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Unit9(第26讲—第28讲) 本课简介 在learned words and popular words这篇课文中,作者对学术词汇和普通词汇进行了定义。讲述了两类词汇之间的差异,并且指出把词分为学术的和普通的方便而且有道理。但是人们必须注意,把普通词汇理解为属于大众所有的词,而不是某个特定阶层的人们所拥有的东西。学术词汇也并非有学问之人专用,只是它的存在是由于书籍和文学的培养而不是日常会话的实际需要。 本课主要语言点 1. In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words which, taken together, make up the whole vocabulary. class在本句中的意思是“种类”,相当于type, category.如: 1)It is very difficult to meet the needs of various classes of readers.(要满足各种读者的需要十分困难) 2)How many classes are you going to divide these books? (你打算把这些书分成几类?) class 还常用来表示“等级”,如:a second-class hotel (二等旅馆); an economy-class ticket (经济舱票);fly first class (乘头等舱航空旅行)。 class 也可以用动词用,意思是“把 …分类;把…看作”,如: 1)At 19 you are still classed as a teenager.(到了十九岁,你仍旧是青少年。) 2)He was classed as a genius (他被看作为天才) make up 在本句中的意思是“组成、构成”,请看例句: 1)Twenty-six boys and twenty-four girls make up the class (二十六名男生和二十四名女生组成了这个班) 2)Twelve doctors made up the medical team (十二名医生组成医疗队) 用被动语态时则应用be made up of,如: This engine is made up of 490 parts (这台发动机是由四百九十个部件装配而成的) taken together 过去分词短语做后置定语,对中心词做一些附加说明,相当于一个非限定性定语从句,要用逗号和中心词隔开,如: All the letters in the drawer, written in pencil, are from my brother.(抽屉里的这些用铅笔写的信都是我弟弟写的。) 2. First, there are those words with which we become familiar in ordinary conversation, which we learn, that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our friends, and which we should know and use even if we could not read or write. 句子中which引导的都是定语从句,修饰中心词words.第一个which的前面有介词with,这儿的with是familiar with中的介词前置了。Familiar with 意为“熟悉”。如:Are you familiar with the man standing over there?(站在那边的那个人你熟悉吗?) 请注意familiar with 与familiar to 的区别,familiar with 的主语通常是人,而familiar to的主语通常是物。如: 1)I am not familiar with this place. 2) This place is mot familiar to me. that is to say 是插入语,其作用是对整个一句话进行解释,类似的插入语还有so to speak, if I may say so, if you don't mind等等,如: 1)I'd really rather not go, if you don't mind 我确实不想去,你如果不介意的话。 2) The new emperor was, so to speak, a puppet.新皇帝可以说是个傀儡。 3.They concern the common things of life, and are the stock in trade of who speak the language concern 在句中的意思是“涉及,有关于”,如: 1)Don't interfere in things that don't concern you (别干预跟你无关的事)。 2)The energy problem concerns us all (能源问题关系到我们每个人) stock的意思很多,如“存货”,“股票”,“公债券”,“牲畜”等。 1)They hold a rich stock of information (他们掌握着丰富的材料) 2)You cannot buy it because it's out of stock (你买不成了,货品已经脱销) 3)He used to have a stock farm (他曾经拥有一个畜牧场) 4)The fridge was carefully stocked up with food.(冰箱里周到地放满了食品) stock in trade 也可以写成stock in trade,意思是“例行工作”,“常规”,如: 1)Complaints were a stock in trade of an airport manager's job (机场经理的工作就是常常面对投诉) 2)He was the master of black humor, it was his stock in trade (他是黑色幽默大师,黑色幽默是他的专长) 4.Such words may be called “popular”, since they belong to the people at large and are not the possession of a limited class only. since 在句中引导的是一个原因状语从句,请看例句: 1)Since it was Saturday, he got up very late (因为是周六,他起床很晚。) 2)You can take the place of him since he is not interested (你可以取代他,因为他对这事不感兴趣) at large 在本句中的意思是“整个”,这个词组的意思还有很多,请看下面的句子: 1)The people at large love peace (大多数人热爱和平) 2)The virus is still at large (这种病毒还在蔓延) 3)The murderer is still at large (杀人犯仍逍遥法外) 4)He talked at large about his plans (他详尽地谈了自己的计划) 5)They made the arrangements at large (他们随意地做了安排 ) 5. 请注意区别与possession 有关的两个词组:in possession of sth……和 in the possession of sb. 1)He is in possession of this house (他拥有这所房子) 2)The house is in the possession of him 3)On the other hand, our language includes large number of words which are relatively seldom used in ordinary conversation. 英语中有许多表示启承转合的词语,阅语中注意这些词有助于我们提高理解力,写作中注意用这些词,有助于我们把文章写得连贯、有条理。On the other hand 在本句中用来表示不同或相反的语气,在前一段中讲了popular word 这一段中作者则要讲讲learned words. 表示不同或相反语气的词还有很多,比如:Conversely, however, on the contrary, unlike, whereas, yet等等。 前面我们提到过number可以与可数名词连用,而amount可与不可数名词连用,如: 1)A large number of students have passed the exam (许多学生已经通过了考试) 2)They paid a large amount of money for the house (他们付了一大笔钱买了这座房子) 6.Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little occasion to use them at home occasion 通常可以做可数名词用,意思是“时刻、场合”;也可以做不可数名词用,意思是:“必要性、需要;机会”。如: 1)They're met on several occasions (他们已相遇过好几次) 2)They are occasions when you find it difficult to say “Good-bye”。(有时候你会觉得说“再见”很难。) 3)I don't remember I had occasion to blame him (我不记得我有责备他的必要) 7.In the latter, we are using a Latin Derivation which has exactly the same meaning 在前一句中用了“in the first case,” 本句中的“in the latter ”是指in the latter case .对两件事分别进行表述时,可以用in the first case, in the latter case 这一类词,条理非常清楚,也可以用the former,the latter 来表述。derivation 是derive 的名词形式。Latin derivation 意思是“拉丁语词源的词”,请看例句: 1)These words are derived from Latin (这些词由拉丁语派生而来) 2)The derivation of words is interesting (词的派生很有意思) 8. The terms “popular” and “learned”, as applied to words, are not absolute definitions.本句中的term意思是“术语、名称”,如: 1) I don't know how to put this term into Chinese (我不知道如何把这一术语译成中文) 2) Writer is hardly the term to apply to him (“作家”这一名称很难用在他身上) term 还有“期限;任期;学期”的意思,如: 1)During his 4-year term of office, he did a lot of things for the common people.(在他四年的任职期间,他为普通百姓做了不少事。) 2) He decided to rum for a second term (他决定竞选连任。) 3) The autumn term is coming to an end (秋学期快要结束了。) apply to 在句中的意思是“用于”,如: 1)This rule applies to upper class students only (这条规则只适用于高年级学生。) 2)I don't think what he says applies to you (我想他的话对你不适用) 3)They are eager to apply the theory to practice (他们急切地想把这一理论用于实践) apply for 则是“申请”的意思,如: 1)How many people have applied for the job?(有多少人申请了这个工作?) 2)They applied for permission to use the tennis court (他们申请使用网球场。) 9. Still the classification into “learned” and “popular” is convenient and sound .本句中的sound是形容词,意思是“正确的;明智的”,如: 1)He felt so happy that he had made a sound decision.(做了正确的决定,他感到很高兴。) 2)He was so carried away by power that he could not make any sound judgement(他被权力冲昏了头脑,无法做出任何明智的判断) 请看下面几个句子,注意sound 在句中的意思: 1)He is sound in body and mind (他身心健康) 2)The house is sound .Don't hesitate to buy it (这所房了完好无损,别犹豫,买下它) 3)The baby is having a sound sleep.(宝宝在酣睡) 4)Father gave him a sound beating.(父亲给他一顿痛打) 10.When we call a word “learned” we don't mean that it is used by learned persons alone, but simply that its presence in the English vocabulary is due to books and the cultivation of literature rather than to the actual needs of ordinary people not (that)…。but (that)。意思“不是…。而是。”如: 1)I came here again not because I enjoy the scenery so much but because I like the people .(我又来这儿,不是因为我多喜欢这儿的景色,而是我爱这儿的人们。) 2)By calling him Shylock, I don't mean that he is named Shylock,but that he is as miserly as Shylock.(叫他夏洛克,我不是说他的名字叫夏洛克,而是说他像夏洛克一样吝啬。) due to 在句中的意思是“由于”,如: 1)His failure was due to carelessness (他的失败是由于粗心。) 2)Due to lack of funds,they had to postpone the project.(由于缺少资金,他们不得不推迟计划) rather than 在本句的意思是“不是…而是……”,“与其……不如…” 1) He is a writer than a teacher (与其说他是教师,不如说他是作家。) 2)He lay rather than sit in the armchair (与其说他是坐在扶手椅上不如说是躺在里面。) 本课主要词组 1.make up 2.be familiar with 3.learn from 4.belong to 5.at large 6.on the other hand 7.be knows to 8.acquaintance with 9.in a style 10. be of importance 11. in the first case 12. in the latter (case) 13. in print 14. apply to 15. come up 16. as to 17. as a whole 18. due to 19. rather than Text B how should you build up your vocabulary? 短语表达 1. build up (建立;增强;增加) They worked hard to build up the friendship between the people in two countries. Get plenty of exercise every to build up your health. 2. come across (穿过,出现;遇到) They came across the street to meet me. A good idea came across my mind We are bound to come across difficulties, but we are determined to overcome them. 3. look up (查阅) If there are words you don't understand, look them up in the dictionary . For further information about this matter, look up this book. 4. at top speed (以速度) He drove his car at top speed It's dangerous to corner at top speed 5. depend on (依靠;取决于) We'll depend mainly on ourselves to solve the problem. The accomplishment of the task depends on the solution of this major problem. 6. make sense (有意义、讲得通) What he said just now didn't make any sense to me. This sentence doesn't make any sense. 7. try doing sth(尝试做某事) You can try using another method to go it He tried climbing the mountain without any help. 8. come up with (提出,想出;提供) He is expected to come up with some ideas after he thinks about the problem. The TV network will come up with better shows in the future. 9. lead to(导致) Our discussions led to confusion. The earthquake led to heavy loss of life. 10. after all (毕竟) Don't expect too much of him, he is, after all, a child of 10. We didn't finish all the work. After all, we didn't have enough hands 11. provide with (提供) It is necessary that you provide them with all the equipment We are satisfied to be provided with these kitchen utensils 12. begin with (以……开始) The first word of a sentence should begin with a capital letter . To begin with, we ought to know what we are here for.

256 评论


Possibility Men can sit through the most pointless, boring movie if there’s even the slightest possibility that a woman will take her top off. 如果电影上女人有一点儿儿把上面脱光的可能性,男人就能耐着性子一直看完最无意义、最枯燥的电影。 bore He is an old bore; even the grave yawns for him. 他是个老无聊,甚至坟墓都在替他大哈欠。 I wanted to be bored to death, as good a way to go as any. 我想无聊至死,是个不错的死法。 注:人有很多种死法,老死,病死,被车撞死,无聊死。 Dear World: I am leaving because I am bored. 亲爱的世界:我要走了因为我厌倦了。 注:有人在墓碑上这么写。 He has returned from Italy a greater bore than ever; now he’s boring on architecture, painting, statuary[雕塑], and music. 他从意大利回来后比以前更无聊了,他钻研建筑、绘画、雕塑和音乐。 注:Bore 无聊;钻研。 associate An associate producer is the only guy in Hollywood who will associate with a producer. 助理导演是Hollywood唯一愿意和导演合作的人。 注:associate:助理;合作。这么说就是为了好玩儿,实际上导演在Hollywood牛着呢,Hollywood人人都想当明星,人人都想和导演套近乎。 词义相近的词join 场景再现:政治家说话很圆滑,为自己留了后路。 All French politicians love each other, or so they say. They never know when they may want to join each other’s governments. 所有法国的政治家都爱对方,或者他们这么说。他们从来都不知道什么时候可能加入对方的政府。 agony I’ve never heard anything that so clearly suggests the agony of primitive man as your attempt to play the cello. 我从来没有听过什么声音能象你努力演奏大提琴时那么清晰地表达出来的原始人的痛苦。 注:原始人的痛苦是什么样的? assign An consultant is someone who is called in at the last moment and paid a lot of money to assign[分配] the blame. 咨询师在最后时刻被找来,付了很多钱分配责任的人。 注:讽刺咨询师根本解决不了问题。 If you are good, you will be assigned all the work. If you are really good, you will get out of it. 如果你优秀,你将被分配做所有的工作,如果你非常优秀,你将不用做任何工作。注:办公室标语。非常优秀的人只管分配工作(实际上那是更需要智慧的工作)。 assignment A young man hadn’t handed in one homework assignment since they started the class. “Won’t you please do tonight’s assignment?” “What? And ruin a perfect record?” 从开课以来,有个年轻人从没交过作业。 “你不做今晚的作业了吗?” “什么?要毁掉一个完美的记录吗?” Teacher: Suzie, why didn’t you do your history assignment? Suzie: I’d rather let bygones be bygones. 老师:Susie, 你为什么没作历史作业? Susie:过去的事就让让他过去吧。 tedious The days just prior to marriage are like a snappy[爽快的] introduction to a tedious[沉闷的] book. 结婚前的日子就象一本无聊书的精彩介绍。 注:婚姻生活平平淡淡才是真,但有些人觉得无聊。 A tedious railway journey was made in a train that seemed to stop every few minutes to admire the scenery[I]. 乏味的铁路旅行好象火车每隔几分就停下来欣赏风景一样。 注:换个角度看问题,慢车很乏味,但可以有更多的时间欣赏风景。 reputation To enjoy a good reputation, give publicly, and steal privately. 要享有声誉,就要公开给予,私下偷盗。 注:这正是现在一些所谓的慈善家做的事情。 Confessions may be good for the soul but they are bad for the reputation. 忏悔可能对灵魂有好处,但对声誉是有害的。 题外话:人们通常对着上帝忏悔,但你做的那点儿事儿上帝早就知道,对你的灵魂会有多大好处呢?如果不对着同事朋友忏悔,对你的声誉也没有多大损害。 was so completely misunderstood that it made my reputation as a playwright. 人们完全误解了《武器与人》,所以我才获得了剧作家的声誉。 注:这是著名作家海明威说的,可以有两种理解。一种是他觉得自己很牛:人们都不理解,还给我那么多声誉,如果他们都理解了,那我就更不得了了。还有一种理解是他觉得自己和社会格格不入,如果人们理解了他著作的内涵,就不会给他那么多荣誉了。 Many a man’s reputation would not know his own character if they met on the street. 如果在街上碰了面,很多人的声誉也认不出他的主人。 注:很多人沽名钓誉,他们不配得到那么多荣誉。 inspire It is often a woman who inspires us by the great things that she will prevent us from accomplishing. 女人总是激励我们干大事,又是她们阻碍我们去实现。 注:女人希望丈夫干一翻事业,又希望丈夫经常陪着她,不要花那么多时间去工作。 When you breathe, you inspire. When you do not breathe, you expire. 当你还有口气时你充满斗志,当你不呼吸时你到期了。 There is a man whose work pattern has inspired the Pay-roll Department to come up with a brand new classification: On-The-Job-Retirement. 他的工作模式激发劳资部门发明了一个新工种:工作时退休。 注:工作时吊儿郎当,和退休没什么区别。 Formal In statesmanship, get the formalities right; never mind about the moralities.[道德] 政治家的才干是注意正确的礼节,决不介意道德。 注:说的有点儿过分,但有些政治家确实是放道德置于脑后。 场景再现:你在吃西餐时说: I always get embarrassed at formal dinners because of etiquette. [礼节] Eating peas, in particular, gives me a problem. I never know which knife to use. 正式宴会上的礼节总让我很尴尬,特别是吃豆子时给我带来个难题,我不知道该用哪把刀。 Frankly, I never considered myself bald until I went to a formal dinner and bent over to pick up a napkin. The woman next to me looked down at my head, turned to the waiter and said, “No melon, thank you.” 坦白说,我从不认为我秃顶,直到有一次我去一家正规的餐厅,弯腰捡餐巾时,挨着我坐的女人低头看着我的脑袋,转向服务员说,“不要瓜,谢谢你。” 注:错把秃头当成了瓜。 It is a miracle that curiosity [好奇心] survives formal education 经过正规教育后好奇心依然存在真是个奇迹。 注:学校教育循规蹈矩,把很多学生的棱角磨平了,创造性磨没了。 tackle 场景再现:哈姆雷特没什么经验,处理家庭问题有些急噪。 is the tragedy of tackling a family problem soon after college 《哈姆雷特》是一个大学刚毕业就处理家庭问题的悲剧。 recall Consumer: Hello, I’m calling about an auto that must be recalled! A: What part of the car is defective? Consumer: The nut behind the wheel! 顾客:喂,我打电话告诉你们有辆汽车必须被召回。 回答:汽车哪部分有缺陷呢? 顾客:方向盘后面那个傻瓜。 注:车是好车,开车的人应该被召回。(车有潜在质量问题,厂家召回检修。) argue Never argue at the dinner table, for the one who is not hungry always gets the best of the argument. 决不要在饭桌上辩论,因为不饿的人总会占上风。 注:做事情前要先做好准备,如果你还饿着肚子在饭桌上就不要开始辩论,你嘴里塞满了红烧肉,怎么辩论? It is a difficult matter, my fellow citizen, to argue with the belly[肚子] since it has no ears. 我的同胞们,同肚皮争论可是一件困难的事,肚子没有耳朵。 注:人首先要解决吃饭问题,如果饭都吃不饱,可能要做一些不体面的事情了。 场景再现:这也是一种幽默技巧,当有同学说你辩论没赢过时,你可以这么说: I always get the better of it when I argue alone. (or I always win when I argue alone.) 我独自一人辩论时,我总占上风。 argument 场景再现:有人辩论时嗓门越来越大,你说: You raise your voice when you want to reinforce your argument. 当你应该加强你的论点时你却提高了声音。 Why is an argument like a pen? It’s no good without a point. 为什么争论象钢笔? 没有论点(尖)就没有用。 August was the name of puppy who was always picking on large animals. One day he got into an argument with a lion. The next day was the first day of September. Why? Because that was the last day of August. August 是一个总爱作弄大动物的小狗的名字。一天他和一个狮子发生了争吵,第二天是九月的第一天,为什么? 因为那是August的最后一天。 场景再现:你的同学辩论时没话说了,你可以这样劝他: If you can’t answer a man’s argument, all is not lost ___ you can still call him names. 如果你不能回击一个人的辩论,你也没有完全失败——你仍然可以辱骂他。 注:你没话说了,但你可以骂他,这就是在损人了。 The argument became so heated that the woman next door sent for the fire brigade.[消防队] ”缏郾涞梅浅;鸨舯诘呐巳ソ邢蓝恿恕 I dislike arguments of any kind. They are always vulgar[粗俗] and often convincing. 我不喜欢任何类型的辩论,这些辩论总是那么粗俗,并且常常令人信服。 注:他因为理亏,所以不喜欢辩论,还说对方粗俗,事实上他已经心服了。 Bob: "So, you say that you won the argument with your wife yesterday." Joe: "Yes, she came crawling on her hands and knees." Bob: "Really? What did she say?" Joe: "Come out from under the bed, you coward Bob:你说昨天你和你妻子的谈话你占了上风。 Joe:是的,她跪在地上向我爬过来。 Bob:真的?她说什么? Joe:从床底下出来,你这个胆小鬼。 There is no such thing as a convincing argument, although every man thinks he has one. 根本就没有什么令人信服的论证,虽然每个人都认为自己可以。 注:每个人都觉得自己不会被别人说服,但自己可以说服别人。 Compose Society is composed of two great classes: those who have more dinners than appetite, and those who have more appetite than dinners. 社会由两大阶级组成:一类人有很多食品但没什么食欲,一类人食欲旺盛但食品匮乏. 注:这种比喻象很多其它比喻一样好象在说明什么,其实这类比喻就象垃圾。社会为什么分两大阶级呢?难道人不能既有食品又有食欲吗? In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of. 作曲就是要记”鹑嘶姑挥邢氲降那鳌 注:别人没想到的曲调你怎么记住呢?首先要自己先想出曲调,那就是作曲。 contempt God shows his contempt for wealth by the kind of person he selects to receive it. 上帝通过选择接受财富的人来显示他对财富的蔑视。 注:意思是上帝选择很多人格很差的人让他们有钱,足见上帝对财富的蔑视。 Familiarity breeds contempt ---and children. 熟悉带来轻视——和孩子。 注:俗语说Familiarity breeds contempt熟悉一个人以后就会觉得他不过如此,产生轻视之心。一般来说:男女熟悉以后才结婚生孩子。 avoid In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily. 为了避免别人说自己是个爱调情的人,她总是很容易就顺从了。 注:有男人一勾引她,她就顺从了。 场景再现:一个战士在战场上当了逃兵,他这么为自己辩解: I don’t mean to avoid any responsibility. But, why did the Lord give us so much quickness of movement? 我不想逃避责任,可为什么上帝让我们移动得这么快呢? Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether. 决不要把你可以完全避免的事情推迟到明天。 注:有一些事情可以避免。 场景再现:批评一些人怕别人说三道四,缩手缩脚,一事无成: To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. 为避免批评,什么也不做,什么也不说,什么也不是。 A celebrity[名人] is a person who works hard all his life to become known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized. 名人就是穷其一生努力工作才变得有名,然后害怕被认出来就戴上墨镜。 注:我不出名,也戴墨镜。 My father and I had one of those English friendships that begin by avoiding intimacies and eventually eliminate speech altogether. 我父亲和我有着那么一种英国式的友谊——开始时避免亲近,最后就完全取消了交谈。 注:英国人比较绅士,也给人一种冷的感觉。例句中描述的英国式的友谊未免太冷了。 I can’t face my face first thing in the morning ---so in order to avoid the confrontation [冲突] I stagger [步履蹒跚] out of the house looking like the Ghost of Christmas Past. 我早上第一个不能面对的就是我的脸——为了避免冲突,我象圣诞节的鬼魂一样步履蹒跚地走出房间。 注:他对自己讨厌到了极点,都不敢照镜子了。 What can I do to avoid falling hair? Get out of the way where the hair’s falling. 我做什么才能避免掉头发? 离开头发掉的地方。 注:avoid falling hair还可理解成:避开掉落的头发。 Patient: Remember when I came to you last year for my rheumatism[风湿病]? You told me to avoid dampness? Doctor: Yes, of course. What can I do for you? Patient: I’d just like to know if I could take a bath now. 病人:还记着我去年到你这看风湿病吗?你告诉我要避免潮湿? 医生:当然记着,我能为你做什么呢? 病人:我只是想知道现在我能不能洗澡了。 demonstrate 场景再现:轮到你展现你的领导力的时候了,你只是提高了自己的嗓门。 Demonstrates qualities of leadership: Has a loud voice. 展示领导品质:大嗓门。 Teacher: Cassandra, if I saw a man beating a donkey and I stopped him, what virtue would I be demonstrating? Cassandra: Brotherly love? 老师:Cassandra,如果我看见有人在殴打一头驴,我制止了他,我显示出了什么美德? Cassabdra:兄弟般的关爱? 词义相近的单词display When an employee says that he displays excellent intuitive judgement, it means he knows when to disappear from his boss. 当一个雇员说他展现出高超的直觉判断,那意味着他知道什么时候从老板眼前消失。 注:能够判断出老板什么时候很烦自己,赶紧离开。 词义相近的单词exhibit You have a magnificent chance, with all the advantages of wealth and position. Don’t throw it away by any exhibition of talent. 因为你有财富和位置的优势,你的机会无与伦比,不要因为显示你的才能把机会丢掉。 注:财富和位置带来的机会比才能多。但我们大多数人都没有财富,所以我们还得抓紧锻炼自己的才能。 Desertion[逃亡]: an aversion[厌恶] to fighting as exhibited by abandoning an army or a wife. 逃亡:表现为放弃军队或妻子的一种厌恶战争的形式。 注:家庭生活中厌倦了与妻子的战争放弃妻子叫做遗弃。 career A man who, early in his career, was told there is no such thing as free lunch --- and ever since, he’s been stuffing[填满] rolls in his pocket at breakfast. 他刚工作的时候,有人就告诉他没有什么免费的午餐——从那以后他吃早饭时一直往口袋里装面包卷。 An archaeologist is a person who's career lies in ruins. 考古学家是一个以废墟为职业的人。 注:还可理解成:考古学家是一个躺在废墟上的人。 场景再现:老板这么对员工说: I’d like your honest, unbiased, and possibly career-ending opinion on things. 我希望得到你的一些诚实的,没有偏见的,可能终止你职业的意见。 注:如果是诚实的建议,可能会得罪老板,从而丢了工作。 I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks. 我原认为我需要事业,结果我只需要工资单。 注:年轻时候理想远大,受到一番挫折后,也不谈什么理想了,能挣工资吃饭就可以了。 词义相近的单词profession Donald Cameron had no qualification for any profession…so he resolved to try his fortune as a journalist. Donald(人名) 从事任何职业都没有什么资格?.所以他决定当记者来试试运气。 注:干不了别的,就去当记者,如果当记者还不行,就试试去从政。 Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance[类同之处] to the first 人们认为政治是第二个最古老的职业,我逐渐认识到它和第一个职业很相象。 注:如果有人对你说:She is doing the oldest profession,你要清楚是说她是妓女。这里是讽刺政治上很多东西也拿不到台面上。 She was a professional athlete--- of the tongue. 她是一个专业运动员——舌头专业。 注:她一直在喋喋不休。 词义相近的单词occupation Whenever I feel bored with my own occupation, I check my pulse. 我感到自己的职业枯燥无聊时,就给自己号脉。 There are worse occupations in the world than feeling a woman’s pulse. 世界上还有比给女人号脉更糟糕的职业呢。 注:女人多变。 congratulate I’d like to congratulate the previous speakers on what can only be called a Niagara of words and a Sahara of thought. 我要祝贺前面的演说者,可以称他有尼加拉瓜式的语言,撒哈拉式的思想。 注:Niagara瀑布,Sahara沙漠,意思是滔滔不绝,言之无物。 Class president: Congratulate me! I won the election. Pop: Honestly? Class President: Why bring that up? 总统:祝贺我吧,我竞选获胜了。 教皇:真的?(用诚实的方式?) 总统:为什么又提出这个问题? 注:教皇说:honestly是真得吗?总统还以为教皇问:是用诚实的手段吗? 这个问题可能对这位总统来说是个老问提了,所以他才说:你们为什么老提这个问题。 congratulation Research scientist: I’ve found a cure! Assistant: Congratulations! For what disease? Research scientist: I haven’t found that yet! 科学家:我发现了一种治疗方法! 助手:祝贺您!治什么病的? 科学家:我还没发现是什么病!

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4. They need hundreds of hours of study and practice, and even this will not guarantee success for every adult language learner. 注意句中hundreds of hours的用法,阅读课本第六页注解2. 请翻译下面的词组: 1) 十个学生 ten students 数十个学生 tens of students 2) 五百年 five hundred years 数百年 hundreds of years 3) 两千年 two thousand years 数千年 thousands of years 4) 三百万美元 three million dollars 数百万美元 millions of dollars 5. Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. 句中be different from 意为“与…不同”,如:My opinion is different from yours.(我的观点与你的观点不同。) 请注意下面三个句子中所用的词组: Man is different from all the other animals in his ability to learn and use a language. Man differs from all the other animals in his ability to learn and use a language. The greatest difference between man and all the other animals is his ability to learn and use a language. 从上面的句子中可以看出differ是动词,different 是形容词,difference是名词。 6. … find it difficult to succeed in language learning. … find it difficult to succeed in other fields. 句中的it是形式宾语(formal object),真正的宾语(real object)是不定式to succeed in language learning,此类用法在英语中很常见,请注意掌握。如:At first I found it difficult to remember all these new words.(开始我感到记住这些单词很难。) 请翻译下面的句子: 1) 外面的噪音使我无法继续工作。 (The noise outside made it difficult for me to go on with my work.) 2) 他们觉得再争论下去是浪费时间。 (They consider it a waste of time to argue any further.) 3) 她认为把真相告诉小王是对的。 (She thought it right to tell Xiao Wang the truth.) 7. Language teachers often offer advice to language learners. 本句中注意掌握动词offer的用法,请看下面的例句: 1) He offered me a cup of tea after I sat down. (我坐下后他给我端来一杯茶。) 2) What suggestions would you like to offer to those young teachers? (对这些新教师你有什么建议要提吗?) 3) This shop offers all kinds of stationery.(这家商店供应各种文具。) 4) The old man offered me 100 yuan for the used bike. (那个老人向我出价100元买这辆旧自行车。) 5) She offered to help me with my English.(她表示愿意帮我学英语。) 句中的advice为不可数名词,其后不加s,正如课本第六页注解3所说,有许多东西在汉语中是可数的,在英语中却是不可数的。如news, information, paper 等,若要表示“一个”这类概念,就必须加a piece of这类定语,例如: a piece of news a piece of advice a sum of money a piece of bread 8. Read as much as you can. 句中的much 是副词,用副词作同等比较时,可以用as … as和so … as 这种结构,如: 1) Read as much as you can and your vocabulary will be enlarged.(尽量多阅读,你的词汇量就会扩大。) 2) We must arrange everything as well as we can.(我们要把一切尽可能地安排好。) 3) Please give me a call as soon as possible.(请尽早给我打电话。) 4) I don't speak English so well as you.(我英语讲得没你好。) 9. Practice speaking the language every day. practice 在美国英语中可以做动词也可以做名词,而在英国英语中,practice是名词,动词的拼写则是practise. 作动词用时,其后只能跟动名词,不能跟不定式。如:It is really no fun to practice running in such hot weather.(在这样炎热的天气里练跑步可真不是好玩的。) 10. Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways. that successful language learners are similar in many ways 是宾语从句。在非正式场合下that引导宾语从句时可省略。如:I think (that) you are right. 请翻译下面的句子: 1) 小男孩承认是他打碎了窗玻璃。 (The little boy admitted that he broke the window.) 2) 大量证据表明他是有罪的。(Plenty of evidence shows that he is guilty.) 3) 我保证将会给他更多的帮助。(I promised that I would give him more help.) 11. … they discover their own way to learn the language. to learn the language 不定式做定语,例如:Is it the best way to solve the problem?(这是解决问题的方法吗?) 请翻译下面的句子: 1) 他没有勇气承认自己是无知的。(He has no courage to say that he is ignorant.) 2) 这将是一个交流思想的好机会。(This will be a good opportunity to exchange ideas.) 3) 他们在会上没有发言权。(They had no right to speak at the meeting.) 12. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and rules for themselves. 动词不定式to explain和名词 teacher构成复合结构,作wait for的宾语,称为复合宾语。此类用法在英语中很常见,例如: 1) I'll get someone to repair the bike for you.(我去找人来帮你修自行车。) 2) He wants you to call him in the afternoon.(他要你下午给他打电话。) 3) The teacher is waiting for the students to answer the questions. (老师在等学生们回答问题。) 4) You can count on him to give you full support.(你放心,他会给你全力支持。) 请注意 instead of 与 instead 的区别: 1) Instead of staying at home watching TV, he went out for a walk. He didn't stay at home watching TV, instead he went out for a walk. 2) Instead of having milk for breakfast, he had a cup of coffee. He didn't have milk for breakfast, instead he had a cup of coffee. 13. When they guess wrong, they guess again. wrong常常作形容词或动词用,而本句中的wrong则作副词用。请注意下面句子中wrong的词类: 1) He was annoyed that he had been given some wrong information.(wrong adj.错误的) 2) I knew I had wronged her terribly when I gave her all the complaints.(wrong v. 冤枉) 3) The whole class burst into laughter when the teacher pronounced her name wrong.(wrong adv.错,不对)

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