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本内容来自老师教材上,绝对保证正确!Unit 1Part BText 1 Exercise 1: 1. c 2. a 3.b Exercise 2:She suggested that her husband spend more time with his mother. She said to her husband, "Life is too short, but you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together , it will make us closer."1) ...she was waiting by the door with her coat on and she had her hair curled. 2) She had told her lady friends about this.Text 2 Exercise 1: 1. c 2. d 3. d Exercise 2: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. FPart C1. b 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. d

Part 1 listening one

Ever wish you could do magic tricks, or introduce yourself as“magician” at a party? Imagine, everybody wants to have fun, but nothings’really happening, it's time for you to show one of your new tricks. Here, you can learn how, and without any need for special materials or much practice.

A trick with a coin, a handkerchief and a friend:

Put the coin on your palm. Cover the coin with the handkerchief. Ask several peopleo put their hands beneath the handkerchief and feel the coin, to make sure that it is still there. Then take the corner of thehandkerchief and pull it rapidly off your hand.

The coin has gone! How? You must make sure the last friend who feels the coinknows the trick and removes the coin when he seems to be just feeling it. And nobody knows where it has gone!

A trick with a piece of paper and a pencil:

Tell your friend that you can communicate your thoughts without speaking to other people. Write on the piece of paper the w6od Don't 1et your friends see what youhave written. Say, "Now I will communicate this word into your minds." Pretend toconcentrate. Ask them if they know what is written on the paper. They will say, "No!"And you say, "Quite correct! I wrOte on the paper!"

A trick with an egg and some salt:

Ask your friends to stand the egg upright on the table. They won't manage to do it.Say that you can speak to the chicken inside. Say, "Chicken! Can you hear me? Getready to balance your egg!"

When you first get the egg back from your friends, pretend to kiss the egg at the base. Make the base wet. Then put the base into salt which is in your other hand. The salt will stick to the egg. Then put the egg on the table. Twist the egg around a few times as this will arrange the grains of salt. Then it will stand up. Don't forget to thank the chicken.


1、What does the magician ask people to do in the first trick

2. What happens to the coin?

3. How does the magician prove that he can communicate his thoughts to theaudience in the second trick?

4. What is the first step to make the egg stand upright?

5. What else is needed to make the egg stand upright?

Keys: 1.B2.C 3.C 4.A 5. D




(1)、关键信息定位法。这个主要是细节题,如涉及到数字(日期、时间、价格等),就可以在文章中快速圈出数字,再找出目标数字及相对应的细节作息,还有人物姓名、地点名词等等,其他的还包括一些提示情节发展,或条纲性关键字眼,如First, Next, Finally等等。

(2)、 同义定位法。英文中可以用Paraphrase表示。同义定位就是指问题所用的关键词和文中的不一致,但属于同义性质,同义转换其实是在关键间的基础上拐个弯。



Unit 6 Choosing a Mate Vocabulary Task Answer/Script A I know he is the one. He’s ready for a lifetime commitment. He is someone I can really trust. B I had doubts at first about the relationship. He was divorced once already but wanted to try again. Then I discovered that we like the same things. C She swept me away with her personality. She has a great sense of humor. She’s easy to talk to and fun to be with. And she’s my type. Listening Task 1) First Listening Answers 1. He’s a 32 year-old white male. He’s divorced. He likes bodybuilding, rock music and dancing. 2. She’s a 34-year-old, African American, single professional. She’s also involved with Greenpeace. 3. He’s a sensitive 28 year-old guy with a great job and good income. He likes bodybuilding, movies and surfing. 4. She’s a single Chinese-American woman in her mid-twenties. She likes long walks on the beach, candle-light dinners and intelligent conversation. 2) Second Listening Answers 1. He is looking for an attractive woman who likes the same things he does and someone he can trust. 2. She is looking for an African American, single professional man who already has his own life, but wants to share quality time. He has to be honest. 3. He is looking for a man who is fun to be with and knows how to cook. She doesn’t have to be rich. 4. She is looking for a man who comes from a good family and who loves long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, and intelligent conversation. He also should like to read and have a good sense of humor. Script 1. Hi! I’m Michael. I’m a 32 year-old white male, I’m divorced, and I want to try again with the right lady. Like bodybuilding, rock music, dancing, and I like to party. I’m looking for an attractive woman who likes the same things I do. And she’s gotta be someone I can trust. 2. I’m Anita, and I’m a 34-year-old, African American, single professional with a major corporation. I’m also very involved with the environmental organization Greenpeace. I’m looking for an African American, single professional man who already has his own life, but wants to share quality time. He has to be honest, above all else. 3. Hi! My name is Jack. I’m a sensitive 28-year-old guy. I’m ready for someone who wants a lifetime commitment. I’m into bodybuilding, movies and surfing! I have a great job with a good income, so you don’t have to be rich, just fun to be with. And you have to be able to cook. 4. My name is Cora, and I’m a single Chinese American woman. I’m in my mid-twenties. If you love long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, and intelligent conversation, I’d like to meet you. I want a man who comes from a good family, likes to read, and has a good sense of humor. Real World Listening 1. Predict Answers He’s handsome. He’s so funny. Get the main idea Answers He’s handsome. He looks like a Greek statue. His clothes are fashionable. He’s sweet and funny. He’s easy to be with. Script Amy: I know I have a picture of Luis around here some-where. Oh, here it is. Erika: wow! He’s so handsome! He looks like a Greek statue. Amy: Yeah, he is very attractive. But I didn’t think so when I first met him. Erika: You didn’t Amy: No. You know what I noticed when I first met him He has really hairy hands. Erika: What Amy: Yeah. His hands are just really hairy. Plus, his clothes were way more fashionable than I usually like. He just wasn’t my type. And on top of all that, he was shorter than me. Erika: So how come you went out with him Amy: Well, he was just really sweet and funny and I was so comfortable just hanging out with him. And the first time we went out he just swept me away with his personality. Erika: Really, how Amy: He was just really easy to talk to. Erika: But still, if all those things bothered you, about his hands and all… Amy: well, you know, none of that was important once I got to know him more. His personality and the way we got along just made it clear to me that he is “the one.” Erika: So, when’s the big day 追问: 是大学体验英语听力教程3 的Review unit1的答案


今天教务老师给大家收集整理了英语自考大专教材解读,成人自考大专英语难吗的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!自考专科英语专业需要那些书专业名称:英语专业代码:050207学科门类:文学外国语言文学类学历层次:基础科段开考方式:面向社会序号代码课程名称学分教材名称编著者出版社版次13706思想道德修养与法律基础2思想道德修养与法律基础刘瑞复李毅红高等教育出版社2008年版23707毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论4毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论钱淦荣北京大学出版社2008年版30522英语国家概况4英语国家概况余志远外语教学与研究出版社2005年版40593听力8英语听力何其莘王敏等处研社1999年版50594口语8英语口语教程吴祯福外研社1999年版60595英语阅读(一)6英语阅读(一)俞宏亮高等教育出版社2006年版70596英语阅读(二)6英语阅读(二)白永权高等教育出版社2005年版80597英语写作基础4英语写作基础杨俊峰辽宁大学出版社1999年版90794综合英语(一)10综合英语(一)上、下册徐克容外语教学与研究出版社2000年版100795综合英语(二)10综合英语(二)上、下册徐克容外语教学与研究出版社2000年版114729大学语文4大学语文徐中玉陶型传华东师范大学出版社2006年版英语专科自考 教材考试等问题英语阅读一和英语国家概况是全国统考,不会变的. 概况这门课建议以后再考,书很厚.英语阅读一的教材改了没有这个我不是很清楚,英语国家概况和英语阅读一都是必修的课程。英语国家概况要下功夫学的,书很厚,涉及到美国英国加拿大澳大利亚新西兰爱尔兰等国家,考题很多,犄角旮旯科考点很多,尤其名词解释,要把书读薄,至少要过上三遍,很多人就拉这门课毕业不了自考会计大专有哪些教材?1、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论2、法律基础与思想道德修养3、大学语文4、高等数学5、政治经济学(财经类)6、中国税制7、基础会计学8、国民经济统计概论9、经济法概论10、中级财务会计11、计算机应用基础12、计算机应用基础(实践)13、财务管理学14、成本会计15、企业管理概论16、管理会计一共16科<自考英语大专的有网上课堂吗?请问哪里有自自考英语大专的视频教材呀?对。明年一月有招生。全名:北京外国语大学网络教育学院。电话:010-88817912/13010-88811106邮箱:support@如果决定了,就赶快准备吧!自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:


今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考英语国家概况教材答案,自考英语国家概况总是不过关的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!英语国家概况课后问题答案?要详细点的,谢谢Chapter 1 land and people 1.what are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain,England,the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth? The British Isles,Greant Britina and England are geographical names, no the official names of the country,while the official name is the United Kingdom,but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.The British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britian. 2.Describe the geographical position of Britian? Britain is an island country. It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe.It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. 3.Whereabouts in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland? The north and west of Britain are mainly highland, while the south and south-east are mostly lowlands. 4.Does Britain have a favourable climate? why? Yes,it has a favourable climate, because it has a maritime type of climate—winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool, not too hot.It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year.It has a small 。。文库里的 英语国家概况课后题总结谢福之英语国家概况答案09四月自考英语国家概况试卷及答案第一部分:听力做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:Howmuchistheshirt?A.£19.15.B.£9.15.C.£9.18.答案是B.1.Howmuchwillthemanpayforthetickets?A.£7.5.B.£15.C.£50.2.Whichistherightgatefortheman’sflight?A.Gate16.B.Gate22.C.Gate25.3.Howdoesthemanfeelaboutgoingtoschoolbybike?A.Happy.B.Tired.C.Worried.4.Whencanthemangetthecomputers?A.OnTuesday.B.OnWednesday.C.OnThursday5.Whatdoesthemanthinkoftheshirtfortheparty?A.Thesizeisnotlargeenough.B.Thematerialisnotgood.C.Thecolorisnotsuitable.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.WhatcanwelearnaboutMr.Brown?A.Heisinhisoffice.B.Heisatameeting.C.Heisoutforameeting.7.Whatwillthemanprobablydonext?A.Callback.B.Comeagain.C.Leaveamessage.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.Whatkindofroomdoesthemanwanttotake?A.Asingleroom.B.Adoubleroom.C.Aroomforthree.9.Whatdoesthemanneedtoputintheform?A.Telephoneandstudentcardnumbers.B.Studentcardnumberandaddress.C.Addressandtelephonenumber.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.Whatistherelationshipbetweenthespeakers?A.Fellowclerks.B.Bossandsecretary.C.Customerandsalesperson.11.Whatdoesthemanlikeabouthisjob?A.Livingclosetotheoffice.B.Chancestogoabroad.C.Nicepeopletoworkwith.12.Whatdoweknowaboutthewoman?A.Shelikestraveling.B.Sheisnewtothecompany.C.Sheworksinpublicrelations.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Whenwillthevisitorscome?A.InMarch.B.InApril.C.InMay.14.Howmanyvisitorsarecoming?A.8.B.10.C.12.15Whatwillthevisitorsdoonthesecondday?A.Gotoaparty.B.Visitschools.C.Attendalecture.16.Wherewillthevisitorsgoonthefinalday?A.ToLondonB.ToScotlandC.Tothecoast.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.Whatisthefirstwordthebabytriedtosay?A.Truck.B.Ok.C.Duck.18.Howoldwasthebabywhenhelearnedtosaythatwordcorrectly?A.About18months.B.About21months.C.About24months.19.Whatdidthefatherdowhenthebabyscreamedthatwordattheairport?A.Hecorrectedthebaby.B.Hetriedtostopthebaby.C.Hehidhimselfsomewhere.20.Whydidthemotherpretendnottoknowthebaby?A.Shegotangrywiththefather.B.Shewasfrightenedbythenoise.C.Shefeltuneasyaboutthenoisybaby.第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:Itisgenerallyconsideredunwisetogiveachildheorshewants.A.howeverB.whateverC.whicheverD.whenever答案是B.2l.Thehousebelongstomyauntbutshe______hereanymore.A.hasn’tlivedB.didn’tliveC.hadn’tlivedD.doesn’tlive22.We______thelastbusanddidn’thaveanymoneyfortaxi,sowehadtowalkhome.A.reachedB.lostC.missedD.caught23.Seetheflagsontopofthebuilding?Thatwas______wedidthismorning.A.whenB.whichC.whereD.What24.There’snolighton-they______beathome.A.can’tB.mustn’tC.needn’tD.shouldn’t25.-Excuseme,canyoutellmewherethenearestbankis,please?-______Ohyes!It’spasttheoffice,nexttoabigmarket.A.Mm,letmethink.B.Oh,Ibegyourpardon?C.You’rewelcome.D.Whatdoyoumean?26.IfIcanhelp_______,Idon’tlikeworkinglateintothenight.A.soB.thatC.itD.them27.Mikedidn’tplayfootballyesterdaybecausehehad______hisleg.A.damagedB.hurtC.hitD.struck28.______hehaslimitedtechnicalknowledge,theoldworkerhasalotofexperience.A.SinceB.UnlessC.AsD.Although29.Thewater______coolwhenIjoinedintothepoolformorningexercise.A.wasfeltB.isfeltC.feltD.feels30.-Hello,couldIspeaktoMr.Smith?-Sorry,wrongnumber.Thereisn’t______Mr.Smithhere.A.不填B.aC.theD.one31.Elizarememberseverythingexactlyasif______yesterday.A.washappeningB.happensC.hashappenedD.happened32.______andhappy,Tonystoodupandacceptedtheprize.A.SurprisingB.SurprisedC.BeingsurprisedD.Tobesurprising33.Pleaseremindme______hesaidhewasgoing.Imaybeintimetoseehimoff.A.whereB.whenC.howD.what34.-IwonderifIcouldpossiblyuseyourcarfortonight?-______.I’mnotusingitanyhow.A.Sure,goheadB.Idon’tknowC.Yes,indeedD.Idon’tcare35.Mary,______here-everybodyelse,staywhereyouare.A.comeB.comesC.tocomeD.coming第二节完型填空阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项OnahotsummerdayinlastAugust,IsoughtshadeandacooldrinkatawaterfrontcafeonaGreekisland.Overahundreddegreesin36air.Crowded.Tempers(脾气)ofboththetouristsandwaitershad37tomeetthesituation,makingitaratherquarrelsomeenvironment(环境).Atthetablenexttominesatanattractive,38couple,waitingfor39.Theyheldhands,whispered,kissed,andlaughed.Suddenlytheystood,pickeduptheir40andsteppedtogether41theedgeofwheretheyweresittingtoplacethetableintheseawater.Themanstepped42forthetwochairs.Hepolitely43hisladyintheknee-deepwaterandthensatdownhimself.Allpeoplearoundlaughedandcheered.44appeared.Hepausedforjustasecond,walkedintothewaterto45thetableandtaketheir46,andthenwalkedbacktothe47cheersoftherestofhis48.Minuteslaterhereturnedcarryingabottleofwineandtwoglasses.Withoutpausing,hewent49intothewaterto50thewine.Thecoupletoasted(祝酒)eachother,thewaiterandthecrowd.Andthecrowd51bycheeringandthrowingflowerstothem.Threeothertables52tohavelunchinthewater.Theplacewasnowfilledwithlaughter.Onedoesn’tstepintowaterinone’sbestsummerclothes.Whynot?Customersarenotserved53.Whynot?Sometimesoneshouldconsider54thelineofconvention(常规)andenjoy55tothefullest.36.A.freshB.coolC.stillD.thin37.A.managedB.expectedC.attemptedD.risen38.A.lonelyB.curiousC.well-dressedD.bad-tempered39.A.cheersB.serviceC.attentionD.flowers40.A.metaltableB.emptybottleC.chairsD.bags41.A.onB.offC.aroundD.along42.A.outsideB.forwardC.downD.back43.A.ledB.seatedC.watchedD.received44.A.ThemanagerB.AfriendC.AwaiterD.Theservant45.A.setB.washC.removeD.check46.A.menuB.billC.foodD.order47.A.loudB.anxiousC.familiarD.final48.A.touristsB.customersC.fellowsD.assistants49.A.atlastB.intimeC.oncemoreD.aswell50.A.changeB.drinkC.sellD.serve51.A.repliedB.insistedC.agreedD.understood52.A.preparedB.joinedinC.settledupD.continued53.A.withpleasureB.inthecafeC.inttheseaD.withwine54.A.followingB.keepingC.limitingD.crossing55.A.lifeB.wineC.lunchD.time第三部分:阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Mostpeoplethinkofracingwhentheyseegreyhounds(灰狗)andbelievetheyneedlotsofexercise.Theycanactuallybequitelazy!Greyhoundsaregoodatfastracesbutnotlong-distancerunning.Theydoneedregularexercisebuttheyliketorunforashortburstandthengetbackonthebedoracomfortableseat.Anothermisunderstandingisthatgreyhoundsmustbeaggressive(好斗的)becausetheyarebiginsize.Infactgreyhoundslovepeopleandaregentlewithchildren.Greyhoundscanlivefor12–14yearsbutusuallyonlyracefortwoorthreeyears,andafterthattheymakegreatpets.Theydon’tneedalotofspace,don’tmakealotofnoise,anddon’teatalotfortheirsize.Normally,greyhoundscanbeastallas90cm.Thereis,however,asmall-sizedgreyhound,whichstandsonly33cm.Greyhoundscomeinavarietyofcolors.Greyandyellowish-brownarethemostcommon.Othersincludeblack,white,blue,redandbrownoramixofthese.Greyhoundshavesmoothbodycoats,lowbodyfatandareveryhealthy.Becausethey’reslim(苗条的)theydon’thavethelegproblemslikeotherdogsthesameheight.Buttheydofeelthecold,especiallysincetheywouldmuchratherbeathomeinbedthanwalkingaroundoutside.56.Thetextiswrittenmainly______.A.totellpeoplehowtoraisegreyhoundsB.toletpeopleknowmoreaboutgreyhoundsC.toexplainwhygreyhoundsareaggressiveD.todescribegreyhoundsofdifferentcolors57.Itcanbeinferredthatgreyhounds_______.A.lovebigdoghousesB.likestayinginbedalldayC.makethebestguarddogsD.needsomeexerciseoutdoors58.Whydoestheauthorsaythatgreyhoundsmakegreatpets?A.Theyarebiginsize.B.Theyliveaverylonglife.C.Theycanrunracesforsometime.D.Theyarequietandeasytolookafter.59.Ifyoukeepapetgreyhound,itisimportant________.A.tokeepitslimB.tokeepitwarmC.totakespecialcareofitslegsD.totakeittoanimaldoctorsregularlyManyyearsago,whenIwasfreshoutofschoolandworkinginDenver,Iwasdrivingtomyparents’homeinMissouriforChristmas.Istoppedatagasstation(加油站)about50milesfromOklahomaCity,whereIwasplanningtostopandvisitafriend.WhileIwasstandinginlineatthecashregister(收款台),Isaidhellotoanoldercouplewhowerealsopayingforgas.Itookoff,buthadgoneonlyafewmileswhenblacksmokepouredfromthebackofmycar.IstoppedandwonderedwhatIshoulddo.Acarpulledupbehindme.ItwasthecoupleIhadspokentoatthegasstation.Theysaidtheywouldtakemetomyfriend’sWechattedonthewayintothecity,andwhenIgotoutofthecar,thehusbandgavemehisbusinesscard.Iwrotehimandhiswifeathank-younoteforhelpingme.Soonafterward,IreceivedaChristmaspresentfromthem.Theirnotethatcamewithitsaidthathelpingmehadmadetheirholidaysmeaningful.Yearslater,Idrovetoameetinginanearbytowninthemorning.InlateafternoonIreturnedtomycarandfoundthatI’dleftthelightsonallday,andthebattery(电池)wasdead.ThenInoticedthattheFriendlyForddealership-ashopsellingcars-wasrightnextdoor.Iwalkedoverandfoundtwosalesmenintheshowroom.“JusthowfriendlyisFriendlyFord?”Iaskedandexplainedmytrouble.Theyquicklydroveapickuptrucktomycarandstartedit.Theywouldacceptnopayment,sowhenIgothome,Iwrotethemanotetosaythanks.Ireceivedaletterbackfromoneofthesalesmen.Noonehadevertakenthetimetowritehimandsaythankyou,anditmeantalot,hesaid.“Thankyou”-twopowerfulwords.They’reeasytosayandmeansomuch.60.TheauthorplannedtostopatOklahomaCity_________.A.tovisitafriendB.toseehisparentsC.topayatthecashregisterD.tohavemoregasforhiscar61.Thewords“tookoff”underlinedinParagraph2mean“______”.A.turnedoffB.movedoffC.putupD.setup62.Whathappenedwhentheauthorfoundsmokecomingoutofhiscar?A.Hehaditpulledbacktothegasstation.B.Thecouplesenthimabusinesscard.C.Thecoupleofferedtohelphim.D.Hecalledhisfriendforhelp.63.Thebatteryoftheauthor’scarwasdeadbecause_______.A.somethingwentwrongwiththelightsB.themeetinglastedawholedayC.heforgottoturnoffthelightsD.hedrovetoolongadistance64.Bytellinghisownexperiences,theauthortriestoshow______.A.howtowriteathank-youletterB.howtodealwithcarproblemsC.thekind-heartednessofolderpeopleD.theimportanceofexpressingthanksAstudyofEnglishlearningproblemswascarriedoutamongatotalof106foreignstudents.ItshowsthatmoststudentsconsideredunderstandingspokenEnglishtobetheirbiggestproblemonarrival.Thiswasfollowedbyspeaking.Writingincreasedasaproblemasstudentsdiscovereddifficultiesinwritingpapersthattheywerenowexpectedtohandin.Readingremainedasasignificant(显著的)problem.Theinformationgainedhelpedusindeterminingwherespecialattentionshouldbepaidinourcourse.Althoughmanystudentshavechosentojointhecoursewithareasonablemotivation(动机),weconsidereditimportanttonotewhatseemedtoencourageinterest.Nearlyallthestudentshaveexperiencedsomekindofgrammar-basedEnglishteachingintheirowncountry.Tousethesamemethodwouldbeself-defeatingbecauseitmightreducemotivation,especiallyifithasfailedinthepast.Thereforeadifferentmethodmayhelpbecauseitisdifferent.Varietyofactivitywasalsoseenasawayofmaintaining(保持)orincreasingmotivation.Severalyearsagowehadonetimetablethatoperatedthroughout,butwesoonfoundthatboththestudentsandtheteacherslostinterestbyabouthalfwaythroughthetenweeks.Thisledustoamajorre-think,sofinallywebroughtitintolinewiththeexpressedlanguageneedsofthestudents.65.Whatisthetextmainlyabout?A.Foreignstudentshavemoreproblems.B.TherearemanywaystoimproveEnglish.C.Teachingshouldmeetstudents’needs.D.Englishlearningproblemsshouldbestudiedagain.66.Writingbecameabiggerproblemwhenforeignstudents________.A.hadtowritetheirpapersB.becamebetteratspeakingC.becamelessinterestedinreadingD.hadfewerproblemswithlistening67.Wemayinferfromthelasttwoparagraphsthat________.A.differentteachingmethodsshouldbeusedB.grammar-basedteachingseemstobeencouragingC.EnglishcoursesarenecessaryforforeignstudentsD.teachingcontentshouldbechangedhalfway.Sincemyretirement(退休)fromteachingmusicin2001,Ihavespentagooddealoftimepaintingasanartist.Iactuallybegandrawingagaininthesummerof1995whenmyfatherdied,soperhapsIwastryingtorecoverfromthelossofmyfather,ormaybeitwasjustthatitbroughtbackmemoriesofhim.Inanycase,Idrewpenandinkanimalsandlandscapes(风景画)muchinfluenced(影响)byKrenkelandSt.Johnforfiveyears.Forsomestrangereason,Ihadbeenwaitinguntilmyretirementtostartdoingwatercolorsagain,butassoonasIwalkedoutoftheschooldoorforthelasttimeIpickedupmybrushesandrediscoveredAndrewWyeth,whoquicklybecamemyfavoriteartist.IhadlookedthroughalltheartbooksIhadonmyshelvesandfoundhiswatercolorstobetheclosesttohowIthoughtgoodwatercolorsshouldlook.SoIpaintedlandscapesaroundMinnesotaforthreeyearsandtriedoutmanyothertypesofpainting.However,watercolorsremainedmyfirstchoice,andIthinkIdidmybestworkthere,showingmypaintingsatanumberofartexhibitions.Artisnowtogetherwithmypianoplayingandreading.Thereisatimeforeverythinginmyworld,anditiswonderfultohavesometimedoingwhatIwanttodo.AsConfuciousoncesaid,“AtseventyIcanfollowmyheart’sdesire.”69.Whatisthetextmainlyabout?A.Learningtopaintinlaterlife.B.HowtopaintwatercolorsC.Anartist-turnedteacherD.Lifeafterretirement70.Theauthorstarteddrawingagainin1995because_________.A.hehopedtodrawapictureofhisfatherB.hecouldn’tstopmissinghisfatherC.hehadmoretimeafterretirementD.helikedanimalsandlandscapes71.Wecaninferfromthetextthattheauthor__________.A.hadbeentaughtbyKrenkelandSt.JohnB.paintedlandscapesinMinnesotafor5yearsC.believedWyethtobethebestinwatercolorsD.startedhisretirementlifeattheageofseverty72.Howdoestheauthorprobablyfeelabouthislifeasanartist?A.Veryenjoyable.B.AbitregretfulC.Ratherbusy.D.Fairlydull.PhillipIslandPenguins(企鹅)TheLittlePenguinhascalledPhillipIslandhomeforuntoldgenerations.GettoPhillipIslandinplentyoftimetowatchssummersunsetatSummerlandBeach–thestageisattractivelysettoseethelittlePenguinleavewaterandstepontoland.•LeaveMelbourneat5:30pmforadirectjourneytoPhillipIsland.•SeetheGippslandarea–GuinnessBookofRecordsplacefortheworld’slongestearthworm(蚯蚓)•JourneyalongthecoastalhighwayaroundtheBaywithFrenchIslandandChurchillIslandinthedistance•CrossthebridgeatSanRemotoenterPhillipIsland–naturalhomeforLittlePenguinsandmanyanimals•Takeyourplaceinspecialviewingstands(看台)towatchthedailyeveningperformanceofthewildLittlePenguinsUltimatePenguins(+U)Joinagroupofupto15.Thisguidedtourgoestoanattractive,quietbeachtoseeLittlePenguins.Youcanseepenguinsatnightbywearingaspecialpairofglasses.Adult(成人)$60.00Child$30.00ViewingPlatformPenguinPlus(+V)Morepersonalizedwildlifeviewinglimitedto130peopleprovidingcloserviewingofthepenguinarrivalthanthemainviewingstands.Adult$25.00Child$12.50PenguinSkybox(+S)Joinagroupofonly5inthecomfortofaspecial,higher-upviewingtower.GainanexcellentoverviewofSummerlandBeach.Adult16yrs73.Whatkindofpeopleisthetextmainlywrittenfor?A.Scientists.B.StudentsC.Tourists.D.Artists.74.WecanlearnfromthetextthatLittlePenguins__________.A.havebeenonPhillipIslandforyearsB.keepaGuinnessrecordfortheirsizeC.aretrainedtopracticedivingforvisitorsD.liveinlargegroupstoprotectthemselves75.Howmuchwouldacouplewithonechildpayforacloserviewingtour?A.$37.50.B.$62.50.C.$180.00.D.$150.00.自考英语专科中的英语国家概况和综合英语2要怎么学习才能顺利通过英语国家概况是笔试中最难的一门,综二难度不大。建议你将精力主要放在概况上面。我专科考了三年,其它的都是一次通过的。只有概况考了两次,第一次56分,第二次68。做好心理准备吧,如果你非常厉害的话可能只考一次。英语自考有谁可以告诉我怎样才能通过英语国家概况的考试,多谢!.记忆的东西比较多.抓住重点.好好看书复习了自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:





2015年6月13日的英语四级考试刚刚结束,本次考试为多题多卷,整理了不同版本的真题及参考答案,供考生参考,下面是整理的 2015年6月英语四级听力真题答案及解析(含听力音频) ,欢迎查看。



W: I am going to give up playing chess, I lost againtoday。

M: Just because you lost? Is that any reason toquit?

Q: What does the man imply?


M: Do you know Shirley’s new address? She’s got some mailhere and I’d like to fold it to her。

W: Well, we’ve not been in touch for quit a while. Let’ssee, Marry should know it?

Q: What does the women mean?


W: I missed the classes this morning could you please lentme your notes?

M: My notes? You’ve never seem my hand writing, haveyou?

Q: What does the man imply?


M: I am taking my girlfriend to the fancy new restaurantfor her birthday tonight。

W: I went there last weekend and I found it ratherdisappointing。

Q: What does the women mean?


W: Winter is over at last, time to put away my gloves andboots。

M: I ‘ve been waiting for this for months。

Q: What does the man mean?


W: Thank you for bringing the books back。

M: I thought you need them over the weekend, many thanksfor let me use them。

Q: What do we learn from conversation?


W: Are you working flexible hours?

M: No I am not, The weather today is so nice, so I decidedto walk to work and that meant I have to leave an hour earlier thanusual。

Q: What does the man decide to do?


W: Our plane has been circling for a long time, we coulddelay。

M: The airport was closed for a while this morning andthings are still not back to normal。

Q: What does the man mean?






答案:A. The woman should go on playing chess。


“Is that any reason to quit?




答案:D. Mary probably knows Sally’s newaddress。

本题的关键在于听到最后一句“Mary should know it。




答案:B. His notes are not easy to read。

本题的关键在于听懂反义疑问句。女士想要借笔记,男士说:“You’venever see my handwriting, have you?”“你从没看过我的笔迹吧?”言下之意,就是自己的笔记难以辨认。



答案:D. The man had better choose anotherrestaurant。


“rather disappointing”




答案:C. He has been looking forward tospring。




答案:B. The man appreciates the woman’s help。

本题关键在于听懂感谢语气。男士说:“Many thanks forletting me use them。”(太感谢你让我看他们了。)thankMany thanks和选项中的appreciate为同义词。



答案:B. Go to work on foot。

本题的关键在于捕捉否定词之后被突出的信息。男士提到的“walk towork”和选项中的Goon foot。




答案:A. Temporary closing has disturbed the airport’soperation。

本题考察的是一组明显的因果关系,即什么导致了延误。男士提到今早机场关闭了一段时间了,而且仍然没恢复正常。“closedfor a while”与选项中的Temporaryclosing构成同义替换。


Long conversation

Conversation 1

W:Morning, this is TGC!

M: Goodmorning, Walter Barry here, calling from London. Could I speak toMr. Grand, please?

W: Who’scalling, please?

M: WalterBarry, from London。

W: What isit about, please?——问题是考题


Well, I understand that your company has a chemical processingplant。(9题答案——回答是答案。)My own company LCP, Liquid Control Products, is aleader in safety from leaks in the field of chemicalprocessing。(9题答案——重复答案最容易)

I’d like to speak to Mr. Grandto discuss ways in which we could helpTGC to protect itself from such problems and save money at the sametime.——第10题答案(男士公司存在的问题)

W: Yes, Isee. Well, Mr. Grand is not available just now。

M: Can youtell me when I could reach him?

W: He’svery busy for the next few days. Then he’ll be away in New York. Soit’s difficult to give you a time。

M: Could Ispeak to someone else, perhaps?

W: Who, inparticular?

M: Acolleague, for example?——问题是考题

W: You are speaking to his personalassistance.——回答是答案(11题答案)

I can deal with calls for Mr.Grand。

M: Yes,well, could I ring him tomorrow?——问题是考题

W: No, I’msorry, he won’t be free tomorrow.Listen, let me suggestsomething. You send us details of your products and services,together with references from other companies. And then we’llcontact you.——回答是答案(12题答案)

M: Yes,that’s very kind of you. I have your address。

M: Barry.Walter Barry, from LCP in London。

W: Right,Mr. Barry. We look forward to hearing from you。

M: Thankyou, goodbye。


Q9. What do we learn about the woman’s company?

Q10. What do we learn about the man?

Q11. What’s the woman’s position in her company?

Q12. What does the woman suggest the man do?

Conversation  2

M: MissYamada, did you ever think that you would find yourself living andworking in the western world?——问题是考题

W: No, not really, although I’ve always listenedto recordings of great orchestras fromEurope.——回答是答案(第13题答案)

M: So youenjoyed classical music even when you were very young?

W: Oh,yes. I was an only child。

M: Youwere born in 1955, is that right?

W: Yes, Ibegan violin lessons at school when I was 6.

M: Asyoung as that, did you like it?

W: Oh,yes, very much。

M: When didyou first play on your own? I mean, when did you give your firstperformance?——问题是考题

W: I think I was 8…? No, Nine. I just had mybirthday a week before, and my father had bought me a new violin. Iplayed a small piece at the schoolconcert.——回答是答案(第14题答案)

M: Did youknow then that you would become a professionalviolinist?

W: Yes, Ithink so. I enjoy playing the violin very much, and I didn’t mindpracticing, sometimes three or four hours a day。

M: And whendid you first come to Europe?——问题是考题

W: I was very lucky. When I was fifteen, I won ascholarship to a college in Paris. That was for a three-yearcourse.——回答是答案(第15题答案)

M: How didyour parents feel about that?

W: I thinkthey were pleased and worried at the same time. It was the chanceof a lifetime. But of course I would be thousands of miles fromhome. Anyway, I studied in Paris for three years and then went backto Tokyo。

Q13. Whatdo we know about the woman before she went to Europe?

Q14. Whatdoes the woman say about her music experience?

Q15. Whatdoes the woman say about her study in Paris?


Section B Passage


What makesa person famous? This is a mystery that many people have thoughtabout. All kinds of myths surround the lives of well-known people。

Most people are familiar with the works of William Shakespeare, oneof the greatest English writers of the 16th and 17thcenturies. Yet

how many know Shakespeare, the person, the man behind theworks? ——第16题答案(极端表达most预示答案,转折关系yet引导答案)After centuries of research, scholars are stilltrying to discover Shakespeare’s personal history。

It is noteasily found in his writings. Authors of the time could not protecttheir works. An acting company, for example, could change the playif they wanted to. Nowadays, writers have copy rights to protecttheir work. Many myths arouse about Shakespeare. Some said he hadno formal education. Others believe that he began his career bytending the horses of wealthy men. All of these myths areinteresting, but are they true? Probablynot.

Shakespeare’s father was a respective man inStratford-upon-Avon, a man of the town council。

——第17题答案(新出现的信息为重点)He sent young William to grammar school. Mostpeople of Elizabethan times did not continue beyond grammar school.So Shakespeare did have at least average education. Some paths ofShakespeare’s life were always remain unknown。

The great London fire arouses 1666 burned many important documentsthat could’ve been a source ofclues.——第18题答案

We were always be left withmany questions and few facts.


Q16. Whatdoes speaker say about William Shakespeare?

答案:B) His personalhistory is little known。

Q17. Whatdoes we learn about Shakespeare’s father?

答案:D) He was a member ofthe town council。

Q18. Whydoes the speaker say parts of Shakespeare’s life remain a mystery?

答案:C) Possible sourcesof clues about him were lost in a fire。


Whereveryou go and for whatever reason, it’s important to be safe. Whilethe majority of people you meet in travelling are short to befriendly and welcoming, they are dangerous. First being the mostcommon. Just as in your home country. Do not expect everyone youmeet to be friendly andhelpful.——第19题答案

It’s important top repairedfor your trip in advance and to take precautions while you aretravelling。

As you prepare for your trip, make sure your have the rightpaperwork. ——第20题答案You don’t want to get to your destination, only tofind you have the wrong visa, or worse, that your passport isn’tvalid anymore. Also, make sure you travel with proper medicalinsurance. So that if you sick or injured during your travels, youwill be able to get treatment. If you want to drive all yearabroad, make sure you have a international driver’s license。

When you get to your destination, use officialtransport.——第21题答案

Always go to bus and taxistands, don’t except rights from strangers who offer you a lift. Ifthere isn’t a meter in the taxi, agree on the price before you getin. If you prefer to stay in cheap hotels while travelling, makesure you can lock the door of your room from the inside. Finally,bear in mind to simile. It’s the friendly and the most sincere formof communication. And it sure to be understood in any part of theworld。

Q19What ismentioned as a most common danger when people go travellingabroad?

答案:A) Do not expecteveryone you meet to be friendly and helpful。。

Q20What isthe most important thing to do when you prepare for your tripabroad?

答案:B) Have the rightdocuments。

Q21Whatdoes the speaker suggest you do when you arrive at yourdestination?

答案:B) Use officialtransport。



TheBritish are supposed to be famous for laughing at themselves,

but even their sense of humour has alimit,——主旨对应推断题答案(25题)as the British retailer Gerald Ratner found out tohis cost。

When Ratner took over his father's chain of 130 jewelry shops in1984, he introduced a very clear company policy. He decided thathis shops should sell down market products at the lowest possibleprices. ——第22题答案It was a great success. The British public lovedhis cheapgold earrings and his tasteless silver ornaments. By1991, Ratner's company had 2,400 shops and it was worth over 680million pounds。

But in April of that year, Gerald Ratner made a big mistake. At abig meeting of top British businesspeople, he suited up andexplained the secret of hissuccess.——第23题答案

People say "How can we sellour goods for such a low price?" I say "Because they are absoluterubbish." His audience roared with laughter. But the Britishnewspapers and the British public were not so amused。

People felt insulted and stayed away from Ratner'sshops。

——第24题答案Sales fell and 6 months after his speech, Ratner'sshare price had fallen by 42%. The following year, things got worseand Gerald Ratner was forced to resign. By the end of 1992, he losthis company, his career and his house. Even worse, 25,000 of hisemployees had lost their jobs。

It had been a very expensive joke.——25题答案

Q22 Whatdid Gerald Ratner decide to do when he took over his father'sshops?

答案:C) Sell inexpensiveproducts。

Q23 Onwhat occasion did Gerald Ratner explained the secret of hissuccess?

答案:A) At a meeting oftop British businesspeople。

Q24 Howdid people feel when they leaned of Gerald Ratner'sremarks?


Q25 Whatdoes the story of Gerald Ratner suggest?

答案:B) There should be alimit to one's sense of humour。

点评:短文是听力选择题部分最难的;话题难,词汇难,要听懂就更难。但是如果学会给短文文类之后有重点的去听录音,重点就会更突出,答案就更容易捕捉。如最后一篇短文是人物故事类,故事的主人翁叫:Gerald Ratner,讲了发生在他身上的故事。既然是故事就应该学会把握时间脉络。我相信各位同学见了老师的分析之后应该非常明显的看到了原文中的答案一般都紧跟在时间词之后。故事类的文章喜欢出推断题,推断故事想传递的道理是什么,而这个道理其实一般出现在首句——主旨,就是主旨的改写而已。

Section C

Looking atthe basic biological systems, the world is not doing very well.Yet, economic indicators show the world is prospering.Despite a slow start at the beginning of the 80s, global economicoutput increased by more than a fifth during the decade. Theeconomy grew, trade increased, and millions of new jobs werecreated. How can biological indicators show the opposite ofeconomic indicators? The answer is that the economic indicatorshave a basic fault. They show no difference between resource usesthat sustain progress and those uses that will hurt it. Themain measure of economic progress is the Gross National Products --GNP. In simple terms, this totals the value of all goods andservices produced and subtracts loss in value of factories andequipment. Developed a half century ago, GNP helped establish a common way among countries of measuring changein economic output. For some time, this seemed to work reasonably well, but serious weaknesses are now appearing.As indicated earlier, GNP includes loss in value of factories andequipment, but it does not take into account the loss ofnatural resources, including non-renewable resources, such as oil,or renewable resources, such as forests. This basic fault canproduce a misleading sense of national






30. Insimple terms



33.take into account


35.using up

点评 :复合式听写看似难,很多同学的软肋就是不会拼写单词。但实际上复合式听写的单词却是有规律的,譬如:opposite这个单词实际上曾今出现在2013年12月听力真题10题的A选项中,而2014年6月的复合式听写也考过这个单词。今年的词汇难度也并不大,如decade、account、opposite这些单词都曾出现在老师给大家的复习资料中。在发音上比较难识别的一个单词是sustain,很多同学可能会听成sixteen。但是数词不是我们复合式听写的考察范畴。所以考听力最重要的还是要对单词的发音熟悉,自己在复习时就应该争取吧

有答案的英语四级听力,我们在大学宿舍里,听到天荒地老也无事。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅! 大学英语四级考试听力材料及答案 听力真题: 15. A. In the classroom. B. At he post office. C. In the bank. D. In a park. 16. A. The woman is excited to have lunch with the man. B. The woman has appointment with someone else. C. The woman thinks the man did wrong in the morning. D. The woman is afraid that the man has lunch alone. 答案解析: 15. W: I want to send this package by first class mail. I'dalso like some stamps. M: Do you want the mail insured? Q: Where are the two speakers? 正确答案:B 解析:女士说:“我想以第一类邮件的方式寄这个包裹,另外我还想买几张邮票。”男士回答:“你的邮寄物品需要买保险吗?”可见对话发生在邮局,即B。介词“in/at+地点名词”构成标准的询问对话发生场所的场景题选项。解答这类题时,要留意对话双方的话,由关键词确定答案。本对话中,第一个说话人说的send this package byfirst class mail, stamps以及第二个说话人说的mail, insure,都是邮寄东西时常用的词汇。 16. M: I thought that maybe we could go there for lunch today. That is, if you haven't promised togo with someone else. W: That'd be wonderful, Joe. But I hope you're in a better mood than you were this morning. Q: What does the woman mean? 正确答案:C 解析:男士提议说,女士如果没有约会的话,中午一起吃饭;女士表示赞同,说:“太好了。不过我希望你的心情已经比上午好了一些。”言下之意说,男士上午情绪不好,故C正确。“中but”题。女士的话That'd bewonderful... 是随口赞同说的客气话,并不表示女士很兴奋excited,据此排除A。but后面的内容才是重点,它表明男士上午情绪不佳,故选C,同时排除其他。 大学英语四级考试听力素材及答案 听力真题: Section C pound Dictation Corporations as a group offer a variety of jobs. Most large panies send people to colleges to 36 ______ graduating students with the 37 ______ academic training. A large university may have more than 500 panies a year knocking on its doors. Big firms are your best 38 ______ for a job because their normal growth, employee 39 ______ , and turnover create thousands of job 40 ______ nationwide each year. Corporations, however, 41 ______ the rule that the biggest isn't always the best. Many *** all firms with a few hundred employees have positions that may 42 ______ with your professional goals, too. Such firms may not have the time, money, or need to send people around to your college; you will probably have to 43 ______ them yourself either directly or through an employment agency. Don't ignore these little panies. 44 _____________________________________________________________ . You could bee a big fish in a pond, reaching a high-level position more quickly than you would 45 _____________________________________________________ . For example, a *** all pany may need a bright engineering, accounting or management graduate who report directly to the senior vice-president of engineering, the pany controller, or the general manager. 46 ___________________________________________________________________ . In addition, responsibilities may e faster in a *** all firm with less specialization and fewer lower-level employees to receive delegated authority. 答案解析: 36. interview 解析:不定式to后面加原形动词。interview意为“对……进行面试”。 37. required 解析:此处是动词的过去分词作定语,修饰后面的名词,不要漏写结尾的ed。 38. place 解析:此处是名词位于形容词后,作表语。 39. retirements 解析:与前面的growth和后面的turnover属于并列关系,此处也需要名词,拼写时记得最后还有个表复数形式的s。 40. openings 解析:由前面修饰的片语thousands of可知此处需复数名词,opening表示“空缺”之义,不要漏写结尾的s。 41. illustrate 解析:此处应采用一般现在时,由于主语是复数名词,因此该词是原形动词。illustrate在此意为“说明”。拼写时注意中间有两个l。 42. correspond 解析:情态动词may后面,应是原形动词,该词与with搭配。correspond with在此处意为“与……一致。”拼写时注意中间有两个r。 43. contact 解析:片语have to后面接原形动词;根据上下文,该词很可能表示联络之义。 44. 标准答案:Their salaries are usually petitive and the chances for advancement are even stronger than those of a big firm 听音关键:salaries, petitive, chances for advancement, stronger than, big firm 答案重构:Their salaries are usually good and you will have stronger chances for advancement in these little panies 画龙点睛:此句听写只要抓住两层意思:小公司薪水也好而且晋升机会较大,按照听到的关键词把意思表达完整即可。 45. 标准答案:if you had climbed the more petitive ladder of a corporate giant 听音关键:had climbed, more petitive ladder, corporate giant 答案重构:if you had climbed the more petitive ladder of a big pany 画龙点睛:此句采用了虚拟语气,故从句要用过去完成时。结尾的a corporate giant,可用意思类似的a big pany替换,单词简单,也避免拼错。 46. 标准答案:In large firms it may take years to reach that level and accumulate similar experience 听音关键:large firms, take years, reach that level, accumulate, similar experience 答案重构:In big panies, if you want to be in that position and get similar experience, you may spend years of time 画龙点睛:原句是用it作形式主语,可根据句子含义,转换一下主语,换一种表达。 大学英语四级考试听力练习及答案 听力真题: Now you'll hear the two long conversations. Conversation One 19. A. A hair wash. B. A nail trim. C. A massage. D. A shave. 20. A. He didn't have a clear idea of the plete service. B. He wanted the best service. D. He just wanted his hair cut the way he likes. D. He wanted his hair to be trimmed quickly. 21. A. Your hands look good. B. Your hair is in good condition. C. You have a good beautician to serve you. D. You can relax. 22. A. He is going to a business convention in town. B. He is going to meet his clients. C. He is going to deal with workplace accidents. D. He is going to be interviewed for new employment. 答案解析: Now you'll hear the two long conversations. Conversation One W: Hi. How can we help you today? M: Yeah. I'd like to get my hair trimmed a little. Nothing fancy. Just a basic trim. W: Well, can we interest you in today's special? M: Um... No... W: [19]We'll shampoo, cut, and style your hair for one unbelievable low price of $9.99. Plus, we'll give you a clean shave and a back massage to help you relax. Best service in town! M: Okay, [20]I'll have the plete service today, but as I said before, I just want to get my hair trimmed. A little off the top and sides. That's all. I mean, that's all. W: No problem. Relax. [21]You're in good hands. Okay, here we go. So, what do you do for a living? M: I'm a lawyer, specializing in workplace accidents, and [22]I'm in town for an interview for a new job, and... Hey, what happened to my hair? And what's left of my hair turned purple. Are you even a licensed beautician? W: Well, sir. We offer a money-back guarantee on all our work, so if you're not pletely satisfied... M: Satisfied? I'm anything but satisfied. [22]How in the world am I supposed to go to a job interview looking like this? Forget it. Forget it. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. What is one service NOT included in the special price at the beauty salon? 正确答案:B 解析:女士说,当日的特别优惠是以9.99美元的价格享受洗、剪、吹,外加剃须、背部 *** 。A、C、D均有提及;只有B修指甲不在服务范围内,故应选B。通读选项,知道这篇对话与理发有关。本题选项涉及相关服务专案,解答时要注意对话中提到哪些专案,以做相应标记。此外,修指甲不属于一般男士理发业务范围,根据“主题原则”,与主题无关的即为答案,直接选B。 20. Why does the man repeatedly say "That's all"? 正确答案:C 解析:男士的原话是:“今天就来整套服务吧。不过,……我只想把头发修一下。上面和两边都稍微修剪一点点就可以了……”这里的“That's all”表明男士不想要别的花样,只需要自己想要的服务,故C正确。根据男士说的“Okay, I'll have the plete service today”,可排除A甚至D全套服务所需的长时间与quickly矛盾;B无依据。 21. What does the beautician mean by "You're in good hands"? 正确答案:C 解析:女士说:“没问题,放松点,给你服务的是个好手。”所谓“好手”即是水平高的美容美发师,故C正确。本题问“You're in good hands”是什么意思 。像这种“短语含义题”,绝不能选其单词本义,由此可排除A;若头发状态良好,就不用来理发了,故B也可排除;D是利用原词relax设定的干扰项。 22. Why does the customer go to this beauty salon to improve his appearance? 正确答案:D 解析:男士先说,他到城里来面试一份新工作。随后又抱怨,“我这个样子怎么去面试?”可见男士来美容院理发是为了参加面试,故D正确。四个选项均以“He is going to”开头,差别在to后面的内容上。A、B未提到,可排除;男士说他是一个处理工伤事故的律师,C中的一般将来时态与对话内容不一致。 看过的人还:





有答案的英语四级听力,我们在大学宿舍里,听到天荒地老也无事。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅! 大学英语四级考试听力材料及答案 听力真题: 15. A. In the classroom. B. At he post office. C. In the bank. D. In a park. 16. A. The woman is excited to have lunch with the man. B. The woman has appointment with someone else. C. The woman thinks the man did wrong in the morning. D. The woman is afraid that the man has lunch alone. 答案解析: 15. W: I want to send this package by first class mail. I'dalso like some stamps. M: Do you want the mail insured? Q: Where are the two speakers? 正确答案:B 解析:女士说:“我想以第一类邮件的方式寄这个包裹,另外我还想买几张邮票。”男士回答:“你的邮寄物品需要买保险吗?”可见对话发生在邮局,即B。介词“in/at+地点名词”构成标准的询问对话发生场所的场景题选项。解答这类题时,要留意对话双方的话,由关键词确定答案。本对话中,第一个说话人说的send this package byfirst class mail, stamps以及第二个说话人说的mail, insure,都是邮寄东西时常用的词汇。 16. M: I thought that maybe we could go there for lunch today. That is, if you haven't promised togo with someone else. W: That'd be wonderful, Joe. But I hope you're in a better mood than you were this morning. Q: What does the woman mean? 正确答案:C 解析:男士提议说,女士如果没有约会的话,中午一起吃饭;女士表示赞同,说:“太好了。不过我希望你的心情已经比上午好了一些。”言下之意说,男士上午情绪不好,故C正确。“中but”题。女士的话That'd bewonderful... 是随口赞同说的客气话,并不表示女士很兴奋excited,据此排除A。but后面的内容才是重点,它表明男士上午情绪不佳,故选C,同时排除其他。 大学英语四级考试听力素材及答案 听力真题: Section C pound Dictation Corporations as a group offer a variety of jobs. Most large panies send people to colleges to 36 ______ graduating students with the 37 ______ academic training. A large university may have more than 500 panies a year knocking on its doors. Big firms are your best 38 ______ for a job because their normal growth, employee 39 ______ , and turnover create thousands of job 40 ______ nationwide each year. Corporations, however, 41 ______ the rule that the biggest isn't always the best. Many *** all firms with a few hundred employees have positions that may 42 ______ with your professional goals, too. Such firms may not have the time, money, or need to send people around to your college; you will probably have to 43 ______ them yourself either directly or through an employment agency. Don't ignore these little panies. 44 _____________________________________________________________ . You could bee a big fish in a pond, reaching a high-level position more quickly than you would 45 _____________________________________________________ . For example, a *** all pany may need a bright engineering, accounting or management graduate who report directly to the senior vice-president of engineering, the pany controller, or the general manager. 46 ___________________________________________________________________ . In addition, responsibilities may e faster in a *** all firm with less specialization and fewer lower-level employees to receive delegated authority. 答案解析: 36. interview 解析:不定式to后面加原形动词。interview意为“对……进行面试”。 37. required 解析:此处是动词的过去分词作定语,修饰后面的名词,不要漏写结尾的ed。 38. place 解析:此处是名词位于形容词后,作表语。 39. retirements 解析:与前面的growth和后面的turnover属于并列关系,此处也需要名词,拼写时记得最后还有个表复数形式的s。 40. openings 解析:由前面修饰的片语thousands of可知此处需复数名词,opening表示“空缺”之义,不要漏写结尾的s。 41. illustrate 解析:此处应采用一般现在时,由于主语是复数名词,因此该词是原形动词。illustrate在此意为“说明”。拼写时注意中间有两个l。 42. correspond 解析:情态动词may后面,应是原形动词,该词与with搭配。correspond with在此处意为“与……一致。”拼写时注意中间有两个r。 43. contact 解析:片语have to后面接原形动词;根据上下文,该词很可能表示联络之义。 44. 标准答案:Their salaries are usually petitive and the chances for advancement are even stronger than those of a big firm 听音关键:salaries, petitive, chances for advancement, stronger than, big firm 答案重构:Their salaries are usually good and you will have stronger chances for advancement in these little panies 画龙点睛:此句听写只要抓住两层意思:小公司薪水也好而且晋升机会较大,按照听到的关键词把意思表达完整即可。 45. 标准答案:if you had climbed the more petitive ladder of a corporate giant 听音关键:had climbed, more petitive ladder, corporate giant 答案重构:if you had climbed the more petitive ladder of a big pany 画龙点睛:此句采用了虚拟语气,故从句要用过去完成时。结尾的a corporate giant,可用意思类似的a big pany替换,单词简单,也避免拼错。 46. 标准答案:In large firms it may take years to reach that level and accumulate similar experience 听音关键:large firms, take years, reach that level, accumulate, similar experience 答案重构:In big panies, if you want to be in that position and get similar experience, you may spend years of time 画龙点睛:原句是用it作形式主语,可根据句子含义,转换一下主语,换一种表达。 大学英语四级考试听力练习及答案 听力真题: Now you'll hear the two long conversations. Conversation One 19. A. A hair wash. B. A nail trim. C. A massage. D. A shave. 20. A. He didn't have a clear idea of the plete service. B. He wanted the best service. D. He just wanted his hair cut the way he likes. D. He wanted his hair to be trimmed quickly. 21. A. Your hands look good. B. Your hair is in good condition. C. You have a good beautician to serve you. D. You can relax. 22. A. He is going to a business convention in town. B. He is going to meet his clients. C. He is going to deal with workplace accidents. D. He is going to be interviewed for new employment. 答案解析: Now you'll hear the two long conversations. Conversation One W: Hi. How can we help you today? M: Yeah. I'd like to get my hair trimmed a little. Nothing fancy. Just a basic trim. W: Well, can we interest you in today's special? M: Um... No... W: [19]We'll shampoo, cut, and style your hair for one unbelievable low price of $9.99. Plus, we'll give you a clean shave and a back massage to help you relax. Best service in town! M: Okay, [20]I'll have the plete service today, but as I said before, I just want to get my hair trimmed. A little off the top and sides. That's all. I mean, that's all. W: No problem. Relax. [21]You're in good hands. Okay, here we go. So, what do you do for a living? M: I'm a lawyer, specializing in workplace accidents, and [22]I'm in town for an interview for a new job, and... Hey, what happened to my hair? And what's left of my hair turned purple. Are you even a licensed beautician? W: Well, sir. We offer a money-back guarantee on all our work, so if you're not pletely satisfied... M: Satisfied? I'm anything but satisfied. [22]How in the world am I supposed to go to a job interview looking like this? Forget it. Forget it. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. What is one service NOT included in the special price at the beauty salon? 正确答案:B 解析:女士说,当日的特别优惠是以9.99美元的价格享受洗、剪、吹,外加剃须、背部 *** 。A、C、D均有提及;只有B修指甲不在服务范围内,故应选B。通读选项,知道这篇对话与理发有关。本题选项涉及相关服务专案,解答时要注意对话中提到哪些专案,以做相应标记。此外,修指甲不属于一般男士理发业务范围,根据“主题原则”,与主题无关的即为答案,直接选B。 20. Why does the man repeatedly say "That's all"? 正确答案:C 解析:男士的原话是:“今天就来整套服务吧。不过,……我只想把头发修一下。上面和两边都稍微修剪一点点就可以了……”这里的“That's all”表明男士不想要别的花样,只需要自己想要的服务,故C正确。根据男士说的“Okay, I'll have the plete service today”,可排除A甚至D全套服务所需的长时间与quickly矛盾;B无依据。 21. What does the beautician mean by "You're in good hands"? 正确答案:C 解析:女士说:“没问题,放松点,给你服务的是个好手。”所谓“好手”即是水平高的美容美发师,故C正确。本题问“You're in good hands”是什么意思 。像这种“短语含义题”,绝不能选其单词本义,由此可排除A;若头发状态良好,就不用来理发了,故B也可排除;D是利用原词relax设定的干扰项。 22. Why does the customer go to this beauty salon to improve his appearance? 正确答案:D 解析:男士先说,他到城里来面试一份新工作。随后又抱怨,“我这个样子怎么去面试?”可见男士来美容院理发是为了参加面试,故D正确。四个选项均以“He is going to”开头,差别在to后面的内容上。A、B未提到,可排除;男士说他是一个处理工伤事故的律师,C中的一般将来时态与对话内容不一致。 看过的人还:

很多小伙伴问,关于2022年4月自考英语二答案什么时候出来 自考英语二真题答案的相关问题,今天本站编辑就给大家整理了关于2022年4月自考英语二答案什么时候出来 自考英语二真题答案全部问题,希望对你有帮助!2022年4月自考英语二答案什么时候出来4月16日-17日。2022年4月自考于4月16日-17日举行,考试后发布2022年4月自学考试英语二真题及答案。自考英语二是自考本科的公共课程,课程代码是00015,课程学分为14分,自考英语二也是自考本科所有科目里学分最高的科目,使用的是全国版教材。如何评价2021考研英语二真题难度变化趋势?评价如下:一、题型没有变化2021考研英语的卷子连老师都说难。相较于2020年英语二真题,2023年英语二真题的A篇阅读整体难度有所上升,长句增多。同时B篇阅读考察小标对应也使得部分基础薄弱的考生感到棘手。翻译阅读难度较2020年明显上升,平均句长增加30%。完型填空的阅读难度较2020年有所降低。翻译阅读难度较2020年明显上升,平均句长增加30%。完型填空的阅读难度较2020年有所降低。客观来讲,纵观整套试卷,今年考研英语的情况:题目中规中矩,难度有所提升。2023年考研英语试卷虽然比以往难,但是并没有出现非常偏或者非常怪的题,所有考试题目基本都在同学们的能力范围内,而且也是比较常考的话题。2023年的试题中也没有出现所谓的“新”题,只是出题的角度或者主题有所变化,而且从上面的表可以看出,英语二在题型难度分布上和往年没有什么太大差异,所以2022年的考生一定要把真题研究透彻,掌握真题的考试规律,这样就算遇到难题也可以迎刃而解。2、重视单词和长难句。不少同学反映2023年考研英语二难度上升较为明显,明显的是寻找与原文对应的匹配题少了(出现的形式大部分都改成了同义替换),对于全文中心的理解要求高了,体现在生词,答案选项的望文生义,阅读中长句增多,解题难度加大。尤其是最后两篇常规阅读,有很多单词都不认识,并且出现了大量专有名词,而且就算能大概看懂文章意思,但还是不知道该选哪个。大连理工1309专升本英语题答案:BACDC DCDABCDACC CAACD哪题不懂再追问。统考英语b听力怎么用答题软件统考英语b听力可以下载2022年全国英语等级考试(PETS)一级B易考宝典手机版答题软件2022年全国英语等级考试(PETS)一级B手机做题软件,更多全国英语等级考试报名时间、考试时间以及考试模拟试题,请访问易考吧全国英语等级栏目2022年全国英语等级考试(PETS)一级B易考宝典手机版为了考生能够轻松备考2022年度全国英语等级考试,易考吧全国英语等级栏目强力推出2022年全国英语等级考试易考宝典手机版,题库设计符合考试新大纲,还包括了富有价值的模拟考场,有计时打分等功能[具体以实际软件介绍为准],就像亲身体会考试一样。易考吧祝您考试顺利!2022年全国英语等级考试(PETS)一级B易考宝典手机版★说明:听力部分只提供听力稿没有音频。其中真题、笔试和听力理解、强化训练做成答题卡形式,具有计时打分、自动判分功能,可让考生在规定时间内模拟真实考试场景,亲身体验和熟悉考试流程。★电脑版和网页版支持答题卡试卷,手机版支持PDF查看。题量内容:强化训练有20套,以及多条考试介绍和考试指南(辅导资料)。1.强化训练(PDF格式)题型:听力题,选择题,阅读理解题等全国英语等级考试(PETS)一级B模拟试题及答案(一)(答题卡试卷)全国英语等级考试(PETS)一级B模拟试题及答案(二)(答题卡试卷)全国英语等级考试(PETS)一级B模拟试题及答案(三)(答题卡试卷)专升本英语翻译题大全考前冲刺预测试卷(一)参考答案及解析 part IV 81 长城是中国的历史文化符号之一 The Great Wall is one of the historic symbols of China. 82 无论生活多难,我们都不会失去信息 No matter how hard our life will be,wo won’t lose heart. 83 物体离我们越远,看起来就越小。 The farther away an object is from us,the smaller it looks. 84 政府已经采取积极措施防止空气污染。 The government has taken active measures to prevent air from being polluted. 85 建设和谐校园的关键在于让每个学生都能积极参加进来。 The key to constructing a harmonious campus lies in the fact that every student will be able to participate actively. 86 Practice should go hand in hand with theory. 实践应该与理论紧密结合。 87 Closely related to our daily life are goods prices. 商品价格与我们的日常生活密切相关。 88 One who makes no investigation has no right to speak. 没有调查,就没有发言权。 89 Individual freedom does not in any way mean that you can do what you like at your freewill. 个人自由绝不意为着你能够为所欲为。 90 When it came to his amazing achievements,the famous scientist put an emphasis on the importance of creating rather than waiting for opportunities. 当谈到惊人成就时,这位著名的科学家更强调创造的重要性而不是等待机遇。 考前冲刺预测试卷(二)参考答案及解析 Part 五 81 时间是世界上最容易浪费,也是最难把握的东西。 Time is the easiest thing in the world and the most difficult thing to control. 82 多数人已经开始认识到,如果要确保未来在矿物,食物,林木等方面的供应,我们必须节约资源。 Most people have come to realized that we must conserve resources if we want to ensure the supply of minerals,food,forests,etc. for the future. 83 如果他被迫去做他不乐意的事,他不可能高兴。 If he is compelled to do what he does not enjoy doing,he cannot be happy. 84 学生应该重视学习中的困难,而不要逃避它们。 Student should confront/face difficulties in their studies instead of escaping from them. 85 今天他起得很早,以免开会迟到。 He rose early this morning so as not to/in order that he would not be late for the conference. 86 They,not surprisingly,did not respond at all. 他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。 87 The new policy represents a complete departure from their previous position. 新政策表明他们已彻底背离原先的立场。 88 I didn’t go to town yesterday both because of the nasty weather and the fact that I was not feeling myself. 我昨天没有进城,一来是因为天气不好,二来是我不舒服。 89 All citizens who have reached the age of eighteen have the right to vote and to stand for election. 年满18岁的公民,都有选举权和被选举权。 90 The economic growth of our country must rely on rational utilization of available resources. 我们必须合理利用现有资源促进我国的经济发展。 考前冲刺预测试卷(三)参考答案及解析 Part 五 81 电脑在我们的日常生活中起着非常重要的作用。 Computers play a very important role in our daily life. 82 由你决定邀请谁来参加下周的聚会。 It is up to you who will be invited to the party next week. 83 这部电影使我回想起了在北京所看到的情景。 The movie reminds me of what I have seen in Beijing. 84 直到天黑了,他才意识到太晚了而无法回家。 He didn’t realize it was too late to go home until it was dark. 85 萨姆(Sam)买不起他极想要的那种照相机,因为那种相机太贵了。 Sam could not afford (to buy) the camera he longed for because it was too expensive. 86 Each day we make choices that affect our lives and sometimes the lives of others. 我们每天遇事都得拿主意,主意拿的对不对,会影响我们的生活,有时也影响别人的生活。 87 Americans have a great range of customs and habits that at first may seem puzzling to visitors. 美国人有许多风俗习惯在陌生人看来是颇为费解的。 88 The advertising campaign didn’t have much effect on sales. 这次广告宣传并没有起到多大的促销作用。 89 The secret of life is not to do what one likes,but to try to like what one has to do. 生活的秘诀不在于做自己喜欢做的,而在于喜欢自己不得不做的。 90 The main street looks more beautiful than ever with all the lights on. 路边所有的灯都亮了,这条大街看起来从来没有这么漂亮过。 2016年武汉纺织大学普通专升本考试《英语》真题参考答案及解析 Part 五 Section A 1 只要明天天气好,我们就和同学一起去游泳。 As long as it is fine tomorrow,we will go swimming with my classmates. 2 有这么多人的关心,在国外的最初几个月里,她感到非常幸福。 With so many people caring about her,she feels very happy in the first few months abroad. 3 新图书馆比以前的大两倍。(或者译为“新图书馆是以前的三倍大”。) The new library is three times as large as the old one. 4 这张图片让我想起了在上海度过的快乐时光。 This photo reminds me of the happy time(that)I spent in Shanghai. 5 地震中,许多房屋受损严重,成千上万的人无家可归。 A lot of houses were seriously damaged in the earthquake,so that thousands of people were left homeless. Section B 1 Professional hair-care products indicates that consumers are paying as much attention to their hair as to skin. 专业护发产品(的出现)表明消费者即重视护肤,又重视护发。 2 Women would double their risk of suffering from lung cancer if they were exposed to 40 or more years of household tobacco smoke. 如果妇女在吸烟的环境中生活40年或更长时间,那么患肺癌的风险就会加倍。 3 Though technically quite advanced today,the Internet is far from being popular with average household users in some developing countries. 尽管互联网技术现在已经十分先进,但是在一些发展中国家互联网在普通用户中还远远没有普及。 4 Your products wouldn’t have sold so well but for a lot of advertisements we put on the television. 要不是我们在电视上打了那么多广告,你们的产品不会卖的那么好。 5 The regulations make it safer for you to use your credit card for shopping on the Internet or over the phone. 这些规章制度使得你用信用卡网购或电话购物时更安全。 2017年武汉纺织大学普通专升本考试《英语》真题参考答案及解析 Part 五 1 不要以貌取人。 Don’t judge a person by his/her appearance. 2 我一听到这首歌就感到愉快。 I felt happy the moment I heard this song. 3 只要你准时归还就可以用这本书 As long as you return it on time,you can use this book. 4 他的工作就是照看老人。 His work is looking/to look after the old. 5 上大学是我人生重要的转折点 Going to college is an important turning point in my life. 6 No matter how little money you have,you should deposit some money in the bank regularly. 不管你有多少钱,你都应该定期在银行存一些钱。 7 This style of architecture originated with the ancient Greek. 这种建筑风格起源于希腊。 8 With the development of economy,travelling is becoming more and more popular in China now. 随着经济的发展,旅游在中国越来越受人们的欢迎。 9 This school puts emphasis on students’ability to solve problems independently. 这所学校注重学生独立解决问题的能力。 10 It is unfair to think that goods from abroad must be better than those made at home. 认为外国的商品一定比国内生产的好,这是不公平的。 2018荆楚理工学院普通专升本考试《英语》真题参考答案及解析 Part IV 1 我们已决定提前完成这项工作。 We have determined to get the work done ahead of schedule. 2 你走了这么远的路,一定很累。 You must be tired after your long journey. 3 除了继续前进,我们没有别的选择余地。 We have no alternative but to forge ahead. 4 老师在等我,我得走了。 The teacher is waiting for me,so I must go now. 5 一看到那颗大树,我便会想起童年的情景。 The sight of the big tree always reminds me of my childhood. 6 We must awaken people to the importance of environment protection now. 我们现在必须唤醒人们对环保重要性的认识。 7 By the time you arrived in London,we had stayed there for two weeks. 当你到达伦敦时,我们已经在哪里待了两个星期了。 8 Either the players or the coach is responsible for the defeat. 不是运动员就是教练应该对这次比赛的失利负责。 9 We shall let you know the details soon in order that you can make your arrangements. 我们将尽快让你们知道详情,以便你们能够做出安排。 10 The young,on the one hand,often think of the old conservative.On the other hand, the old always consider the young inexperience. 一方面,青年人常认为老年人保守;另一方面,老年人总是认为青年人没有经验。 2018年湖北中医药大学普通专升本考试《英语》真题参考答案及解析 Part III 1 在餐馆迟的食物所含的脂肪,糖和盐的成分都很高。 The food that you take in restaurants are high in fat,sugar and salt. 2 这个男孩儿昨天晚上表现挺好。 The boy behaved very well last night. 3 校长的日程表安排得满满的。 The principal has a very tight schedule. 4 我父亲把诚实看得比什么都重要。 My father values honesty beyond all things. 5 要不是当初得到你的帮助,我真的不知道自己会做出什么样的事情。 Had it not been for your help,I really don’t know what I’d have done. 6 There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪 7 Once you gain confidence in yourself,you can judge truth and error with you own mind. 一旦你获得了自信,就能用自己的头脑去判断真理和错误。 8 Some of the stories were really more than could be believed. 有些故事实在不能令人相信。 9 His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery. 他没有遵守安全规则,结果机器出了故障。 10 Language is learned in small bits. 学语言是日积月累的过程。 2018年武汉轻工大学普通专升本考试《英语》真题参考答案及解析 Part IV 1 He had fallen in love with her picture even before he met her.His wife had a great influence on Twain’s later books. 甚至在没有见到她之前,他已经爱上了她的照片。马克吐温的妻子对他后来的写作有着极大的影响。 2 His travels around the country giving talks on different kinds of subjects helped make him famous and increased the sale of his books. 他在国内游历的同时做出了不同话题的演讲,这也使得他出名并增加了书的销量。 2019年湖北省普通专升本考试《英语》真题汇编(一)参考答案及解析 Part IV 81 这本书是我看过的最有趣的一本。 This book is the most interesting book(that) I have ever read. 82 他带学生去参观工厂 He took his students to the factory for a visit. 83 给我足够的时间,我也能做好。 Given enough time,I can do it well too. 84 谢谢你给我们帮了这么多的忙。 Thank you for giving us so much help. 85 昨天我是在街道上遇到他的。 It was in the street that I met him yesterday. 86 As is known to us all,light runs faster than sound. 众所周知,光速比声速快。 87 He feels it his duty to help others. 他觉得帮助别人是他的责任。 88 Nothing has happened since we parted. 自我们分别后没发生什么事情。 89 He cannot be operated upon as he is very weak. 他身体很弱,不能动手术。 90 It should be understood that to err is human. 应该理解犯错是人之常情。 2019年湖北省普通专升本考试《英语》真题汇编(二)参考答案及解析 Part IV 81 即时短信是如此便捷以至于现在大家都用它 Instant message is so convenient that everyone uses it now. 82 我们对人生应该有积极的态度。 We should have a positive attitude to/towards life. 83 毫无疑问,她是我们班上学习最好的同学之一。 There is no doubt that she is one of the best students in our class. 84 整个团队的未来都取决于他的决定 The future of the whole team depends/relies on his decision. 85 我们必须仔细观察市场的变化。 We must observe the changes in the market carefully. 86 If you were to exert your influence on him,he might change his mind. 如果你对他施加影响,他可能会改变主意。 87 Although she was new,she got a promotion three months later for her diligence and intelligence. 尽管她还是个新人,因为她的勤奋和智慧,三个月后她升职了。 88 When choosing a job,you should find out what you enjoy doing instead of just applying for any job. 当(你)选择职业时,你应该找到自己喜欢的工作而不仅仅只是申请一份工作。 89 He spoke on behalf of all staffs of the company. 他代表公司所有员工发言。 90 The more exercise you take,the less likely you are to catch a cold. 你进行的锻炼越多,就越不可能感冒。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:




今天教务老师给大家收集整理了广东自考口译与听力教材,自考口译与听力怎么考的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!请问谁有自考“口译与听力”主编:杨俊峰教材的练习答案?教材同步配套题解就有答案英语专业自考本科段教材专业代码:01C1502专业名称:英语课程代码课程名称教材名称出版社版本作者00087英语翻译英汉翻译教程外语教学与研究出版社1999年版庄绎传00600高级英语高级英语外语教学与研究出版社2000年版王家湘张中载00603英语写作英语写作辽宁大学出版社1999年版杨俊峰00604英美文学选读英美文学选读外语教学与研究出版社1999年版张伯香00795综合英语综合英语外语教学与研究出版社2000年版徐克容00831英语语法现代英语语法外语教学与研究出版社2000年版李基安00832英语词汇学英语词汇学外语教学与研究出版社1999年版张维友00839第二外语大学俄语简明教程高等教育出版社1995年版张宝岑钱晓惠00840第二外语初级日语\初级日语教与学北京大学出版社2006年版\2007年版赵华敏00841第二外语简明法语教程商务印书馆1990/1年版孙辉00842第二外语新编大学德语外语教学与研究出版社2002年版朱建华03708中国近现代史纲要中国近现代史纲要2008年版王顺生李捷03709马克思主义基本原理概论马克思主义基本原理概论2008年版卫兴华赵家祥10014水平考试水平考试自学辅导航空工业出版社2006年版余志远10015水平考试英语听力上、下册外语教学与研究出版社1999年版何其莘王敏金利民夏玉和10016水平考试英语口语自学教程外语教学与研究出版社95年版96年版余志远10017欧洲文化入门欧洲文化入门外语教学与研究出版社1992年版王佐良祝珏李品伟高厚10064口译与听力现代汉译英口译教程外语教学与研究出版社2004年版吴冰10065口译与听力英语高级听力外语教学与研究出版社1992年版何其莘王敏金利民俞涓自考英语口译与听力及论文答辩什么时候报?自考英语口译与听力及论文12月初就可以报名啦自考口译与听力题型&如何考?不知道你是哪个省的,福建省的是考bbc和voa的听力。口译是有意本教材的。题型是口译翻译书本的内容,一般是从课文中任意选取一段翻译中文,另外一段翻译英文,有时是1句1句翻译,有时是2-3句翻译,看你的考试老师不一样了。听力也有BBC 和VOA 的教材,现在已经是新版的了。如果你报考的学校有办口译与听力的培训班, 你最好去参加,因为是学校组织的考试,他们有可能在培训的时候给划一定的考试范围,这样就简单了很多。考口译不难,听力有点难度,多听听,就OK了,不是很难的。祝你好运!自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

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