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☆自考英语二的重点单词 (98 单词)accomplish vt. 完成predict v. 预知, 预言, 预报attain vt. &vi. 达到,获得skilled adj. 有技能的, 熟练的interview n. 面谈,访问,接见 vt. 接见,对...进行面谈(试) vi. 面试, 采访prospect n. 景色, 希望, 展望 v. 探勘, 寻找apply vt. 应用, 申请; 涂 vt. 使专心从事 vi.申请; 有关联shrink n. 收缩,萎缩 vi. 收缩,退缩,萎缩 vt. 使收缩convince vt. 说服, 使...相信basis n. 基础,根据,主要成分resolve n. 决定之事,决心,坚决 vt. 决定,解决,分离,表决 vi. 分离,决定glitter n. 灿烂, 闪烁, 辉耀 v. 灿烂, 闪烁, 辉耀whereas conj.&adv. 然而,却,反之concerned adj. 担忧的,关心的deteriorate vt. (使)恶化 vi. (使)恶化, 瓦解, 衰退debate n. 辩论,讨论 vt. 争论,思考 vi. 商讨,辩论opt vi. 选择,决定做某事burden n. 负担, 重载 v. 使负重, 装载, 烦扰privilege n. 特权,特别恩典,基本人权,荣幸 vt. 给特权,免除appoint vt. 任命,指定,预约,装饰 vi. 行使任命权bias n. 偏见,斜纹 vt. 使偏心recruit n. 招聘,新兵,新成员 vt.&vi. 恢复,补充,徵募domestic adj. 国内的, 家庭的, 驯养的 n. 家仆, 佣人convict n. 囚犯,罪犯v. 使...确信自己犯错,宣告...有罪,使...知罪despite prep. 不管, 尽管 v.憎恨, 轻视minimum adj. 最低的, 最小的 n. 最小量, 最低限度maintenance n. 维护, 保持, 维修, 生活费用 n. 供给, 抚养; 主张shackle n. 桎梏, 束缚物 v. 加桎梏, 加枷锁, 束缚degrade vt. 贬低;使……丢脸;使……降级;使……降解 vi. 降级,降低;退化ditch n. 沟渠 vt. 坠入沟中,摆脱,飞机(在海上)迫降vi. 挖一条沟渠,飞机紧急降落unison n. 调和, 和谐, 一致distinct adj. (from)独特的,不同的,明显的,清楚的spontaneous adj. 自发的, 自然产生的synthesis n. 合成,综合,推理amplify v. 扩大, 详述, 使...增幅inspire vt. 影响,使...感动, 激发,煽动 vi. 吸入improvise v. 即席写作,即席即兴,即席而作preliminary n. 初步行动, 准备, 初步措施 adj. 初步的, 开始的, 预备的conventional adj. 普通的,常见的,习惯的,常规的harmony n. 和弦,协调,和睦,调和efficiency n. 效率;效能;功效prevalent adj. 流行的, 普遍的specific adj. 特殊的, 明确的, 具有特效的 n. 特效药, 特性, 详情assemble vt. 聚集,集合,装配 vi. 集合, 聚集precede vt. &vi. 在...之前,优于,较...优先partial adj. 部分的,偏袒的,偏爱的 n. 泛音subside vi. 沉没,平息analyze v. 分析,分解 vt. 分析desirable adj. 值得有的,令人满意的,有吸引力的 n. 有吸引力的人acquire vt. 占有,获得,取得,学到motivate v. 给与动机,刺激,提高...的学习欲望satisfaction n. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信elusive adj. 难懂的,难捉摸的,难记的,逃避的flexible adj. 灵活的,易弯曲的,柔韧的,可变通的crash v. 撞碎, 猛使...破碎, 迫降,发出巨响 n. 轰隆声, 猛撞, 崩溃, 破产, 垮台 adj. 速成的 n. 粗布deem v. 认为, 相信external n. 外部 adj. 外部的,外用的,客观的,表面的overcome vt. 战胜,克服,(感情等)压倒, 使受不了 vi. 获胜, 赢neutral adj. 中立的,中性的 n. 中立者,空挡的,素净色synchronize v. 使同时, 同时发生feasible adj. 可行的,可能的span n.共轭(马、骡); 跨度,墩距; 一段时间; [航] 跨绳 vt.缚住或扎牢; 跨越时间或空间; 以掌测量; 以手围绕测量类似测量exceptional adj. 例外的,异常的,特别的appreciate vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识 vt. 领会,充分意识 vi. 增值mislead vt. 误导,使产生错误印象,欺,使误入歧途typical adj. 典型的, 有代表性的advantageous adj. 有利的,有助的,有益的inactive adj. 不活动的,停止的,怠惰的 [化]惰性的 [物]无旋光的acknowledge vt. 承认,公认,告知收到,表示感谢,注意到revision n. 校订,修正,修订本 n. 复习,重温withdraw vt. 撤回,取回,撤退 vi. 退回,撤退inconsiderate adj. 不顾别人的,无谋的,无分别的attribute n. 属性, 特征; 标志, 象征 vt. 归于, 属于appropriate adj. 适当的, 相称的 vt. 拨出(款项); 占用democratic adj. 民主的, 大众的, 平等的nomination n. 提名, 任命, 提名权decline n. 衰微, 跌落; 晚年 v. 降低, 婉谢constitutional adj. 组织的, 立宪的, 体质的nominate vt. 提名, 指派, 登记赛马参加比赛dominant adj. 占优势的,主导的,显性的 n. 主宰者inevitable adj. 不可避免的, 必然(发生)的monopolize vt. 独占, 垄断moderation n. 缓和, 适度, 节制disorder n. 杂乱,混乱 vt. 扰乱irrelevant adj. 不恰当的,无关系的,不相干的simulate v. 假装,冒充,模仿,模拟undergo vt. 遭受,经历,忍受refine vt. 精炼,净化,使优雅 vi. 被提纯,改进delightful adj. 令人愉快的, 可喜的negative adj. 否定的,负的,消极的 n. 底片,负数,否定 vt. 否定contemplate vt. 注视,沉思,打算literal adj. 逐字的, 字面上的, 文字的 [计算机] 文字的imperative n. 命令, 诫命, 需要 adj. 命令式的, 急需的deprive vt. 剥夺,拒绝,免职prevail vi. 获胜, 盛行, 主导symptom n. 症状, 征兆habitual adj. 惯常的, 习惯的compensatory adj. 赔偿的, 补偿的☆自考英语二的重点单词2 (67 单词)enhance vt. 提高,加强,增加initial n. (词)首字母 adj. 开始的, 最初的, 字首的 vt. 签姓名的首字母于confront vt. 面临, 对抗, 遭遇modest adj. 谦虚的, 适度的, 端庄的miserable adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的respectively adv. 各自地, 分别地definitive adj. 决定性的,权威性的,确定的,限定的 n. 限定词evolve vt. &vi. 进展,进化,展开primarily adv. 首先, 主要地reinforce vt. 加强,加固;强化;补充 vi. 求援;得到增援;给予更多的支持 n. 加强;加固物;加固材料voluntary adj. 自愿的, 志愿的 n. (教堂礼拜仪式前后或进行期间的)乐器独奏undertake vt. 从事,保证coincide v. 与...一致,符合,暗合eliminate v. 除去,排除,剔除 [计算机] 消除formerly adv. 以前, 从前subtle adj. 微妙的,敏感的,精细的,狡诈的,不明显的curtail vt. 缩减, 削减,截短encounter n. 意外的相见,遭遇 vt. &vi. 遇到,偶然碰到,遭遇assembly n. 集合, 集会, 装配discredit vt. 使...不可信, 怀疑, 损害...的信用 n. 失信, 怀疑, 不信任capture n. 抓取,战利品,捕获之物 vt. 抓取,获得,迷住compassion n. 同情,怜悯foster adj. 收养的,养育的 v. 养育,抚育,培养 n. (Foster)人名;(英、捷、意、葡、法、德、俄、西)福斯特profound adj. 极深的,深奥的,深厚的,严重的repressive adj. 压抑的, 抑制的, 镇压的restriction n. 限制,约束 vi. 结果,(作为结果)发生barrier n. 界线,屏障,障碍物 v. 以屏障隔开pledge n. 保证,誓言,抵押,抵押品 vt. 保证,誓言,举杯祝...健康pervasive adj. 普遍的,蔓延的,渗透的marvellous adj. 惊奇的,非凡的,绝妙的 = marvelous [英]persist vi. 坚持,固执,持续evaluate vt. 评估,评价ultimate n. 终极,根本,精华 adj. 终极的,根本的,极限的,最后的conquer vt. 征服, 战胜, 克服 vi. 得胜universal adj. 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的 n. 通用scarce adj. 缺乏的,不足的,稀少的,罕见的 adv. 勉强promotion n. 促进,提升,推广integrate v. 整合, 使...成整体progressive adj. 前进的, 渐进的 n. 进步人士infiltrate v.(使)渗透,(使)渗入perspective n. 远景, 看法, 透视 adj. 透视的accomplished adj. 娴熟的,有造诣的,完成的,有成就的,毫无疑问的 动词accomplish的过去式和过去分词attainment n. 达到,获得 (常复数)attainments:成就,才能,学识interviewee n. 被接见者, 被访问者, 被面试者interviewer n. 采访者, 接见者, (面试时的)主考官applicable adj. 合适的,适用的application n.适用,应用,运用; 申请,请求,申请表格; 勤勉,用功;敷用,敷用药convincing adj. 使人信服的, 有力的, 令人心悦诚服的 vbl. 使...信服, 使...明白appointment n. 约会, 预约, 任命, 委派, 官职, 设备distinction n. 区别; 卓越; 殊荣distinctive adj. 有特色的,出众的inspiration n. 灵感,吸入,鼓舞人心(的东西)inspirational adj. 带有灵感的, 给予灵感的, 灵感的analytical adj. 分析的,解析的,善于解析的desire n. 愿望, 欲望, 情欲 v. 向往, 要求, 请求 vt. 渴望satisfying adj. 令人满意的, 圆满的, 可相信的 动词satisfy的现在分词typically adv. 代表性地, 作为特色地advantage n. 优势,有利条件 vt. 有利于activity n. 活动;行动;活跃inactivate vt. 使不活动,使不活跃attributive adj. 定语的, 属性的 n. 定语nominee n. 被提名的人, 名义人dominance n. 支配(控制, 统治, 权威, 优势)delighted adj. 高兴的, 快乐的 v. 快乐, 喜悦compassionate adj. 有同情心的 vt. 同情marvel n. 奇异的事物, 罕见的例子 v. 惊异于, 惊异promotional adj. 推销的, 增进的, 晋升的☆自考英语二的重点短语 (37 单词)course of action 行动步骤in the way adv. 在路上(挡道的)make a guess at v. 猜测in part 部分地have no idea 一点不知道,听也没有听过at a disadvantage 处于不利地位turn down 关小,调低,拒绝swallow up 吞下去,耗尽, 吞没make use of 利用speculation about 关于 ... 猜测in other words 换句话说, 也就是说consist of 由...组成under the circumstances adj. 既然如此(在这种情况下, 情况既然如此)under no circumstances 决不,无论如何都不make a difference to 对 ... 产生影响above all 首先, 尤其是as a rule 通常, 一般说来carry out vt. 实行(执行,实现)in this case conj. 假若这样open up vi. 打开(开发,展现,开始,揭露)take into account vt. 考虑(注意, 顾及, 体谅)be sensitive to conj. 对 ... 敏感(易感受)amount to vt. 总共达到(总计,等于) 相当于;意味着by nature adv. 生性(本性上,本来,生来)when it comes to 当涉及到, 当谈到deal with 讨论, 处理, 涉及,对付,与...做生意be deserving of 应得, 值得protect from 保护 ... 不受, 使 ... 免于protect against 反对 ... 以保护distinguish from v. 不同于, 辨别, 区分watch over 看守,监视,照管in unison 完全一致地,同时地up to adj. 正在做(直到,相当于,胜任,该由...决定)a good deal of 大量,许多in existence adj. 存在的(现存的, 现有的)take place v. 发生, 顶替

2023年4月自考的考试时间在4月15日-16日,英语二是自考的必考课程,复习自考英语的时候,考生总觉得很难,其实自考考生要多背单词,短语和语法,多积累一些英语作文,就可以取得一个不错的成绩。现整理了一些自考英语二的高频知识点,考生可以记忆。自考英语二单词词汇整理Goal名词 目标,目的,球门,终点,得分。Objective 形容词客观的, 实体的,目标的。Accomplish 动词完成,达到(目的)。Predict动词预言,预测,预告。implement动词实施,执行,落实(政策)tendency名词倾向,趋势,性情,癖好。achievement名词完成,达到,成就,成绩。argue动词坚决主张,劝告,表明,******budget名词预算,预算案,拨款,一束+define动词规定, 使明确,精确的解释entity 名词实体,本质+in the way这样in part在某种程度上,部分地,一半pointofview观点contributeto 捐献,促成,投稿toapplyfor申请(职位)applyto 应用到to turndown拒绝,驳回,顶回去escape动词逃脱,(液体、气体)漏气, (未受伤或受了一点伤)逃脱;逃避;被忽视。explode动词发怒,激增,爆发exploded爆破了的。collapse动词折叠,倒塌,崩溃。shrink动词收缩,萎缩,退缩,缩水。gravity名词重力,万有引力。measurement名词量度,分量,尺寸,测量法basis名词基础,主要成分,基本原则base onlaunch动词发射,投入。convincing形容词令人相信的,有说服力的动词,使相信companion动词同伴,同行名词伙伴。speculation名词投机买卖(活动)心swallow动词,名词吞,咽。operate动词运转, 操作。to makeuseof利用,使用,假借a great many许多,很多aboveall首要的是,尤其,最重要的是。weaken动词(使) 削弱(变弱),衰减。deteriorate动词使恶化,变坏。debate动词,名词讨论, 辩论+legal形容词法律上的,合法的名词合法权利request名词要求,需要动词请求。criterion名词(批判,批评)准则,标准。ensure动词确保,担保。oppose动词反对tradition 名词传统,惯例。consideration名词考虑,考察,关心,照顾。disable动词使无能力,使残废。burden动词使烦恼,劳累名词负担,包袱。vulnerable形容词易受攻击的,易受伤的vulnerability名词弱点,攻击。prohibition名词禁令,禁律sensitive形容词敏感的,易受影响to debate on对某个辩题辩论debate about辩论关于to make request for sb.给某人提出要求make a requestto sb./for sth.向某人(为某事)提出请求be opposed to反对….背道而驰to take .. into account把…考虑进去。abuse:vt./n.滥用,妄用;虐待,凌辱academic:a.学院的,学会的;学术的accent:n.重音;口音acceptable:a.可以接受的accessible:a.易接近的;易受影响的(to);可理解的accident:n.意外;偶然事故accompany:vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随,一起发生;伴奏accomplish:vt.完成(任务等)achieve:vt.完成achievement:n.完成,达到;成就,成绩achive:vt.完成,实现,达到,得到acid:n.酸,酸性物质 a.酸的acknowledge:vt.承认;表示感谢acquaintance:n.认识,了解;相识的人,熟人acquire:vt.获得,得到acronym:n.首字母缩略词wander:vi.漫游,徘徊,漫步;离题want:v.想要war:n.战争warden:n.保管人;管理人;看守人;监护人warfare:n.战争,作战,交战;斗争,竞争warm:a.温暖的warmth:n.暖和,温暖;热烈,热情warn:vt.警告;注意Warren Harding:沃伦·哈定wash:v.&n.洗涤自学考试英语二备考句型过渡句入门:1. ..may further be supported by………可以进一步证实……2.However, why is…important/indispensable/necessary?但是为什么……很重要(必不可少、有必要)?3.As a proverb says…/As is well known to us…正如一句名言所说(正如我们所知)……4.People should pay more attention to the..because…人们应该增加对……的重视,因为……进阶:1.Besides/In addition/Apart from this, other ways/aspects/functions are…除此之外,另外一些方法(方面、作用)是……2. …is but one of many effects.Another i……只不过是其中一个影响。另一个是……3.Another equally important aspect/function is…另一个同样重要的方面(作用)是……4.Closely connected with/related to/associated with this factor is…与这个因素密切相关的另一个因素是…报考考试有疑问、不知道如何考点内容、不清楚报考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:

自考英语二常用短语 1.to gaze at凝视,注视 2.be unaware of不知道没觉察到 3.to dream of梦见.梦想 4.in one's mind's eye在脑海里 5.to go over(1)越过,渡过(⑵仔细检查 6.to impresson使铭记,牢记 7.be free from没有的,不受的 8.to go over(1)越过,渡过(⑵仔细检查 9.to impresson使铭记,牢记 10.to put aside(1)放在一边,撇开(2)储存 11.be beneficial to对有利 12.to add up to(1)总计是(2)总起来意味着 13.influence on对的影响 14.to break into分成(部分) 15.so far as sbknows就某人所知 16.ofvalue有价值 17.ofimportance重要,有意义 18.ofinterest有趣,有意思 19.to coincide with相符,一致 20.to go in for(1)参加,从事(2)以为兴趣,爱好year in and year out一年一年地,年复一年totakeeasy轻松一点;勿太紧张 21.to put an end to结束或废除某事务 22.to do one's best尽全力:尽量 23.to do with sth处理;忍受 24.in return作为回报 25.to do without没有也行;将就。设法应付过去自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

自考本科英语二非常重要的考试科目,学习英语最重要的是背单词,背语法。下位小编为大家整理了50个自考英语二的高频知识点,考生可以参考。自考英语二语法知识点整理一、动词短语搭配1. be fond of “喜爱,爱好” 接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式[1] He's fond of swimming. 他喜欢游泳。[2] Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗?[3] He is fond of his research work. 他喜爱他的研究工作。2. hunt for = look for 寻找 hunt for a job 找工作3. in order to/so as to两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语, in order to可放于句首, so as to则不能, 其否定形式为in order not to / so as not to.[1] He went to Beijing in order to/so as to attend an important meeting.[2] In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.为了让我们注意他, 他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。4. care about[1] 喜欢,对……有兴趣 = care forShe doesn't care about money.她不喜欢钱。[2] 关心 = care forShe thinks only of herself. She doesn't care about other people. 她只考虑自己。不关心别人。[3] 在乎,在意(接从句或不接任何成分)These young people care nothing about what old people might say. 这些年轻人根本不在乎老人说的话。5. such as 意为“诸如……”,“像……”,是用来列举人或事物的。She teaches three subjects, such as physics and chemistry. 她教三门科目,像物理、化学。6. drop a line 留下便条, 写封短信7. make yourself at home 别客气;随便;无拘束If you get to my house before I do, help yourself to a drink and make yourself at home. 如果你在我之前到我家,自己喝点饮料,随便一点。8. stay up 不睡;熬夜[1] I'll be late home, don't stay up for me.我将回家很晚,不要等我了。[2] He stayed up reading until 2:00 in the morning.他熬夜看书直到凌晨两点。9. come about 引起;发生;产生[1] How did the accident come about?这场事故是怎么发生的?[2] They didn't know how the change had come about.他们不知道这个变化是怎样产生的。10. except for 除……之外[1] except 与 except for 的用法常有区别。except 多用于引起同类事物中被排除的一项。如:①He answered all the questions except the last one.除去最后一个,他回答了所有问题。②We go there everyday except Sunday.除了星期天,我们天天去那里。[2] except for 用于引述细节以修正句子的主要意思。如:①Except for oneold lady, the bus was empty.除去一个老太太,这辆公共汽车全空了。②Your picture isgood except for the colours.你的画儿很好,只是某些色彩有问题。[3] 但在现代英语中,except for也用于表示except的意思。如上述第一个例子可以是:He answered all the questions except for the last one.[4] 另外,在介词短语之前只能用except,不能用except for。We go to bed before ten, except in the summer.除了夏季,我们通常十点之前上床睡觉。11. end up with 以……告终;以……结束The party ended up with an English song.聚会以一首英文歌结束。12. more or less 几乎;差不多;大约;大概;大体上[1] I've more or less succeeded, but they haven't.我差不多成功了,而他们没有。[2] Our living condition has more or less improved.我们的生活水平或多或少提高了。13. bring in 引进;引来;吸收[1] We should bring in new technology.我们应该引进新技术。[2] He brings in 800 dollars a month.他一个月挣八百美元。14. get away(from) 逃离[1] The thieves got away from the shop with all our money.小偷带着我们所有的钱从商店逃跑了。[2] I caught a really big fish but it got away.我钓到了一条好大的鱼,可是它逃掉了。15. watch out (for)注意;留心[1] Watch out! There is a car coming.小心!汽车来了。[2] Watch out for the hole in the road.留神路上的那个坑。16. see sb. off 给某人送行Tomorrow I will see my friend off at the railway station.明天我到火车站给朋友送行。17. on the other hand 另一方面; 用以引出相互矛盾的观点、意见等,常说 on the one hand …… on the other hand 一方面……另一方面。I know this job of mine isn't well paid, but on the other hand I don't have to work long hours.我知道这份工作报酬不高,但从另一方面来说,我也不必工作太长时间。18. as well as 和/还 , He is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.她不但是摄影师还是个天才的音乐家。19. take place 发生 take one's place 入座、站好位置、取得地位take sb's place 或 take the place of 代替、取代20. on fire 相当于burning, 意为“燃烧;着火;起火”,有静态的含意。catch fire有动态的含意。set…on fire/set fire to…用来表示“使……着火”、“放火烧……”。Look, the theatre is on fire! Let's go and help.瞧,剧院着火了,咱们去帮忙救火吧。21. on holiday 在度假,在休假中 When I was on holiday, I visited my uncle. 我在度假的时候去看望了叔叔。22. travel agency旅行社=travel bureau23. take off[1] 脱下(衣服等), 解(除)掉 He took off his wet shoes.他脱下了湿鞋子。[2] (飞机)起飞 The plane took off on time. It was a smooth take-off.飞机准时起飞。起飞非常顺利。[3] 匆匆离开 The six men got into the car and took off for the park.这六个人上了车,匆匆离开去公园。24. go wrong v. 走错路, 误入岐途, (机器等)发生故障25. in all adv. 总共26. stay away v.外出27. look up 查询(如宾语为代词,则代词放中间) Look up the word in the dictionary. 在字典里查单词。相关词组:①look for 寻找;②look after照顾,照料;③look forward to期待;④look into调查;⑤look on旁观;⑥look out注意;⑦look out for注意,留心,提防;⑧look over翻阅,查看,检查;⑨look around环视;⑩look through翻阅,查看。28. run after 追逐,追求 If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.同时追两只兔子,你一只也抓不到。29. on the air 广播[1] We will be on the air in five minutes.我们五分钟以后开始广播。[2] This programme comes on the air at the same time every day.这个节目每天在同一时间播出。30. think highly/well/much of对……评价很高, 赞赏, 对……印象好;think badly/nothing/little/lowly of……认为不好, 对……不在意, 不赞成, 觉得……不怎么样[1] He was highly thought of by the manager.经理对他非常赞赏。[2] I think well of your suggestion.我觉得你的建议很好。[3] I don't think much of him as a teacher.我觉得他作为一个老师不怎么样。31. leave out[1] 漏掉 You made a mistake—You've left out a letter “t”。你出错了—你漏掉了一个字母t.[2] 删掉, 没用 I haven't changed or left out athing.我没有作出变动也没有删掉任何东西。32. stare at (由于好奇、激动等张着嘴巴,睁大眼睛地)[1] 凝视,盯着看 Don't stare at foreigners. It's impolite.不要盯着外国人看,这样不礼貌。[2] glare at (to stare angrily at)怒视着33. make jokes about 就……说笑 They make jokes about my old hat.他们就我的旧帽子说笑我。[1] have a joke with … about…跟某人开关于某事的玩笑He stopped to have a joke with me.他停下来跟我开玩笑。[2] play a joke on…开某人的玩笑 We played jokes on each other. 我们互相开玩笑。[3] v. joke about 取笑They joked about my broken English.他们取笑我蹩脚的英。34. take over 接管;接替;继承[1] What is good and still useful should be taken over.好的有用的东西应当继承。[2] Our chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job)。我们的主席走了,因此杰克将接管(他的工作)。35. break down[1] 破坏;拆散 ①Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。 ②The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)据说和谈破裂了。[2](机器)损坏 ①Our truck broke down outside town. 我们的卡车在城外抛锚了。 ②The car broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚了。[3] 失败;破裂 Their opposition broke down.他们的反对意见打消了。[4] 精神崩溃;失去控制 He broke down and wept. 他不禁失声痛哭。[5] 起化学变化 Food is broken down by chemicals. 化学物质引起食物转化。36. get on one's feet[1] 站起来;站起来发言[2] (=stand on one's feet)自立, 经济上独立[3] (人)病好了, 可以起床了; (使)恢复, 复苏(指企业)37. go through[1] 经历;经受;遭到 These countries have gone / been through too many wars.这些国家饱经战火。[2] 完成;做完I didn't want to go through college.我不想上完大学。[3] 通过;批准 ①The law has gone through Parliament. 议会已经通过了这项法案。②Their plans went through. 他们的计划得到了批准。[4] 全面检查;搜查 They went through our luggage at the customs.在海关他们检查了我们的行李。38.take over 接管;接替;继承①what is good and still useful should be taken over.好的有用的东西应当继承。②Our chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job)。我们的主席走了,因此杰克将接管(他的工作)。二、常考句型39. “So + be/have/助动词/情态动词+主词”的结构。此结构中的语序是倒装的,“So”代替上句中的某个成分。如果上面一句是否定句,则使用“Neither/Nor+be/have/助动词/情态动词+主语”的结构。[1] He's tired, and so am I. (=I' m also tired.)[2] You can swim,and so can I.(=I can also swim.)She has had supper,and so can I.(=I've had lunch,too.)[3] Tom speaks English,and so does his sister.(=His sister speaks English,too.)A: I went to the park yesterday.B: So did I.(=I also went to the park yesterday.)40.“So +主语+be/have/助动词/情态动词”结构中的主谓是正常语序,so相当于indeed,certainly, 表示说话人对前面或对方所说情况的肯定、赞同或证实,语气较强,意思是“确实如此”。A:It was cold yesterday.昨天很冷。B:So it was.的确如此。(=Yes,it was.)A:You seem to like sports.B:So I do.(=Yes,I do.)A:It will be fine tomorrow.B:So it will.(=Yes ,it will.)41.“主语+do/does/did + so”结构指的是按上句的要求做了。此句型中do so代替上文中要求做的事,以免重复。My Chinese teacher told me to hand in my composition on time and I did so.(=I handed inmy composition on time.) 语文老师叫我按时交作文, 我照办了。42. So it is with…或 It is the same with…句型表示 “……(的情况)也是如此。”当前面的句子中有几种不同形式的谓语时,要表示相同情况,必须使用本句型,不能使用so 引起的倒装句。She doesn't play the piano, but she likes singing. So it is with my sister.43. There you are. 行了,好。 这是一句表示一种事情告一段落或有了最终结果的用语。[1] There you are! Then let's have some coffee.除此之外,还可以表示“瞧,对吧(果然如此)”的语气。[2] There you are! I knew we should find it at last.对吧!我就知道我们最终能找到的。44. have some difficulty (in) doing sth. 干某事有困难;接名词时,常用句型:have some difficulty with sth.[1] Do you have any difficulty (in) understanding English?你理解英语口语有困难吗?[2] She said she had some difficulty with pronunciation.她说她在发音方面有困难。45. have a good knowledge of sth. “掌握……”,“对……有某种程度的了解”[1] He has a good knowledge of London.他对伦敦有所了解。[2] A good knowledge of languages is always useful.三、长难句46. Wei Bin took out some peanuts and it was fun to see the monkey eat from his hand.魏彬拿出一些花生。看着猴子从他手上吃花生,很有趣。[1] fun “好玩,趣事”,不可数名词,前面不加不定冠词aYou're sure to have some fun at the party tonight. 今天晚上你肯定会玩得很开心。[2] make fun of“取笑”,“嘲弄”。People make fun of him only because he is wearing such a strange jacket.人们嘲笑他只是因为他穿了一件那么奇怪的衣服。funny adj. “可笑的,滑稽的”He looks very funny in his father's jacket.他穿着他父亲的衣服,看上去很滑稽。47. It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate.把你盘子里所有东西吃完是有礼貌的。这是一个动词不定式作主语的句型,其中to finish eating everything 是主语,it是形式主语。四、常考语法48. 直接引语和间接引语[1] 直接引语在改为间接引语时,时态需要做相应的调整。(一般过去时改成过去完成时)I broke your CD player.→He told me he had broken my CD player.(现在完成时改成过去完成时)Jenny said, “I have lost a book.”→Jenny said she had lost a book.(一般将来时改成过去将来时)Mum said, “I'll go to see a friend.”→Mum said she would go to see a friend.(过去完成时保留原有的时态)He said, “We hadn't finished our homework.”→He said they hadn't finished their homework.注意:直接引语是客观真理,过去进行时,时态不变。[2] 在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语时第一人称或被第一人称所修饰,从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化。如:Mary said, “My brother is an engineer.”→Mary said her brother was and engineer.[3] 直接引语如果是反意疑问句,选择疑问句或一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由whether或if引导的宾语从句。如:He said, “Can you run, Mike?”→He asked Mike whether/if he could run.[4] 直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为“tell(ask, order, beg等) (not) to do sth.”句型。如:“Pass me the water, please.”said he.→He asked him to pass her the water.[5] 直接引语如果是以“Let's”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest+动名词或从句”的结构。如:She said, “Let's go to the cinema.”→She suggested going to the cinema.或She suggested that they should go to the cinema.49. 现在进行时表将来的动作现在进行时表将来的动作,谓语通常为瞬间动词。如:come, go, arrive, leave, start, return, stay, meet, get等。这些动词的进行时后不能再接具体的时间。[1] 用现在进行时表示将来,指的是近期的,按计划或安排要发生的动作。[2] 现在进行时表示将来与表示正在进行的动作的区别在于:前者通常用瞬间动词(有时一些常用动词也可以这样用如:do)如:go, come, start, return, get, arrive等。而后者通常是持续性动词。① The train is arriving soon. 火车就要进站了。② He is reading a novel. 他在看小说。[3] 用现在进行时表示将来的时间,在句中或上下文中通常有表示将来时间的状语。[4] 现在进行时与一般现在时表示将来动作的区别在于:前者表示的将来的动作往往是可以改变的,而后者则是根据规定或时间表预计要发生的动作或事情,因此往往是不可改变或不可随便改变的。① What are you doing next Friday?下星期五你们打算干什么?② The plane takes off at 7:30 tonight.飞机今晚七点半起飞。50. 主语是单数时,尽管后面跟有as well as, but ,except, besides, with ,along with, together with, like 等,谓语动词仍用单数。The teacher as well as his students is excited.报考考试有疑问、不知道如何考点内容、不清楚报考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:



自考英语二是必考科目,而英语二最重要的拿分点之一就是作文。今天小编给大家分享英语作文万能模板及满分范文,以供参考。自考英语二模板汇总背句型1. as is known /as it is known to all…众所周知2. with the pace of modern life increasing…. 随着现代生活步伐的加快3. with the development of modern society…随着现代社会的4. personally I’m in favor of the former/latter view…我个人偏向于前/后一种观点5. there is no doubt that…勿容质疑6. however everything has two sides…任何事物都具有两方面7. as a Chinese saying goes…正如中国的一句谚语所说8. the same is the case with sth…也不例外9. in the appraisal of…在。。。的评价中11. according to…there are at least three good reasons…firstly secondly…thirdly…列举的用法12. In my opinion, in the appraisal of…it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negate everything.We should appreciate the great contribution made by them,and at the same time pay enough attention to the problems caused by them.我认为,在对….的评价中,完全的肯定任何事情和否认任何事情都是片面的。我们在欣赏到他们做出的巨大的贡献的同时也要更加注意他们带来的问题。英语作文速成模板1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。1. 有一些人认为…2. 另一些人认为……3. 我的看法……The topic of ①—————– (主题) is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②—————– (支持 A的理由一) What is more, ③ ————- 理由二 ). Moreover, ④—————( 理由三 ).While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons.Firstly,⑤—————–( 支持 B 的理由一 ). Secondly (besides), ⑥—————— (理由二) . Thirdly (finally), ⑦——————( 理由三 ).From my point of view, I think ⑧—————- (我的观点) . The reason is that ⑨——————–( 原因 ). As a matter of fact, there are someother reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice .2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点Some people believe that ①—————- (观点一) . For example, they think②—————– (举例说明). And it will bring them ③—————( 为他们带来的好处 ).In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing, ④————-( 我不同意该看法的)万能模板(一)It has been a hot topic for a long time whether______(某事物 / 问题). Some people take it for granted that______ (一种观点). However, other reckon that______(另一种观点).Those people who hold the former opinion believe______(观点一的理由一). In addition,_____(观点一的理由二).However, there are still others who advocate the latter opinion because they hold______ (观点二的理由一).And,_____ (观点二的理由二) .What ’ s more,______ (观点二的理由三). So______ (总结观点二).As for me, my favor goes to______ (两种观点选其一) .For one thing,______ (个人看法依据一) . For another,______ (个人看法的依据二) . But______ (提出某事物 /问题需要改进的地方) .And I hope (提出自己的希望) .(二)Nowadays/ At present _____(概述现象). The Phenomenon has become a heated topic among the people around us / The phenomenon has brought into focus. /_____ (某现象), which has arouse great concern______ (阐述现象表现).There are many factors that many reasons accounting for this phenomenon. / The reasons(factors ) that contribute to______ (该现象) are varied. First of all/To startwith,_____ (原因一). In addition/Furthermore/What is more/Moreover,______(原因二).Finally,______(原因三) .On the whole,_____ (总结原因).As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to_____ (我的做法 / 我的看法) ______(总结观点).(三)Nowadays, there are more and more [ 某种现象 ] in [ 某种场合 ]. It is estimatedthat [相关数据 ]. Why have there been so many [ 某种现象 ]? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is [ 原因一 ]. Besides, [ 原因二 ]. The third one is[ 原因三 ]. To sum up, the main cause of [ 某种现象 ] is due to [ 最主要原因 ].It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, [解决办法一 ]. On the other hand, [解决办法二 ]. All these measures will certainly reduce the number of [ 某种现象 ].段首句1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为……There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.2.俗话说 (常言道 )……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。There is an old saying______. It”s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外 (而且 )……。Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because______. Besides, ______.5.任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……People ‘s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____.7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年轻人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。______ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。______ has been playing an increasingly important role in ourday-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢 ?According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph ,it can be seen that______ while.Obviously , ______, but why?中间段落句1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____.2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。But I don”t think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example ,____.Worst of all , ___.3. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的, (也是 )非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……______is necessary and important to our country”s development and construction. First ,______.What”s more, _____.Most important of all,______.4. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______5. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面,Confronted with______ , we should take a series of effective measures to______. For one thing , ______For another , ______6. 早就应该拿出行动了。 比如说……, 另外……。所有这些方法肯定会……。It is high time that something was done about it. For example._____.In addition. _____.All these measures will certainly______.7. 为什么……?第一个原因是…… ;第二个原因是…… ;第三个原因是……。总的来说,……的主要原因是由于……Why______? The first reason is that ______.The second reason is______.The third is ______.For all this, the main cause of ______due to ______.自学考试英语二作文大全作文一:To whom it may concern:I’ve learned that an art exhibition is to be held and that you’re collecting suggestions on its location. I’m writing this letter to share with you my opinions.In my opinion, it is more advisable to hold the art exhibition in Shanghai Museum than in community libraries. My reasons are as follows.On one hand, it is more convenient for people to get to Shanghai Museum which is located in the center of the city. And the museum is much more spacious than community libraries, which provides visitors with a more comfortable environment for appreciating art.On the other hand, as a well-known museum, Shanghai Museum is more professional and experienced in holding art exhibitions. Its professional security guards and advanced facilities can better protect those famous paintings from being damaged or stolen.Therefore, I suggest the exhibition be held in the museum.WangMin作文二:职业生涯的选择When it come to (the career choice),different people hold different views.Some contend that (you should be committed to a lifetime career).For one thing,(you must show you loyalty).For another( you can have more room to improve yourself in one protessional.)In spite of all these claims,others maintain that( you can change jobs fairly often),and they point out that(job-hop canbroaden your horizons). Another instance often cited is that (is that you can have better chance to earn more durin the process of job-hop).It’s no easy task to find a satisfactory answer to the issue.As for me,there’s some truth to both arguments. It’s a advisable to (make your choice depending on a ccording to your context).作文三:E-books or paper booksNowadays,there is a growing concern over the issue of e-books or paper books.Some people hold the view that e-books are better than paper books,because e-books are cheaper and more convenient than paper books.e-books can help us to get more knowledge at lower costs.While other people argue that paper books are better than e-books,because paper books are more real and more traditional than e-books,paper books can help us to feel and touth the texture of real papers.In conclusion,I agree that both aspects should be considered when talking about e-books or paper books.However I prefer e-books rather than paper books,because I like to get more kownledge at lower costs.作文四:Fight against HazeIn recent years,we have to face a problem of haze,which is becoming more and more serious.First of all,it can lead to environment risk,which may cause a series of problem.What’s more,it can lead to financial risk,which may cause employment issues.Last but not least,it can lead to health riskwhich may cause illness.In the face of haze,we should take a series of effective measuresto cope with the situation.For one thing ,in terms of governmental behaviors,government should make relative policesto control haze.For another thing,in terms of public behaviors,people should keep our behaviors in check to control haze.fanally,in terms of personal behaviors,we should start from the little things around us.As more and more focus is placed on haze,I am confident in a bright future if all of us take action from this moment.作文五:My hobbyI have a lot of hobbies,such as reading,running,playing basketball,watching movies and so on.But I prefer reading rather than others.When I was little,I couldn’t read or write,my mom taught me to read and write everday.After I grow up,I often buy myself a variety of books to read and learn.I am used to reading during my free time.Till now,it is one of my favorites.It help me to better understand the world and achieve better self.I hope that everyone can enjoy the fun of reading,which is really helpful for our lives.报考考试有疑问、不知道如何考点内容、不清楚报考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:

自考本科英语二非常重要的考试科目,学习英语最重要的是背单词,背语法。下位小编为大家整理了50个自考英语二的高频知识点,考生可以参考。自考英语二语法知识点整理一、动词短语搭配1. be fond of “喜爱,爱好” 接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式[1] He's fond of swimming. 他喜欢游泳。[2] Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗?[3] He is fond of his research work. 他喜爱他的研究工作。2. hunt for = look for 寻找 hunt for a job 找工作3. in order to/so as to两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语, in order to可放于句首, so as to则不能, 其否定形式为in order not to / so as not to.[1] He went to Beijing in order to/so as to attend an important meeting.[2] In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.为了让我们注意他, 他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。4. care about[1] 喜欢,对……有兴趣 = care forShe doesn't care about money.她不喜欢钱。[2] 关心 = care forShe thinks only of herself. She doesn't care about other people. 她只考虑自己。不关心别人。[3] 在乎,在意(接从句或不接任何成分)These young people care nothing about what old people might say. 这些年轻人根本不在乎老人说的话。5. such as 意为“诸如……”,“像……”,是用来列举人或事物的。She teaches three subjects, such as physics and chemistry. 她教三门科目,像物理、化学。6. drop a line 留下便条, 写封短信7. make yourself at home 别客气;随便;无拘束If you get to my house before I do, help yourself to a drink and make yourself at home. 如果你在我之前到我家,自己喝点饮料,随便一点。8. stay up 不睡;熬夜[1] I'll be late home, don't stay up for me.我将回家很晚,不要等我了。[2] He stayed up reading until 2:00 in the morning.他熬夜看书直到凌晨两点。9. come about 引起;发生;产生[1] How did the accident come about?这场事故是怎么发生的?[2] They didn't know how the change had come about.他们不知道这个变化是怎样产生的。10. except for 除……之外[1] except 与 except for 的用法常有区别。except 多用于引起同类事物中被排除的一项。如:①He answered all the questions except the last one.除去最后一个,他回答了所有问题。②We go there everyday except Sunday.除了星期天,我们天天去那里。[2] except for 用于引述细节以修正句子的主要意思。如:①Except for oneold lady, the bus was empty.除去一个老太太,这辆公共汽车全空了。②Your picture isgood except for the colours.你的画儿很好,只是某些色彩有问题。[3] 但在现代英语中,except for也用于表示except的意思。如上述第一个例子可以是:He answered all the questions except for the last one.[4] 另外,在介词短语之前只能用except,不能用except for。We go to bed before ten, except in the summer.除了夏季,我们通常十点之前上床睡觉。11. end up with 以……告终;以……结束The party ended up with an English song.聚会以一首英文歌结束。12. more or less 几乎;差不多;大约;大概;大体上[1] I've more or less succeeded, but they haven't.我差不多成功了,而他们没有。[2] Our living condition has more or less improved.我们的生活水平或多或少提高了。13. bring in 引进;引来;吸收[1] We should bring in new technology.我们应该引进新技术。[2] He brings in 800 dollars a month.他一个月挣八百美元。14. get away(from) 逃离[1] The thieves got away from the shop with all our money.小偷带着我们所有的钱从商店逃跑了。[2] I caught a really big fish but it got away.我钓到了一条好大的鱼,可是它逃掉了。15. watch out (for)注意;留心[1] Watch out! There is a car coming.小心!汽车来了。[2] Watch out for the hole in the road.留神路上的那个坑。16. see sb. off 给某人送行Tomorrow I will see my friend off at the railway station.明天我到火车站给朋友送行。17. on the other hand 另一方面; 用以引出相互矛盾的观点、意见等,常说 on the one hand …… on the other hand 一方面……另一方面。I know this job of mine isn't well paid, but on the other hand I don't have to work long hours.我知道这份工作报酬不高,但从另一方面来说,我也不必工作太长时间。18. as well as 和/还 , He is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.她不但是摄影师还是个天才的音乐家。19. take place 发生 take one's place 入座、站好位置、取得地位take sb's place 或 take the place of 代替、取代20. on fire 相当于burning, 意为“燃烧;着火;起火”,有静态的含意。catch fire有动态的含意。set…on fire/set fire to…用来表示“使……着火”、“放火烧……”。Look, the theatre is on fire! Let's go and help.瞧,剧院着火了,咱们去帮忙救火吧。21. on holiday 在度假,在休假中 When I was on holiday, I visited my uncle. 我在度假的时候去看望了叔叔。22. travel agency旅行社=travel bureau23. take off[1] 脱下(衣服等), 解(除)掉 He took off his wet shoes.他脱下了湿鞋子。[2] (飞机)起飞 The plane took off on time. It was a smooth take-off.飞机准时起飞。起飞非常顺利。[3] 匆匆离开 The six men got into the car and took off for the park.这六个人上了车,匆匆离开去公园。24. go wrong v. 走错路, 误入岐途, (机器等)发生故障25. in all adv. 总共26. stay away v.外出27. look up 查询(如宾语为代词,则代词放中间) Look up the word in the dictionary. 在字典里查单词。相关词组:①look for 寻找;②look after照顾,照料;③look forward to期待;④look into调查;⑤look on旁观;⑥look out注意;⑦look out for注意,留心,提防;⑧look over翻阅,查看,检查;⑨look around环视;⑩look through翻阅,查看。28. run after 追逐,追求 If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.同时追两只兔子,你一只也抓不到。29. on the air 广播[1] We will be on the air in five minutes.我们五分钟以后开始广播。[2] This programme comes on the air at the same time every day.这个节目每天在同一时间播出。30. think highly/well/much of对……评价很高, 赞赏, 对……印象好;think badly/nothing/little/lowly of……认为不好, 对……不在意, 不赞成, 觉得……不怎么样[1] He was highly thought of by the manager.经理对他非常赞赏。[2] I think well of your suggestion.我觉得你的建议很好。[3] I don't think much of him as a teacher.我觉得他作为一个老师不怎么样。31. leave out[1] 漏掉 You made a mistake—You've left out a letter “t”。你出错了—你漏掉了一个字母t.[2] 删掉, 没用 I haven't changed or left out athing.我没有作出变动也没有删掉任何东西。32. stare at (由于好奇、激动等张着嘴巴,睁大眼睛地)[1] 凝视,盯着看 Don't stare at foreigners. It's impolite.不要盯着外国人看,这样不礼貌。[2] glare at (to stare angrily at)怒视着33. make jokes about 就……说笑 They make jokes about my old hat.他们就我的旧帽子说笑我。[1] have a joke with … about…跟某人开关于某事的玩笑He stopped to have a joke with me.他停下来跟我开玩笑。[2] play a joke on…开某人的玩笑 We played jokes on each other. 我们互相开玩笑。[3] v. joke about 取笑They joked about my broken English.他们取笑我蹩脚的英。34. take over 接管;接替;继承[1] What is good and still useful should be taken over.好的有用的东西应当继承。[2] Our chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job)。我们的主席走了,因此杰克将接管(他的工作)。35. break down[1] 破坏;拆散 ①Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。 ②The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)据说和谈破裂了。[2](机器)损坏 ①Our truck broke down outside town. 我们的卡车在城外抛锚了。 ②The car broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚了。[3] 失败;破裂 Their opposition broke down.他们的反对意见打消了。[4] 精神崩溃;失去控制 He broke down and wept. 他不禁失声痛哭。[5] 起化学变化 Food is broken down by chemicals. 化学物质引起食物转化。36. get on one's feet[1] 站起来;站起来发言[2] (=stand on one's feet)自立, 经济上独立[3] (人)病好了, 可以起床了; (使)恢复, 复苏(指企业)37. go through[1] 经历;经受;遭到 These countries have gone / been through too many wars.这些国家饱经战火。[2] 完成;做完I didn't want to go through college.我不想上完大学。[3] 通过;批准 ①The law has gone through Parliament. 议会已经通过了这项法案。②Their plans went through. 他们的计划得到了批准。[4] 全面检查;搜查 They went through our luggage at the customs.在海关他们检查了我们的行李。38.take over 接管;接替;继承①what is good and still useful should be taken over.好的有用的东西应当继承。②Our chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job)。我们的主席走了,因此杰克将接管(他的工作)。二、常考句型39. “So + be/have/助动词/情态动词+主词”的结构。此结构中的语序是倒装的,“So”代替上句中的某个成分。如果上面一句是否定句,则使用“Neither/Nor+be/have/助动词/情态动词+主语”的结构。[1] He's tired, and so am I. (=I' m also tired.)[2] You can swim,and so can I.(=I can also swim.)She has had supper,and so can I.(=I've had lunch,too.)[3] Tom speaks English,and so does his sister.(=His sister speaks English,too.)A: I went to the park yesterday.B: So did I.(=I also went to the park yesterday.)40.“So +主语+be/have/助动词/情态动词”结构中的主谓是正常语序,so相当于indeed,certainly, 表示说话人对前面或对方所说情况的肯定、赞同或证实,语气较强,意思是“确实如此”。A:It was cold yesterday.昨天很冷。B:So it was.的确如此。(=Yes,it was.)A:You seem to like sports.B:So I do.(=Yes,I do.)A:It will be fine tomorrow.B:So it will.(=Yes ,it will.)41.“主语+do/does/did + so”结构指的是按上句的要求做了。此句型中do so代替上文中要求做的事,以免重复。My Chinese teacher told me to hand in my composition on time and I did so.(=I handed inmy composition on time.) 语文老师叫我按时交作文, 我照办了。42. So it is with…或 It is the same with…句型表示 “……(的情况)也是如此。”当前面的句子中有几种不同形式的谓语时,要表示相同情况,必须使用本句型,不能使用so 引起的倒装句。She doesn't play the piano, but she likes singing. So it is with my sister.43. There you are. 行了,好。 这是一句表示一种事情告一段落或有了最终结果的用语。[1] There you are! Then let's have some coffee.除此之外,还可以表示“瞧,对吧(果然如此)”的语气。[2] There you are! I knew we should find it at last.对吧!我就知道我们最终能找到的。44. have some difficulty (in) doing sth. 干某事有困难;接名词时,常用句型:have some difficulty with sth.[1] Do you have any difficulty (in) understanding English?你理解英语口语有困难吗?[2] She said she had some difficulty with pronunciation.她说她在发音方面有困难。45. have a good knowledge of sth. “掌握……”,“对……有某种程度的了解”[1] He has a good knowledge of London.他对伦敦有所了解。[2] A good knowledge of languages is always useful.三、长难句46. Wei Bin took out some peanuts and it was fun to see the monkey eat from his hand.魏彬拿出一些花生。看着猴子从他手上吃花生,很有趣。[1] fun “好玩,趣事”,不可数名词,前面不加不定冠词aYou're sure to have some fun at the party tonight. 今天晚上你肯定会玩得很开心。[2] make fun of“取笑”,“嘲弄”。People make fun of him only because he is wearing such a strange jacket.人们嘲笑他只是因为他穿了一件那么奇怪的衣服。funny adj. “可笑的,滑稽的”He looks very funny in his father's jacket.他穿着他父亲的衣服,看上去很滑稽。47. It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate.把你盘子里所有东西吃完是有礼貌的。这是一个动词不定式作主语的句型,其中to finish eating everything 是主语,it是形式主语。四、常考语法48. 直接引语和间接引语[1] 直接引语在改为间接引语时,时态需要做相应的调整。(一般过去时改成过去完成时)I broke your CD player.→He told me he had broken my CD player.(现在完成时改成过去完成时)Jenny said, “I have lost a book.”→Jenny said she had lost a book.(一般将来时改成过去将来时)Mum said, “I'll go to see a friend.”→Mum said she would go to see a friend.(过去完成时保留原有的时态)He said, “We hadn't finished our homework.”→He said they hadn't finished their homework.注意:直接引语是客观真理,过去进行时,时态不变。[2] 在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语时第一人称或被第一人称所修饰,从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化。如:Mary said, “My brother is an engineer.”→Mary said her brother was and engineer.[3] 直接引语如果是反意疑问句,选择疑问句或一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由whether或if引导的宾语从句。如:He said, “Can you run, Mike?”→He asked Mike whether/if he could run.[4] 直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为“tell(ask, order, beg等) (not) to do sth.”句型。如:“Pass me the water, please.”said he.→He asked him to pass her the water.[5] 直接引语如果是以“Let's”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest+动名词或从句”的结构。如:She said, “Let's go to the cinema.”→She suggested going to the cinema.或She suggested that they should go to the cinema.49. 现在进行时表将来的动作现在进行时表将来的动作,谓语通常为瞬间动词。如:come, go, arrive, leave, start, return, stay, meet, get等。这些动词的进行时后不能再接具体的时间。[1] 用现在进行时表示将来,指的是近期的,按计划或安排要发生的动作。[2] 现在进行时表示将来与表示正在进行的动作的区别在于:前者通常用瞬间动词(有时一些常用动词也可以这样用如:do)如:go, come, start, return, get, arrive等。而后者通常是持续性动词。① The train is arriving soon. 火车就要进站了。② He is reading a novel. 他在看小说。[3] 用现在进行时表示将来的时间,在句中或上下文中通常有表示将来时间的状语。[4] 现在进行时与一般现在时表示将来动作的区别在于:前者表示的将来的动作往往是可以改变的,而后者则是根据规定或时间表预计要发生的动作或事情,因此往往是不可改变或不可随便改变的。① What are you doing next Friday?下星期五你们打算干什么?② The plane takes off at 7:30 tonight.飞机今晚七点半起飞。50. 主语是单数时,尽管后面跟有as well as, but ,except, besides, with ,along with, together with, like 等,谓语动词仍用单数。The teacher as well as his students is excited.报考考试有疑问、不知道如何考点内容、不清楚报考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:


laughvi.笑,发笑 n.笑[lB:f]laugh[lB:f]vi, vt笑We all laughed loudly when she made a joke. 她说了个笑话,我们都大声笑起来。The children laughed their mother into a better humour.孩子们笑得使妈妈的心情好起来了。She bravely laughed off her stomoch pain.她对胃痛勇敢地置之一笑。He laughs best who laughs last."谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。;不要高兴得太早。"(与at连用)嘲笑 Don't laugh at him.别嘲笑他。We all laughed at his joke.听了他的笑话我们都大笑起来。People have often laughed at stories told by seamen.人们常常嘲笑海员所讲的故事。Everyone laughed at his foolish antics.大家都笑他那种愚蠢的滑稽动作。laughn笑;笑声We had a good laugh at his joke. 我们被他的笑话逗得哈哈大笑。 笑料;笑柄What a laugh to say that!"真可笑,竟说出这种话来!"laugh,smile,grin,chuckle,sneerlaugh 指哈哈大笑At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing. 这时候,大家开始又是笑又是唱。We all laughed to tears at his funny story. 听了他的滑稽的故事,我们都笑出眼泪了。smile (名词:smile)指微笑The inn-keeper smiled and immediately went out. 客栈老板微微一笑便出去了。The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. 我和脚夫微笑着你看着我,我看着你。grin (名词:grin)满脸的笑He grinned from ear to ear.他满脸堆着笑。The boy grinned with delight.那个男孩子高兴得咧着嘴笑。chuckle (名词:chuckle) 咯咯的笑,抿着嘴发出的笑(声)He was chucking to himself over what he was reading. 由于书中读到了有趣的东西,他一个人咯咯地笑出了声。sneer 冷笑Oh, is it? …said the sheriff with a sneer. “噢,是吗?”司法官冷笑着说。注:除此之外,sneer表示看不起人的冷笑,giggle傻乎乎地咯咯笑。如:The funny man amused the girls, so they giggled. mirth 为名词,指欢乐轻快的笑。如:…occasioned great mirth…chuckle giggle grin guffaw howl roar smile snicker titter cry laugh[lB:f]vi.笑; 发笑(自然物等)呈现欢欣景象They are talking and laughing.他们边说边笑。Green pines laugh in the breeze.青松迎风欢笑。laugh[lB:f]vt.以笑表示笑得使...laugh a hearty laugh由衷地笑laugh a reply以笑作答He laughed his dissent.他笑着表示不同意。laugh[lB:f]n.笑, 笑声令人发笑的事嘲笑; [pl. ]玩笑belly laugh[美口]纵声大笑; 逗人发笑的事物holy laugh[laughing][美]充满宗教热情的笑horse laugh捧腹[哈哈]大笑; 嘲弄的笑声sardonic laugh轻蔑的笑, 冷笑burst out laughing放声大笑die of laughing笑得要死die with laughing笑得要死Don't make me laugh.[口, 讽]你太可笑了, 你真荒谬。fall about laughing[口]忍不住大笑for laughs[美俚]为了取乐, 作为消遣, 借以开心get the laugh at sb.(=get the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh at sb.(=have the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh of sb.(=get the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh of sb.(=have the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh on sb.(=get the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh on sb.(=have the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh over sb.(=get the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸get the laugh over sb.(=have the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh at sb.(=get the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh at sb.(=have the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh of sb.(=get the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh of sb.(=have the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh on sb.(=get the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh on sb.(=have the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh over sb.(=get the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have the laugh over sb.(=have the laugh on one's side)轮到自己嘲笑某人, 胜过某人, 使某人丢脸have a good laugh尽情地笑have a hearty laugh尽情地笑have the last laugh笑在最后; 取得最后胜利get the last laugh笑在最后; 取得最后胜利He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.[谚]先自嘲的人, 不会见笑于人。He laughs best who laughs last.[谚]最后笑的人笑得最好。He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight.[谚]要笑别人驼背, 自己就要挺起胸膛走路。join in the laugh随着大笑on the laugh笑着raise a laugh引人发笑raise a laugh against sb.(=put the laugh on sb.)使某人成为取笑的对象, 使某人处于可笑的地位turn the laugh against sb.(=put the laugh on sb.)使某人成为取笑的对象, 使某人处于可笑的地位Laugh and grow fat.[谚]常笑发福, 心宽体胖。laugh at因...而笑 嘲笑 付之一笑laugh away笑着不理, 付之一笑 笑着消磨时间laugh down以笑声打断(讲话等); 以笑声拒绝(建议等)laugh fit to kill[口]拼命地笑, 狂笑laugh off对...付之一笑; 以笑来排除...laugh over笑着谈论; 想着...发笑laugh sb. out of以谈笑的方式使某人忘记(忧愁等)laugh sb. out of worries以谈笑的方式使某人忘记(忧愁等)laugh[ lB:f ]vi.笑, 讥笑n.笑, 笑声英汉计算机大词典laughvt.笑(发笑)n.笑声laughter[5lB:ftE(r); (?@) 5lAftEr]n笑;笑声loud laughter 响亮的笑声"Laughter animated the old man's face, as soon as his son's name was mentioned."只要一提到他儿子的名字老汉就笑逐颜开。Her laughter is contagious. (喻)她的笑声很有感染力。cry laughter[5lB:ftE]n.[英]一把抓的蛋laughter[5lB:ftE]n.笑, 笑声[古]好笑的事laughterlessadj.burst into laughter哈哈大笑, 纵情大笑convulsed with laughter笑得直不起腰die with laughter笑得要死fall about with laughter[口]忍不住大笑Homeric laughter洪亮爽朗的笑声(源出荷马史诗中诸神的大笑)roar with laughter哄堂大笑scream with laughter捧腹大笑, 笑得前仰后合laughter[ 5lB:ftE ]n.笑, 笑声英汉计算机大词典laughtern.笑声

go to~ to sth (a) (usu without a or the 通常不与a或the连用) move or travel to (the place specified) for the purpose esp associated with it 为某目的去某处: go to hospital, ie for medical treatment 去医院(治疗) * go to prison, ie be sent there for having committed a crime 进监狱(因犯罪) * go to market, ie to sell one's produce 上市场(卖货). (b) (usu without a or the 通常不与a或 the连用) attend (a place), esp regularly 参加, 出席(尤指经常地): go to church, school上教堂去做礼拜、 上学 * Did you go to (ie study at) university? 你上过大学吗? go off go off sb/sth lose interest in sb; lose one's taste for sth 对某人失去兴趣; 对某事物感到乏味: Jane seems to be going off Peter. 简好像对彼得日趋冷淡. * I've gone off beer. 我不爱喝啤酒了. go off with sb leave one's husband, wife, lover, etc in order to have a relationship with sb else 离开丈夫、 妻子、 情人等另结新欢: He went off with his best friend's wife. 他与至友之妻逃之夭夭了. * She went off with the milkman. 她与送牛奶的人私奔了. go off with sth leave a place with sth that does not belong to one 携非己之物而去: * Who's gone off with my pen? 谁把我的钢笔拿走了?get to~ to/into...; ~ in arrive at or reach a place or point 来到或到达某地或某点: We got to London at 7 o'clock. 我们7点到达伦敦. get offget (sb) `off (a) (cause sb to) leave a place or start a journey (使某人)离开某地或出发: We got off immediately after breakfast. 我们吃完早餐就动身了. * get the children off to school 打发孩子上学. (b) (cause sb to) fall asleep (使某人)入睡: I had great difficulty getting off to sleep last night. 昨夜我翻来覆去难以入睡. * She got the baby off (to sleep) by rocking it. 她摇着婴儿哄他入睡. get off (sth) leave (work) with permission 下班: I normally get off (work) at 5.30. 我通常是5点30分下班. * Could you get off (work) early tomorrow? 明天你可以提前下班吗? get off sth stop discussing (a particular subject) 不再讨论(某事): Please can we get off the subject of dieting? 我们别讨论节食了行吗? get sth off send sth by post 邮寄某物: I must get these letters off by the first post tomorrow. 我这些信必须随明天首批邮件寄出. get sth off (sth) remove sth from sth 从某物上移去某物: Her finger was so swollen that she couldn't get her ring off. 她手指肿得褪不下戒指来. get off (with sth) escape or nearly escape injury in an accident (在事故中)幸免於难或无大恙: She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises. 她幸免於难, 只是有几处擦伤. get (sb) off (with sth) (infml 口) (cause sb to) escape or nearly escape punishment (使某人)免受惩罚或获得从轻发落: A good lawyer might be able to get you off. 请位好律师有可能使你免受追究. * He got off with a small fine. 他交了一小笔罚款了事. * She was lucky to get off with a suspended sentence. 她侥幸被判缓刑. get off with sb; get `off (together) (Brit infml 口) have a sexual or romantic experience with sb 和某人有性关系或谈恋爱: Steve got off with Tracey/Steve and Tracey got off (together) at Denise's party. 史蒂夫和特蕾西在丹尼斯的聚会中搞上了.






1、Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.


2、What today will be like is up to me,I get to choose what kind of day I will have.


3、I will greet this day with love in my heart.


4、Nothing in the world will stop me from loving you.


5、I hope everything is all right.



1、at first/ first(ly)/ first of all / in the first place首先;第一。

2、in the beginning 起初。

3、to begin with /to start with 首先。

4、 finally/at last/ at the end最后;终于。

5、at present现在;当今。

6、one the one hand...(on the other hand)—方面...(另一方面)。

7、in general一般说来。

8、generally speaking一般地说。

9、on the whole /all in all总体来说。

10、in a word/ in short,/in brief,简言之;总之。

11、to some extent / degree / in some way在一定程度上。

英语作文写作中我们需要掌握哪些必备英语短语?下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅! 英语作文常用短语 1. so+adj./adv.+that 如此……以致于 2. such+n.+that… 3. why not do sth 为什么不做……呢? 4. why do sth. 为何做……? 5. 主语+hit/strike/beat/touch/grasp/seize/catch…+ *** .介词+the+表示身体部位的名词 6. It's time to do sth./ It,s time+ *** .did sth. 到做某事的时间了 7. *** . devote oneself/one's life to sth./doing. 致力于做某事 8. It happened that,…/ *** .happened to do sth. 碰巧…… 9. It is/ was+被强调部分+that/who… 10. I don't think/believee/suppose/expect+that 从句否定前移 11. would like to do 愿做某事 feel like doing 想做某事 12. had better not do sth 最好不做某事 would rather do 宁愿做…… 13. There is no doing sth. 没必要做…… 14. 主语+have no idea+从句 不知道…… 15. I doubt whether+从句 我怀疑…… 16. I don't doubt that+从句 我不怀疑…… 17. no matter when/where/what/who/whether/how+从句+主句 无论…… 18. what/who/where/when…do you think… 你认为什么/谁/哪里/什么时候…… 19. used to do 过去常做某事 be used to doing 习惯于做某事 20. the moment… 一……就…… immediately as soon as…从句+主句 21. no sooner…than/hardly…when 一……就…… 22. It is possible/probable/likely that… 可能…… 23. Do you mind if I do?/Would you mind if I did? 我做某事你介意吗? 24. wish *** .+n./abj 祝愿某人…… 英语作文经典短语 1、be worth doing 值得做…… 2、be busy doing 忙着做…… 3、too…to do 太……而不能做…… 4、so+adj./adv. as to do 如……以致于做 5、It takes *** . some time to do sth. 花某人……时间做某事 6、 *** .spends some time doing sth. 某人花……时间做某事 7、It is+adj.+for *** . to do sth. 某人做某事是…… 8、It's up to *** . to do sth. 应由某人做某事 9、 *** . have some difficulty/ trouble in doing sth. 某人做某事很费劲 10、The more…the more… 越……越…… 11、It's no good/use doing sth. 做某事没好处/用处。 12、 *** .can do nothing but do sth.=have no choice but to do 别无他法,只能做某事 13、There be/lie/stand/live… 有…… 14、be about to do sth. when… 正要做某事这时…… 15、It was not long before… 不久就…… It will not be long before… 要不了多久就…… 16、It is+一段时间+since… 自……以来,有……时间了 17、It is said that… 据说…… 18、not…until/till… 直到……才 19、祈使句+and/or+分句将来时 20、主语+find/consider/think+it+形容词或名词+不定式 1表选择关系或对等关系的连线词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。 2表因果关系或对等关系的连线词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to ,for the sake of为了等。 3表时间顺序的连线词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhile同时, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the firstsecond…time, the minute等。 4表转折关系的连线词:yet然而, 但是, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time然而 by the way 顺便说 I am afraid 我恐怕 in my opinion 依我看来 to tell the truth 说实话 to be honest 诚实地说 in face 事实上 等。 5表解释说明的连线词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, take…for example拿……来说and so on, etc. and the like,like 像……, namely 即……according to根据 等。 6表递进关系的连线词: above all 首要的是;最重要的是not only…but also, what’s more更重要地是, what's worse, besides, in addition另外 apart from 除了……之外worse still, moreover此外, 而且, in fact/ as a matter of fact 事实上 in that case 那样的话 等。 7表示总结的连线词:in a word, on the whole总的来看〔说〕, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up= in summary, in all,all in all 等。 8 表示列举和时序 first, second, third…finally at first at last firstly, secondly, thirdly…finally first of all, next then, lastly in the first place ... and in the second place..., for one thing…for another… at the same time as follows列举如下 9表强调的关联词do, indeed, actually, really, truly, especially, to be honest, to be frank, in particular, above all, obviously 看过的人还:


自考本科英语二非常重要的考试科目,学习英语最重要的是背单词,背语法。下位小编为大家整理了50个自考英语二的高频知识点,考生可以参考。自考英语二语法知识点整理一、动词短语搭配1. be fond of “喜爱,爱好” 接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式[1] He's fond of swimming. 他喜欢游泳。[2] Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗?[3] He is fond of his research work. 他喜爱他的研究工作。2. hunt for = look for 寻找 hunt for a job 找工作3. in order to/so as to两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语, in order to可放于句首, so as to则不能, 其否定形式为in order not to / so as not to.[1] He went to Beijing in order to/so as to attend an important meeting.[2] In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.为了让我们注意他, 他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。4. care about[1] 喜欢,对……有兴趣 = care forShe doesn't care about money.她不喜欢钱。[2] 关心 = care forShe thinks only of herself. She doesn't care about other people. 她只考虑自己。不关心别人。[3] 在乎,在意(接从句或不接任何成分)These young people care nothing about what old people might say. 这些年轻人根本不在乎老人说的话。5. such as 意为“诸如……”,“像……”,是用来列举人或事物的。She teaches three subjects, such as physics and chemistry. 她教三门科目,像物理、化学。6. drop a line 留下便条, 写封短信7. make yourself at home 别客气;随便;无拘束If you get to my house before I do, help yourself to a drink and make yourself at home. 如果你在我之前到我家,自己喝点饮料,随便一点。8. stay up 不睡;熬夜[1] I'll be late home, don't stay up for me.我将回家很晚,不要等我了。[2] He stayed up reading until 2:00 in the morning.他熬夜看书直到凌晨两点。9. come about 引起;发生;产生[1] How did the accident come about?这场事故是怎么发生的?[2] They didn't know how the change had come about.他们不知道这个变化是怎样产生的。10. except for 除……之外[1] except 与 except for 的用法常有区别。except 多用于引起同类事物中被排除的一项。如:①He answered all the questions except the last one.除去最后一个,他回答了所有问题。②We go there everyday except Sunday.除了星期天,我们天天去那里。[2] except for 用于引述细节以修正句子的主要意思。如:①Except for oneold lady, the bus was empty.除去一个老太太,这辆公共汽车全空了。②Your picture isgood except for the colours.你的画儿很好,只是某些色彩有问题。[3] 但在现代英语中,except for也用于表示except的意思。如上述第一个例子可以是:He answered all the questions except for the last one.[4] 另外,在介词短语之前只能用except,不能用except for。We go to bed before ten, except in the summer.除了夏季,我们通常十点之前上床睡觉。11. end up with 以……告终;以……结束The party ended up with an English song.聚会以一首英文歌结束。12. more or less 几乎;差不多;大约;大概;大体上[1] I've more or less succeeded, but they haven't.我差不多成功了,而他们没有。[2] Our living condition has more or less improved.我们的生活水平或多或少提高了。13. bring in 引进;引来;吸收[1] We should bring in new technology.我们应该引进新技术。[2] He brings in 800 dollars a month.他一个月挣八百美元。14. get away(from) 逃离[1] The thieves got away from the shop with all our money.小偷带着我们所有的钱从商店逃跑了。[2] I caught a really big fish but it got away.我钓到了一条好大的鱼,可是它逃掉了。15. watch out (for)注意;留心[1] Watch out! There is a car coming.小心!汽车来了。[2] Watch out for the hole in the road.留神路上的那个坑。16. see sb. off 给某人送行Tomorrow I will see my friend off at the railway station.明天我到火车站给朋友送行。17. on the other hand 另一方面; 用以引出相互矛盾的观点、意见等,常说 on the one hand …… on the other hand 一方面……另一方面。I know this job of mine isn't well paid, but on the other hand I don't have to work long hours.我知道这份工作报酬不高,但从另一方面来说,我也不必工作太长时间。18. as well as 和/还 , He is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.她不但是摄影师还是个天才的音乐家。19. take place 发生 take one's place 入座、站好位置、取得地位take sb's place 或 take the place of 代替、取代20. on fire 相当于burning, 意为“燃烧;着火;起火”,有静态的含意。catch fire有动态的含意。set…on fire/set fire to…用来表示“使……着火”、“放火烧……”。Look, the theatre is on fire! Let's go and help.瞧,剧院着火了,咱们去帮忙救火吧。21. on holiday 在度假,在休假中 When I was on holiday, I visited my uncle. 我在度假的时候去看望了叔叔。22. travel agency旅行社=travel bureau23. take off[1] 脱下(衣服等), 解(除)掉 He took off his wet shoes.他脱下了湿鞋子。[2] (飞机)起飞 The plane took off on time. It was a smooth take-off.飞机准时起飞。起飞非常顺利。[3] 匆匆离开 The six men got into the car and took off for the park.这六个人上了车,匆匆离开去公园。24. go wrong v. 走错路, 误入岐途, (机器等)发生故障25. in all adv. 总共26. stay away v.外出27. look up 查询(如宾语为代词,则代词放中间) Look up the word in the dictionary. 在字典里查单词。相关词组:①look for 寻找;②look after照顾,照料;③look forward to期待;④look into调查;⑤look on旁观;⑥look out注意;⑦look out for注意,留心,提防;⑧look over翻阅,查看,检查;⑨look around环视;⑩look through翻阅,查看。28. run after 追逐,追求 If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.同时追两只兔子,你一只也抓不到。29. on the air 广播[1] We will be on the air in five minutes.我们五分钟以后开始广播。[2] This programme comes on the air at the same time every day.这个节目每天在同一时间播出。30. think highly/well/much of对……评价很高, 赞赏, 对……印象好;think badly/nothing/little/lowly of……认为不好, 对……不在意, 不赞成, 觉得……不怎么样[1] He was highly thought of by the manager.经理对他非常赞赏。[2] I think well of your suggestion.我觉得你的建议很好。[3] I don't think much of him as a teacher.我觉得他作为一个老师不怎么样。31. leave out[1] 漏掉 You made a mistake—You've left out a letter “t”。你出错了—你漏掉了一个字母t.[2] 删掉, 没用 I haven't changed or left out athing.我没有作出变动也没有删掉任何东西。32. stare at (由于好奇、激动等张着嘴巴,睁大眼睛地)[1] 凝视,盯着看 Don't stare at foreigners. It's impolite.不要盯着外国人看,这样不礼貌。[2] glare at (to stare angrily at)怒视着33. make jokes about 就……说笑 They make jokes about my old hat.他们就我的旧帽子说笑我。[1] have a joke with … about…跟某人开关于某事的玩笑He stopped to have a joke with me.他停下来跟我开玩笑。[2] play a joke on…开某人的玩笑 We played jokes on each other. 我们互相开玩笑。[3] v. joke about 取笑They joked about my broken English.他们取笑我蹩脚的英。34. take over 接管;接替;继承[1] What is good and still useful should be taken over.好的有用的东西应当继承。[2] Our chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job)。我们的主席走了,因此杰克将接管(他的工作)。35. break down[1] 破坏;拆散 ①Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。 ②The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)据说和谈破裂了。[2](机器)损坏 ①Our truck broke down outside town. 我们的卡车在城外抛锚了。 ②The car broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚了。[3] 失败;破裂 Their opposition broke down.他们的反对意见打消了。[4] 精神崩溃;失去控制 He broke down and wept. 他不禁失声痛哭。[5] 起化学变化 Food is broken down by chemicals. 化学物质引起食物转化。36. get on one's feet[1] 站起来;站起来发言[2] (=stand on one's feet)自立, 经济上独立[3] (人)病好了, 可以起床了; (使)恢复, 复苏(指企业)37. go through[1] 经历;经受;遭到 These countries have gone / been through too many wars.这些国家饱经战火。[2] 完成;做完I didn't want to go through college.我不想上完大学。[3] 通过;批准 ①The law has gone through Parliament. 议会已经通过了这项法案。②Their plans went through. 他们的计划得到了批准。[4] 全面检查;搜查 They went through our luggage at the customs.在海关他们检查了我们的行李。38.take over 接管;接替;继承①what is good and still useful should be taken over.好的有用的东西应当继承。②Our chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job)。我们的主席走了,因此杰克将接管(他的工作)。二、常考句型39. “So + be/have/助动词/情态动词+主词”的结构。此结构中的语序是倒装的,“So”代替上句中的某个成分。如果上面一句是否定句,则使用“Neither/Nor+be/have/助动词/情态动词+主语”的结构。[1] He's tired, and so am I. (=I' m also tired.)[2] You can swim,and so can I.(=I can also swim.)She has had supper,and so can I.(=I've had lunch,too.)[3] Tom speaks English,and so does his sister.(=His sister speaks English,too.)A: I went to the park yesterday.B: So did I.(=I also went to the park yesterday.)40.“So +主语+be/have/助动词/情态动词”结构中的主谓是正常语序,so相当于indeed,certainly, 表示说话人对前面或对方所说情况的肯定、赞同或证实,语气较强,意思是“确实如此”。A:It was cold yesterday.昨天很冷。B:So it was.的确如此。(=Yes,it was.)A:You seem to like sports.B:So I do.(=Yes,I do.)A:It will be fine tomorrow.B:So it will.(=Yes ,it will.)41.“主语+do/does/did + so”结构指的是按上句的要求做了。此句型中do so代替上文中要求做的事,以免重复。My Chinese teacher told me to hand in my composition on time and I did so.(=I handed inmy composition on time.) 语文老师叫我按时交作文, 我照办了。42. So it is with…或 It is the same with…句型表示 “……(的情况)也是如此。”当前面的句子中有几种不同形式的谓语时,要表示相同情况,必须使用本句型,不能使用so 引起的倒装句。She doesn't play the piano, but she likes singing. So it is with my sister.43. There you are. 行了,好。 这是一句表示一种事情告一段落或有了最终结果的用语。[1] There you are! Then let's have some coffee.除此之外,还可以表示“瞧,对吧(果然如此)”的语气。[2] There you are! I knew we should find it at last.对吧!我就知道我们最终能找到的。44. have some difficulty (in) doing sth. 干某事有困难;接名词时,常用句型:have some difficulty with sth.[1] Do you have any difficulty (in) understanding English?你理解英语口语有困难吗?[2] She said she had some difficulty with pronunciation.她说她在发音方面有困难。45. have a good knowledge of sth. “掌握……”,“对……有某种程度的了解”[1] He has a good knowledge of London.他对伦敦有所了解。[2] A good knowledge of languages is always useful.三、长难句46. Wei Bin took out some peanuts and it was fun to see the monkey eat from his hand.魏彬拿出一些花生。看着猴子从他手上吃花生,很有趣。[1] fun “好玩,趣事”,不可数名词,前面不加不定冠词aYou're sure to have some fun at the party tonight. 今天晚上你肯定会玩得很开心。[2] make fun of“取笑”,“嘲弄”。People make fun of him only because he is wearing such a strange jacket.人们嘲笑他只是因为他穿了一件那么奇怪的衣服。funny adj. “可笑的,滑稽的”He looks very funny in his father's jacket.他穿着他父亲的衣服,看上去很滑稽。47. It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate.把你盘子里所有东西吃完是有礼貌的。这是一个动词不定式作主语的句型,其中to finish eating everything 是主语,it是形式主语。四、常考语法48. 直接引语和间接引语[1] 直接引语在改为间接引语时,时态需要做相应的调整。(一般过去时改成过去完成时)I broke your CD player.→He told me he had broken my CD player.(现在完成时改成过去完成时)Jenny said, “I have lost a book.”→Jenny said she had lost a book.(一般将来时改成过去将来时)Mum said, “I'll go to see a friend.”→Mum said she would go to see a friend.(过去完成时保留原有的时态)He said, “We hadn't finished our homework.”→He said they hadn't finished their homework.注意:直接引语是客观真理,过去进行时,时态不变。[2] 在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语时第一人称或被第一人称所修饰,从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化。如:Mary said, “My brother is an engineer.”→Mary said her brother was and engineer.[3] 直接引语如果是反意疑问句,选择疑问句或一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由whether或if引导的宾语从句。如:He said, “Can you run, Mike?”→He asked Mike whether/if he could run.[4] 直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为“tell(ask, order, beg等) (not) to do sth.”句型。如:“Pass me the water, please.”said he.→He asked him to pass her the water.[5] 直接引语如果是以“Let's”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest+动名词或从句”的结构。如:She said, “Let's go to the cinema.”→She suggested going to the cinema.或She suggested that they should go to the cinema.49. 现在进行时表将来的动作现在进行时表将来的动作,谓语通常为瞬间动词。如:come, go, arrive, leave, start, return, stay, meet, get等。这些动词的进行时后不能再接具体的时间。[1] 用现在进行时表示将来,指的是近期的,按计划或安排要发生的动作。[2] 现在进行时表示将来与表示正在进行的动作的区别在于:前者通常用瞬间动词(有时一些常用动词也可以这样用如:do)如:go, come, start, return, get, arrive等。而后者通常是持续性动词。① The train is arriving soon. 火车就要进站了。② He is reading a novel. 他在看小说。[3] 用现在进行时表示将来的时间,在句中或上下文中通常有表示将来时间的状语。[4] 现在进行时与一般现在时表示将来动作的区别在于:前者表示的将来的动作往往是可以改变的,而后者则是根据规定或时间表预计要发生的动作或事情,因此往往是不可改变或不可随便改变的。① What are you doing next Friday?下星期五你们打算干什么?② The plane takes off at 7:30 tonight.飞机今晚七点半起飞。50. 主语是单数时,尽管后面跟有as well as, but ,except, besides, with ,along with, together with, like 等,谓语动词仍用单数。The teacher as well as his students is excited.报考考试有疑问、不知道如何考点内容、不清楚报考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:

自考英语二常用短语 1.to gaze at凝视,注视 2.be unaware of不知道没觉察到 3.to dream of梦见.梦想 4.in one's mind's eye在脑海里 5.to go over(1)越过,渡过(⑵仔细检查 6.to impresson使铭记,牢记 7.be free from没有的,不受的 8.to go over(1)越过,渡过(⑵仔细检查 9.to impresson使铭记,牢记 10.to put aside(1)放在一边,撇开(2)储存 11.be beneficial to对有利 12.to add up to(1)总计是(2)总起来意味着 13.influence on对的影响 14.to break into分成(部分) 15.so far as sbknows就某人所知 16.ofvalue有价值 17.ofimportance重要,有意义 18.ofinterest有趣,有意思 19.to coincide with相符,一致 20.to go in for(1)参加,从事(2)以为兴趣,爱好year in and year out一年一年地,年复一年totakeeasy轻松一点;勿太紧张 21.to put an end to结束或废除某事务 22.to do one's best尽全力:尽量 23.to do with sth处理;忍受 24.in return作为回报 25.to do without没有也行;将就。设法应付过去自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

Unit9(第26讲—第28讲) 本课简介 在learned words and popular words这篇课文中,作者对学术词汇和普通词汇进行了定义。讲述了两类词汇之间的差异,并且指出把词分为学术的和普通的方便而且有道理。但是人们必须注意,把普通词汇理解为属于大众所有的词,而不是某个特定阶层的人们所拥有的东西。学术词汇也并非有学问之人专用,只是它的存在是由于书籍和文学的培养而不是日常会话的实际需要。 本课主要语言点 1. In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words which, taken together, make up the whole vocabulary. class在本句中的意思是“种类”,相当于type, category.如: 1)It is very difficult to meet the needs of various classes of readers.(要满足各种读者的需要十分困难) 2)How many classes are you going to divide these books? (你打算把这些书分成几类?) class 还常用来表示“等级”,如:a second-class hotel (二等旅馆); an economy-class ticket (经济舱票);fly first class (乘头等舱航空旅行)。 class 也可以用动词用,意思是“把 …分类;把…看作”,如: 1)At 19 you are still classed as a teenager.(到了十九岁,你仍旧是青少年。) 2)He was classed as a genius (他被看作为天才) make up 在本句中的意思是“组成、构成”,请看例句: 1)Twenty-six boys and twenty-four girls make up the class (二十六名男生和二十四名女生组成了这个班) 2)Twelve doctors made up the medical team (十二名医生组成医疗队) 用被动语态时则应用be made up of,如: This engine is made up of 490 parts (这台发动机是由四百九十个部件装配而成的) taken together 过去分词短语做后置定语,对中心词做一些附加说明,相当于一个非限定性定语从句,要用逗号和中心词隔开,如: All the letters in the drawer, written in pencil, are from my brother.(抽屉里的这些用铅笔写的信都是我弟弟写的。) 2. First, there are those words with which we become familiar in ordinary conversation, which we learn, that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our friends, and which we should know and use even if we could not read or write. 句子中which引导的都是定语从句,修饰中心词words.第一个which的前面有介词with,这儿的with是familiar with中的介词前置了。Familiar with 意为“熟悉”。如:Are you familiar with the man standing over there?(站在那边的那个人你熟悉吗?) 请注意familiar with 与familiar to 的区别,familiar with 的主语通常是人,而familiar to的主语通常是物。如: 1)I am not familiar with this place. 2) This place is mot familiar to me. that is to say 是插入语,其作用是对整个一句话进行解释,类似的插入语还有so to speak, if I may say so, if you don't mind等等,如: 1)I'd really rather not go, if you don't mind 我确实不想去,你如果不介意的话。 2) The new emperor was, so to speak, a puppet.新皇帝可以说是个傀儡。 3.They concern the common things of life, and are the stock in trade of who speak the language concern 在句中的意思是“涉及,有关于”,如: 1)Don't interfere in things that don't concern you (别干预跟你无关的事)。 2)The energy problem concerns us all (能源问题关系到我们每个人) stock的意思很多,如“存货”,“股票”,“公债券”,“牲畜”等。 1)They hold a rich stock of information (他们掌握着丰富的材料) 2)You cannot buy it because it's out of stock (你买不成了,货品已经脱销) 3)He used to have a stock farm (他曾经拥有一个畜牧场) 4)The fridge was carefully stocked up with food.(冰箱里周到地放满了食品) stock in trade 也可以写成stock in trade,意思是“例行工作”,“常规”,如: 1)Complaints were a stock in trade of an airport manager's job (机场经理的工作就是常常面对投诉) 2)He was the master of black humor, it was his stock in trade (他是黑色幽默大师,黑色幽默是他的专长) 4.Such words may be called “popular”, since they belong to the people at large and are not the possession of a limited class only. since 在句中引导的是一个原因状语从句,请看例句: 1)Since it was Saturday, he got up very late (因为是周六,他起床很晚。) 2)You can take the place of him since he is not interested (你可以取代他,因为他对这事不感兴趣) at large 在本句中的意思是“整个”,这个词组的意思还有很多,请看下面的句子: 1)The people at large love peace (大多数人热爱和平) 2)The virus is still at large (这种病毒还在蔓延) 3)The murderer is still at large (杀人犯仍逍遥法外) 4)He talked at large about his plans (他详尽地谈了自己的计划) 5)They made the arrangements at large (他们随意地做了安排 ) 5. 请注意区别与possession 有关的两个词组:in possession of sth……和 in the possession of sb. 1)He is in possession of this house (他拥有这所房子) 2)The house is in the possession of him 3)On the other hand, our language includes large number of words which are relatively seldom used in ordinary conversation. 英语中有许多表示启承转合的词语,阅语中注意这些词有助于我们提高理解力,写作中注意用这些词,有助于我们把文章写得连贯、有条理。On the other hand 在本句中用来表示不同或相反的语气,在前一段中讲了popular word 这一段中作者则要讲讲learned words. 表示不同或相反语气的词还有很多,比如:Conversely, however, on the contrary, unlike, whereas, yet等等。 前面我们提到过number可以与可数名词连用,而amount可与不可数名词连用,如: 1)A large number of students have passed the exam (许多学生已经通过了考试) 2)They paid a large amount of money for the house (他们付了一大笔钱买了这座房子) 6.Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little occasion to use them at home occasion 通常可以做可数名词用,意思是“时刻、场合”;也可以做不可数名词用,意思是:“必要性、需要;机会”。如: 1)They're met on several occasions (他们已相遇过好几次) 2)They are occasions when you find it difficult to say “Good-bye”。(有时候你会觉得说“再见”很难。) 3)I don't remember I had occasion to blame him (我不记得我有责备他的必要) 7.In the latter, we are using a Latin Derivation which has exactly the same meaning 在前一句中用了“in the first case,” 本句中的“in the latter ”是指in the latter case .对两件事分别进行表述时,可以用in the first case, in the latter case 这一类词,条理非常清楚,也可以用the former,the latter 来表述。derivation 是derive 的名词形式。Latin derivation 意思是“拉丁语词源的词”,请看例句: 1)These words are derived from Latin (这些词由拉丁语派生而来) 2)The derivation of words is interesting (词的派生很有意思) 8. The terms “popular” and “learned”, as applied to words, are not absolute definitions.本句中的term意思是“术语、名称”,如: 1) I don't know how to put this term into Chinese (我不知道如何把这一术语译成中文) 2) Writer is hardly the term to apply to him (“作家”这一名称很难用在他身上) term 还有“期限;任期;学期”的意思,如: 1)During his 4-year term of office, he did a lot of things for the common people.(在他四年的任职期间,他为普通百姓做了不少事。) 2) He decided to rum for a second term (他决定竞选连任。) 3) The autumn term is coming to an end (秋学期快要结束了。) apply to 在句中的意思是“用于”,如: 1)This rule applies to upper class students only (这条规则只适用于高年级学生。) 2)I don't think what he says applies to you (我想他的话对你不适用) 3)They are eager to apply the theory to practice (他们急切地想把这一理论用于实践) apply for 则是“申请”的意思,如: 1)How many people have applied for the job?(有多少人申请了这个工作?) 2)They applied for permission to use the tennis court (他们申请使用网球场。) 9. Still the classification into “learned” and “popular” is convenient and sound .本句中的sound是形容词,意思是“正确的;明智的”,如: 1)He felt so happy that he had made a sound decision.(做了正确的决定,他感到很高兴。) 2)He was so carried away by power that he could not make any sound judgement(他被权力冲昏了头脑,无法做出任何明智的判断) 请看下面几个句子,注意sound 在句中的意思: 1)He is sound in body and mind (他身心健康) 2)The house is sound .Don't hesitate to buy it (这所房了完好无损,别犹豫,买下它) 3)The baby is having a sound sleep.(宝宝在酣睡) 4)Father gave him a sound beating.(父亲给他一顿痛打) 10.When we call a word “learned” we don't mean that it is used by learned persons alone, but simply that its presence in the English vocabulary is due to books and the cultivation of literature rather than to the actual needs of ordinary people not (that)…。but (that)。意思“不是…。而是。”如: 1)I came here again not because I enjoy the scenery so much but because I like the people .(我又来这儿,不是因为我多喜欢这儿的景色,而是我爱这儿的人们。) 2)By calling him Shylock, I don't mean that he is named Shylock,but that he is as miserly as Shylock.(叫他夏洛克,我不是说他的名字叫夏洛克,而是说他像夏洛克一样吝啬。) due to 在句中的意思是“由于”,如: 1)His failure was due to carelessness (他的失败是由于粗心。) 2)Due to lack of funds,they had to postpone the project.(由于缺少资金,他们不得不推迟计划) rather than 在本句的意思是“不是…而是……”,“与其……不如…” 1) He is a writer than a teacher (与其说他是教师,不如说他是作家。) 2)He lay rather than sit in the armchair (与其说他是坐在扶手椅上不如说是躺在里面。) 本课主要词组 1.make up 2.be familiar with 3.learn from 4.belong to 5.at large 6.on the other hand 7.be knows to 8.acquaintance with 9.in a style 10. be of importance 11. in the first case 12. in the latter (case) 13. in print 14. apply to 15. come up 16. as to 17. as a whole 18. due to 19. rather than Text B how should you build up your vocabulary? 短语表达 1. build up (建立;增强;增加) They worked hard to build up the friendship between the people in two countries. Get plenty of exercise every to build up your health. 2. come across (穿过,出现;遇到) They came across the street to meet me. A good idea came across my mind We are bound to come across difficulties, but we are determined to overcome them. 3. look up (查阅) If there are words you don't understand, look them up in the dictionary . For further information about this matter, look up this book. 4. at top speed (以速度) He drove his car at top speed It's dangerous to corner at top speed 5. depend on (依靠;取决于) We'll depend mainly on ourselves to solve the problem. The accomplishment of the task depends on the solution of this major problem. 6. make sense (有意义、讲得通) What he said just now didn't make any sense to me. This sentence doesn't make any sense. 7. try doing sth(尝试做某事) You can try using another method to go it He tried climbing the mountain without any help. 8. come up with (提出,想出;提供) He is expected to come up with some ideas after he thinks about the problem. The TV network will come up with better shows in the future. 9. lead to(导致) Our discussions led to confusion. The earthquake led to heavy loss of life. 10. after all (毕竟) Don't expect too much of him, he is, after all, a child of 10. We didn't finish all the work. After all, we didn't have enough hands 11. provide with (提供) It is necessary that you provide them with all the equipment We are satisfied to be provided with these kitchen utensils 12. begin with (以……开始) The first word of a sentence should begin with a capital letter . To begin with, we ought to know what we are here for.

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