to refer to the great world beyond the rustic scene. These thematic concerns include the terror and tragedy in nature, as well as its beauty, and the 1oneliness and poverty of the isolated human being. But first and foremost Frost is concerned with his love of life and his belief in a serenity that only came from working usefully, which he practiced himself throughout his life. 3. Frost's style in language: By using simple spoken language and conversational rhythms, Frost achieved an effortless grace in his style. He combined traditiona1 verse forms —— the sonnet, rhyming coup1ets, blank verse with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of New England farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax. In verse form he was assorted; he wrote in both the metrical forms and the free verse, and sometimes he wrote in a form that borrows freely from the merits of both, in a form that might be called semi-free or semi-conventional. 四。 应用 Selected Readings: l. After Apple-Picking This poem is so vivid a memory of experience on the farm in which the end of labor leaves the speaker with a sense of completion and fulfilment yet finds him blocked from success by winter's approach and physical weariness. On the one hand, Frost expressed his love of life and his belief in a serenity that only came from working usefully. On the other hand, the poet was concerned with individual's relationships to himself, to his fellow-man, to world, and to his God. He took up a religious question: can a man's best efforts ever satisfy God? Besides this is a typical lyric poem describing the pastoral landscape in New England. Symbols and images from the pastoral landscape to refer to the great world beyond the rustic scene. The language of this poem is characterized by simple spoken language and conversational rhythms, the combination of traditiona1 verse forms —— the sonnet, rhyming coup1ets, blank verse with the speech of New England farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax. Frost wrote in both the metrical forms and the free verse, in a form that might be called semi-free or semi-conventional. 2. The Road Not Taken (1) The theme: This poem seems to be about the poet, walking in the woods in autumn, hesitating for a long time and wondering which road he should take since they are both pretty. In reality, this is a meditative poem symbolically written. It concerns the important decisions which one must take in the course of life, when one must give up one desirable thing in order to possess another. Then, whatever the outcome, one must accept the consequences of one's choice for it is not possible to go back and have another chance to choose differently. In the poem, he followed the one which was not frequently travelled by. Symbolically, he chose to follow an unusual, solitary life; perhaps he was speaking of his choice to become a poet rather than some common profession. But he always remembered the road which he might have taken, and which would have given him a different kind of life. (2) Language: This poem is written in classic five-line stanzas, with the rhyme scheme a-b-a-a-b and conversational rhythm. The poet uses "the road " to symbolize life's journey. 3. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (1) The theme: This is a deceptively simple poem in which the speaker literally stops his horse in the winter twilight to observe the beauty of the forest scene, and then is moved to continue his journey. Philosophically and symbolically, it stems from the ambiguity of the speaker's choice between safety and the unknown. (2) This poem suggests deep thought about death and about life. The strange attraction of death to man is symbolized by the dark woods silently filled up with the coldness of snow. Frost frequently uses the technique of symbolism in his poetry. Some critics think that the "village" stands for the human world, "woods" for nature, "horse" for the animal world, and "promises" for obligations. The poem represents a moment of relaxation from the burdensome journey of life, an almost aesthetic enjoyment and appreciation of natural beauty which is wholesome and restorative against the chaotic existence of modern man. (3) The last stanza shows a kind of sad, sentimental but also strong and responsible feeling. The attraction of the beauty of the nature makes the speaker stop in the journey. He finally turns away from it, with a certain weariness and yet with quiet determination, to face the needs of life. This stresses the central conflict of the poem between man's enjoyment of nature's beauty and his responsibility in society. This shows a man's despairing courage to seek out the meaning of life. In the last stanza, the three adjectives "lovely" "dark" "deep" reinforce one another. Not only do they represent beauty and terror of nature symbolized by the dark woods, but they also reveal the speaker's love for nature and human isolation from it. Besides, the word "sleep" here means "die" symbolically.

Chapter II The Neoclassical Period 一。新古典主义时期概述 1. 识记:(1)新古典主义时期的界定 (2)政治经济背景 (3)启蒙运动的意义与影响 2. 领会:(1)启蒙运动的主张与文学的特点 (2)新古典主义时期文学的艺术特点 3. 应用:启蒙运动,新古典主义,英雄双行诗,英国现实主义小说等名词的解释 1. 识记Definitions of literary terms 1) The Enlightenment Movement The 18th-century England is known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason. The Enlightenment Movement was a progressive intellectual movement which flourished in France & swept through the whole Western Europe at the time. The movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th & 16th centuries. Its purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modem philosophical & artistic ideas. The enlighteners celebrated reason or rationality, equality & science. They called for a reference to order, reason & rules & advocated universal education. Famous among the great enlighteners in England were those great writers like John Dryden, Alexander pope & so on. 2) Neoclassicism In the field of literature, the Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works. This tendency is known as neoclassicism. According to the neoclassicists, all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek & Roman writers (Homer, Virgil, & so on)& those of the contemporary French ones. They believed that the artistic ideals should be order, logic, restrained emotion & accuracy, & that literature should be judged in terms of its service to humanity. This belief led them to seek proportion, unity, harmony & grace in literary expressions, in an effort to delight, instruct & correct human beings, primarily as social animals. Thus, a polite, urbane, witty, & intellectual art developed. 3) The heroic couplet It means a pair of lines of a type once common in English poetry, which rhyme & are written with five beats each…… 4) the Realistic Novel The mid-century was, however, predominated by a newly rising literary form, the modern English novel, which, contrary to the traditional romance of aristocrats, gives a realistic presentation of life of the common English people. This-the most significant phenomenon in the history of the development of English literature in the eighteenth century - is a natural product of the Industrial Revolution & a symbol of the growing importance & strength of the English of the growing importance & strength of the English middle class, Among the pioneers were Daniel Defoe ,Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, Tobias Creorge Smollott, & Oliver Goldsmith. 2. 领会Characteristics of Neoclassical Literature According to the neoclassicists, all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek & Roman writers (Homer, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, etc,)& those of the contemporary French ones. Neoclassicists had some fixed laws &rules for almost every genre of literature, prose should be precise, direct, smooth & flexible. Poetry should be lyrical, epical, didactic, satiric or dramatic, & each class should be guided by its own principles. Drama should be written in the Heroic Couplets (iambic pentameter rhymed in two lines); the three unities of time, space & action should be strictly observed; regularity in construction should be adhered to & type characters rather than individuals should be represented. 二。该时期的重要作家 1,一般识记:重要作家的创作生涯 2,识记:重要作品及主要内容 3,领会:重要作家的创作思想,艺术特色其代表作的主题结构,人物刻画,语言风格,艺术特色,社会意义等。 4,应用:(1)《天路历程》中“名利场”的寓义。 (2)蒲伯的文学(诗歌)批评观及其诗歌特色。 (3)《格列佛游记》的社会讽刺。 (4)菲尔丁的“散文体史诗”。 (5)格雷诗歌的主题与意象。 I. John Bunyan 1. 一般识记His life English author & preacher, born in Elstow, England, probably Nov.28, 1628,and died in London, England, Aug, 31, 1688. 2. 识记His major works John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress (1678) is the outstanding 17th-century English religious literature. For more than 200 years this book was second in popularity only to the Bible. Bunyan did not attempt to portray the political confusion & social upheaval of 17th-century England. His concern was rather the study of man’s spiritual life. Bunyan chiefly wrote four prose works - Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (1666), The Life & Death of Mr. Badman (1680), The Holy War (1682) & The Pilgrim’s Progress, part II (1684)。 3. 领会Characteristics of his works Bunyan’s style was modeled after that of the English Bible. With his concrete &living language & carefully observed & vividly presented details, he made it possible for the reader of the least education to share the pleasure of reading his novel & to relive the experience of his characters. 4. 应用Selected Reading "The Vanity Fair", an excerpt from Part I of The Pilgrim’s Progress. (1) Theme: The Pilgrim’s Progress is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. Its purpose is to urge people to comply with Christian doctrines & seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weakness & all kinds of social evils. It is not only about something spiritual but also beats much relevance to the time. Its predominant metaphor-life as a journey-is simple & familiar. (2) "Vanity Fair" is the most famous part of The Pilgrim’s Progress. It tells how Christian & his friend Faithful come to Vanity Fair on their way to heaven," a fair where in should be sold all sorts of vanity & that it should last all the year long: therefore at this fair all such merchandise sold, as houses, lands, trades, places, honors, preferments, titles, countries, kingdoms, lusts, pleasures & delights of all sorts as harlots, wives, husbands, children, masters, servants, lives, blood, bodies, souls, silver, gold, pearls, precious stones & what not." As they refuse to buy anything but truth, they are beaten & put in a cage & then taken out & led in chains up & down the fair. They are sentenced to death-to be put to the most cruel death that can be invented." Vanity Fair" is a satirical picture of English society, law & religion in Bunyan’s day.

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类型序号 课程代号 课程名称 学分 类型 考试方式 001 8469 高级英语(一)(B) 10 必考 笔试 002 8470 高级英语(二)(B) 10 必考 笔试 003 8266 翻译 8 必考 笔试 004 8269 英语语言学(英文) 6 必考 笔试 005 8268 英语词汇学(英文) 6 必考 笔试 006 8472 英语高级听力 6 必考 实践考核 007 8475 英美报刊选读 5 必考 笔试 008 8476 英国文学选读 4 必考 笔试 009 8477 美国文学选读 4 必考 笔试 010 8478 英语论文写作 5 必考 笔试 011 8479 中学英语数学法 4 必考 笔试 012 8480 外语教学心理学 4 必考 笔试 013 8100 毕业论文(不计学分) 0 必考 实践考核 101 8473 第二外语(日语)(B) 6 选考 笔试 102 8474 第二外语(法语) 6 选考 笔试 103 0012 英语(一) 7 选考 笔试 201 8447 基础英语(一)(B) 6 加考 笔试 202 8448 基础英语(二)(B) 6 加考 笔试 203 8449 基础英语(三)(B) 6 加考 笔试 204 8450 英语阅读 6 加考 笔试 205 8451 英语听力 4 加考 实践考核 206 8452 英语口语 4 加考 实践考核 毕业要求:不少于14门且不低于78学分。自考教材全是一样的!

2009年下半年河北省高等教育自学考试课程与时间安排表 050206 英语教育(独立本科段) 的考试时间10月24日上午0600 高级英语 7681 教育政策与法规 6763 素质教育概论 10月24日下午0795 综合英语(二) 0830 现代语言学 6764 新课程背景下的教学策略 10月25日上午0833 外语教学法 3708 中国近现代史纲要 10月25日下午0603 英语写作 3709 马克思主义基本原理概论 英语教育专业(独立本科段)的开考科目: 考试科目(科目代码) 参考书籍 马克思主义政治经济学原理(0005) 毛泽东思想概论(0004) 素质教育概论(8193) 第二外语(日/俄/法)(0840) 第二外语(日/俄/法)(0839) 第二外语(日/俄/法)(0841) 高级英语(0600) 英语写作(0603) 翻译(0087) 口译与听力(0602) 英美文学选读(0604) 英语科技文选(0836) 现代语言学(0830) 外语教学法(0833) 听力(0593) 口语(0594) 综合英语(二)(0795) 毕业论文及答辩(6999)这些书你可以到石家庄的红旗大街河北省教育考试院图书超市去买(周六和周日休息),那里所有的自考书籍都有。 从火车站你坐107直达河北省教育考试院站下车就可以了。


哈哈,我考过.一开始头痛,现在是喜欢.和上外的一位学生聊过这本教科书,他觉得最大的收获是里面修饰作者文采的形容词很有使用性.我的外教老师说这本书的难度是属于"TOP"了.所以,如果真的想把英语学好,看熟这本书是绝对有意义的! 书里的节选文章中,英国文艺复兴的几篇诗歌有点难,因为有很多的古英语单词,现在很多已经不用了,都成了废词,但还是要求能看懂大致意思的,但好在量不大(和现代英语生词比起来),所以要坚持看完哦.我有一些学习方法,是专门对付考试的,但如果是抱着提高自身的文学修养去看这本书,我建议最好花上整整一年的时间去好好琢磨一下精选文章以及书中的精彩点评,而不是很功利去背诵: 1.英美文学中有48位作者和他们将近100篇选读,你要把这48位作者和这些选读作品,一一对号,识记一下,这是最基本的 2.概括作者的写作手法和写作风格,你可以先独立地去认识每一位作家的特点,但不要忘记要总结,哪些作家的风格相似,但区别又在哪里?(历年考卷中都出现过这种题型,而且分值都很大) 3.每一位作者的代表作品的主题,主人公的名字. 4.每一段选读前都有一段小字是简述故事或总结概要的,要熟记(去年的考试里就有考过) 5.选读文章的最后都或多或少有一些文字的注释,最好熟悉一下,因为往年的考题中也有涉及. 6.不要去做所谓的模拟考卷,根本就没有用!因为考试根本就不会出模拟里题.

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