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问题一:“自学考试”正式的英文名字怎么说啊? 自学考试 1.Self-study examination 2.The examination system that is held every year for people who study by themselves问题二:"自考本科"用英语怎么说 自考本科 Self-taught undergraduate问题三:高等教育自学考试的英文怎么说 higher education for self-taught examinations 问题四:自考本科用英语怎么说啊,谢谢 Undergraduate Self 自学考试 Self-examination问题五:请问:“全国高等教育自学考试”用英语怎么说? 20分 National higher Education self-taught Examination 问题六:自学考试的英语(二)是什么程度 恩,我考过的,怎么说呢?我是一个在校大学生,其实英语二并不是很难的,但是一定要好好准备,一般很难考高分,还有就是一定要买他要求的教材。 我个人认为它跟英语四级难度上差不多吧。虽然它阅读的词汇都是很简单的,但是在翻译题这种上面就很容易失分,但是4,6级毕竟主观题较少,客观题较多,容易回答,所以两者还是有很大区别的。 建议好好阅读英语(二)的书,这次09年10月份的最后一道英翻中就是第二课Music里面的。问题七:"自考本科" 用英语怎么说呢? 谢谢~~! 指学历:undergraduate self-educated 如已经取得学士学位,可以憨:bachelor self-educated问题八:全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会英文怎么说 全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会 :The Examinations Board of CET-4 and CET-6 教育部高等教育司:the ministry of education of advanced education division 委托发布单位:the mission Publish unit

自考本科: Undergraduate Self 自学考试: Self-examination

self-taught exam

undergraduate degree of Self-taught examination


自考本科Self-taught undergraduate

本科的英语是undergraduate course。

音标:英 [ˌʌndəˈɡrædjuit kɔː(r)s]  美 [ˌʌndɚˈɡrædʒuɪt kɔː(r)s]


undergraduate capstone course 大学生最高课程

undergraduate law course 法学本科教学

undergraduate translation course 本科翻译教学、

1、This undergraduate course is an introduction to the field of motor control and motor learning.


2、Study and Exploring on Cultivation of Students 'Scientific Research and Innovation Abilities by Undergraduate Course Graduation Thesis


3、Its pay and full-time are common college undergraduate course is same.


4、Through four years of undergraduate course, I have grumous interested in psychology.


5、The undergraduate course of the specialty of primary education plays an essential role in the cultivation of teachers profession.


Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations自考Self-Taught Undergraduate自考本科

From tests the undergraduate course


高等教育自学考试 higher education self-study examination

高等教育自学考试(Self-taught higher education examinations),简称自学考试、自考,1981年经国务院批准创立,是对自学者进行的以学历考试为主的高等教育国家考试。

自考: self-study examination

self-taught learner


高等教育自学考试 higher education self-study examination

Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations自考Self-Taught Undergraduate自考本科

高等教育自学考试(Self-taught higher education examinations),简称自学考试、自考,1981年经国务院批准创立,是对自学者进行的以学历考试为主的高等教育国家考试。

自考self-taught examination自考本科a/the bachlor degree of self-taught examnination


自考 self-study examination自考生 self-study examination student(s)

just self-tough

Self-study examination 自考Higher education examination for self-taught people 高等教育自学考试Marketing speciality of economics 经济学市场营销专业The junior college graduated 大专毕业金山,请参考

高等教育自学考试(Self-taught higher education examinations),简称自学考试、自考,1981年经国务院批准创立,是对自学者进行的以学历考试为主的高等教育国家考试。

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