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没必要 可以去百度查你们英语重点要发现的知识点,然后认真的背下来,这样子就可以了, 望采纳


“那恐怕不容易吧?” “是不容易,夫人。邻近各州——得克萨斯、阿肯色、密西西比、亚拉巴马以及其余各州都会密切注意搜寻一辆损坏得像你们那辆一样的汽车。” 公爵夫人沉思起来。“有没有可能先修理一下呢?如果能把车子悄悄修理一下,我们会出大价钱。” 探长使劲摇着头。“那样的话,还不如现在就去警察局投案自首。路易斯安那州境内的每一家修车铺都已接到通知,一旦发现像你们那样需要修理的汽车送来修理,立即向警方报告。他们也都会照办的,你们的事谁都知道。” “你说警方拿到了我们车上掉下来的一件东西,它叫什么来着?” “框圈。” “它会成为追查的线索吗?” 欧吉维肯定地点了点头。“他们能查出它是从什么样的汽车上掉下来的——生产厂家,车型,也许还能查出出厂年份,或者是大致的出厂时间。那车灯玻璃碎片也可以起到同样作用。但由于你们的车子是外国的,查起来可能得花几天的工夫。” “几天过后,”她追问道,“警方就会知道他们要找的是一辆美洲虎吗?” “我想是这样。” 今天是星期二。从这家伙所讲的情况看来,他们最多只能拖到星期五或星期六。公爵夫人冷静地盘算了一番:现在需要解决的是一个关键的问题。假使买通了这个旅馆侦探,他们唯一的一个机会——一个渺茫的机会——就在于迅速将汽车弄走。若能弄到北方某个大城市里去,那儿人们不知道新奥尔良发生的这起车祸和警方的搜查行动,车子可以在那里悄悄修好,这样罪证也就消灭了。那么,即使以后再怀疑到克罗伊敦夫妇头上,也找不到什么真凭实据。但车子如何才能弄走呢? 毫无疑问,这个粗俗愚笨的侦探说的是真话:要想把车子开到北方,沿途所要经过的各州都会像路易斯安那州一样警惕和注意的,所有的公路巡警都会留心注意一辆前灯撞破、框圈掉落的车子,也许还会设有路障。要想不被某个目光锐利的警察抓到,谈何容易。 但这还是有可能做得到的,只要能够趁着黑夜行车,而白天里将汽车隐藏起来。有许多偏僻地方远离公路,不会受人注意。这样做可能要冒风险,但总比在这里坐等受擒要强些。也许有些乡间小路可走,为掩人耳目,他们可以选择一条不大会有人走的路线。 但还存在其他的一些复杂问题„„现在该对那些问题加以考虑了。走偏僻小路必须要熟悉地形才行,克罗伊敦夫妇可不熟悉地形,而且他们俩对地图都不怎么在行。另外,行车途中不能不停车加油,停车加油时他们的言谈举止都有可能暴露自己的身分而引起别人注意。不过„„这些险是非冒不可的。 真的非冒不可吗? 公爵夫人面对着欧吉维。“你要多少钱?” 这突如其来的问话把他吓了一跳。“唔„„我想你们家是非常有钱的。” 她冷冷地说:“我只问你要多少。” 那对猪眼睛眨巴了一下。“一万美元。” 尽管这数目比她所预料的多了一倍,她却不动声色。“倘若我们真付了这样一笔巨款,我们能得到什么样的回报呢?” 大胖子似乎被这话问糊涂了。“我已经说过,我可以对自己知道的一切守口2 如瓶。” “我们若是不付钱呢?” 他耸了耸肩。“我就下楼到门厅里去,拿起电话。” “不,”话说得斩钉截铁。“我们不会付钱给你。” 克罗伊敦公爵不安地移动着身子,探长那圆滚滚的肉脸涨得通红。“你听着,夫人„„” 她蛮横地打断他的话。“我不要听你的,你给我听着。”她目光紧紧盯住他的脸,同时她那漂亮、高颧骨的俏脸上展出一副霸道的神态。“我们即使付钱给你也得不到什么好处,顶多也只是拖延几天时间罢了。你把这一点已经讲得很清楚了。” “这对你们可是一个难得的机会„„” “住口!”她眼睛死死地盯住他,厉声呵斥道。他忍气吞声,满脸不高兴地住口了。 克罗伊敦公爵夫人知道,接下来的行动也许会是她一生中所作出的最重大的决定。决不能因自己的见识有限而出半点差错,决不能优柔寡断或举棋不定。要想赢大钱,就得下大注。她想利用这大肥佬的贪心大赌一场,而且恰到好处,使结果能保证万元一失。 她果断地宣布,“我们不会付给你一万美元,但我们会付给你二万五千美元。” 探长的眼珠子都鼓起来了。 “作为回报,”她不动声色地继续说道,“你得将我们的汽车开到北方。” 欧吉维依然是一副目瞪口呆的样子。 “二万五千美元,”她重复道。“现在先付一万,等你到芝加哥与我们碰面时再付一万五。” 大胖子舔了舔自己的嘴唇,依然一言未发,那双圆圆的小眼睛似乎不相信似的直盯住她的双眼。一阵沉默。 后来,在她目不转睛的逼视下,他微微点了一下头。 场面还是一片寂静。最后还是欧吉维开了腔:“这支雪茄让您讨厌了吧,公爵夫人?” 她点了点头,他随即将它掐灭了。习题全解 I . 1)Yes, he did, because he wanted to make them more anxious. 2)Because she didn't like her maid and secretary to know what they would talk to the detective. 3)Because he thought that he knew their secret and that he was in an advantageous position. 4)She found a note made but not destroyed by her husband. 5)He found that on the night the couple entered the hotel through the basement instead of the lobby, both very much shaken. 6)A brush trace is a mark left on something when lightly touched or rubbed. 7)Ogilvie came to talk with them rather than go to report to the police. 8)They had to spend one day or two investigating in the suburban areas. 9)Because every repair shop had been told to report to the police when a car needing fixing like theirs came in. 10)She thought that was safe for them by making use of the detective's avidity. 11)Originally, the detective asked for ten thousand only to keep silent and not to report to the police. But now the Duchess was asking him to drive their car north and she was ready to offer such a large sum. She knew the detective was greedy. Given so much money, he would do as she told him to. 12)Yes, Ogilvie accepted the Duchess' offer.Ⅱ . 1)The house detective's small narrow eyes looked her up and down scornfully from his fat face with a heavy jowl. 2)This is a pretty nice room that you have got. 3)The fat body shook in a chuckle because the man was enjoying the fact that he could afford to do whatever he liked and also he was appreciating the fact that the Duchess knew why he had come. 4)He had an unnaturally high-pitched voice. now, he lowered the pitch. When he spoke 5)Ogilvie spat out the words, throwing away his politeness. pretended 6)The Duchess was supported by her arrogance coming from parents of noble families with a history of three centuries and a half. She wouldn't give up easily. 7)It's no use. What you did just now was a good attempt at trying to save the situation. 8) "That's more acceptable," Ogilvie said. He lit another cigar, "Now we're making some progress. " 9)...he looked at the Duchess sardonically as if he wanted to see if she dared to object to his smoking. 10)The house detective made noises with his tongue to show his disapproval. Ⅲ. See the translation of the text.IV. 1)advertisement 2)brassiers 3)doctor 4)refrigerator 5)gymnasium 6)high fidelity(radio, photography, etc. ) 7) intercommunication system 8)liberation 9)memorandum 10)microphone 11)modern 12)permanent wave 13)poliomyelitis 14)popular-song 15)preparatory (school) 16)professor 17)sister 18)television 19)veterinarian 20)zoologicalV. 1)a half-finished letter 2)a half-closed window 3)a piece of half-baked bread 4) a half-turned body 5) a well-appointed hotel 6)well-behaved pupils 7)well-chosen words 8)well-fed children 9)well-informed sources (people) 10) high-flown languageVI. 1)sound (v.) His words sound lofty and pretentious. 2)figure (v.) Commerce figures largely in the prosperity of the city. 3)go (n.) He is always on the go from early morning till late at night. 4)try (n.) He didn't succeed in his first try, but he kept on jumping. 5)dust (v.) They are dusting 6)square(v. ) He squared his the crops with insecticide. shoulders to show his determination. 7)good(n.)Overworking yourself will do more harm than good. 8)head(v.)On hearing that,he headed straight for the gate without looking back. 9)make(n.)I don't like a bicycle of this make. 10)reason(v.)If you reason from false premises.how can you expect the conclusion to be sound?Ⅶ.1)real 2)of no use/useless 3)are making some progress/ are accomplishing something 4)explain it exactly and in detail 5)what happens 6)deduce/reason out 7)started for 8)upset 9)a quick examination or inspection 10)need/occasion 11)observes/notices 12)bribed 13)wealthy/well— to—doⅧ.1)surveyed 2)gaze 3)swept 4)flipped 5)chuckled 6) shot out 7)spat forth these words8)sprang to her feet 9)clasped lO)swung around 11)detect 12)staredⅨ. 1)sardonic重在嘲讽,sarcastic重在嘲笑。 2)self-confidence意为依靠自己的力量;self-assurance指过于相信自己的能力,带贬义,可指自负。 3)accuse可用于正式场合,也可用于非正式场合,可用于官方,也可用于私人;charge指正式控告,到法院控告某人。 4)tired指疲劳或疲倦;weary指厌倦,不能或不愿继续下去。 5)leisurely意为不紧不慢地或从容不迫地。 6)oblige指为……帮忙;help意义广泛得多。 7)discreetly意为保持沉默,不让别人知道。 8)racing指脑筋在飞快地转动,quick指的是反应快,聪明(quick—minded)。 9)tense和nervous都表示害怕、担心;tense还可指焦虑不安,神经上紧张。在这里,用tense暗示公爵不是一个生性紧张的人,而是当时焦虑不安和害怕。 10)eventuality指可能出现的结果,possibility指可能出现的事情。 11)respite指延期、推迟或短时间的休息;relief指解除痛苦、疲劳、忧虑等之后的轻松。 12)vacillate指思想一时动摇,拿不定主意;indecisiveness则指人优柔寡断的性格。Ⅹ. 1)sleep 2)work 3)the moment 4)thought 5)a doubt 6)time 7)labour 8)perspiration 9)music lO)mind 11) steel 12)events 13)laughter 14)refusalⅪ. 1)他从不会被出乎意料的问题难倒。 2)明年他们将生产更多的稻米。 3)这事真难办。(或:这事真糟。) 4)他跃跃欲试。 5)这位老人仍然精力充沛。 6)这个小店出售花哨的小商品。 7)你想喝点什么? 8)这个男孩正在猛长个儿。 9)这个女孩是个神枪手。 10)这两位大人物进行了私下会晤。 11)我们被安排在招待所里过夜。 12)他发现自己陷入了困境。 13)突然我想到了一个主意。 14)他的科学幻想小说在美国轰动一时。Ⅻ. 1)There is no call for hurry.Take your time. 2)Are you suggesting that I am telling a lie? 3)He tried every means to conceal the fact. 4)Our chance to succeed is very slim.Nevertheless we shall do our utmost. 5)We will have our meeting at 10 tomorrow morning unless notified otherwise. 6)Neither of us is adept at figures. 7)Would it be possible to reach that place before dark assuming we set out at 5 o'clock(in the morning)? 8)He was reluctant to comply with her request. 9)I know you are from the South. Your accent has betrayed you. 10)We have no alternative in this matter.XIII. Omitted. XIV. Summary The Duke and the Duchess occupy a luxurious suite in a large hotel in New Orleans. On Monday evening while driving with his wife from a gambling house, the Duke knocks down a woman and her child. Both are killed. The Duke and the Duchess, however, drive away. The hit-and-run becomes top sensational news in the city. The hotel's chief house detective Ogilvie notices the battered car when it comes back. He does not go to report this to the police, instead, he comes to the couple's suite and has a talk with them. He promises to keep quiet about what he knows and asks for a large sum of money in return for the favour. The Duke, now totally at a loss as to what to do, has to let his wife handle the problem. The Duchess, a clever woman, first pretends to know nothing about what the detective says and denies the fact that they have killed the woman and the girl, but later admits it after the detective has produced a lot of evidence. She understands that to get themselves out of this mess, the car has to be driven out of the south where people are alerted about the hit-and-run. So she offers to pay Ogilvie twice more than he has asked on condition that he drives the ear to Chicago up in th



lesson5 宁为黑人不为女子 Lesson Five I'd Rather Be Black than Female 我是第一位当选国会议员的黑人妇女,这使我不同凡响。 Being the first black woman elected to Congress has made me some kind of phenomenon. 国会中还有九位黑人议员和十位妇女议员,但我是第一位同时克服两个不利因素的人。 There are nine other blacks in Congress; there are ten other women. I was the first to overcome both handicaps at once. 在这两种不利因素中,是个女人比是黑人更糟。 Of the two handicaps, being black is much less of a drawback than being female. 如果我说做黑人比做妇女更糟糕,也许没有人会对我的说法提出质疑。 If I said that being black is a greater handicap than being a woman, probably no one would question me. 为什么呢?因为“众所周知”,美国存在着对黑人的歧视。 Why? Because “we all know” there is prejudice against black people in America. 说美国存在着对妇女的歧视对于几乎所有男人——还有大多数女人来说——却是不可思议的。 That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still strikes nearly all men – and, I am afraid, most women – as bizarre. 许多年以来,多数人看不到社会存在着对黑人的歧视。 Prejudice against blacks was invisible to most white Americans for many years. 当黑人终于通过静坐*、联合抵制和自由乘车*的方式以示*,来提及这个问题时,他们觉得简直难以置信。 When blacks finally started to “mention” it, with sit-ins, boycotts, and freedom rides, Americans were incredulous. “谁,我们?”他们委屈地问道。 “Who, us?” they asked in injured tones. “我们歧视黑人?”对美国白人来说,这是漫长而痛苦的再教育的开始。 “We're prejudiced?” It was the start of a long, painful reeducation for white America. 他们,包括那些自认为是自由主义者的白人——还需要许多年才能发现并消除他们实际上都持有的种族主义态度。 It will take years for whites – including those who think of themselves as liberals – to discover and eliminate the racist attitudes they all actually have. 消除对妇女的歧视的困难有多大?我确信这将会是一场更持久的斗争。 How much harder will it be to eliminate the prejudice against women? I am sure it will be a longer struggle. 部分问题在于比起黑人来美国妇女被洗脑的程度更深,且更满足于她们次等公民的角色。 Part of the problem is that women in America are much more brainwashed and content with their roles as second – class citizens than blacks ever were. 我来解释一下。 Let me explain. 二十多年来我一直积极参与政治活动。 I have been active in politics for more than twenty years. 除了最后的那六年,其余那些年干活的是我,我干的是所有无聊琐碎但对竞选胜负至关重要的工作——可得到好处的却是男人,这几乎就是政界妇女一直以来的命运。 For all but the last six, I have done the work – all the tedious details that make the difference between victory and defeat on election day – while men reaped the rewards, which is almost invariably the lot of women in politics. 在美国政界,大部分的工作仍然是由妇女来做——大约300万志愿者。 It is still women – about three million volunteers – who do most of this work in the American political world. 她们中任何人所能期待的结果是有幸当选为区或县的副主席,这是一个隔离却平等的职位,是给那些多年来一直忠实从事装信封和组织牌局工作的妇女的奖赏。 The best any of them can hope for is the honor of being district or county vice-chairman, a kind of separate-but-equal position with which a woman is rewarded for years of faithful envelope stuffing and card-party organizing. 在这种职位上,她可以享受公费出差去参加州或全国性的会议或代表大会,在这些场合她的作用就是和她单位的男主席投一样的票。 I n such a job, she gets a number of free trips to state and sometimes national meetings and conventions, where her role is supposed to be to vote the way her male chairman votes. 1963年,当我企图摆脱这一角色代表布鲁克林的贝德富锡—斯图维桑特参加竞选纽约州众议院的席位时,遇到了极大的阻力。 When I tried to break out of that role in 1963 and run for the New York State Assembly seat from Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant, the resistance was bitter. 从竞选一开始,我就要面对他们毫不掩饰的对女性的敌意。 From the start of that campaign, I faced undisguised hostility because of my sex. 但是在四年以后,当我竞选国会议员时,性别问题才成了一个主要争端。 But it was four years later, when I ran for Congress, that the question of my sex became a major issue. 我所在党派的党员召开秘密会议讨论如何阻止我参加竞选。 Among members of my own party, closed meetings were held to discuss ways of stopping me. 我的对手,的人权运动领袖詹姆士?法默竭力把自己塑造成一个具有男子汉气概的黑人形象;他坐着带有扩音器的卡车在附近地区巡回,车上满载着留着非洲发式、穿颜色花哨的宽袍和蓄胡子的年轻人。 My opponent, the famous civil-rights leader James Farmer, tried to project a black, masculine image; he toured the neighborhood with sound trucks filled with young men wearing Afro haircuts, dashikis, and beards. 电视台记者对我不屑一顾,他们忽略了一个非常重要的数据,而对此我和我的竞选经纪人韦斯利?麦克唐纳?霍尔德却很清楚。 While the television crews ignored me, they were not aware of a very important statistic, which both I and my campaign manager, Wesley MacD. Holder, knew. 在我这个区内,登记参加投票选举的人中男女的比例是1∶2.5.而且那些妇女是有组织的——是教师家长协会、教会社团、牌局俱乐部以及其他社会服务性团体的成员。我去找她们寻求帮助。 n my district there are 2.5 women for every man registered to vote. And those women are organized – in PTAs, church societies, card clubs, and other social and service groups I went to them and asked their help. 法默先生到现在仍然不知道他是如何被击败的。 Mr. Farmer still doesn't quite know what hit him. 当一位聪明的年轻女大学生开始找工作时,为什么第一个问题总是“你会打字吗?” When a bright young woman graduate starts looking for a job, why is the first question always: “Can you type?” 在这个问题背后是一整部妇女受歧视的历史。 A history of prejudice lies behind that question. 为什么被看成是秘书而不是管理者?为什么被看成是图书管理员和教师而不是律师? Why are women thought of as secretaries, not administrators?Librarians and teachers, but not doctors and lawyers? 因为她们被认为是不一样的,低人一等的。 Because they are thought of as different and inferior. 快乐的家庭主妇和心满意足的黑鬼都是由歧视产生的典型人物。 The happy homemaker and the contented darky are both stereotypes produced by prejudice. 妇女甚至还没有达到黑人所达到的象征性的平等水平。 Women have not even reached the level of tokenism that blacks are reaching. 法院中没有妇女,只有两名妇女曾担任内阁的职位,但现在一个也没有。 No women sit on the Supreme Court. Only two have held Cabinet rank, and none do at present. 只有两位妇女担任大使。 Only two women hold ambassadorial rank. 妇女主要从事工资低、伺候人、没有前途的工作。即使她们获得较好的职位,他们的工资也总是比同样工作的男人低。 But women predominate in the lower-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end jobs, and when they do reach better positions, they are invariably paid less than a man for the same job. 这不是歧视又是什么? If that is not prejudice, what would you call it? 几年前,我与一位政治领袖谈论有关一个有前途的青年妇女做候选人的事。 A few years ago, I was talking with a political leader about a promising young woman as a candidate. “为什么要花费时间和精力去树立这个女孩的威信?”他问道,“你很清楚她只会在我们打算让她竞选市长时退出竞选去而生孩子。” “Why invest time and effort to build the girl up?” he asked me. “You know she'll only drop out of the game to have a couple of kids just about the time we're ready to run her for mayor.” 对于我,许多人说了类似的话。 Plenty of people have said similar things about me. 每次当我试图向上迈一步时,许多人劝我回去教书,说那才是妇女的职业,把政治留给男人。 Plenty of others have advised me, every time, I tried to take another upward step, that I should go back to teaching, a woman's vocation and leave politics to the men. 我热爱教书,只要我确信这个国家再也不需要女人作贡献时,我就会去教书。 I love teaching, and I am ready to go back to it as soon as I am convinced that this country no longer needs a women's contribution. 当在这个富足的国家里,当没有孩子饿着肚子上床睡觉时,我可能会回去教书。 When there are no children going to bed hungry in this rich nation, I may be ready to go back to teaching. 当每一个孩子都能上好学校时,我也许会回去教书。 When there is a good school for every child, I may be ready. 当我们不再将钱财耗费在武器装备上来杀人时,当我们不再容忍对少数民族的歧视时,当惩治住房和雇佣不公行为的法律得以实施而不是被束之高阁时,那么我在政治上也就再没什么可做的了 When we do not spend our wealth on hardware to murder people, when we no longer tolerate prejudice against minorities, and when the laws against unfair housing and unfair employment practices are enforced instead of evaded, then there may be nothing more for me to do in politics. 但是在那以前——我们都知道那不是今年或是明年——我们需要的是更多的妇女投身于政治,因为妇女可以作出特殊的贡献。 But until that happens – and we all know it will not be this year or next – what we need is more women in politics, because we have a very special contribution to make. 我希望自己成功的例子能使其他的妇女愿意参与政治活动——不仅仅是装信封,而是竞选政府职位。 I hope that the example of my success will convince other women to get into politics – and not just to stuff envelopes, but to run for office. 妇女能将同情、宽容、远见、忍耐和毅力带到政府中——这是我们与生俱有的品质或是在男人的压制下不得不培养出来的品质。 It is women who can bring empathy, tolerance, insight, patience, and persistence to government – the qualities we naturally have or have had to develop because of our suppression by men. 一个国家的妇女通过她们在生活中的行为来塑造这个国家的道德、宗教和政治。 The women of a nation mold its morals, its religion, and its politics by the lives they live. 目前, 我们国家在政治上也许比其他任何方面更需要妇女的理想主义和决心。 At present,our country needs women's idealism and determination,perhaps more in politics than anywhere else.

Lesson One Rock Superstars 关于我们和我们的社会,他们告诉了我们些什么? What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society? 摇滚乐是青少年叛逆的音乐。 ——摇滚乐评论家约相?罗克韦尔 Rock is the music of teenage rebellion. —— John Rockwell, rock music critic 知其崇拜何人便可知其人。 ——小说家罗伯特?佩恩?沃伦 By a man's heroes ye shall know him. —— Robert Penn Warren, novelist 1972年6月的一天,芝加哥圆形剧场挤满了大汗淋漓、疯狂摇摆的人们。 It was mid-June, 1972, the Chicago Amphitheater was packed, sweltering, rocking. 滚石摇滚乐队的迈克?贾格尔正在台上演唱“午夜漫步人”。 Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones was singing “Midnight Rambler.” 演唱结束时评论家唐?赫克曼在现场。 Critic Don Heckman was there when the song ended. 他描述道:“贾格尔抓起一个半加仑的水罐沿舞台前沿边跑边把里面的水洒向前几排汗流浃背的听众。听众们蜂拥般跟随着他跑,急切地希望能沾上几滴洗礼的圣水。 “Jagger,” he said, “grabs a half-gallon jug of water and runs along the front platform, sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners. They surge to follow him, eager to be touched by a few baptismal drops”。 1973年12月下旬的一天,约1.4万名歌迷在华盛顿市外的首都中心剧场尖叫着,乱哄哄地拥向台前。 It was late December, 1973, Some 14,000 screaming fans were crunching up to the front of the stage at Capital Center, outside Washington, D.C. 美国的恐怖歌星艾利丝?库珀的表演正接近尾声。 Alice Cooper, America's singing ghoul, was ending his act. 他表演的最后一幕是假装在断头台上结束自己的生命。 He ends it by pretending to end his life – with a guillotine. 他的“头”落入一个草篮中。 His “head” drops into a straw basket. “哎呀!”一个黑衣女孩子惊呼道:“啊!真是了不起,不是吗?”。 “Ooh,” gasped a girl dressed in black. “Oh, isn't that marvelous?” 当时,14岁的迈克珀力也在场,但他的父母不在那里。 Fourteen-year-old Mick Perlie was there too, but his parents weren't. “他们觉得他恶心,恶心,恶心,”迈克说,“他们对我说,你怎么受得了那些?” “They think he's sick, sick, sick,” Mike said. “They say to me, 'How can you stand that stuff?'” 1974年1月下旬的一天,在纽约州尤宁谷城拿骚体育场内,鲍勃?狄伦和“乐队”乐队正在为音乐会上要用的乐器调音。 It was late January, 1974. Inside the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York, Bob Dylan and The Band were tuning for a concert. 馆外,摇滚歌迷克利斯?辛格在大雨中等待着入场。 Outside, in the pouring rain, fan Chris Singer was waiting to get in. “这是朝圣,”克利斯说,“我应该跪着爬进去。” “ This is pilgrimage,” Chris said, “I ought to be crawling on my knees.” 对于这一切好评及个人崇拜,你怎么看? How do you feel about all this adulation and hero worship? 当米克?贾格尔的崇拜者们把他视为上帝的代表或是一个神时,你是赞成还是反对? When Mick Jagger's fans look at him as a high priest or a god, are you with them or against them? 你也和克利斯?辛格一样对鲍勃?狄伦怀有几乎是宗教般的崇敬吗? Do you share Chris Singer's almost religious reverence for Bob Dylan? 你认为他或狄伦是步入歧途吗? Do you think he – or Dylan – is misguided? 你也认为艾利丝?库珀令人恶心而拒不接受吗? Do you reject Alice Cooper as sick? 难道你会莫名其妙地被这个奇怪的小丑吸引,原因就在于他表达出你最狂热的幻想? Or are you drawn somehow to this strange clown, perhaps because he acts out your wildest fantasies? 这些并不是闲谈。 These aren't idle questions. 有些社会学家认为对这些问题的回答可以充分说明你在想些什么以及社会在想些什么——也就是说,有关你和社会的态度。 Some sociologists say that your answers to them could explain a lot about what you are thinking and about what your society is thinking – in other words, about where you and your society are. 社会学家欧文?霍洛威茨说:“音乐表现其时代。” “Music expressed its times,” says sociologist Irving Horowitz. 霍洛威茨把摇滚乐的舞台视为某种辩论的论坛,一个各种思想交锋的场所。 Horowitz sees the rock music arena as a sort of debating forum, a place where ideas clash and crash. 他把它看作是一个美国社会努力为自己的感情及信仰不断重新进行解释的地方。 He sees it as a place where American society struggles to define and redefine its feelings and beliefs. 他说:“重新解释是一项只有青年人才能执行的任务。只有他们才把创造与夸张、理性与运动、言语与声音、音乐与政治融为一体。” “The redefinition,” Horowitz says, “is a task uniquely performed by the young. It is they alone who combine invention and exaggeration, reason and motion, word and sound, music and politics.” 作曲兼演唱家托德?伦德格伦对这个观点表示赞同。 Todd Rundgren, the composer and singer, agrees. 他说:“摇滚乐与其说是一种音乐力量不如说是一种社会心理的表现。就连埃尔维斯?普雷斯利也并非是一种伟大的音乐力量,他只不过是体现了50年代青少年那种心灰意冷的精神状态。” “Rock music,” he says, “is really a sociological expression rather than a musical force. Even Elvis Presley wasn't really a great musical force. It's just that Elvis managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s.” 毫无疑问,普雷斯利震惊了美国的成人世界。 Of course Presley horrified adult America. 报纸写社论攻击他,电视网也禁止播他,但也许埃尔维斯证实了霍洛威茨和伦德格伦的看法。 Newspapers editorialized against him, and TV networks banned him. But Elvis may have proved what Horowitz and Rundgren believe. 当他通过电视上埃德?沙利文的星期日晚间的综艺节目出现在千百万人面前时,就引起了某种辩论。 When he appeared on the Ed.Sullivan Sunday night variety show in front of millions, a kind of “debate” took place. 多数年纪大的观众眉头紧皱,而大多数年轻观众则报以掌声欢迎。 Most of the older viewers frowned, while most of the younger viewers applauded. 摇滚乐评论家们说,从埃尔维斯到艾利丝,许多歌星帮助我们的社会解说其信仰与态度。 Between Elvis and Alice, rock critics say, a number of rock stars have helped our society define its beliefs and attitudes. 鲍勃?狄伦触动了对现状不满的神经,他唱到民权、核散落物以及孤独。 Bob Dylan touched a nerve of disaffection. He spoke of civil rights, nuclear fallout, and loneliness. 他唱到变革和老一代人的迷茫,他在歌声中唱道:“这儿正发生着什么事,你不知道是什么事,对吗,琼斯先生?” He spoke of change and of the bewilderment of an older generation. “Something's happening here,” he sang. “You don't know what it is, do you, Mr.Jones?” 其他人也加入了这场辩论。 Others entered the debate. 霍洛威茨说,甲壳虫乐队以幽默的方式,或许还借助麻醉品的力量来倡导和平与虔诚。傲慢无理、打架斗殴的滚石乐队成员要求革命。杰斐逊飞机乐队的歌曲“我们能够联合”和“志愿者”(有一场革命)则是激进青年的更进一步的两项声明。 The Beatles, Horowitz said, urged peace and piety, with humor and maybe a little help from drugs. The Rolling Stones, arrogant street-fighting men, demanded revolution. The Jefferson Airplane's “We Can Be Together” and Volunteers (Got a Revolution)“ were two further statements of radical youth. 但政治并不是60年代强硬派摇滚乐所辩论的惟一主题,始终作为任何音乐永恒组成部分的情感也是一个重要题目。 But politics wasn't the only subject debated in the hard rock of the sixties. Feelings, always a part of any musical statement, were a major subject. 詹妮丝?乔普林用歌声表达自己的悲哀。 Janis Jophin sang of her sadness. 甲壳虫乐队揭示出爱与恨之间的一系列的感情。 The Beatles showed there were a range of emotions between love and hate. 以后又出现了“乐队”乐队把乡村音乐和西部音乐所表达的较为传统的观念与强硬派摇滚乐较为激进的“都市”观念结合在一起。 Then came The Band, mixing the more traditional ideas of country and western music into the more radical “city” ideas of the hard rock. 霍洛威茨认为这一成分的乡村音乐帮助听众表达了一种“摆脱这一切”,“重返过去时光”的强烈愿望。 This country element, Horowitz feels, helped its audience express an urge to “get away from it all,” to “go back to the old day. 当前最能说明霍洛威茨看法的例子之一就是约翰?丹佛,他最的歌曲《阳光照在我肩上》、《高高的落基山》和《乡间小路》把民间摇滚乐的音乐灵魂与力量结合了起来,而歌词则赞美了“往日美好时光”的朴素的欢乐。 。“ One of the best current examples of what Horotwitz is talking about is John Denver. His most notable songs – ”Sunshine on My Shoulders“, ”Rocky Mountain High“, and ”Country Road“ – combine the musical drive and power of folk rock, while the lyrics celebrate the simple joys of ”the good old days.“ 这样的例子不胜枚举。 The list could go on and on. 这些摇滚乐音乐家们和所有的艺术家一样反映出我们借以认识并形成属于自己的感情与信念。 Like all artists, these rock musicians mirror feelings and beliefs that help us see and form our own. 我们以什么来回报他们呢?当然是掌声和赞美。 What do we give them in return? Applause and praise, of course. 在1972年的一次全国民意测验中,10%的男高中生和30%以上的女高中生都说他们最崇拜的人是超级摇滚歌星。 In one 1972, national opinion poll, more than 10 percent of the high school boys and 20 percent of the girls said their hero was a rock superstar. 此外我们给他们金钱, 商业杂志《福布斯》认为,“当今成为百万富翁的捷径是当摇滚歌星。” We also give them money. “The fastest way to become a millionaire these days,” says Forbes, a business magazine, “is to become a rock 'n' roll star.” 今天的英雄们——至少其中一部分人——告诉我们,他们很喜欢所得到的报偿。 Today's heroes – some of them, anyway – tell us they enjoy their rewards. “我暗自嘲笑这些先生们和女士们,他们从没想到过我们会成为金娃娃。”演唱这支歌曲的是“文化英雄”艾利丝?库珀。 “And I laughed to myself at the men and the ladies. Who never conceived of us billion-dollar babies.” The particular “culture hero” who sings that is Alice cooper. 可是,仍然存在着一个大问题:为什么他是文化英雄? The big question remains: Why is he a culture hero? 他,或者当今任何其他走红的摇滚歌星能告诉我们些什么有关他们的歌迷的事情? What does he – or any other current rock success – tell us about his fans? 对于我们自己和我们的社会有些什么了解?现在怎样,过去如何,将来又将向何处去? About ourselves and our society? Where it is, where it was, where it's heading?

青年人的四种选择 Lesson 2 Four Choices for Young People 在毕业前不久,斯坦福大学四年级主席吉姆?宾司给我写了一封信,信中谈及他的一些不安。 Shortly before his graduation, Jim Binns, president of the senior class at Stanford University, wrote me about some of his misgivings. 他写道:“与其他任何一代人相比,我们这一代人在看待成人世界时抱有更大的疑虑……同时越来越倾向于全盘否定成人世界。” “More than any other generation,” he said, “our generation views the adult world with great skepticism… there is also an increased tendency to reject completely that world.” 很明显,他的话代表了许多同龄人的看法。 Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries. 在过去的几年里,我倾听过许多年轻人的谈话,他们有的还在大学读书,有的已经毕业,他们对于成人的世界同样感到不安。 During the last few years, I have listened to scores of young people, in college and out, who were just as nervous about the grown world. 大致来说,他们的态度可归纳如下:“这个世界乱糟糟的,到处充满了不平等、贫困和战争。对此该负责的大概应是那些管理这个世界的成年人吧。如果他们不能做得比这些更好,他们又能拿什么来教育我们呢?这样的教导,我们根本不需要。” Roughly, their attitude might be summed up about like this: “The world is in pretty much of a mess, full of injustice, poverty, and war. The people responsible are, presumably, the adults who have been running thing. If they can't do better than that, what have they got to teach our generation? That kind of lesson we can do without.” 我觉得这些结论合情合理,至少从他们的角度来看是这样的。 There conclusions strike me as reasonable, at least from their point of view. 对成长中的一代人来说,相关的问题不是我们的社会是否完美(我们可以想当然地认为是这样),而是应该如何去应付它。 The relevant question for the arriving generation is not whether our society is imperfect (we can take that for granted), but how to deal with it. 尽管这个社会严酷而不合情理,但它毕竟是我们惟一拥有的世界。 For all its harshness and irrationality, it is the only world we've got. 因此,选择一个办法去应付这个社会是刚刚步入成年的年轻人必须作出的第一个决定,这通常是他们一生中最重要的决定。 Choosing a strategy to cope with it, then, is the first decision young adults have to make, and usually the most important decision of their lifetime. 根据我的发现,他们的基本选择只有四种: So far as I have been able to discover, there are only four basic alternatives: 1)脱离传统社会 1)Drop Out 这是最古老的方法之一,任何年龄的人无论在任何地方,也无论是否使用迷幻剂都可以采用。 This is one of the oldest expedients, and it can be practiced anywhere, at any age, and with or without the use of hallucinogens. 那些认为这个世界残酷、复杂得令人难以忍受的人通常会选择这个办法。 It always has been the strategy of choice for people who find the world too brutal or too complex to be endured. 实质上,这是一种寄生式的生活方式,采取此策略的人通过这样或那样的方式寄生于这个他们蔑视的社会,并且拒绝对这个社会承担责任 By definition, this way of life is parasitic. In one way or another, its practitioners batten on the society which they scorn and in which they refuse to take any responsibility. 我们中的一些人对此很厌恶——认为这种生活方式很不光彩。 Some of us find this distasteful – an undignified kind of life. 但对于那些卑微、懒惰又缺乏自尊的人来说,这也许是可行的最可以忍受的选择了。 But for the poor in spirit, with low levels of both energy and pride, it may be the least intolerable choice available. 2)逃避现实社会 2) Flee 这个策略早在远古就有先例。 This strategy also has ancient antecedents. 自文明诞生以来,就有人企图逃避文明社会,希望寻求一种更为朴素、更富田园风情、更为宁静的生活。 Ever since civilization began, certain individuals have tried to run away from it in hopes of finding a simpler, more pastoral, and more peaceful life. 与那些脱离传统社会的人不同,这些人不是寄生者。他们愿意自食其力,愿意为社会作出贡献,可是他们就是不喜欢这个文明世界的环境。确地说,不喜欢这充满丑恶和紧张的大都市。 Unlike the dropouts, they are not parasites. They are willing to support themselves and to contribute something to the general community, but they simply don't like the environment of civilization; that is, the city, with all its ugliness and tension. 这种方法的问题在于无法大规模地进行实践。 The trouble with this solution is that it no longer is practical on a large scale. 不幸的是,在我们的地球上,高尚的野蛮人和未被破坏的自然景色已越来越少;除了两极地区以外已经没有未开发的土地了。 Our planet, unfortunately, is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscaped; except for the polar regions, the frontiers are gone. 少数富有的乡绅还可以逃避现实去过田园生活——但总的说来,迁移的潮流是向相反的方向流动。 A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life – but in general the stream of migration is flowing the other way. 3)策划革命 Plot a Revolution 在对民主进程单调乏味的运作方式毫无耐心或相信只有武力才能改变基本社会制度的那些人中,这一策略颇受欢迎。 This strategy is always popular among those who have no patience with the tedious working of the democratic process or who believe that basic institutions can only be changed by force. 它吸引了每一代年轻人中那些更为活跃和更具理想主义的人。 It attracts some of the more active and idealistic young people of every generation. 对他们来说,这种策略具有浪漫的吸引力,通常以某位魅力非凡且令人振奋的人物为其象征。 To them it offers a romantic appeal, usually symbolized by some dashing and charismatic figure. 这一策略简单明了并具有更大的吸引力:“既然这个社会已经无可救药,那就让我们砸碎它,在它的废墟上面建一个更好的社会。” It has the even greater appeal of simplicity: “Since this society is hopelessly bad, let's smash it and build something better on the ruins.” 我的朋友中有些是革命者,他们中的一些人过得相当满足。 Some of my best friends have been revolutionists, and a few of them have led reasonably satisfying lives. 这部分人其实是那些革命并未成功的人,他们可以继续兴高采烈地策划*,直至老态龙钟。 These are the ones whose revolutions did not come off; they have been able to keep on cheerfully plotting their holocausts right into their senescence. 另外一些人年纪轻轻就死了,死在监狱里或街垒旁。 Others died young, in prison or on the barricades. 但最不幸的是那些革命成功的人。 But the most unfortunate are those whose revolutions have succeeded. 他们极度失望,看到他们*的权力机构又被新机构所替代,而新机构依旧是那样冷酷,那样毫无生机。 They lived in bitter disillusionment, to see the establishment they had overthrown replaced by a new one, just as hard-faced and stuffy. 当然,我并不是说革命一无所成。 I am not, of course, suggesting that revolutions accomplish nothing. 一些革命(美国革命,法国革命)确实将事情变得越来越好。 Some (The American Revolution, the French Revolution) clearly do change things for the better. 我只是想说革命无论成败,那些策划革命的革命者们都注定要失望。 My point is merely that the idealists who make the revolution are bound to be disappointed in either case. 因为胜利的曙光无论如何也不会照耀在他们梦想中的那个摆脱了人类一切卑劣的灿烂的新世界上。 For at best their victory never dawns on the shining new world they had dreamed of, cleansed of all human meanness. 相反,它照在了一个熟悉的平庸的地方,这个地方仍旧需要食品杂货和污水排放。 Instead it dawns on a familiar, workaday place, still in need of groceries and sewage disposal.


高级英语主要考课本上的翻译 找本卷子 北大燕园的就很好 背卷子就好 题不是很难 加油!

没必要 可以去百度查你们英语重点要发现的知识点,然后认真的背下来,这样子就可以了, 望采纳




1、自考,高级英语,考题主要来自书上的课文之中。其实课后练习题,也是来自课文的。所以,课文比课后题目重要。2、但不是说,课后题目不会考,只是考课后原题的数量和概率会比较小些。3、学习的方法,主要还是要多看、多读、多理解掌握课文。 4、以下自学方法,可供您参考下:首先,“静则成”,首先心境要“静”。不要浮躁。其次,就是耐心坚持了,学习本身是枯燥的,那就要一定毅力、克制力,让自己坚持下去。不要偷懒、放松要求。然后,培养自学兴趣、自学热情,学着学着,总有一点感兴趣的东西,就抓住它,不管是否是重点,多看看,多想想;用获得的自考成绩,来激起自己的自学热情!最后,养成自学习惯。每天或多或少,看点自考教材与内容,做到“功”道自然,这样高的自学境界就出来了!三天打鱼,两天晒网,是不行的。





原文啊 亲 写上也可啊

没必要 可以去百度查你们英语重点要发现的知识点,然后认真的背下来,这样子就可以了, 望采纳


今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考高级英语教材课文,自考高级英语上册课文翻译的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!自学考试高级英语课文翻译去买辅导书吧 每个地方基本上都有专门卖自考辅导书的。网上找好像不太容易吧。跪求自考高级英语 一二册的MP3自己看书乏力,一打开课本就想睡觉的同学。2、多次考试均没有考过,对课本知识点掌握不牢固的同学。3、由于自己工作时间长没有太多的时间进行复习的同学。4、想一次性通过,想本次考试提高20分以及以上的同学所有讲座都是目前现在教材所能适应的音频课件,音频可以放在MP3、MP4播放器、手机、电脑或其他工具上学习。没有地理位置限制,没有时间限制。何时何地,想听就听,想学就学。所有的音频都是一章一节的详细讲解。课程不受时间和地点的制约,你可以在上班的路上,休息的时间,茶余饭后之时来学习。只要你有可随身携带的音乐播放器就行,根本不用去到辅导班去上课,你就可以完成你的学业。有助于缩短你的考试时间,尽早毕业!!扣抠宜二宜骑旧骑流气旧最主要是和教材相匹配的···山东自考英语二课文翻译打开手机浏览器,输入爱问手机版地址在页面上就可以看见爱问知识人手机版的链接。点击进入后,使用您在爱问知识人的用户名和密码,就可以登录并提交问题和回答了。您也可以在手机浏览器地址栏直接输入进入爱问知识人手机版。山东的步步高家教机步步高家教机H8或更新的,里面有英语教材的课文?能刷机的,只要有新的版本出来你就可以去刷机。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

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