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The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour.

So I think it's time to promote the green travel at present. In my opinion, first, we'd better not travel by car unless it's necessary. Second, people should be encouraged to choose the public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution .They can also improve the traffic conditi. Third, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don't go far away. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier.

In a word , I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel.




The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour.So I think it's time to promote the green travel at present. In my opinion, first, we'd better not travel by car unless it's necessary. Second, people should be encouraged to choose the public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution .They can also improve the traffic conditi. Third, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don't go far away. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier.In a word , I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel.私家车的增加带来了更多的在我们的城市更严重的空气污染和交通堵塞,特别是在交通高峰期。






Hello! I wonder if everyone is aware of the "energy saving" and "low carbon" o words mean? I took it for granted. "Energy saving" is to save energy? " Low carbon "is to reduce carbon emissions? yeah, really simple. We often put them up in the mouth. But, do you really understand them? they really deeply rooted in your heart?

Once, materials, energy, waste and how rampant, now, "saving the glorious, shame," a new generation of pet phrase; once, the first of the "development", environmental problems often neglected situation happened, now, sustainable development, and nature in harmony became the biggest issue. It is not difficult to see that environmental issues are constantly being taken seriously.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.

汽车所引发的一系列环境问题,心理问题,健康问题已经成为有目共睹的事实.用不了多久北京上海等一个又一个美丽时髦的大都市就会沦为丑陋的停车场,已不是什么耸人听闻之谈.人无远虑,必有近忧.从来就没有什么救世主.到了有识之士考虑做点什么改变这一现状的时候了.“骑车是一种品位——后现代绿色出行活动”就是对这样一种呼唤的具体回应.受消费主义大潮的影响,骑车被视为 “穷人”的象征,“失败者”的代名词.而拥有私家车,开车则被看作成功的标志,是一种“时髦”.殊不知,这却是一种代价沉重的时髦,想一想它对环境带来的破坏,对心理带来的压力,对身体带来的戳害,就会清楚地看出这是一种不健康的时髦.一种过了气的时髦,一种伪时髦.而骑车则代表一种品位,一种健康的生活方式,一种后现代的生活态度.骑车不仅降低你的交通成本,解除你挤车的烦恼,堵车的焦急,而且能够锻炼身体帮你达到塑身的目的.科学研究表明,自行车是克服心脏功能毛病的最佳工具之一.这就是为什么 全世界的工作中最长寿的就是邮递员.骑车令你精神愉悦,是一种心灵愉悦的放逐.其实中国的一些有远见有智慧的富人早已悄悄地踏上了这条后现代的绿色之路.地产大亨潘石屹一直以来上下班都是能骑车就不坐车,他的看法是:“骑自行车不仅对环境有益,也能提高自己的身体素质,从自己做起,为环境建设出力.” 金典集团董事长张宝全基本每天骑车上班,他说“坐车堵车,跟骑车的时间差不多,而且在沿途可以发现很多有意思的事情.” 著名主持人倪萍女士有本书叫《自行车的日子》,里面有句话可以作为自行车生活的总结:当你置身其中,会感到这像是血脉在运行,热热闹闹、轰轰烈烈,蕴藏着不尽的潜能,彷佛自行车也有灵魂,有脉搏,有呼吸一样……骑车是一种品位,一种健康的生活时尚,它表征的是浪漫.你骑车说明你系大自然.敢于向强权的消费主义说“不”.据著名环保人士,北京地球村主任,中国第一位获得有“诺贝尔环境奖”之称的苏菲环境奖和“柯布共同福祉奖”获得者廖晓义女士介绍,荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹是以自行车便利而著称.荷兰只有1500万人口,但是自行车保有量却有1600万辆.在那里,从部长、市长到市民都是自行车族,骑车既便利也是一种时尚,一种后现代的时尚.选择了骑车就是选择了自由.选择了骑车就是选择了浪漫.绿色出行的骑士们,请接受我们的致敬.。

Now the earth is in bad condition. For example, in some places, the air and water pollution is so serious that it causes many deaths. At the same time, many animals and plants are in danger because of the destruction of their habitats. Luckily, we human beings have realized the problem. On April 22nd, millions of people across the world do something good for the earth. Some clean up beaches and water, some pick up rubbish, others give speeches to call on more people to take action. But can we save the earth only by one day's work? The future of our pla depends on our efforts. What we should do is to make every day Earth Day. Only by taking good care of it every day can we hope to live in harmony with nature. Currently,my school is launching an activity whose theme is that actions change the world to advocate the low carbon living. In the activity,we are required to go to school or some other place by bike or by foot as much as possible instead of by bus.And when the Christmas es,sending e-greeting cards instead of tridional cards of which are made of wood as we know.Besides,we should use both sides of every piece of paper and we should save water as well as electricity. I believe that only we do thus can we have a better living environment. There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people's health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities. To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today. AD:From Joozone.Com. In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.。

The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour. So I think it’s time to promote the green travel at present. In my opinion, first, we’d better not travel by car unless it’s necessary. Second, people should be encouraged to choose the public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution .They can also improve the traffic conditi. Third, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don’t go far away. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier. In a word , I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel. 私家车的增加带来了更多的在我们的城市更严重的空气污染和交通堵塞,特别是在交通高峰期. 所以我认为现在是时候推动目前绿色旅游.在我看来,首先,我们最好不要坐汽车,除非有必要.第二,应该鼓励人们选择公共交通.他们可以坐公共汽车或轻轨.他们甚至可以坐地铁去.这些旅行方式可以节约能源,减少空气污染.它们还可以改善交通条件.第三,我们应该选择步行或骑自行车,如果我们不走远.徒步或骑自行车为我们提供了一个机会,使我们更强壮和健康. 总之,我相信我们可以改善环境以及我们的交通条件,如果我们都选择绿色出行.

At present, our country's traffic is very crowded. Many cities in our country is to promote public bicycles .So people advocate "green travel, low carbon life". On for the topic, talk about the benefits of promoting public bicycle:the first ,rent is at any time,convenient travel ;The second,it can make traffic easily;The third ,riding a bicycle can protect the environment .That's all . So we should ride a bicycle to go out ./The advantages of going outside by bicycle 一:phenomenon 二:1. be friendly to the environment 2. be good for health 3. relieve the busy traffic 4. a new city scenery 三:summrize/Bicycle riding has many advantages. It is the least expensive way of traveling apart from walking. If you travel by bicycle, you don’t have to buy gas as you must when you drive cars. Besides, it develops much less mechanical troubles than a car. bicycle riding is especially good for health. It is good exercise. If you go to work by riding a bicycle instead of driving or taking a bus, you can have a better chance of getting enough exercise you need everyday. Bicycling is also good for our environment. It is less noisy and does not pollute the air. I am glad to have ridden a bicycle to school when I studied in the high school./Nowadays,it's important for us to live the low-carbon life.The first thing we can do is to ride the bikes.Because first,bikes are cheaper than cars.Second,it's easy to find the place to park bikes.Third,the oil is not necessary for bikes,so bikes won't produce the dirty air.Finally,we can ride bikes to keep fit.Let's ride the bikes instead of cars to protect the environment!我只给你一些参考,你自己写噢!!!如有帮到你,请采纳谢谢!!!


The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour.So I think it’s time to promote the green travel at present. In my opinion, first, we’d better not travel by car unless it’s necessary. Second, people should be encouraged to choose the public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution .They can also improve the traffic conditi. Third, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don’t go far away. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier.In a word , I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel.私家车的增加带来了更多的在我们的城市更严重的空气污染和交通堵塞,特别是在交通高峰期。所以我认为现在是时候推动目前绿色旅游。在我看来,首先,我们最好不要坐汽车,除非有必要。第二,应该鼓励人们选择公共交通。他们可以坐公共汽车或轻轨。他们甚至可以坐地铁去。这些旅行方式可以节约能源,减少空气污染。它们还可以改善交通条件。第三,我们应该选择步行或骑自行车,如果我们不走远。徒步或骑自行车为我们提供了一个机会,使我们更强壮和健康。总之,我相信我们可以改善环境以及我们的交通条件,如果我们都选择绿色出行。


The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city especially in the rush hour.

So I think its time to promote the green travel at present. In my opinion first wed better not travel by car unless its necessary. Second people should be encouraged to choose the public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution .They can also improve the traffic conditi. Third we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we dont go far away. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier.

In a word I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel.私家车的增加给我们的城市带来了越来越严重的空气污染和交通堵塞,特别是在交通高峰期。



At present our countrys traffic is very crowded. Many cities in our country is to promote public bicycles .So people advocate "green travel low carbon life".

On for the topic talk about the benefits of promoting public bicycle:the first rent is at any timeconvenient travel ;The secondit can make traffic easily;The third riding a bicycle can protect the environment .

Thats all . So we should ride a bicycle to go out.




Pay attention to health is a virtue but also the need of public environment. Only pay attention to health can have a beautiful environment in order to have a healthy life.

To protect the environment to starts from the minor matter starts from oneself can do things. River for example from the door as long as we dont litter saw others trash to prevent the mud in the river will be less and less at the same time the sea will be more and more clean more and more blue.

We can put a environmental bag at the edge of the drawer we wouldnt be throwing the trash again just to bag a put. In this way not only can clean our classroom can also let the helper sweeping the floor more easily.

We took to the streets in the best is to use environmental protection bag this is much better with a plastic bag. Plastic bags are disposable while environmental protection bags can be used for a long time. Combined with plastic bags to the environment pollution is very serious so use environmental protection bags will be better.

We all want to start small although its just a little strength but as long as we do together it will be a great support to the society.

Protecting environment starts from the minor matter as long as do his best.







Recently the topic of green travel has been widely debated which has aroused public attention and has been more and more popular with people. To some extent, it has become a fashion. Undoubtedly, green travel has a pround impact on both enviroment and social, for its significance cannot be denied.

Green travel, especially public transport, makes a positive contribution to the environment and society. On one hand, public transport has the potential to reduce transport CO 2 emissions, which is a major contributor to local air pollution and smog. In this sense, green travel makes the environment clean and gives people a healthy living environment. On the other hand, public transport plays an important role in reducing the social costs of transport include traffic jam and time taken away from the family while commuting and vulnerability to fuel price increases.

We have only one world we can live in. I hope through green travel can we protect the enviroment and save resources. In my opinion, no matter where we go, we are supposed to choose green travel. If you are near to the place which you go to, you can go there on foot or by bicycle. In this way can we protect our environmen and keep fit. If you are far away from it, you can choose going there by bus or by taxi with your friends.

Said to protect the environment, and I will think of phenomena occur at the school gate every day.

When there is a school, school, didnt open the gate, on both sides of the road is filled with trolley selling toys and snacks. Classmates scramble to buy these things, and then put the packaging, garbage, all at sixes and sevens is thrown to the ground. On the road suddenly colorful, filled with mud. Originally should be quiet quiet and tastefully laid out and the campus gate, as if into a market downtown.

If at this rate, polluters air so much garbage every day, the sky will be more and more gray, class, might stink. In the blue sky see, wont be able to smell the fresh air, this will be terrible! We cant watch the environment become like this, have to find a way to change.

I suggest that the students dont disorderly buy things at the school gate. No one to buy, the cart will slowly disappear. There would be no debris-brick, the ground wont have all kinds of bad smell in the air, also a quiet campus!

We start from the side, starts from the minor matter, reduce pollution, protect the environment. Update to make the sky more blue, the air, water cleaner, more green trees, creating a pure and fresh and beautiful home!

Since the Copenhagen Climate Conference, carrying out low carbon economy & living a low carbon life has been a hot topic. Recently our class had a heated discussion about it.

Through the discussion, we are fully aware of the necessity of carrying out a low carbon economy in our country. With the rapid development of cities and new countryside, more and more factories have been built up, which pours a large amount of greenhouse gases into the sky and make the environment heavily polluted.

To reduce the pollution, a variety of measures can be taken. To begin with, planting more trees will certainly be beneficial. Secondly, we might as well use clean energy and renewable energy to protect the environment against pollution. Last but not least, the recycling of waste materials can also do good for the environment.

Its high time that we led a low carbon life. As far as I am concerned, even small things such as using public transport or using energy saving lamps can show our awareness of social responsibility and benefit the environment as well. Lets make it our duty to build a harmonious society!

With the development of economy, more and more high buildings are being built in large and medium-sized cities across the country. In urbanization, however, one thing should not be neglected---environmental protection. It is unscientific to judge a city’s modernization level by the number of high buildings. Recently, a new concept “environmental image” has e into being and bee an important criterion with which to evaluate a city.

The concept stresses that a modern city must have efficient environmental promotion. It must have a proper proportion of green land, clean water and fresh air. To add more greenery to a city, I would like to make the following proposals:

1. We should popularize “vertical greenery” technique, that is, to plant more green-leaved plants like Boston ivy in densely-located buildings. The roof space of buildings should be used fully to plant flowers, fruits and grasses.

2. Certain room should be reserved for green belts, green patches in the building of new residential districts and the reconstruction of urban areas.

3. Measures should be taken to strengthen people’s awareness of greenery. People should, for example, be encouraged to plant “wedding trees” and “birthday trees”.























A Composition of Protect Our Environment--------- Taking good care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live,You can do something around your neighbourhood. it's our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.You might ask yourself,"have I picked some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?" --------If everyone makes a contribution to protectingthe environment,the world will bee much more beautiful

In recent years,with the fact that industry and merce's swiftness and violence develops,in the city,trees's quantity reduces greatly.Has already,people made various make great efforts to prevent trees from being felled,but has also ought to know the significance to planting trees in and around the city.Plant trees in and around the city bringing about much benefit:Purify air ,beautify a city ,provide wood.Appeal for people:Know the urban afforestation contribution to the urban environment ,plant trees and protect them from being infringed upon by merce

题目:Something about the future正文:Not long in the future,people's life will have big changes as well as people's basic necessities of life.Even there will be robots appearing to help us.And there will be pilotless automobile which can help us get to the destination safely and quichly which does'n need us control.Besides,there will be space ship which can take us to other plas even though it's far away from us.In addition,there will be super puter which can help us calculate various of plated calculation.I am looking forward to being in the future.希望能帮上你!!...

In recent years, with the fact that industry and merce's swiftness and violence develops,in the city, trees's quantity reduces greatly. Has already, people made various make great efforts to prevent trees from being felled, but has also ought to know the significance to planting trees in and around the city. Plant trees in and around the city bringing about much benefit: Purify air , beautify a city , provide wood. Appeal for people: Know the urban afforestation contribution to the urban environment , plant trees and protect them from being infringed upon by merce

题目:Something about the future正文:Not long in the future,people's life will have big changes as well as people's basic necessities of life.Even there will be robots appearing to help us.And there will be pilotless automobile which can help us get to the destination safely and quichly which does'n need us control.Besides,there will be space ship which can take us to other plas even though it's far away from us.In addition,there will be super puter which can help us calculate various of plated calculation.I am looking forward to being in the future.希望能帮上你!

First, the transportation has bee fluent. Many years ago, there were less bus stations, people always needed to changed their lines by many cars. But now, this reflects the city's economy develops fast, almost all the places can be reached by bus, people don't need to change the line. Second, the buildings are enlarging, the city has changed so much. Now, in my eyes, after so many years, some are for children, some are for the old, all of these are good for people 's munication. The city's change reflects people keep pace with timeThe Change of The City I live in a city, since I was *** all, I witnessed all the things happened in this city. Indeed, I can go to many newly built public places to have fun

The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour.So I think it's time to promote the green travel at present. In my opinion, first, we'd better not travel by car unless it's necessary. Second, people should be encouraged to choose the public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution .They can also improve the traffic conditi. Third, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don't go far away. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier.In a word , I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel.私家车的增加带来了更多的在我们的城市更严重的空气污染和交通堵塞,特别是在交通高峰期。











wow, how nice the city is! do you know the city's name? its name is haimen. it's my birthplace. it's beautiful. look! there are many trees in the street and they're big. go on the street, you can see many buildings. some old men and children are crossing the road. the children run very fast. i think it's dangerous. haimen is a young city. there are lots of young people in it. you can see many people in the street, in the malls and other places. hiamen's education is good. you can see some schools near the street. in them, you can see many young pioneers. they are very *** art. haimen's buildings are also good; such as renming hospital. i live in fuming district. i love my home. haimen is very nice. do you think so? wele to haimen!

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Green TravelGreen travel refers to the use of environmentally-friendly modes of transportation when traveling. It is becoming increasingly popular as a way to reduce carbon emissions, save energy, and protect the natural environment.There are many ways to practice green travel. One of the most common and easiest ways is to use public transportation, such as buses, trains, and subways, instead of driving alone in a car. Public transportation can reduce traffic congestion and the number of vehicles on the road, which leads to less air pollution and carbon emissions.Another way is to walk or bike for short distances. Walking and biking are both healthy and environmentally-friendly modes of transportation. They have no carbon emissions and also save money on transportation costs.In addition, carpooling or sharing a ride with others is another way to practice green travel. Sharing a ride with friends or colleagues can reduce the number of cars on the road and save energy.Furthermore, when planning a trip, it is also important to choose eco-friendly accommodations and activities. This includes staying at green hotels, eating at local restaurants that use sustainable and organic ingredients, and choosing activities that are environmentally-friendly.In conclusion, green travel is an important way to protect the environment and reduce the impact of human activities on the planet. By choosing environmentally-friendly modes of transportation and practices, we can all make a positive impact on the environment and create a better world for future generations.






新00015英语二|全国统考00015英语(二)历年真题|黎芸 自考 英语(二)  视频版|考证保障班《00015-英语(二)55课时》|教材视频精讲含同步讲义|单词表|自考经验小技巧.docx|00015英语二作文模板之二 (2).doc|00015英语(二)作文模板之一.doc|0015英语(二)大纲词汇表.doc|00015英语二词组表.doc|00015英语二词汇表(整理版).docx|第9章Unit 9 Facing Life’s Challenges|第8章Unit 8 The Great Minds|第7章Unit 7 Inner Voice


At present, our country's traffic is very crowded. Many cities in our country is to promote public bicycles .So people advocate "green travel, low carbon life". On for the topic, talk about the benefits of promoting public bicycle:the first ,rent is at any time,convenient travel ;The second,it can make traffic easily;The third ,riding a bicycle can protect the environment .That's all . So we should ride a bicycle to go out ./The advantages of going outside by bicycle 一:phenomenon 二:1. be friendly to the environment 2. be good for health 3. relieve the busy traffic 4. a new city scenery 三:summrize/Bicycle riding has many advantages. It is the least expensive way of traveling apart from walking. If you travel by bicycle, you don’t have to buy gas as you must when you drive cars. Besides, it develops much less mechanical troubles than a car. bicycle riding is especially good for health. It is good exercise. If you go to work by riding a bicycle instead of driving or taking a bus, you can have a better chance of getting enough exercise you need everyday. Bicycling is also good for our environment. It is less noisy and does not pollute the air. I am glad to have ridden a bicycle to school when I studied in the high school./Nowadays,it's important for us to live the low-carbon life.The first thing we can do is to ride the bikes.Because first,bikes are cheaper than cars.Second,it's easy to find the place to park bikes.Third,the oil is not necessary for bikes,so bikes won't produce the dirty air.Finally,we can ride bikes to keep fit.Let's ride the bikes instead of cars to protect the environment!我只给你一些参考,你自己写噢!!!如有帮到你,请采纳谢谢!!!


The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city especially in the rush hour.

So I think its time to promote the green travel at present. In my opinion first wed better not travel by car unless its necessary. Second people should be encouraged to choose the public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution .They can also improve the traffic conditi. Third we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we dont go far away. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier.

In a word I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel.私家车的增加给我们的城市带来了越来越严重的空气污染和交通堵塞,特别是在交通高峰期。



At present our countrys traffic is very crowded. Many cities in our country is to promote public bicycles .So people advocate "green travel low carbon life".

On for the topic talk about the benefits of promoting public bicycle:the first rent is at any timeconvenient travel ;The secondit can make traffic easily;The third riding a bicycle can protect the environment .

Thats all . So we should ride a bicycle to go out.




Pay attention to health is a virtue but also the need of public environment. Only pay attention to health can have a beautiful environment in order to have a healthy life.

To protect the environment to starts from the minor matter starts from oneself can do things. River for example from the door as long as we dont litter saw others trash to prevent the mud in the river will be less and less at the same time the sea will be more and more clean more and more blue.

We can put a environmental bag at the edge of the drawer we wouldnt be throwing the trash again just to bag a put. In this way not only can clean our classroom can also let the helper sweeping the floor more easily.

We took to the streets in the best is to use environmental protection bag this is much better with a plastic bag. Plastic bags are disposable while environmental protection bags can be used for a long time. Combined with plastic bags to the environment pollution is very serious so use environmental protection bags will be better.

We all want to start small although its just a little strength but as long as we do together it will be a great support to the society.

Protecting environment starts from the minor matter as long as do his best.







Recently the topic of green travel has been widely debated which has aroused public attention and has been more and more popular with people. To some extent, it has become a fashion. Undoubtedly, green travel has a pround impact on both enviroment and social, for its significance cannot be denied.

Green travel, especially public transport, makes a positive contribution to the environment and society. On one hand, public transport has the potential to reduce transport CO 2 emissions, which is a major contributor to local air pollution and smog. In this sense, green travel makes the environment clean and gives people a healthy living environment. On the other hand, public transport plays an important role in reducing the social costs of transport include traffic jam and time taken away from the family while commuting and vulnerability to fuel price increases.

We have only one world we can live in. I hope through green travel can we protect the enviroment and save resources. In my opinion, no matter where we go, we are supposed to choose green travel. If you are near to the place which you go to, you can go there on foot or by bicycle. In this way can we protect our environmen and keep fit. If you are far away from it, you can choose going there by bus or by taxi with your friends.

Said to protect the environment, and I will think of phenomena occur at the school gate every day.

When there is a school, school, didnt open the gate, on both sides of the road is filled with trolley selling toys and snacks. Classmates scramble to buy these things, and then put the packaging, garbage, all at sixes and sevens is thrown to the ground. On the road suddenly colorful, filled with mud. Originally should be quiet quiet and tastefully laid out and the campus gate, as if into a market downtown.

If at this rate, polluters air so much garbage every day, the sky will be more and more gray, class, might stink. In the blue sky see, wont be able to smell the fresh air, this will be terrible! We cant watch the environment become like this, have to find a way to change.

I suggest that the students dont disorderly buy things at the school gate. No one to buy, the cart will slowly disappear. There would be no debris-brick, the ground wont have all kinds of bad smell in the air, also a quiet campus!

We start from the side, starts from the minor matter, reduce pollution, protect the environment. Update to make the sky more blue, the air, water cleaner, more green trees, creating a pure and fresh and beautiful home!

Since the Copenhagen Climate Conference, carrying out low carbon economy & living a low carbon life has been a hot topic. Recently our class had a heated discussion about it.

Through the discussion, we are fully aware of the necessity of carrying out a low carbon economy in our country. With the rapid development of cities and new countryside, more and more factories have been built up, which pours a large amount of greenhouse gases into the sky and make the environment heavily polluted.

To reduce the pollution, a variety of measures can be taken. To begin with, planting more trees will certainly be beneficial. Secondly, we might as well use clean energy and renewable energy to protect the environment against pollution. Last but not least, the recycling of waste materials can also do good for the environment.

Its high time that we led a low carbon life. As far as I am concerned, even small things such as using public transport or using energy saving lamps can show our awareness of social responsibility and benefit the environment as well. Lets make it our duty to build a harmonious society!

Green TravelWith the development of economy and the increase of vehicle ownership, environmental pollution has become a major issue. Therefore, green travel has become a new trend. Green travel refers to the way of travel that reduces environmental pollution and promotes sustainable development.First of all, we can choose public transportation such as buses, subways, and trains. Public transportation not only saves energy but also reduces traffic congestion. Secondly, we can choose to ride bicycles or walk instead of driving. This not only reduces carbon emissions but also improves physical health. Thirdly, we can choose to drive energy-efficient and low-emission vehicles, such as electric cars or hybrid cars. This not only reduces pollution but also saves money on fuel costs.In addition, we can also practice other green travel habits, such as carpooling and trip planning. Carpooling reduces the number of cars on the road and promotes social interaction. Trip planning can minimize travel distance and save time and energy.In conclusion, green travel is not only a way of travel but also a lifestyle. We should actively promote green travel and protect the environment. Only by working together can we create a better future for ourselves and the planet we live on.绿色旅游随着经济的发展和汽车保有量的增加,环境污染已经成为一个重大问题。因此,绿色出行已经成为一种新的趋势。绿色出行是指减少环境污染,促进可持续发展的出行方式。首先,我们可以选择公共交通工具,如公共汽车、地铁和火车。公共交通不仅节约能源,还能减少交通拥堵。其次,我们可以选择骑自行车或步行代替开车。这不仅减少了碳排放量,还改善了身体健康。第三,我们可以选择驾驶节能和低排放的车辆,如电动车或混合动力车。这不仅减少了污染,还节省了燃料成本。除此之外,我们还可以践行其他绿色出行习惯,比如拼车、出行计划等。拼车减少了路上的汽车数量,促进了社会交往。行程规划可以最大限度地减少旅行距离,节省时间和精力。总之,绿色出行不仅是一种出行方式,更是一种生活方式。要积极倡导绿色出行,保护环境。们只有共同努力,才能为自己和我们赖以生存的地球创造更美好的未来。

《Green Transportation》 I do a lot of things to support green transportation , such as riding a bike, taking a bus and walking . But I prefer riding a bike. When I was a lttle child , I did not know how to ride a bike . My mother taught me to ride a bike after dinner every day . After I grow up, I learn to ride a bike by myself. Shortly afterwards , I teach my boy to ride a bike every day as well . I am used to riding a bike to work . Till now, it is my favorite. It helps me to get a healthy body and reduce pollution . I hope that everyone can enjoy the fun of riding a bike , which is really helpful for our environment . 绿色交通 我做了很多事情来支持绿色交通,比如骑自行车,旅行 公共汽车和步行。但我更喜欢骑自行车。 当我还是个小孩子的时候,我不知道怎么骑自行车。我妈妈每天晚饭后教我骑自行车。长大后,我学会了自己骑自行车。不久之后,我也教儿子每天骑自行车。我习惯于骑自行车上班。直到现在,它还是我最喜欢的。它帮助我拥有健康的身体,减少污染。 我希望每个人都能享受骑自行车的乐趣,这对我们的环境有益。根据模板改写: Recenty, more and more people talking about Green Transportation, such as riding a bike ,taking a bus and walking. From my perspenctive , it is totall undoubed that I prefer riding a bike . The reasons my I believe so are listed as below. The first point that I want to mention is that by bike increases lifespan, and that is because  it reduction environment and  imporves your immunity which guards against diseases What is more , it is easy for us to understand that by bike helps people sleep better, which is because tiredness after by bike makes himself fall asleep more quickly and easily. Last but not  the least , we have to admit that myself could easily keep a by bike habit. The reason behind this is by bike with frends is fun and relaxing. From what I mention above, we can easily come to the conclusion that I prefer riding a bike . after all, riding a bike increases lifespan and reduction environment and helpes people sleep better and could easily keep a riding a bike habit. I hope that everyone can enjoy the fun of riding a bike, which is really helpful for our environment.近年来,越来越多的人在谈论绿色交通,比如骑自行车、坐公交车和步行。 从我的观点来看,毫无疑问我更喜欢骑自行车。 我的理由如下。 我想提到的第一点是,骑自行车可以延长寿命,这是因为骑自行车可以减少环境污染,提高免疫力,从而预防疾病 更重要的是,我们很容易理解,骑自行车有助于人们更好地睡眠,这是因为骑自行车后的疲劳使自己更快、更容易入睡。 最后但并非最不重要的一点,我们必须承认,我自己可以很容易地保持骑自行车的习惯。这背后的原因是和朋友们一起骑自行车既有趣又放松。 从我上面提到的,我们可以很容易地得出结论,我更喜欢骑自行车。 毕竟,骑自行车可以延长寿命,减少环境污染,有助于人们更好地睡眠,并且可以很容易地保持骑自行车的习惯。 我希望每个人都能享受骑自行车的乐趣,这对我们的环境真的很有帮助。类似模板:


The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour. So I think it’s time to promote the green travel at present. In my opinion, first, we’d better not travel by car unless it’s necessary. Second, people should be encouraged to choose the public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution .They can also improve the traffic conditi. Third, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don’t go far away. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier. In a word , I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel. 私家车的增加带来了更多的在我们的城市更严重的空气污染和交通堵塞,特别是在交通高峰期. 所以我认为现在是时候推动目前绿色旅游.在我看来,首先,我们最好不要坐汽车,除非有必要.第二,应该鼓励人们选择公共交通.他们可以坐公共汽车或轻轨.他们甚至可以坐地铁去.这些旅行方式可以节约能源,减少空气污染.它们还可以改善交通条件.第三,我们应该选择步行或骑自行车,如果我们不走远.徒步或骑自行车为我们提供了一个机会,使我们更强壮和健康. 总之,我相信我们可以改善环境以及我们的交通条件,如果我们都选择绿色出行.

《Green Transportation》 I do a lot of things to support green transportation , such as riding a bike, taking a bus and walking . But I prefer riding a bike. When I was a lttle child , I did not know how to ride a bike . My mother taught me to ride a bike after dinner every day . After I grow up, I learn to ride a bike by myself. Shortly afterwards , I teach my boy to ride a bike every day as well . I am used to riding a bike to work . Till now, it is my favorite. It helps me to get a healthy body and reduce pollution . I hope that everyone can enjoy the fun of riding a bike , which is really helpful for our environment . 绿色交通 我做了很多事情来支持绿色交通,比如骑自行车,旅行 公共汽车和步行。但我更喜欢骑自行车。 当我还是个小孩子的时候,我不知道怎么骑自行车。我妈妈每天晚饭后教我骑自行车。长大后,我学会了自己骑自行车。不久之后,我也教儿子每天骑自行车。我习惯于骑自行车上班。直到现在,它还是我最喜欢的。它帮助我拥有健康的身体,减少污染。 我希望每个人都能享受骑自行车的乐趣,这对我们的环境有益。根据模板改写: Recenty, more and more people talking about Green Transportation, such as riding a bike ,taking a bus and walking. From my perspenctive , it is totall undoubed that I prefer riding a bike . The reasons my I believe so are listed as below. The first point that I want to mention is that by bike increases lifespan, and that is because  it reduction environment and  imporves your immunity which guards against diseases What is more , it is easy for us to understand that by bike helps people sleep better, which is because tiredness after by bike makes himself fall asleep more quickly and easily. Last but not  the least , we have to admit that myself could easily keep a by bike habit. The reason behind this is by bike with frends is fun and relaxing. From what I mention above, we can easily come to the conclusion that I prefer riding a bike . after all, riding a bike increases lifespan and reduction environment and helpes people sleep better and could easily keep a riding a bike habit. I hope that everyone can enjoy the fun of riding a bike, which is really helpful for our environment.近年来,越来越多的人在谈论绿色交通,比如骑自行车、坐公交车和步行。 从我的观点来看,毫无疑问我更喜欢骑自行车。 我的理由如下。 我想提到的第一点是,骑自行车可以延长寿命,这是因为骑自行车可以减少环境污染,提高免疫力,从而预防疾病 更重要的是,我们很容易理解,骑自行车有助于人们更好地睡眠,这是因为骑自行车后的疲劳使自己更快、更容易入睡。 最后但并非最不重要的一点,我们必须承认,我自己可以很容易地保持骑自行车的习惯。这背后的原因是和朋友们一起骑自行车既有趣又放松。 从我上面提到的,我们可以很容易地得出结论,我更喜欢骑自行车。 毕竟,骑自行车可以延长寿命,减少环境污染,有助于人们更好地睡眠,并且可以很容易地保持骑自行车的习惯。 我希望每个人都能享受骑自行车的乐趣,这对我们的环境真的很有帮助。类似模板:

As I entered senion secondary school,my father bought me a brand-new bicycle.Bicycling is very popular among my classmates.I used to go to somewhere by bus.I had to wait for some m inutes,sometimes half an hour before the bus came slowly to the stop.Now with the bike,I become free because I can go wherever I want to.It is convenient.Even when the traffic jam occurs,I can go through the narrow space.It is also easy to park.But bicycle theft is so rampant that I have to park it in a safe place.Otherwise it will be gone in the twinkling of an eye.

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