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答:选的是最佳答案。本题B最佳。A是一般现在时,表示“经常发生的情况”。与实际情不符。C是一般过去时,与现在无关。B. 是现在完成时,表示“可以,到现在,我还没有受到邀请”。译:我很想去参加好个聚会,可我没受到邀请。(到说话时,还没收到。如果受到就,我就去)


should是虚拟语气,虚拟语气表示的意思就是,我本来应该做的但是实际上却做不到,所以这道题的意思就是我本来很高兴能去参加宴会,但是实际上我因为没被邀请所以没去,这道虚拟语气表示的就是邀请是在去party之前,应该用过去式,现在完成时,过去完成时的一种,但是因为虚拟语气并未表示去派对是以前某个时间发生的,所以不能用过去完成时,更不能用过去式,所以应该选B虚拟语气还有很多种,比如could have done,should have done,might have been done,may have done等等,你可以去搞搞清楚它们各自的意思



有专升本函授历年英语试题吗?中国教育在线将在考后及时公布2019年成人高考专升本《英语》考试考试试题及答案。2019年成人高考专升本英语真题及答案主要有六个题型,分别是语音知识、词汇与语法知识、完型填空、阅读理解、补全对话和写作题。 成人高考专升本《英语》真题及答案 作文题 新学期开始,你们准备做一个迎新晚会,你想邀请你的外教Tim一起参加,并且做发言,给他写一封e- maile,告知他一下内容: 1,邀请他来参加晚会 2,晚会的相关内容 3,做相应的发言 语文 2018年成人高考专升本语文考试真题及答案 英语 2018年成人高考专升本英语考试真题及答案 高等数学一 2018年成人高考专升本高等数学一考试真题及答案 高等数学二 2018年成人高考专升本高等数学二考试真题及答案 政治 2018年成人高考专升本政治考试真题及答案 教育理论 2018年成人高考专升本教育理论考试真题及答案 艺术概论 2018年成人高考专升本艺术概论考试真题及答案 2019年自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

【成考快速报名和免费咨询: 】猎考网分享:2022年成人高考考试真题及答案解析-专升本《英语》 ,答案来自考生回忆,仅供参考。选择题答案:1-5 DACBB 6-10 ABDCB11-15 ADBBD 16- 20 CBAAC21 -25 CADBD 26-30 ABCBC31-35 ABCBC 36-40 DACBD41-45 BACBD 46 -50 DDDAC51 -55 BABAD 56-60 ACHED61.作文:你(LiYuan)周一因为要去参加演讲比赛,不能上外教(Professor Smith)的写作课。给他发一封E-mail内容包含:1.请假并表示歉意2.解释不能上课的原因,如比赛的重压性3.承诺会自学所缺内容并按时交作业4.祝他愉快【范文】Dear Teacher,I have a compete this Monday;, so I have to give up your important class to join this compete.lam worrying about how to improve competition,so I decide to find a enough time to improve after this compete.Please understand the reason why I asked for leave. I have prepared for this contest for a long time. The competition for the speech contest is so fierce that I need to go all out. In the face of this pressure, I have to ask for leave from the teacher and hope that the teacher will approve Ipromise that I will make up the missing course content and submit the homework in time when I come back from the competition. I hope you will approve again Your studentLi Yuan 成考有疑问、不知道如何总结成考考点内容、不清楚成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

有函授专升本成人高考英语历年真题吗?成人高考是全国统考,一年只有一次考试机会,而成考的报读对象大多是离开学校在社会上工作的在职人员,不仅要上班,而且还要抽出时间来复习。为了提高复习效率,中国教育在线成考频道收集整理了《英语》历年真题及答案,方便广大考生对复习结果进行检测,对教材中重要知识点的掌握情况进行查漏补缺。 2019年10月成人高考专升本《英语》真题及答案(网友版) 作文题 新学期开始,你们准备做一个迎新晚会,你想邀请你的外教Tim一起参加,并且做发言,给他写一封e- maile,告知他一下内容: 1,邀请他来参加晚会 2,晚会的相关内容 3,做相应的发言 2019年自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:


我把大纲发给你,试卷东西太多,没法打,打上去浪费时间 英语考试以教育部颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》和《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲和样题》为依据,测试考生语言知识和语言技能,包括一般性语言内容和涉外业务有关的内容。考试形式为笔试,采用主客观混合题型,以保证良好的信度和效度。 考试内容包括五个部分: 1.词汇和语法结构:参见《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》和《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲和样题》所规定的词汇和语法项目; 2.完形填空:考查考生在所要求的词汇和语法项目的范围内,综合运用语言的技能,如推理、判断、猜测、常识等; 3.阅读理解:在所要求的词汇和语法项目范围内,考查考生的篇章理解能力,信息的获取、分析、判断能力以及阅读速度; 4.翻译(英译汉):考查考生对英语句子及篇章结构的分析能力,信息获取能力,以及英汉思维方式的转换能力; 5.写作(汉译英):考查考生的英语句子、篇章的组织表达能力,以及对英语应用文格式的掌握程度。 题目很简单的


【专升本快速报名和免费咨询: 】大学英语:基础语法常考题(五)【考题】13、When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building ________others were waiting on the airfield.A. during B. whereC. which D. while14、 ________ is known to everybody, Taiwan is a part of China.A. It B. AsC. That D. Which15、—Let’s go to the zoo this Sunday, OK?—________. I love to see all kinds of animals.A. I couldn’t agree moreB. I’m afraid notC. I believe notD. I don’t think so【解析】13、D。while 作并列连词,表示对比或相反的情况,意为“而、却”。句意为“当飞机抵达时,一部分侦探等在主楼里面,而另一部分则等在停机坪上。”14、B。as 和 which 引导非限定性定语从句,都可以指整个句子,有时可以通用。但 as 引导的非限定性定语从句可以放在句首,也可以放在句中。which 只能放在句中。句意为“周所周知,台湾是中国的一部分。”15、A。上句提出建议“我们周日去动物园好吗?”根据答语中的后句“我喜欢看各种动物”可知是表示赞成对方的建议,故答案为 A。意为“我非常赞成。” 专升本有疑问、不知道如何总结专升本考点内容、不清楚专升本报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:



2022年河南专升本考试时间为6月9日上午 9:00-11:30考英语,那么河南2022年专升本英语真题及答案出来了吗?下面整理了2022年河南专升本英语作文真题及分析,供大家参考。 Part VI Writing (20 points) Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic Different Attitudes towards Shopping. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below. 请阅读提炼观点,实际举例论证,题目自拟。 Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. J. K. Rowling, the author of the famous Harry Porter novels, wrote her books during her work breaks. Tapping into her vivid imagination, she created a world that sold more than 500 million books and became hit movies. She is regarded as one of the most successful fiction author in history, with an estimated net worth of $650 million. However, her success didn’t come easy. She was rejected by publishers for a dozen times before one took a chance on her. 2022年河南省专升本英语作文分析 2022年河南省专升本英语作文是一篇材料作文。所谓材料作文,指的是给出阅读材料,要求考生按照阅读材料内容,经过认真阅读,仔细分析、审题,进行构思联想,写出切合题意的文章,并用恰当的文体、规范的语言在规定时间内完成写作。 英语材料作文写作中需要注意的是: 第一步:要读懂阅读材料。认真阅读材料,理清材料思路,明确材料指向,归纳材料要点,把握材料寓意。这是材料作文写作的关键,也是考场作文能否得高分的第一步。 第二步:提炼中心思想,再次阅读所给文字,归纳写作要点: 这则材料只要找到了点题句——Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.,中心内容就迎刃而解了。我们从阅读材料中可以看出,本文的中心思想是“成功之前要经历很多失败,失败是成功之母”。 第三步:要构思结构。确定写作中心后,内容构思就是要开放思路,启动联想,构想表现层次,勾勒出文章的结构层次,依次写出引言段、主题句,展开段和结尾段,尽量使文章层次分明。注意:在文章观点无误的前提下,展开多角度的思考,突破思维定势,但一定要围绕中心思想选择组织材料,所选的材料必须典型精要。 第四步:表达:要锤炼语言,用最确切明了的语言表达自己的思想,力求用符合英语语法规则、英语表达习惯以及最合适的词语、句子、段落来表达中心思想,使文章达到内容与形式的和谐统一。

【成考快速报名和免费咨询: 】浙江专升本试题真题栏目将陆续整理并上传历年浙江省成人高考真题及答案解析,全部可免费查看及下载。以下为“2021年浙江专升本《英语》成考真题及答案解析(仅供参考)”相关:2021年浙江省成人高校招生考试专升本《英语》考试科目​真题及答案解析一、客观题(仅供参考!)1-5 CCBAD;6-10 BBCBC;11-15 DDBCA;16-20 BBDCC;21-25 BDCAB;26-30 DBCAB;31-35 DBDAC;36-40 CADAC;41-45 CDADB;46-50 DAADC;51-55 BBDCA;56-60 GBHDE二、作文学校要举行英语演讲比赛,写一封邮件请外教John来做评委,告诉他比赛时间地点等,请他做赛后点评,写信人是Li Yuan.【以上为网友回忆版答案,暂无完整版,仅供参考。后期将不断更新,请及时关注网站及公众号通知!】点击查看:往年浙江专升本成人高考真题及答案汇总一键关注【浙江成考网微信公众号】回复“真题”也可查看并下载历年成人高考真题及答案解析。 成考有疑问、不知道如何总结成考考点内容、不清楚成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:


1. The fire must have _______ after the shop was closed.

A. broken out B. broken down C. broken in D. broken through

2. He is _______ join the army.

A. too young to B. enough young to C. very young to D. young enough to

3. Finally he got time for a glance _______ this report.

A. off B. round C. on D. at

4. Your idea seems to be good but it isn’t _______.

A. practical B. possible C. plentiful D. precious

5. He enjoys _______ pop music while I prefer classical music.

A. to listen to B. to listen C. listening D. listening to

6. When the little girl awoke, she found herself _______ by a group of soldiers.

A. surround B. be surrounded C. being surrounded D.being surrounding

7. The manager lost his _______ just because his secretary was ten minutes late.

A. mood B. temper C. mind D. passion

8. There are several characteristics of the textbook _______ attention.

A. worthwhile B. worth of C. worthy D. worthy of

9. The new building _______ all the other buildings in the town.

A. dwarfs B. distort C. deserts D. depresses

10. I passed the test. I _______ it without your help.

A. would not pas B. wouldn’t have passed

C. didn’t pass D. had not passed

11. The Internet has brought _______ big changes in the way we work.

A. about B. out C. back D. up

12. The father writes in his will that every son and daughter _______ a share of his property.

A. has B. to have C. having D. have

13. He hurried to the hospital, only _______his father had just died.

A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told

14. _______ tomorrow, he would be able to see the opening ceremony.

A. Would he come B.If he comes

C. Was he coming D. Were he to come

15. The speaker could hardly find safe ground _______ his arguments.

A. on which to base B to base on

C. on the base D. which to base on

16. He is a man who is always _______ fault with other people.

A. putting B. seeking C.finding D.looking for

17.The factory had to _______ a number of employees because of the economic crisis in the country.

A. lay out B. lay off C. lay aside D. lay down

18. Would you spare some time to have a chat with me _______ a cup of coffee?

A. for B. with C. during D. over

19. Ten days ago the young man _______ his boss _______ his intention to resign.

A. informed … of B. informed … on

C. informed … in D. informed … to

20. It is necessary that he _______ the task by the end of next week.

A. fulfill B. will fulfill

C. will have fulfilled D. fulfills





解析A. break out (火灾、战争)爆发;B. break down 失败、出故障;C. break in打断;D. break through突破,根据句意,选A。






翻译 后他有时间瞥了一眼这份报告。


解析A. glance off 擦过;B. glance round=glance around 环顾四周;C. glance on 简略提及…;D. glance at 瞥了一眼…,后面加看的具体对象;根据句意,选D。


翻译 你的想法看似不错,但是不切实际。


解析A. practical 实际的、可实施的; B. possible 可能的;C. plentiful大量的;D. precious珍贵的;故选A。




解析enjoy doing 喜欢干某事,而且listen to 也是固定搭配,故选D。








解析A. lose one’s mood 没有心情;B. lose one’s temper 发脾气;C. lose one’s mind思维混乱; D. lose one’s passion 没有激情;根据句意,选B




解析A. worthwhile 后多跟不定式; B、C 这两种形式不存在;D. worthy of +n/doing “值得…”,故选D




解析A. dwarf 使显得矮小;B. distort 扭曲、歪曲;C. desert 放弃;D. depress压抑、使沮丧;根据句意,选A




解析根据题意我们可以判断此题考查的是虚拟语气;又因为发生在过去,那就是对过去的虚拟;过去虚拟主句的形式为“情态动词+ have done”,故选B。




解析A. bring about带来、引起、导致;B. bring out激起、引起、出版;C. bring back 使恢复、使回忆起来;D. bring up 养育、提出;故选A。








解析only to do 为固定搭配,意为“结果…”;又因为句子主语he和tell之间是被动关系,故选B。




解析根据句中tomorrow和wouild be可以判断此题考察的是将来的虚拟,从句的谓语形式可用should/were to do/did三种形式;而且当if省略时,要将if从句中的were、should、had提到主语前,故选D。




解析根据题意可以看出此题考的是定语从句,考察短语base A on B“把A建立在B的基础上”,此题应该是base his arguments on safe ground,所以空前一定是base,排除B

C短语应为on the basis of考察从句,on后用关系代词which代指先行词ground,所以选项on后必须有关系词,只有A符合,故选A.




解析find fault with sb 固定搭配,“找毛病、吹毛求疵”




解析】A. lay out 摆放、安排;B. lay off 解雇、关闭;C. lay aside搁置、储蓄; D. lay down 放下、放弃;故选B。




解析根据题意可以先排除A for表原因和B with 表和;C、D都可以表示“在…期间”,但during后多接时间,而over后接sth,故选D。




解析inform sb of sth 固定搭配,“告知某人某事”,故选A。




解析It is necessary/important that …. (should) do固定句型,“…干某事是有必要、重要的”。



A卷09专升本《大学英语一》期末试题I.Vocabulary and structure (每小题一分,共四十分)1. This book is more interesting than _____ that you have just read.A. this B. these C. one D. the ones2. The board of management _____ seven persons.A. consists B. comprises C. makes up D. composes3. This song _____ memories of my childhood in the countryside.A. calls for B turns off C. calls up D. turns up4. If something unexpected _____ at the office, I will be home late.A. rises B. comes C. arises D. goes5. It’s surprising that John and his twin brother have nothing _____.A. in common B. in turn C. in short D. in the end6. You should _____ being late for the appointment with the dentist.A. avoid B prevent C. keep D. escape7. The government _____ spies in secret on a deserted road.A. found B. dismissed C. interviewed D. exchanged8. I hope you will_____ this problem from the point of development.A. look B. notice C. view D. watch9. A young man _____ to teach her water-skiing.A. offered B. asked C. provided D. invented10. When they heard the discouraging news, the smiles _____ from their faces.A. changed B. turned C. appeared D. faded11. The passengers on the plane _____ their seat belts when it took off.A. licked B. closed C. secured D. buttoned12. The people who live near the river had to _____ the flooding waters.A. escape B. run C. flee D. struggle13. Don’t be too nervous. Dr. Smith will_____ your health.A. look after B. worry about C. check on D. make sure14. When grandma turned 85, her eyes began to _____.A.break B. lose C. defeat D. fail15. When the result of the vote were announced the Prime Minister _____ defeat.A. acknowledged B. told C. report D. found16. I haven’t seen him for weeks, but I’m sure he will _____ one of these days.A. check on B. drift off C. pop up D. make out17. Just then a grey-haired woman entered _____ by a boy of about ten.A. supporting B. to support C. to be supporting D. supported18. Before she could speak to him, her husband had grabbed his coat and ____ the door.A. got away B. run away C. shot out D. given out19. The dead volcano don’t _____ fire or melted rock.A. throw at B. throw out C. get away D. set out20. The old professor is now retired. He likes to visit all kinds of museums _____.A. in the ends B. now and then C. up till now D. there and then21. He likes Jane _____, but she was very proud.A. in way B. in a way C. in the way D. the way.22. There is very _____ hope that she will pass the exam.A. few B. little C. much D. small23.There were _____ clouds in the sky yesterday.A. any B. as many C. a few D. very24. _____ petroleum is produced in Iraq.A. A great quantity of B. A great quantities ofC. Great quantities D. Great quantity of25. According to the instruction, the data should be put into the computer _____.A. any other day B. every other dayC. every other days D. another other day26. I think it advisable that he _____ for New York soon.A. will leave B. may leave C. leave D. leaves27. Without the storm., we _____ much earlier.A. should arrive B. should have arrivedC. would arrive D. might arrive28. If only we _____ a phone! I’m tired of lining up outside the public phone box.A. have B. had C. will have D. are to have29. Everyone has been here. It’s time we _____.A. would start B. started C. shall started D. had started30. Little Tom trembled lest his secret _____.A. will be discovered B. discoverC. should be discovered D. was discovered31. Some of his books are saved from the fire, but _____ are missing.A. most mine B. most of mine C. most of the mine D. most of me32. His description didn’t answer to _____ of the thief.A. those B. that C. one D. it33. His parents _____ out this evening.A. all are B. are all C. both are D. are both34. He talks a lot and he’s never interested in what _____ has to say.A. one B. anyone else C. nobody else D. somebody else35. Let me know _____ train you will be arriving on.A. which B. what C. that D. whose36. Volcanoes _____ as active, dormant, or extinct.A. described B. are describedC. are being described D. which are described37. Two young tigers have just _____ for the zoo.A. buyed B. bought C. been buying D. been bought38. Safety precautions must _____ at all times.A. have observed B. have been observed C. observe D. be observed39. She was told the examination _____ on Friday.A. will be given B. would be given C. to be given D. is given40.The information is urgently _____.A. need B. needing C. necessary D. needed°ホ�馥S� 回答:1 人气:1 解决时间:2009-07-22 10:22满意答案1. D2. B3. D4. C5. A6. A7. A8. B9. A/B10. D11. D12. D13. C14. D15. A16. C17. D18. C19. D20. B21. B22. B23. C24. A25. C26. C27. C28. A29. C30. A31. B32. C33. D34. B35. A36. B37. D38. D39. A40. D

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  • 专升本英语试题及答案
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