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近年来,雾霾天气已经成为日常生活的一个正确的在中国的很大一部分。人们不得不戴上口罩以避免呼吸有毒空气。因此有必要找出原因导致,解决了分辨率。如果我们跟踪霾天气的原因,主要有以下几点,第一,中国的空气质量标准是相当宽松的评价因素是有限的,所以你会看到,目前的空气评估体系有缺陷。第二,有些人只是为了经济利益而出的产品根据相关的法律法规。他们倾向于使用陈旧的设备,他们有很高的可能排放出大量的废气。第三,在我们的社会中,相关的保护意识还没有建立起来,人们已经形成了习惯使用绿色产品和节能的尽可能多的。只是为了方便出门的缘故,人们越来越依赖于旅行和工作的汽车,而汽车是雾霾天气的主要原因为了解决这个问题,应采取一系列措施如下。第一,我们应加强空气监测到的微粒污染物浓度降低。其次,我们应该制定更加严格的法律法规,不断完善我们现有的环境保护法律规范人们的日常行为和工业生产和惩罚那些工厂忽视保护和保持发射危险材料造成的阴霾。第三,要大力发展绿色能源,节能低排放的烟雾和改善空气质量。就我而言,如果我们一起能做这样的措施,我们的环境会越来越好,灰霾天气会完全消失。Recently,haze weather has become a daily one right here in large part of China.People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air.So it is necessary to find out the reason why leads to that and work out the resolution.If we trace the cause for haze weather ,the main points are as follows ,first,china 's air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited,so you will see that current air appraisal system has defects.Second,some people just go for economic interests instead of turning out products according to relevant law and regulations.They tend to use obsolete equipment in which they are high likely to emit a great deal of wasted air.Third,across our society ,relevant protection awareness has not built up so that people havent formed a habit of using green product and saving energy as much as possible.Just for the sake of convience to go out,people rely more and more on travelling and working by car while car is the main cause for the haze weatherTo settle this problem,a series of meaures should be taken as follows.First ,we should strengthen air monitor to lower the levels of small particulate pollutants.Second,we should enact more strict laws and regulations and keep perfecting our current law on environmental protection to regulate people 's daily action and the industrial production and punish those factories that ignore the protection and keep emitting dangerous material that cause haze.Third,we should develop green and energy-saving energy to lower the emission of haze and improve air quality.As far as i am concerned ,if we work together to be able to do such measures ,our environment will getting better and better and haze weather will vanish completely.(温馨提示:雾霾天出行天 猫有普卫欣美国进口的可以防止雾霾吸入)

282 评论


First, the impact on the respiratory system;Second,effects on the cardiovascular system;Third,haze weather also can lead to formation of ultraviolet weakened near,Increasing the activity of the infectious pathogen in the air,and increasing the infectious diseases;Tourth,because of the fog lack,Children lack of ultraviolet irradiation,Vitamin D production decreases,the absorption of calcium also decreases, if Serious it can also cause rickets in infants,leading to children's growth to slow down; Fifth,affect mental health;Sixth,influence of traffic safety

163 评论


Recently,haze weather has become a daily one right here in large part of China.People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air.So it is necessary to find out the reason why leads to that and work out the resolution.If we trace the cause for haze weather ,the main points are as follows ,first,china 's air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited,so you will see that current air appraisal system has defects.Second,some people just go for economic interests instead of turning out products according to relevant law and regulations.They tend to use obsolete equipment in which they are high likely to emit a great deal of wasted air.Third,across our society ,relevant protection awareness has not built up so that people havent formed a habit of using green product and saving energy as much as possible.Just for the sake of convience to go out,people rely more and more on travelling and working by car while car is the main cause for the haze weatherTo settle this problem,a series of meaures should be taken as follows.First ,we should strengthen air monitor to lower the levels of small particulate pollutants.Second,we should enact more strict laws and regulations and keep perfecting our current law on environmental protection to regulate people 's daily action and the industrial production and punish those factories that ignore the protection and keep emitting dangerous material that cause haze.Third,we should develop green and energy-saving energy to lower the emission of haze and improve air quality.As far as i am concerned ,if we work together to be able to do such measures ,our environment will getting better and better and haze weather will vanish completely.


110 评论




this kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources. natural sources can include windblown dust, and soot from wildfires. manmade sources can include motor vehicles, and industrial fuel burning, and manufacturing operations. the one of the main cause that touches off haze is manufacturing operations. many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air become air pollution.



oday, seeing the news broadcast on TV that there is "haze" weather in many cities such as Beijing, pedestrians are wearing masks to go out So he asked his father curiously, "is haze an infectious disease?" My father said, "you can check the Internet yourself. Which one is more detailed?" So, I turn on the computer, "haze" just know it was a kind of harm.

"Haze" was originally caused by low air pressure, non circulation, many particles floating, a lot of dust floating on the ground and automobile exhaust, factory production or heating at home. "Haze" particles will have a serious impact on the human respiratory tract, such as coughing, expectoration, asthma, tracheitis, etc., and even more serious will lead to death. How terrible! I hurriedly went on to see what I could do to deal with it. On the Internet, I said that I would try not to go out in the morning. I would wear a mask and eat more lung clearing and lung moistening food, such as fat sea tea, stewed red pear with scallops and so on.

Such a big "pest" was originally caused by the unlimited exploitation and destruction of the environment by human beings themselves. How I wish our living environment was blue sky and clear water, picturesque in four seasons! Please return the earth green!





When it comes to haze, I believe many people hate it to the bone and sigh when talking about it. No, just a few sunny days, Monday morning gave us a big "surprise".

In the morning, as soon as I stepped out of the door, I was stunned by the scene in front of me: the sky seemed to be covered by a gray cloth, and the pedestrians, roadside plants and cars on the road were also dyed gray. Everything is covered with a layer of ash. Walking on the street, the visibility is less than 100 meters. Under the influence of haze, the original clear scene becomes extremely blurred. Even the bright colors of the traffic lights seem to be in a trance.

At school, the situation has not changed, and low temperature is of no use. The red flag is flying in the middle of the air. The soft and beautiful movements are slightly slow due to the influence of the dust around. Because in haze days, many small particles will be inhaled, and the oxygen content in the air will be reduced, which is not suitable for sports, so the physical education class in the morning has also been cancelled. I dont know if I should be happy or worried.

Haze days, its really annoying!






Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles ,and it obscure the clarity of the sky and interacts with the natural environment.

This kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources. Natural sources can include windblown dust, and soot from wildfires. Manmade sources can include motor vehicles, and industrial fuel burning, and manufacturing operations. The one of the main cause that touches off haze is manufacturing operations. Many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air become air pollution.

The components that make up haze may have negative effect on peoples health especially that of the children and the elderly. Also not excluded are those who have certain diseases such as asthma, allergy, and pneumonia and lung disease. Workers working in the open air have a high risk in their health. One of effective solutions to help eliminate haze is to make some chemistry changes during the manufacturing process,so it could reduce harmful emissions which are produced by manufacturing operations. Caring for the environment, it should be started by each person.







Since the development of the technology, the society gets modernized, people make use of the high technology to pursue more profit. Though the government has noticed the problem that people do to the environment, they still can’t prevent negative result that the polluted environment brings.

Many years ago, the most prominent problem of the polluted environment is that the river and the water were changed their color, some fish even died for the polluted river. Now the situation becomes ever worse, lately, in the big city, like Beijing and Shanghai, people are annoyed by the bad weather. It is not the rainy day, but the haze around the sky, there is no way for people to run away for it. The haze contains toxic elements, people breathe it and hurt their bodies.

The haze problem is the result of people’s pursuit for the profit, what people did to the environment now has been paid back by the environment. Now people have realized the revenge from the nature is so huge, protecting the environment is the main task. No matter how bad the environment is, people still need to do something to fix their mistake.
















有研究表明,长期暴露于高浓度污染的空气中的人群,其精子在体外受精时的成功率可能会降低。研究人员还发现了有毒空气和男性生育能力下降之间的关联 。雾霾天气现象会给气候、环境、健康、经济等方面造成显著的负面影响。








348 评论





Affect the ecological environment.

Smog weather has an important impact on roads, railways, aviation, shipping, power supply systems, and crop growth.

Fog and cockroaches will cause a decline in air quality, affecting the ecological environment and causing greater harm to human health.



Affecting human cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

The effect of smog on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases of the human body is also very serious.

It will hinder the normal blood circulation, leading to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, coronary heart disease, cerebral hemorrhage,.

It may also induce angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure, etc., so that chronic bronchitis Pulmonary heart disease and other symptoms.



Not conducive to the growth of children.

Due to the reduction of sunshine in foggy days, children's ultraviolet radiation is insufficient.

And the production of vitamin D in the body is insufficient, and the absorption of calcium is greatly reduced, which may cause rickets in infants and slow growth of children.



Affect traffic safety.

In the smog weather, due to poor air quality, visibility is low, traffic congestion is likely to occur, and traffic accidents occur.



Increase the probability of suffering from infectious diseases.

The haze weather can also cause the weakening of the ultraviolet rays in the near-surface layer, which increases the activity of infectious bacteria in the air and increases the number of infectious diseases.


316 评论


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