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我是一个胆子非常大的女孩子,什么都不怕,但就是怕被老师骂。在班里,我是老师的左膀右臂,每天都会帮助老师做许多事情,学习忙,有些时候我会忘记纳老师嘱咐的事情。记得在四年级上学期临近期中考试的时候,纳老师交给我一个小本子,让我挨个问清楚每位学生家长的电话。可是因为那时又有其他的事情要做,所以把这件事情抛在了脑后。一个寒假过去了,直到现在,我都没有完成老师交给我的任务,而那个小本子,我也没有还给老师。我多么希望我可以在这个小本子上记上每位家长的电话,完完全全地还给老师。但是纳老师,您每天都那么累,我怕您生气,您身体不好,所以我不敢,我没有勇气,我就是怕您会狠狠地骂一顿我这个学习委员。所以那个小本子,就一直在我的书包里装着。纳老师,如果我把小本子还给您,您还会原谅我吗?我真的好害怕您会骂我啊!还有一次,我因为不重视期中考试,平时数学考90 分以上的我,成绩一下子跌到谷底,考了89 分。徐老师,您让我拿着卷子去办公室一趟,我的心扑通扑通地跳,紧张到极点,满脑子想的都是“老师会不会骂我呀?我该怎么办啊”这些问题。我害怕啊!再一次害怕您会骂我,我不想惹您生气。从办公室出来后,我不再低估任何考试,果然这一次测验,我考了 98 分。那天从办公室里走出来后,我想:要想不被老师骂,那就要自己努力,把每一件事情做好,答应过老师的事情,不可以胡乱做一通就完事了,应该把这件事情做到底。纳老师,您嘱咐给我的事情我不会忘记;徐老师,您的教诲我也不会忘。因为我知道,如果害怕被骂,首先自己要做好,即便做好也被骂,那我也值得,因为我尽力去尝试过了。

132 评论


Internet Internet has become an essential and powerful influence on our everyday lives. With the rapid development of high technologies and economy, people will get more and more benefits from the use of Internet. There is no denying that Internet is a wonderful source from which we can retrieve valuable information. Also, it can be an important building block to people’s learning because vast amount of information is only clicks away. What’s more, people can purchase their favorite goods through the Internet instead of going shopping in chaotic streets. However, if used improperly, Internet can put us at risks. We have sufficient evidence indicating that the Internet can be a harmful influence on people. Internet use appears to cause a decline in psychological well�being. Its addictive power has increased children and youngsters’ time spent in front of the computer screens at the expense of other healthier physical activities, thus increasing their chance of getting overweight and short�sighted. And exposure to the wider world via the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives. Like anything else, Internet is like a coin that has two sides. We must realize its harmful potentials while making use of it to achieve a better and more meaningful life. It’s important to remember this is not about the technology itself; it’s about how it is used.

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177 评论


I went to the zoo with my friends last Sunday.It was hot and sunny that day.It took us about two hours to get there by bus.There were thousands of people in the zoo.We saw lots of animals,such as,pandas,kangaroos,polar bears,gifaffes,elephants,tigers,wolves,snakes and so on.We also saw the elephant show.The elephants were so clever that they could do lots of things like us.At noon we had a picnic in the zoo.And then we thew the rubbish into the dustbin.

352 评论


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    给你一些网站吧,因为答案的字数是有限制的直接点就可以看到了!成人高考专升本英语作文范文8篇 专升本备考英语作文范文 甘肃省专升本备考英语作文范文范文网英语作文

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