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快要考试了的样子,你背些B级基础单词吧!然后找几篇作文背背,貌似邀请函和写校园的最多了,所以去看一下那些文章的结构,背开头和结尾句。 B级的题型为:听力(做的时候记得把关键词圈出来) 选择(排除法) 词型填空(形式一定要填对) 阅读理解(先看问题然后带着问题看文章) 翻译(翻出的话一定要通顺) 作文(背几篇范文) 希望能对你有帮助 祝你考试成功哦!




1. Not only Tom but also John often _________ football here after school. (practice)

2. A _______ painter can paint all kinds of paintings.(professor)

3. The car can’t go as _______ as the underground. (quick)

4. There must have been a heavy ________ last night, for the ground is all wet. (rainy)

5. Students don’t like ______ weather because they can’t have P.E lesson in the ______. (rain)

6. Many people don’t ______that too much salt is harmful to health. (real)

7. I ______don’t know who is the _____ actor of this film. (real)

8. Yesterday I heard a _______ story. I was ________ moved by it. (real)

9. The new hospital is (location) in one of the new estate.

*10. He was __________ last week because he lost his new

bicycle. (happiness)

答案:1. practises 2. professional 3. quickly 4. rain 5. rainy, rain 6. really 7. really, real 8. real, really 9. located 10. unhappy


1. When the teacher asks you , you must stand up ______ and give a _______ answer. (quick)

2. The children are often told to be more careful on __________ days. (rain)

3. What a fast ___________ John is! (run)

4. Tom was ______ the poem when I came in. (recite)

5. There are thousands of books in our school (librarian).

6. Don’t to him! (listening)

7. It is a suitable (locate) for the new post office.

8. Thank you for giving me so present! (love)

*9. I finally __________ that he was my deskmate long ago.


*10. It hasn’t _______ for a long time. But now it is

_________ (rainy)

答案:1. quickly, quick 2. rainy 3. runner 4. reciting 5. library 6. listen 7. location 8. lovely 9. realized 10. rained, raining


1. I didn’t ______ you were going to get ready for the

picnic. (real)

2. The recitation by class 5 is ________ wonderful (real)

3. The teacher asked us to ______ this part of the text.(recitation)

4. The recitation _______ by Tom is really wonderful.(recite)

5. Alice is a good (library), she is in charge ofmany books.

6. Sometimes, to be a (listen) is a good way. 7. The horn is (loudly) enough to be heard a mile off.

8. He has a great (lovely ) for knowledge and truth. *9. He _____ his pipe and usually smokes with it. (lovely) *10. It is __________ to swim in a swimming pool than in a river. (save)

答案:1. realize 2. really 3. recite 4. recited 5. librarian 6. listener 7. loud 8. love 9. loves 10. safer


1. He was out of (lucky) and failed the examination.

2. The library has employed ten __________, six men and four women. (library)

3. I’m trying to ________ Mr. Smith. Do you know where he is? (location)

4. That music is too _____. Please turn it down. ( loudly)

5. Everything in the garden is ______ (love).

7. The other day the school received an official letter. (medicine)

*9. We ________ carefully but heard nothing. (listener)

*10. _________, Peter failed to pass the English test yesterday. (luck)

答案:1. luck 2. Luckily 3. lucky 4. luck 5. lovely 6. luck7. medical 8. meeting 9. listened 10. Unluckily


1. he could get rid of the unhealthy habits. (lucky)

2. Air is a ________ of gases. (mix)

3. I want you to ________ the names of all the plants in their correct order. (memory)

(lucky). B: Thank you.

5. What is the purpose of your visit?(mainly)

6. I like all music, but I’m interested in jazz. (main)

7. Why don’t you complain to the ? (manage)

8. Why did the patient refuse to take the ? (medical)

*9. the company while his father was away. (manager)

*10. We’ve had fivestill haven’t solved the problem. (meet)

答案:1. Luckily 2. mixture 3. memorize 4. luck 5. main

6. mainly 7. manager 8. medicine 9. managed 10. meetings


1. A: Will you me at the station?(meeting) B: Sorry, I won’t.

2. What a (an)_______girl she is! She passed the exam at last. (luckily)

3. We have had a _________ to say that your father is ill.


4. He passed the test and smiled __________. (happy)

5. –Why can’t I see the cursor on the screen, Daddy?

--Your little brother broke your ______ yesterday. (mice)

6. China Daily is a __________ newspaper. (nation)

7. -What’s your __________?

--I am French. (nation)

8. The one whose job is carrying messages is called a _______. (message)

*9. After the car accident, Mr. and Mrs. Lee both lost their ________. (memorize)

*10. She put the sugar into the coffee and ___________ them up with a spoon. (mixture)

答案:1. meet 2. lucky 3. message 4. happily 5. mouse 6. national 7. nationality 8. messenger 9.memories 10. mixed









英语二考点归纳首先简要介绍一下英语2国考的试题类型。试题分为Part one 和part two两大部分。第一大部分包括三个大题。第一题是Vocabulary and Structure(10x1 分), 第二题是Cloze Test (10x1分),第三题是Reading Comprehension (15x2分)。第二大部分包括四个题,第一题是Word Spelling (20x0.5分),第二题是Word Form(10x1分),第三题是Translation from Chinese into English(5x3分),第四题是Translation fromEnglish into Chinese (15分)。在Vocabulary这一题中,着重考的是语法,比如虚拟语气、倒装、强调、非谓语动词,主谓一致,各种从句,英语时态等等。在Cloze这一题中,完全是课本上的一段原话,侧重于考介词以及一些固定搭配。这段话可能是Text A,也可能是Text B中的。根据近几年的试题分析,B出现的几率更大一些。 在Reading Comprehension这一题中,有三篇阅读题,一般情况下,前两篇较易,后一篇较难。而且很多阅读题都是从别的课本上找来的,比如说,学历文凭的课本或者是三级题。此题非课本原题,出自课外。Word Spelling这一题,只能靠大家反复记忆。考查内容全是课本单词表上的,基本不会超出课本所列单词的范围。Word Form这一题,主要考查的是词性转换。而且总结一下以往考试,可以发现一条规律,那就是它的考点一定是课本中出现过的。举个例子,比如在题目中给出你ignore这个词,我们课本中只出现过它的名词形式ignorance,那这个题答案一定就是名词形式,它不会考ignore的形容词形式ignorant。汉译英这一题,基本上也都是课本中的原句,可能是课文中的,也可能是课后练习中的。被考的句子一般不会太复杂,仔细分析一下,每个句子都有一个结构被考。最后一题英译汉也是课文中的原话,Text A和B都有可能。平常讲课文的时候会让大家多做一些翻译方面的练习。提醒一点,英语2全书 (Text A、Text B、每单元语法、课后习题 )都是考试内容,任何部分都可能以不同的题型出现,因此全书都要全面掌握。只有在熟练掌握全书的情况下,才可能通过考试。


英语二考点归纳首先简要介绍一下英语2国考的试题类型。试题分为Part one 和part two两大部分。第一大部分包括三个大题。第一题是Vocabulary and Structure(10x1 分), 第二题是Cloze Test (10x1分),第三题是Reading Comprehension (15x2分)。第二大部分包括四个题,第一题是Word Spelling (20x0.5分),第二题是Word Form(10x1分),第三题是Translation from Chinese into English(5x3分),第四题是Translation fromEnglish into Chinese (15分)。在Vocabulary这一题中,着重考的是语法,比如虚拟语气、倒装、强调、非谓语动词,主谓一致,各种从句,英语时态等等。在Cloze这一题中,完全是课本上的一段原话,侧重于考介词以及一些固定搭配。这段话可能是Text A,也可能是Text B中的。根据近几年的试题分析,B出现的几率更大一些。 在Reading Comprehension这一题中,有三篇阅读题,一般情况下,前两篇较易,后一篇较难。而且很多阅读题都是从别的课本上找来的,比如说,学历文凭的课本或者是三级题。此题非课本原题,出自课外。Word Spelling这一题,只能靠大家反复记忆。考查内容全是课本单词表上的,基本不会超出课本所列单词的范围。Word Form这一题,主要考查的是词性转换。而且总结一下以往考试,可以发现一条规律,那就是它的考点一定是课本中出现过的。举个例子,比如在题目中给出你ignore这个词,我们课本中只出现过它的名词形式ignorance,那这个题答案一定就是名词形式,它不会考ignore的形容词形式ignorant。汉译英这一题,基本上也都是课本中的原句,可能是课文中的,也可能是课后练习中的。被考的句子一般不会太复杂,仔细分析一下,每个句子都有一个结构被考。最后一题英译汉也是课文中的原话,Text A和B都有可能。平常讲课文的时候会让大家多做一些翻译方面的练习。提醒一点,英语2全书 (Text A、Text B、每单元语法、课后习题 )都是考试内容,任何部分都可能以不同的题型出现,因此全书都要全面掌握。只有在熟练掌握全书的情况下,才可能通过考试。


















一、名词变形容词 (n.- adj.)1. 在名词后面加-y可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词)。例如:rain—rainy, cloud—cloudy, wind—windy, snow—snowy等。 1)如果名词以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母,这时应双写词尾的辅音字母再加-y。如:sun—sunny, fun—funny等。 2)少数以不发音的e结尾的名词变为形容词时,应去掉e再加-y。例如:noise—noisy, ice—icy 等。 2. 一些抽象名词在词尾加-ful可以变为形容词。例如:care—careful, thank—thankful, help—helpful, use—useful, beauty—beautiful等。 3. 一些表示国家的名词可以在词尾加-ese, -ish或-n构成表示国籍、 语言的形容词。例如:China—Chinese, England—English, America—American, India—Indian (其中注意Canada—Canadian)。 4.在名词后加-ous变为形容词。例如:danger—dangerous等。 5. 在名词后加-ly变为形容词。例如:friend—friendly, love—lovely等。 6.在名词后加-less构成含有否定意义的形容词。例如:care—careless,use—useless,hope—hopeless,home—homeless等。 7. 一些以-ence结尾的名词,把ence改为ent变成形容词。例如:difference—different, silence—silent等。 二、动词变名词(v.-n.) 1.词形不变,词性改变。例如:work, study, water, plant等可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。 2. 一些动词在词尾加上-er或-or之后就变成了表示“某一类人”的名词。例如: work—worker, teach—teacher, sing—singer, jump—jumper, play—player, learn—learner, visit—visitor, invent—inventor等。 1)以不发音的e结尾的动词,在词尾加-r。例如:drive—driver, write—writer等 2)以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-er。例如:run—runner, win—winner, begin—beginner等。 3. 在动词词尾加-ing变成名词(方法与动词变为现在分词的方法相同)。例如: meet—meeting, build—building, wait—waiting, wash—washing,swim—swimming等。 三、形容词变副词(adj.-adv.) 一般在形容词的词尾加-ly可以变成副词。例如:quick—quickly, slow—slowly, loud—loudly, sudden—suddenly 等。注意几点: 1. 一些以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,要把y改为i再加-ly。例如:happy—happily, angry—angrily, lucky—luckily, heavy—heavily, noisy—noisily 等。 2. 有些以-ble或-le结尾的形容词,去掉e加-y。例如:possible—possibly, terrible—terribly等。 3. 少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly。例如:true—truly等。但绝大多数以e结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly。例如:polite—politely, wide—widely等。 4. 以-l结尾的形容词变为副词时仍然要在词尾加-ly,而不是只加-y。除非是以-ll结尾的才在词尾只加-y。例如:usual—usually, careful—carefully, useful—usefully, full—fully等。三、其他以t(或te)结尾的动词,变名词时为tion(或去e变tion),变形容词时为tive(或去e变tive)以s(或se)结尾的动词,变名词时为sion(或去e变sion),变形容词时为sive(或去e变sive) 希望这些总结对你有帮助。

一、名词变为形容词的方法 1. 在名词后面加-y可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词)。例如:rain—rainy, cloud—cloudy, wind—windy, snow—snowy, health—healthy, luck—lucky等。 2. 一些抽象名词在词尾加-ful可以变为形容词。3. 一些表示国家的名词可以在词尾加-ese, -ish或-n构成表示国籍、语言的形容词。4.在名词后加-ous变为形容词。5. 在名词后加-ly变为形容词。6.在名词后加-less构成含有否定意义的形容词7. 一些以-ence结尾的名词,把ence改为ent变成形容词。二、动词变为名词的方法 1.词形不变,词性改变。 2. 一些动词在词尾加上-er或-or之后就变成了表示“某一类人”的名词。3. 在动词词尾加-ing变成名词(方法与动词变为现在分词的方法相同)。三、形容词变为副词的方法 一般在形容词的词尾加-ly可以变成副词1. 一些以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,要把y改为i再加-ly。2. 有些以-ble或-le结尾的形容词,去掉e加-y。3. 少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly。4. 以-l结尾的形容词变为副词时仍然要在词尾加-ly,而不是只加-y。







例1:I can’t send a message to Kenya whenever I want to, and __1__ gets there almost in a second.


例2:It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty was very anxious to help__2__ rice crop grow up quickly.


例3:…who should have the honour of receiving me __3__ a guest in their house.

技巧4: 若两个或几个单词或短语之间没有连词,可能是填连词。

例4:…two world-famous artists, Pablo Picasso __4__Cabdido Poitinari, which are worth millions of dollars.


例5:The greatest magician of all time was Harry Houdini __5 _died in 1926.

例6:He was very tired after doing thus foe a whole day, __6__he felt very happy.

技巧6: 由特殊句式结构来判断空格应填的词。

(1) 由itis … that… 强调结构的形式,判断it 还是that。判断方法:去掉itis … that…结构,句子还是一个完整的句子就是强调句型。

(2) 由it 作形式主语或形式宾语的句式判断,空格是否填it.

例7:…and __7__ was only after I heard she become sick that I learned she couldn’t eat MSG (味精).

例8:… as __8__ took them just three minutes to steal paintings by two words-famous artists..

例9:Dating sites also makes__9__ easy to avoid someone whom you are not interested in.

(3) 在倒装句式中通常填only, so, neither, nor, never, hardly, seldom, not…until等词。

例10:__10__ with hard work can you expect to get pay rise.

(4) so / such …that…句型

例11:This made the goat so jealous __11__ it began plotting against the donkey.

(5) more …than…(与其说……不如说……,比……更……)句型。

例12:Cynthia’s story shows vividly that people remember more how much a manager cares __12__ how much he pays.




例13:When I die, I __13__(give) everything to you.

例14:That was definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation, __14__(close) my book and walked away.

例15:In Loganm three people _15_ (take) to a hospital, while others were treated at a local clinic.

例16:Being too anxious to help an event develop often __16__ (result) the contrary to our intention.(2008年广东高考语法填空)

例17:Now, Valentine’s Day is __17__ (celebrate) in many countries around the world.

技巧8: 若句中已有谓语动词,又不是并列谓语时,所给动词就是非谓语动词。若是非谓语动词就要确定是v-ing形式,-ed形式,还是不定式,确定的方法主要有:

(1) 作主语或宾语,通常用v-ing 形式表示习惯或一般情况,用不定式表示具体情况。

例18:…but it is not enough only _18_ (memorize) rules from a grammar book.

例19:__19__ (speak) out your inner feeling won’t make you feel ashamed, on the contrary…

(2) 作目的状语或在形容词后作状语,一般用不定式。

例20:_20_ (complete) the project as planed, we’ll have to work two more hours a day.

(3) 作伴随状语,通常用分词,若与逻辑主语是主动关系,用现在分词(v-ing);若是被动关系,用过去分词(-ed)。

例21:He saw the stone, _21_(say) to himself: “the night will be very dark.”

例22:The headmaster went into the lab, _22_(follow) by the foreign guests.

技巧9: 动词的词类转换主要做主语、宾语和定语。

例23:There are __23__ (comfort) feelings often as any kind of physical pain.

例24:They entered the Credit Lyonnais branch using building __24__ (equip) to dig holes

例25:These people have made great __25__(contribute) to China with their work.



技巧10: 作表语(在系动词之后)、定语(修饰名词)或宾补(表性质状态),通常用形容词形式。

例26:The youngster immediately fell _26_ (silence) as tears flew down from his big blue eyes.

例27:Teachers must try their best to make most of their students _27_ (interest) in the subject.

技巧11: 修饰动词、形容词、副词,或整个句子,作状语,用副词形式。

例28:As I looked __28__ (close) at this girl, I found that…

例29:__29___ (fortune),the guest escaped unharmed.

技巧12: 有的词义转换题,词类或词性不一定要变,主要是考查具有与词根意义相反的派生词,需要句子意思及前后逻辑关系,在词根前加un-, im-, in-等,在词根后加-less等。

例30:People certainly have a variety of reasons for going back to school but one important thing to know is, no knowledge is _30_(use).

例31:Your mistake caused a lot of _31_(necessary) work in the office.

技巧13: 括号中所给词若是形容词或副词,有可能考查其比较级或最高级。

例32:The other frog went on jumping as hard as he could… he jumped even _32_(hard) and nearly made himself out.

例33:The _33_(bad) damage was reported in the towns of Logan and Clovis, which are about 80 miles apart, police said.

例34:…, but he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” ___34__(high)





有些是加y 成为形容词,但不完全都是,例如wind /windy .cloud /cloudy .有时候名词可直接用做动词,不需要加什么后缀,这个动词比较多很难又一个好的记忆方法,副词的话一般加ly 结尾,目前我能回答的就这么多了,希望有帮助。





1. Not only Tom but also John often _________ football here after school. (practice)

2. A _______ painter can paint all kinds of paintings.(professor)

3. The car can’t go as _______ as the underground. (quick)

4. There must have been a heavy ________ last night, for the ground is all wet. (rainy)

5. Students don’t like ______ weather because they can’t have P.E lesson in the ______. (rain)

6. Many people don’t ______that too much salt is harmful to health. (real)

7. I ______don’t know who is the _____ actor of this film. (real)

8. Yesterday I heard a _______ story. I was ________ moved by it. (real)

9. The new hospital is (location) in one of the new estate.

*10. He was __________ last week because he lost his new

bicycle. (happiness)

答案:1. practises 2. professional 3. quickly 4. rain 5. rainy, rain 6. really 7. really, real 8. real, really 9. located 10. unhappy


1. When the teacher asks you , you must stand up ______ and give a _______ answer. (quick)

2. The children are often told to be more careful on __________ days. (rain)

3. What a fast ___________ John is! (run)

4. Tom was ______ the poem when I came in. (recite)

5. There are thousands of books in our school (librarian).

6. Don’t to him! (listening)

7. It is a suitable (locate) for the new post office.

8. Thank you for giving me so present! (love)

*9. I finally __________ that he was my deskmate long ago.


*10. It hasn’t _______ for a long time. But now it is

_________ (rainy)

答案:1. quickly, quick 2. rainy 3. runner 4. reciting 5. library 6. listen 7. location 8. lovely 9. realized 10. rained, raining


1. I didn’t ______ you were going to get ready for the

picnic. (real)

2. The recitation by class 5 is ________ wonderful (real)

3. The teacher asked us to ______ this part of the text.(recitation)

4. The recitation _______ by Tom is really wonderful.(recite)

5. Alice is a good (library), she is in charge ofmany books.

6. Sometimes, to be a (listen) is a good way. 7. The horn is (loudly) enough to be heard a mile off.

8. He has a great (lovely ) for knowledge and truth. *9. He _____ his pipe and usually smokes with it. (lovely) *10. It is __________ to swim in a swimming pool than in a river. (save)

答案:1. realize 2. really 3. recite 4. recited 5. librarian 6. listener 7. loud 8. love 9. loves 10. safer


1. He was out of (lucky) and failed the examination.

2. The library has employed ten __________, six men and four women. (library)

3. I’m trying to ________ Mr. Smith. Do you know where he is? (location)

4. That music is too _____. Please turn it down. ( loudly)

5. Everything in the garden is ______ (love).

7. The other day the school received an official letter. (medicine)

*9. We ________ carefully but heard nothing. (listener)

*10. _________, Peter failed to pass the English test yesterday. (luck)

答案:1. luck 2. Luckily 3. lucky 4. luck 5. lovely 6. luck7. medical 8. meeting 9. listened 10. Unluckily


1. he could get rid of the unhealthy habits. (lucky)

2. Air is a ________ of gases. (mix)

3. I want you to ________ the names of all the plants in their correct order. (memory)

(lucky). B: Thank you.

5. What is the purpose of your visit?(mainly)

6. I like all music, but I’m interested in jazz. (main)

7. Why don’t you complain to the ? (manage)

8. Why did the patient refuse to take the ? (medical)

*9. the company while his father was away. (manager)

*10. We’ve had fivestill haven’t solved the problem. (meet)

答案:1. Luckily 2. mixture 3. memorize 4. luck 5. main

6. mainly 7. manager 8. medicine 9. managed 10. meetings


1. A: Will you me at the station?(meeting) B: Sorry, I won’t.

2. What a (an)_______girl she is! She passed the exam at last. (luckily)

3. We have had a _________ to say that your father is ill.


4. He passed the test and smiled __________. (happy)

5. –Why can’t I see the cursor on the screen, Daddy?

--Your little brother broke your ______ yesterday. (mice)

6. China Daily is a __________ newspaper. (nation)

7. -What’s your __________?

--I am French. (nation)

8. The one whose job is carrying messages is called a _______. (message)

*9. After the car accident, Mr. and Mrs. Lee both lost their ________. (memorize)

*10. She put the sugar into the coffee and ___________ them up with a spoon. (mixture)

答案:1. meet 2. lucky 3. message 4. happily 5. mouse 6. national 7. nationality 8. messenger 9.memories 10. mixed

1A 2 plenty of修饰不可数名词 3 the 4 A 5 give 6 A 7visting 8 him

1.A They have done a lot of things, but not everything.2. Plenty of. There is a plenty of space on both sides of the street.3. a. I went skating with my friends for the first time on a cold day in January.4. A. You can make New Years cards with yours own hands.5. take. My parents often take my advice.6. B. Many countries are in danger in the world because of the war.7. It is Andy's first (visiting) to his wife's parents. 8. Jim's sister wants (him) to play tennis with her.

你好:57 Simon's parents gave him a Chinese 【painting】as a birthday present .【解析】:1、gave 是动词,后面接名词或名词性短语,而Chinese 是形容词作定语,所以它后面必定是一个 名词。2、painting 意思是“图画;画” ;Chinese painting 意思是“中国画” 。3、前面有冠词 a ,所以painting 用单数形式。【翻译】:西蒙的父母送给他一幅中国画作为生日礼物。不清楚的请追问!合作愉快!希望对你有帮助!满意请采纳!

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