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自考英语二,从去年改版后,出现两种版本的全国卷,一种是有单词拼写和英译汉,一种是没有单词拼写但是有作文。原自考英语(二)考试题型:1、单项选择题10题,10分2、阅读理解15题,30分3、完形填空10题,10分4、词形变换20题,10分5、汉译英5题,15分6、英译汉1题,15分2013年10月自考英语(二)题型调整为1、阅读判断10题,10分 该项实则为判断题,正确选A,错误选B,没有提及选C,所以永远没有D选项哦2、阅读理解5题,10分 该项大家都很熟悉,但较之以往考试,分值大大降低3、概况段落大意和补全句子10题,10分4、填句补文5题,10分5、填词补文10题,15分6、完型补文10题,15分,相当于之前的完形填空7、作文30分

107 评论


My FatherThere is always a brilliant image living in my heart. That is my dear father. Seen through the eyes of many other people, father seems to be a very ordinary person. But he is quite extraordinary in my eyes, I have never lost my wonder at his good-personalities such as diligence, devotion, care, optimism ever since my childhood.Being a farmer, father works very hard in the fields all the year round. He works from dawn till dusk every day and even till midnight when it is the harvest season. He seldom enjoys leisure with other farmers even if the farm work is not much. He chooses to live a busy life with reluctance to stop for a while.Father devotes all himself to our family. As we are poor, he always tries his best to support our family and afford the tuitions for my brother and me. For the whole family, for brother and me, he never stops working laboriously in the fields throughout the year. Now he has got a wrinkled face and white hair because of excessive hard work, looking much older and weaker than any other person of his age. In spite of all this, father never complains to us. It is his full devotion that we’re living a better life now. It is his full devotion that both my brother and I are able to study at college.Father shows much care to us children and my mother as well. Whenever there is any delicious food on the table, he just leaves it to us while he takes the simple one himself. If my brother and I fall ill, he will not hesitate a moment to get some medicine for us or take us to see the doctor. My mother suffers a bad disease. Father looks after her very carefully. He never lets mother do any heavy work both at home and in the field. Mother appreciates him m much that she often praises him as a model husband before others.Father is a person full of optimism. He never complains about our poor life. He is never frustrated by trouble. He often tells us that everything will be all right if we have enough confidence in life. Due to his optimism, we are all confident to face our life and work.We all think that father is not in the least an ordinary man. He plays an extraordinary role in my family. We can’t have anything without him. Now I’m pursuing further studies at college far away from father. I miss him very much. And I often see him in my dreams. His great image is deeply carved in my mind.参考于自考英语作文

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新00015英语二|全国统考00015英语(二)历年真题|黎芸 自考 英语(二)  视频版|考证保障班《00015-英语(二)55课时》|教材视频精讲含同步讲义|单词表|自考经验小技巧.docx|00015英语二作文模板之二 (2).doc|00015英语(二)作文模板之一.doc|0015英语(二)大纲词汇表.doc|00015英语二词组表.doc|00015英语二词汇表(整理版).docx|第9章Unit 9 Facing Life’s Challenges|第8章Unit 8 The Great Minds|第7章Unit 7 Inner Voice

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