首页 > 自考本科 > 关于自考本科的学位英语




学位英语是自考考生取得学位证书的重要条件,主要的考核目的是测试非英语专业成人本科毕业生的英语语言知识和运用程度,是否达到了普通本科教育非英语专业英语教学的一般要求。所以如果学位英语没有达标的话是不允许下发成人学士学位的。一般情况自考本科生是需要参加学位英语考试的。 自考报名条件 1、凡具有本省正式户籍的公民,不受年龄、职业、学历的限制,均可就近报名并参加考试。外省在我省工作学习的人员,也可就近报名参加考试。 2、经国家教育部正式批准或备案的各类高等学校的专科毕业生,可直接申请报考本科段(独立本科段)。 3、考生专科(基础科段)、本科段(独立本科段)可同时兼报,但在领取本科毕业证书前必须先获取专科毕业证书。 4、实践性学习环节考核、毕业论文、毕业设计、毕业考核等,须按规定在本专业涉及实践课程理论考试全部合格后才能报考。 5、提倡在职人员按照学用一致、理论与实践相结合的原则选择报考专业。对某些行业性较强的专业(如公安管理、医学类专业等)将根据专业考试计划的要求限制报考对象。 自考网上报名流程 1、登录各地自考网上报名网站(新生需注册并填写相关资料,老生根据自己之前的账号进行登陆)。 2、到自考办网站规定的指定银行办理一张缴费用银行卡。 3、办理银行卡后的新生,和有银行卡的老考生按照报名网站规定的报名流程完成网上报名。 4、网上报名成功后的新生需要在规定时间到自考办指定的地点进行摄像制作准考证。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

自考学位英语书是自本科生想要申请学士学位必须要参加的一门考试,学位英语全称成人高等教育学士学位英语水平考试,是由各省级高等教育主管部门组织的统一考试,其目的是为了客观地测试非英语专业成人本科毕业生申请学士学位者的英语语言知识和运用能力,考查其是否达到普通本科教育非英语专业英语教学的一般要求,是各省市成人高等教育本科毕业生获得成人学士学位的必备条件之一。 学位英语报名资格 1.考生报名学位外语考试必须符合通知规定的申报范围,在规定时间内毕业(包括已经办理了毕业手续但未拿到毕业证)的自考本科生,已经具备毕业资格但是还没有申请毕业的考生不能报名。 2.本科专业计划规定的全部课程和成绩以“XX省高等教育自学考试毕业生登记表”上的相应内容为准,实践环节考核成绩计入平均成绩,免考课程和论文不计入平均成绩。平均成绩=各门课程分数之和/科数。 3.主考院校不是申请学位证的学校,申请院校是不会同意学位英语的申请,也就是说只能在主考院校申请学位英语。 4.如果考生获得大学英语四、六级证书或者PETS-3级证书或者外语专业专科以上毕业证可以免考英语(二),否者必须参加英语(二)考试。 自考学位英语考什么内容 1.选择题 选择题是从四个选项中选择一个最准确的答案,需要考生掌握词汇及其用法以外还需掌握语法及时态。 2.完成对话 完成对话一般有四个填写选项,考生需要在对话前后填写准确答案,这样的题型一般来自于书本上,需要考生能掌握一定的单词词汇及熟悉课本知识。 3.挑错 挑错就是有不同的十个句子,要求考生在这些句子中找出划线部分错误的地方,这需要考生掌握固定搭配和句型。 4.阅读理解 阅读理解是自考本科学士学位英语中分数最高也是最费时间的题型,因为阅读理解有4大篇,考生需要根据文章内容从四个选项中选出准确答案,这需要考生熟悉大量的单词词汇来提高阅读速度。 5.完形填空 完形填空就是考生选出一个最佳答案使短文的结构和意思恢复完整,主要考核综合能力,需要考生掌握结构词和实义词以外还要掌握一些重要的语法内容。 6.翻译和作文 翻译和作文都是属于综合考察题,主要是考核考生的单词量和语法的运用。翻译分俩部分,一部分是英译汉,一部分是汉译英,只要意思接近无较大的语法错误即可。而作文方面只要考生掌握一些英语中的万能句子顺利完成一篇作文是没有问题的。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:








1、高等教育自学考试本科毕业生,符合申请学士学位条件的,由有学位授予权的主考院校授予相应的学士学位。 2、授予学士学位的学科门类有:哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学。 3、申请学士学位的条件:(1)拥护中国共产党的领导,拥护社会主义制度,拥护中华人民共和国宪法,遵守法律、法规,身体健康,学习成绩优良;(2)在学期间,公共课、基础课和专业主干课程平均成绩在70分以上,其中三门学位课程考试一次通过,且成绩达到75分;(3)参加由省学位办统一组织的外国语考试成绩合格。非英语专业本科生通过全国大学英语四级、六级者,可免外国语统一考试。英语专业本科生考其他外国语。 4、申请学士学位的办法: 凡达到上述条件和要求的本科毕业生,在领取毕业证的当年,向其学籍所在学校或主考学校的有关成人高等教育管理部门提出书面申请,并填写有关表格。缴纳一定的考务、评审等费用。对往届本科毕业生,没有获得学士学位者,一律不再补授学位。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:







自考英语本科学士学位怎么申请? 1、自考本科毕业生符合学士学位审批条件,于发毕业证的同时(一般3月初)向当地教育考试院或自考办公室提出申请,填写学士学位表一式2份,交近期2寸免冠照片一张; 2、市考试院或自考办对申请人档案材料(包括本科毕业生鉴定表、毕业论文原件及论文成绩单)和毕业生填写的学士学位评定表进行审定,无误后,于3月底报省考试院; 3、省考试院整理汇总各市地申报的学士学位材料,进行初审,初审合格者将考生档案材料与学土学位名册于每年4月推荐给有授予权的主考学校; 4、6月底主考学校学士学位主管部门和学术委员会按要求对申请学位者逐个评审,评审合格,授予学士学位,未通过者不再补授。 自考本科申请学士学位证的条件: 1、考生要通过自学考试,取得本科所选专业全部课程的合格证书,并且完成毕业论文并通过论文答辩。 2、考生已通过省考办办理毕业手续,在考生申请本科学士学位前必须先取得专科毕业证书。 3、除了上述条件,考生还必须符合主考院校学位管理部门规定的有关申请条件。例如,有些主考院校要求考生通过国家统一组织的学位英语考试。 4、自考本科的学士学位可在毕业后一年内申请。 自考学位证有什么用? 1、考研。 本科学历可以直接报考研究生(部分院校不招收自考专升本毕业生),而没有学位在会在许多方面设障碍,要求发表论文,加试专业课,英语达到什么水平等。另外,在职获取硕士学位还要有学士学位,没有学位,在职研究生只能获取结业证。 2、就业。 本科学位比本科学历找工作的优势显而易见,本科双证,无形之中将丧失许多理想的工作机会。有些大单位招聘时明确需要学士学位。当然,高学历并不必然能事业成功,许多没有学历的人一样创业很成功,但当今社会通常学历越高工作机会越多,上升空间越大,发展速度越快。 3、工资定级。 当前,我国国家机关和事业单位基本都是按照学历和学位定工资,本科工资比没有学位工资高一档次,较规范的企业也是按学历定工资,如在苏州、上海、深圳等地外资企业或国内知名企业上班,上岗工资本科有学位工资比专没有工资是正常的,而且本科有学位的奖金和提升机会相对多一些,当然也有部分企业部分岗位,尤其是一些未成型的企业,并不以学历定岗,只考虑为其创造了多少效益。 4、考证。 许多国家职业资格证都要求本科以上学历和学位,如公证员、律师、法官和检察官的司法考试报名条件要求必须是本科以上学历,国家承认均可,不分专业。 5、职称评定。 如今各类职称评定几乎都与学历和学位挂钩,在评定高级职称时没有学位基本上没有机会,而许多的单位的主管领导几乎都是由高级职称的人担任的,没有高级职称会丧失许多当主管领导的机会,而没有学位,又会丧失评高级职称的机会。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:


自考学位英语有证书吗? 有的,只要通过英语学位考试并且满足申请学位条件就有学位证书的。 学位英语一般指成人本科学士学位英语统一考试,学位英语是获得学位证的必备条件之一,想要获得学士学位,就需要考学位英语。鉴于大部分自考生所学的非外语类专业教学计划规定的公共外语语种是英语,所以我们常称为学位英语考试。 自考学位证申请需要什么条件 (1)自考本科毕业生,其专业教学计划规定的考试课程总平均成绩不得低于65分,计算总平均成绩的课程不含体育课、毕业论文或毕业设计以及其他毕业实践环节。 (2)已通过学士学位外语水平考试(合格分数线为60分及以上)。考试成绩取得时间应在本人所申请本科专业取得学籍(考籍)至申请学位前。 (3)毕业论文(毕业设计或其他毕业实践环节)成绩合格。 (4)自考本科学生毕业后只能申请一次学士学位。应在获得本科毕业生证书后两年内提出申请,未通过者不再补授学士学位。 自考学位英语有哪些备考方法 1、多积累英语词汇 单词是英语学习的基础,所以自考生平时学习英语,都要背单词。阅读时遇到生词时,一定要查词典弄明白词义。因为背单词时不知道哪些记住了,哪些没有记住。 2、考前多做近年考试题 做真题是为了熟悉题型,了解考试知识点。所以在考前一个月,在网上把近年的自考学位英语考试题都下载下来,然后按照考试时间要求,一套一套地做题,然后对答案,再把卷子复习一两遍,确定每道题为什么对了,为什么错了,尤其把错题重点关照一下,直到弄明白为止。这点非常的重要。 3、多做阅读理解题 这是自考学位英语学习方法中必须要重点注意的。阅读理解题所占比重很大,如果阅读理解做得不好,只得到十几分,那么想过关就很难。所以这一题型一定要争取多得分。自考生平时多找一些英语材料阅读,提高阅读速度。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:


学位英语(严格意义上应该称为学位外语,学位英语考生占95%以上。 为了方便起见,统称为学位英语。 (什么时候参加考试比较合适呢?河南财经政法大学学位证首先:1.要知道自学考试/成人高考/网络教育本科毕业生要想获得学位证,必须通过学位英语考试。2 .学位英语考试每年一次,考试时间为上半年4月(今年疫情,特殊,推迟至下半年)3.学位英语考试有效期为4年4 .学位英语一般要求毕业前参加。 很多学生认为毕业后要考学位英语,这是一个误会。 网络教育/成人高考毕业后,没有机会报考学位英语。 报考70%左右本科生的考生毕业后也没有学位英语考试的机会。5 .通过学位英语考试后,一般情况下学位证八九不离。 但是,也有学校不排除其他要求。 例如,学位论文必须通过核查、答辩等。 另外,也有学校要求本科平均分。 具体请参考各大学的通知。 (不同学校申请学位证的标准也不一样。河南农业大学学位证学位英语有四年的有效期,什么时候考学位英语比较合适呢? 1 .网络教育本科生在网络教育本科毕业时间一般为固定的2.5年,因此网络教育本科生在入学后第一年即可参加学位英语考试,学位英语有效期不会过期。春天入学的话,有3次学位英语考试的机会,秋天入学的话,有2次学位英语考试的机会。网络教育本科生的学位英语一定要在毕业前报考哦。 让我再强调一次。 2 .成人高考本科生成人高考本科生与网络教育本科生相似,是固定的2年半学制(医学系3年),同样可以在第一年参加学位英语考试,学位英语也不会过期。成人高考考生在学位英语方面有三次考试机会,建议第一年考研,增加考试机会。成人高考本科生的学位英语考试也必须在毕业前参加哦。 请不要忘记。3 .自学考试本科生对网络教育和成人高考本科生,距离考生很特殊。 首先,自我考试是弹性学制。 有的人2年毕业,有的人8年可能还没考完。 此时,必须考虑学位英语有效期的问题。 学位英语4年有效期,如果考生确定4年内可以考试剩余科目,报考学位外语是妥当的,否则必须再考一次。其次,自考学位英语必须在毕业前考试吗? 要具体分析这个具体问题,首先要搞清楚。 也就是说,自考的学位证必须在毕业后一年内申请。 另一种是有些学校一年只有一次申请机会,有些学校一年申请两次。因此,一般来说,下半年毕业( 12.30天)的本科生,只要该学校每年申请两次学位,毕业后就还有一次学位英语考试机会。郑州青教育孟老师强调,报考本科毕业生,也建议毕业前通过学位英语考试4 .国家开放大学(电大)成人学历系还有一个电大本科生,他们需要报考学位外语吗? 我也需要。 但是,与自考/成考/网上教的学位英语考试不同,这里不讨论! 总结:自考/成考/网上如本科生有学籍或有准考证号/学号,可参加学位英语考试。 有意取得学位证书,通过成考/网络教本科生的,毕业前必须通过学位英语考试才能取得学位证书。 报考本科,也必须在毕业前通过学位外语考试。 前提是保证学位英语成绩不逾期。主编凭多年学位外语培训经验整理,不足之处,请广大朋友批评指正。有学位外语、学位论文、学位证书申请的问题。 欢迎交流。河南中医药大学学位申请自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

我的英语本科就是我自考拿到的,告诉你··我的方法就是先看一遍书··把自考书的大概纲要了解:就是说着本书都讲了些什么,然后再看一下历年的真题,主要看题型和主要考的内容,在针对性的认真看一遍书,这一遍不仅是看,还要记。就这样就过了。 但是像高级英语这些呢,还是要看个人的英语功底的。二外,我选的日语,你只要把前20课后面的题背会了,单词记熟了,肯定没问题。至少我是这样考过来的。 希望对你有所帮助····





1. 凡事均应有信心;



The Importance of Self-confidence Self-confidence is very important to our life.As a wise man once said,“If you have no confidence in yourself,you are twice defeated in the race of life.With confidence,you have won even before you have started.”

If you are full of self-confidence,your creativeness,your enthusiasm will all be aroused,and you will overcome difficulties.As a result,your dreams will come true.On the contrary,if you have no confidence in yourself,there is little possibility that you would ever achieve anything.Failure will be following you.But self-confidence comes only when you know yourself.You should know both your weaknesses and strengths.Only after this can you be well in doing great things.

Try something you’ve never done before.Just taking on a challenge,whether you succeed or not,can increase your confidence.In a word,self-confidence is greatly important to our success.





Good Study Habits Study habits play a decisive role in the effect of learning. It is, therefore, important that we should form a good habit when we study.

According to study advisers, there are some basic ways for learning well. Frequent revision, for example, is one of them. It is not a quick way of learning well, of course, however, it does prove effective in the long run. Also, to do enough preparations before class helps a lot.

Besides, there is another way of learning, that is, learning through communicating. Learning will be more efficient if you put what you have learned or are learning into practice. That s why in recent years "Communicative Method" has been strongly recommended in schools in China.





The Life on Internet 21st century is a century of Internet. With the development of science and techdology, moreand more people, old and young, begin to "surf the net" to look for information or to entertainthemselves with on-line games.

lnternet is a colorful world. Here you can look for whatever information you want; you canbrowse the latest news at home and abroad; you can chat with friends, do your shopping, watchmovies, play games, send e-mails and so on. You can do almost everything in this variable world.In the 21st century, people have been and will be more accustomed to Internet. Interact makesthe world smaller, and with it the whole world seems to be just a click away. It is part of our life.





On Friendship

As the saying goes, "A friend in need is a friend indeed. " Friendship does not depend on how many friends you have, but on how much sincerity your friends can offer. Most of the people we share social associations with are, as a matter of fact, merely acquaintances. True friendship invplves mutual understanding and mutual support, both in moments of success and on occasions of failure. A true friend is one who not only shares your happiness, but your sorrow and responsibilities as well.





Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary In many kinds of English tests such as CET (College English Test), TEM (Test for English majors), etc. a test of spoken English will be optional. Some people consider that it is unquestionably necessary to hold a test of spoken English in China because spoken English is as important as written English. Both of them are effective communication ways for English speakers. But sometimes even those top students who are good at grammar and writing skills find that it is difficult to express their thoughts freely when speaking. A test of spoken English will make students attach more importance to oral English, and thus help them with their communicating skills.

On the other hand, there are also people who hold that good reading, writing and translating skills would be enough for the average English learners. College students are already under great pressure from their study. Another required test will be a burden to them.

In my opinion, I believe that a test of spoken English will do more good than harm. And I shall make all my efforts to practice and improve my spoken English.






My Ideal Job

People with different personalities, backgrounds and interests will have different opinions on what an ideal job is. To choose an ideal job and prepare for it is a long way for everybody.

For me, my ideal job position would be in arts management. I'm quite interested in music but I'd like to broaden my perspective a bit. I would like to work in a company concerning arts and having wide room for my development, i envision working in the city, but probably in a city that has lots of green and open spaces. I need to be able to reach the mountains in a couple of hours, so I think that the suburbs of Beijing are suitable. I would like to be professional at work. I believe my colleagues will be dedicated to their jobs and love the musical and artistic world.

Now I am a sophomore majoring in music. I've received professional training of music, so I feel confident that after graduation I could manage and work with all of the different instrumental-ists and vocalists.


The global financial crisis hit the world in 2008. Many countries, especially America and European countries got into a terribly gigantic financial mess. With energy prices such as oil going up and down dramatically, a new round of international meetings concerning the promotion of renewable energy was kicked off. American President Obama even made plans to spend billions of dollars on renewable energy. Do you think renewable energy is a feasible way to solve the energy problem?


Renewable Energy Is the Way to Go

With the skyrocketing demand of oil, coal and natural gas, we are confronted with an energy crisis since energy resources such as gas and oil are fast diminishing this century, One remedy fo a this problem is the implementation of a renewable energy policy. As far as I am concerned, renewable energy can serve as an effective way of solving the energy crisis.

Firstly, renewable energy has unlimited availability. Traditional energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas are non-renewable, which means that the world will eventually run out of them, constituting the main threat to energy resources. However, generated from natural resources-such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat, renewable energy is continuously being replenished by nature on a time scale appropriate to human use. Furthermore, with advancing technologies, renewable energy will be able to supply a significant proportion of the world's energy needs, making it possible to overcome the energy crisis. Secondly, renewable energy has many immediate environmental benefits. The use of fossil fuels-coal, oil and natural gas has affected the environment by polluting the air and water, creating toxic wastes, and causing global warming. However, renewable energy resources are clean. Their use can avoid these negative environmental impacts and risks, and moreover, it can help conserve fossil resources for generations to come.

Concerning the two main advantages of renewable energy, I personally hold that they are a feasible way to solve the energy problem. (240 words)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "A Friend to Remember". You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

1. 简要地介绍你的一位朋友;

2. 你怀念他/她的原因。


A Friend to Remember

Sophia was one of my best friends in college. She was a tall girl with big eyes and short hair.

Her family was poor because her father died when she was still a child. In spite of this, she was very optimistic and never lost heart. She struck people as a strong-minded and self-confident girl.

And that was why I admired her a lot. One of her favorite quotations was "tomorrow is another day" and she always encouraged herself with Scarlett' s spirit when she was faced with difficulties.


Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue. However, respect for the elderly seems to oe lacking nowadays. What is your opinion on respecting the elderly?


Respecting the Elderly Is a Traditional Chinese Virtue

The elderly have accumulated a lifetime's worth of experience, however, many young people often regard them as irrelevant, embarrassing, and out of touch. As far as I am concerned, the traditional Chinese virtue to respect the old people needs to be emphasized.

Firstly, the elderly deserve the respect due to their effort in bringing up their children and their contribution to society. We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now was created by the aged people in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes, "One generation plants trees under whose shade another generation rests," Secondly, family is one of the best places for learning values, so every family should inspire younger members to respect the older ones. It is important, therefore, to set an example at home by taking good care of the elderly members, so that children learn to adopt this same practice. Families should make a point of including and involving the older members in the family activities and decisions. In this way, families will exemplify the right values, and young members will learn first-hand on how to respect the elderly.

Perhaps the most important test of a society is the way individuals behave towards one another. And specifically, how that society treats its elderly men and women. If young people do not respect the elderly, the whole society will be a mess without respect. Therefore, the elderly should be respected by all of us. (244 words)


Many students today use electronic dictionaries instead of printed dictionaries. Some people say that this is a good thing while others disagree. What is one major advantage or disadvantage of electronic dictionaries?


One Major Advantage of Electronic Dictionaries

Electronic dictionaries are becoming more and more popular among students nowadays. As a result, they may eventually render printed dictionaries obsolete! Undeniably electronic dictionaries contain a number of merits in comparison to their printed counterparts and therefore, I would like to suggest one major advantage of electronic dictionaries.

Perhaps the most pronounced advantage of electronic dictionaries is that all of them are portable and consequently easy to carry around, whether in a pocket or a bag. Students can put the dictionary in their pocket and look up new words whenever and wherever they are. This is a huge advantage over the traditional large paper bound dictionary because size really does matter. This compactness means not only that electronic dictionaries are getting smaller and lighter as well as incorporating a bigger memory but also that dictionaries can be installed into other small portable devices such as mobile phones. Although smaller in some people's view means less availability of memory and other functions, with the increasing advances made in nanotechnology this is no longer the cases.

In the final analysis, electronic dictionaries are the by-product of the inexorable progress of computerization, miniaturization and nanotechnology which has meant that one of their biggest advantages is their small size while still enjoying all the benefits of earlier, larger models. (214 words)

Starting career in a big citySome gradutes choose their careers in a big city, others prefer their own life to a small town.I think the first job of our lives is




For the graduating class or just graduated, in addition to which company to go to, the choice of city is also a problem in front of us.


Whether to go to a bright big city or a comfortable small city is a question, because it will determine their future development and destiny.


Things in the world are not absolutely good or bad. They all have two sides. Big cities and small cities have both good and bad sides. The key is to see whether they are suitable for themselves.


Advantages of big cities: more employment opportunities, advanced contact, rich resources such as talents, education and knowledge, and the wage level is much higher than that of small cities.


But big cities also have disadvantages: the pressure of competition in work and life is great, and if you don't study, you will be eliminated. Moreover, house prices and prices are very high, so you are far away from your parents and can't take care of them.


Advantages of small cities: low competitive pressure, stability, off-duty time is their own, do not worry about the risk of being eliminated at any time, low house prices, and close to home, can accompany their parents.


At the same time, the disadvantages of small cities are as follows: slow upgrading of knowledge and technology, slow personal growth, complex interpersonal relationships, less employment opportunities, and most people can only choose to take the civil service and career examination.


Therefore, whether it is a big city or a small city, it is a double-edged sword with both advantages and disadvantages.


Whether they choose big cities or small cities, there is something to be thankful for and something to cry about.


Some people like to work hard and are naturally strong, so they can choose to go to big cities.


And some people like to be comfortable and plain, so small cities are more suitable.


Different values also determine that everyone's work city and nature are different.


Whether it's a big city or a small city, the city that suits you is the best.


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