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LESSON 2 Subject-Verb Agreement (II) 1.带确定数量词的名词词组做主语时的主谓一致 1)当主语是表示数目、时间、重量、距离等的复数名词时,如果该名词所表示的数量看作一个整体,其后的动词用单数。 Ten seconds of silence appears very awkward on television. A thousand dollars a month is more than I can afford. Four years I too long for me to wait. Sixty miles is a short run in a car. 2) 当主语是表示数目、时间、重量、距离等的复数名词时,如该名词所表示的数量看作单个个体,其后的动词用复数。 The past three weeks were the hardest time in his life. Hundreds of buildings were put up in the city last year. Five kilos of apples are placed into the basket. 3) 当主语为“分数或百分数+of+名词”时,其后的动词形式依照of后名词的单复数形式来定。 Three-fourths of the surface of the earth is sea. Three-fourths of the people do not agree with the president. One-fourth of the region is underdeveloped. Thirty percent of the oil in that country is imported. Ten percent of the eggs have gone bad. Fifty percent of the land in that region has been used to build factories. 4)当主语为sheep, fish, deer, aircraft, means, steelworks 等单数与复数同形的词时,动词的形式以名词单、复数意义为准。 An American aircraft was brought down by the anti-aircraft fire. Three aircraft are reported missing. Various means have been tried to solve the problem. Two steelworks were built ten years ago. Ten fish have been caught today. One sheep was killed by a wolf. 2.all的主谓一致 1) 代词all表示可数的人或物时,其后的动词用复数形式。 All were hungry and desperate for food. All who have seen the film love it. All of them enjoyed themselves at the party. 2) 代词all表示不可数的名词时,其后的动词用单数。 All is going well. All is quite in the middle of the night. All you have to do now is wait. All that glitters is not gold. All of his money is gone. 3) 形容词 all+可数名词时,其后的动词用复数形式。 All roads lead to Rome. All the people taking part in the race were over 60 years old. All things are difficult when we begin to do them. 4) 形容词all+不可数名词时,其后的动词用单数形式。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Not all food is good to eat. Translate the following into English 1.use the verb + noun or adj. + noun collocation 实现目标 to achieve goals 崇拜英雄 to worship heroes and heroines 崇拜金钱 to worship money 受到赏识 to gain recognition 获得自信 to gain self-confidence 保持沉默 to keep silence 打破沉默 to break the silence 推卸责任 to shake of responsibility 引起注意 to attract attention 分清敌友 to distinguish between friends and enemies 加快速度 to pick up speed 透露秘密 to disclose a secret 塑造历史 to shape history 塑造未来 to shape the future 开创生活 to start a new life 缓解贫穷 to ease poverty 取得进展 to make advances 现任总统 current president 工作重心 the main emphasis of the work 新颖观点 original ideas 真诚愿望 sincere wishes 2.use the “useful expressions” 1)去郑州的路上,我们经过一个被洪水冲毁的村庄。 On our way to Zhengzhou, we passed through a village which had been destroyed by the flood. 2)那次不寻常的经历使鲍勃变成一个耐心、宽容的人。 That unusual experience has turned Bob into a patient and tolerant person. 3)那人的头发染成了艳绿色,看上去象个小丑。 With his hair dyed bright green, that person looks like a clown. 4)他们总是对照专业人员的标准来审视自己的工作。 They are always measuring their own work against the standard set for the professionals'work. 5)便衣警察在黑暗里等着盗贼出现。 Plainclothes policemen were waiting in the dark for the burglars to show up. 6)琼丝太太的善良使男孩心里充满了希望和感激。 The kindness of Mrs. Jones filled the boy with hope and gratitude. 7)那些超级明星的私生活经常受到小报的评论。 The private lives of those superstars are often commented on by tabloids. 8)这个女孩子有非凡的毅力使她不同于她的同班同学。 This girl is distinguished from her classmates for her uncommon willpower. 9)日落时分,强劲的冷风由东南风转为西北风。 At sundown, the strong cold wind has shifted from the southeast to the northwest. 10)额的奖学金颁给了一位物理研究生。 The highest scholarship went to a postgraduate majoring in physics. 11)安徒生的童话以寓意深刻著称。 Anderson's fairy tales are known for their profound morals. 12)许多人开始意识到在公共场所使用蜂窝电话的负作用。 Many people have come to realize the side-effect from the use of cellular phones in public. 3.use make, recognize and define. 1)国际社会公认中华人民共和国代表全中国。 As universally recognized by the international community, the People's Republic of China stands for the whole China. 2)小时侯她的父母就教育他要准备为了国家的利益作出自我牺牲。 When she was a child, her parents taught her to be prepared for making self-sacrifice for the benefit of the motherland. 3)我们一眼就认出舞台上的那个罗密欧是我们的英国老师。 We immediately recognize our English teacher who was then playing the role of Romeo on the stage. 4)英国人的矜持使他们显得傲气。 The reserved manner of the British people makes them appear arrogant. 5)不同的民族对人权的定义有很大的不同。 Different people define human rights in very different ways. 6)我的朋友乔治因其新颖观点而倍加赞赏,他的成功使得我的努力显得微不足道。 My friend George was highly praised for his original ideas, and his achievement made my efforts appear insignificant. 7)林先生,请您明确描述您组织的宗旨好么? Mr. Liu, will you please clearly define the purposes of your organization? 8)我们对他人的同情心以及我们对学习的热忱使我们的生命更有意义。 Our compassion for others and our passion to study make our lives more meaningful. 9)我妹妹是流行音乐迷,可是她居然没有听出我刚才哼的歌曲。 My sister is pop music fan, and yet she didn't actually recognized the song that I hummed just now. 10)按照定义,文化偶像一般指的是被媒体大加炒作的的电视人、时装模特、职业运动员、电影明星等人。 By definition, cultural icons are generally those famous television personalities, fashion models, professional athletes and movie stars who are most highly publicized by the media. Translate the following sentences into English. 1)学生们没有一个人愿意本周末去郊游。 None oof the students are willing to go for an outing this weekend. 2)所有到场观看足球赛的人都非常激动。 All the people who came to watch the football game were very excited. 3)有1/4 的房屋没被利用起来。 One-fourth of the houses are yet to be used. 4)他们25%的工资被用来购买食物和衣服。 Twenty-five percent of their salaries is used to buy food and clothing. 5)五公斤的热带水果如香蕉、剥落等在我们这里值很多钱。 Five kilos of tropical fruit such as bananas and pineapple costs a lot here. 6)过去的10周是我迄今为止最幸福的10周。 The past ten weeks were the happiest weeks so far. 7)他所说的一切都无法让人相信。 All that he said is hard to believe. 8)只有20%的申请人得到了面试的机会。 Only twenty percent of the applicants get the chance to be interviewed.

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