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lesson3 使用暴力 Lesson Three The Use of Force 他们是我的新病人,我所知道的只有名字,奥尔逊。 They were new patients to me, all I had was the name, Olson. 请您尽快赶来,我女儿病得很重。 “Please come down as soon as you can, my daughter is very sick.” 当我到达时,孩子的母亲迎接了我,这是一位看上去惊恐不安的妇人,衣着整洁却一脸忧伤的神色她只是说,这位就是医生吗? When I arrived I was met by the mother, a big startled looking woman, very clean and apologetic who merely said, Is this the doctor? 然后带我进了屋。 And let me in. 在后面,她又说到,请你一定要原谅我们,医生,我们让她呆在厨房里,那儿暖和,这里有时很潮湿。 In the back, she added. You must excuse us, doctor, we have her in the kitchen where it is warm. It is very damp here sometimes. 在厨房的桌子旁边,这个孩子穿得严严实实的,坐在她父亲的腿上。 The child was fully dressed and sitting on here father's lap near the kitchen table. 他父亲试图站起来,但我向他示意不用麻烦,然后我脱下外套开始检查。 He tried to get up, but I motioned for him not to bother, took off my overcoat and started to look things over. 我能够觉察出他们都很紧张,而且用怀疑的眼光上下打量着我。 I could see that they were all very nervous, eyeing me up and down distrustfully. 在这种情形下,他们通常不会提供太多的情况,而是等着我告诉他们病情,这就是为什么他们会在我身上花3美元。 As often, in such cases, they weren't telling me more than they had to, it was up to me to tell them; that's why they were spending three dollars on me. 这个孩子用她那冷漠而镇定的目光目不转睛地盯着我,脸上没有任何表情。 The child was fairly eating me up with her cold, steady eyes, and no expression on her face whatever. 她纹丝不动,内心似乎很平静。这是一个非常惹人喜爱的小东西,外表长得象小牛一样结实。 She did not move and seemed, inwardly, quiet; an unusually attractive little thing, and as strong as a heifer in appearance. 但是她的脸发红,而且呼吸急促,我知道她在发着高烧。 But her face was flushed, she was breathing rapidly, and I realized that she had a high fever. 她长着一头漂亮浓密的金发,就像刊登在广告插页上和周日报纸图片版上的那些孩子一样。 She had magnificent blonde hair, in profusion. One of those picture children often reproduced in advertising leaflets and the photogravure sections of the Sunday papers. 她发烧已经3天了,她父亲开口说,我们不知道是什么原因。 She's had a fever for three days, began the father and we don't know what it comes from. 我太太给她吃了一些药,你知道,大家都是这样做的,可这些药根本不管用,而且,附近有很多人都生了病,所以我们想请您给她检查一下,然后告诉我们是怎么一回事。 My wife has given her things, you know, like people do, but it don't do no good. And there's been a lot of sickness around. So we tho't you'd better look her over and tell us what is the matter. 像医生们经常做的那样,我问了个问题,想以此来猜测一下病症所在。 As doctors often do I took a trial shot at it as a point of departure. Has she had a sore throat? 父母两人一起回答说,没有……没有,她说她的嗓子不疼。 Both parents answered me together, No…No, she says her throat don't hurt her. 你嗓子疼吗?母亲又问了一下孩子。 Does your throat hurt you? Added the mother to the child. 女孩的表情没有任何变化,而她的目光却一直没有从我的脸上移开。 But the little girl's expression didn't change nor did she move her eyes from my face. 你看过她的嗓子了吗? Have you looked? 我想看,孩子的母亲说,但看不见。 I tried to, said the mother but II couldn't see. 这个月碰巧她上学的那个学校已经有好几例白喉病。虽然到目前为止没有人说出这件事,但很显然,我们心里都想到了。 As it happens we had been having a number of cases of diphtheria in the school to which this child went during that month and we were all, quite apparently, thinking of that, though no one had as yet spoken of the thing. 好了,我说,我们先看看嗓子吧。 Well, I said, suppose we take a look at the throat first. 我以医生特有的职业方式微笑着,叫着孩子的名字。我说,来吧,玛蒂尔达,张开嘴,让我看一下你的嗓子。 I smiled in my best professional manner and asking for the child's first name I said, come on, Mathilda, open your mouth and let's take a look at your throat. 没有任何反应。 Nothing doing. 哦,来吧,我劝道,张大你的嘴,让我看看。看,我说着把两只手伸开,我的手里没有东西,张大嘴,让我看看。 Aw, come on, I coaxed, just open your mouth wide and let me take a look. Look, I said opening both hands wide, I haven't anything in my hands. Just open up and let me see. 他是一个多好的人呀,她的母亲插话道。你看他对你多好呀,来,听话。他不会伤害你的。 Such a nice man, put in the mother. Look how kind he is to you. Come on, do what he tells you to. He won't hurt you. 听到这里我狠狠地咬了咬牙,要是他们没用“伤害”这个词,我也许能做点什么,但是我没有着急或恼怒,而是慢声细语地说着话,一边再次靠近这个孩子。 As that I ground my teeth in disgust. If only they wouldn't use the word “hurt” I might be able to get somewhere. But I did not allow myself to be hurried or disturbed but speaking quietly and slowly I approached the child again. 我刚将椅子拉近一点,突然,她像猫一样双手本能地朝我的两眼抓去,我差一点被她抓到。 As I moved my chair a little nearer suddenly with one catlike movement both her hands clawed instinctively for my eyes and she almost reached them too. 好在她只是打掉了我的眼镜,虽然眼镜没有碎,但已落到了离我几英尺远的厨房地板上。 In fact she knocked my glasses flying and they fell, though unbroken, several feet away from me on the kitchen floor. 父母两人都非常尴尬,充满歉意,你这个坏孩子,母亲一边说,一边抓着她,并摇晃着她的一只手,你看看你做的事。这么一个好人。 Both the mother and father almost turned themselves inside out in embarrassment and apology. You bad girl, said the mother, taking her and shaking here by one arm. Look what you've done. The nice man… 看在上帝的份上,我打断了她的话,请不要再在她面前说我是一个好人。 For heaven's sake, I broke in. Don't call me a nice man to her. 我来是看看她的嗓子,也许她患了白喉,而且很可能会死于这种病。 I'm here to look at her throat on the chance that she might have diphtheria and possibly die of it. 但这一切她都不在乎,看这儿,我对女孩说,我们想看看你的嗓子,你不小了,应该明白我说的话,你是自己张开嘴呢,还是我们帮你张开? But that's nothing to her. Look here, I said to the child, we're going to look at your throat. You're old enough to understand what I'm saying. Will you open it now by yourself or shall we have to open it for you? 她仍然一动不动,甚至连表情都没有任何变化。 Not a move. Even her expression hadn't changed. 但是她的呼吸却越来越急促。 Her breaths, however, were coming faster and faster. 接着一场战役开始了,我不得不这样做。 Then the battle began. I had to do it. 由于她的自我保护,我必须检查一下她的嗓子。 I had to have a throat culture for her own protection. 可是我首先告诉家长这完全取决于他们。 But first I told the parents that it was entirely up to them. 我说明了其危险性,但同时提出只要他们承担责任我就不会坚持做这次喉咙检查。 I explained the danger but said that I would not insist on a throat examination so long as they would take the responsibility. 如果你不按大夫说的去做,你就要去医院了,母亲严厉地警告她。 If you don't do what the doctor says you'll have to go to the hospital, the mother admonished her severely. 是吗?我只好暗自笑了笑。毕竟我已经喜欢上了这个野蛮的小东西,但却看不起这对父母。 Oh yeah? I had to smile to myself. After all, I had already fallen in love with the savage brat, the parents were contemptible to me. 在接下来的“战斗”中他们越来越难堪,被摧垮了,直至精疲力竭。而这个女孩由于恐惧,她对我的抗拒达到了惊人的地步。 In the ensuing struggle they grew more and more abject, crushed, exhausted while she surely rose to magnificent heights of insane fury of effort bred of her terror of me. 父亲尽了的努力,他块头很大,然而事实上他面对着的是他的女儿,由于对她的所作所为感到愧疚和担心伤到她,他每次在我几乎就要成功了的关键时刻放开了她,我真恨不得杀了他。 The father tried his best, and he was a big man but the fact that she was his daughter, his shame at her behavior and his dread of hurting her made him release her just at the critical times when I had almost achieved success, till I wanted to kill him. 可是,因为又担心她真会患上白喉,尽管他自己就快昏到了,他又告诉我继续,继续,而她的母亲在我们的身后走来走去,忧愁万分地抖着双手。 But his dread also that she might have diphtheria made him tell me to go on, go on though he himself was almost fainting, while the mother moved back and forth behind us raising and lowering her hands in an agony of apprehension. 把她放在你的大腿上,我命令道,抓住她的两个手腕。 Put her in front of you on your lap, I ordered, and hold both her wrists. 然而他刚一动手,女孩就尖叫了一声。 But as soon as he did the child let out a scream. 别这样,你会弄疼我的。 Don't, you're hurting me. 放开我的手,放手,我告诉你。 Let go of my hands. Let them go I tell you. 接着她发出可怕的歇斯底里的尖叫,住手!住手!你会弄死我的! Then she shrieked terrifyingly, hysterically. Stop it! Stop it! You're killing me! 你觉得她受得了吗?医生!她母亲说。 Do you think she can stand it, doctor! Said the mother. 你出去,丈夫对他的妻子说,你想让她死于白喉吗? You get out, said the hu******************and to his wife. Do you want her to die of diphtheria? 来吧,抓住她,我说道。 Come on now, hold her, I said. 接着我用左手掰住女孩的头,并试图将木制的压舌板伸进她的嘴里。 Then I grasped the child's head with my left hand and tried to get the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth. 她紧咬着牙绝望地反抗着! She fought, with clenched teeth, desperately! 而此时我也变得狂怒了——对一个孩子。 But now I also had grown furious-at a child. 我试图让自己不要发脾气,但却做不到,我知道怎样去检查她的嗓子。 I tried to hold myself down but I couldn't. I know how to expose a throat for inspection. 我尽了的努力。当我终于把木制的压舌板伸到最后一排牙齿的后面时,她张开了嘴,然而只是一瞬间,我还来不及看她又把嘴闭上了,没等我把它取出来,她的臼齿已经紧紧咬住了压舌板,并把压舌板咬成了碎片。 And I did my best. When finally I got the wooden spatula behind the last teeth and just the point of it into the mouth cavity, she opened up for an instant but before I could see anything she came down again and gripped the wooden blade between her molars. She reduces it to splinters before I could get it out again. 你不害臊吗?妈妈朝她大声训斥道。你在大夫面前这样不觉得害臊吗? Aren't you ashamed, the mother yelled at her. Aren't you ashamed to act like that in front of the doctor? 给我拿一把平柄的勺子什么的,我对母亲说。 Get me a smooth-handled spoon of some sort, I told the mother. 我们还要接着做下去。 We're going through with this. 孩子的嘴已经流血了。 The child's mouth was already bleeding. 她的舌头破了,还在歇斯底里地大叫着。 Her tongue was cut and she was screaming in wild hysterical shrieks. 也许我应该停下来,过一个多小时再回来无疑这样会好一些。 Perhaps I should have desisted and come back in an hour or more. No doubt it would have been better. 但我已经看到至少两个孩子因为这种情况而被疏忽了,躺在床上死去,我感到我必须现在进行诊断,否则就再没有机会了。 But I have seen at least two children lying dead in bed of neglect in such cases, and feeling that I must get a diagnosis now or never I went at it again. 然而最糟糕的是,我也失去了理智,我本可以在盛怒之下将女孩的嘴扒开来享受其中的快乐,向她发起进攻真是一件乐事,我的脸也因此而发热。 But the worst of it was that I too had got beyond reason. I could have torn the child apart in my own fury and enjoyed it. It was a pleasure to attack her, my face was burning with it. 在这种时候,谁都会叮咛自己,无论这个可恶的小鬼做出任何愚蠢的举动,也要违背她的意愿来保护她。 The damned little brat must be protected against her own idiocy, one says to one's self at such times. 这样做也是为了保护其他孩子,同时这也是一种社会需要,事实也确是如此。 Others must be protected against her. It is a social necessity. And all these things are true. 然而由于释放体内能量的欲望而产生的一种盲目的无法控制的狂怒和一种成年人的羞耻感,使我一直坚持到最后。 But a blind fury,a feeling of adult shame, bred of a longing for muscular release are the operatives. One goes on to the end. 在最后失去理性的“战斗”中,我控制了女孩的脖子和下巴,我强行将沉重的银勺从她的牙后面伸到嗓子直到她作呕。 In the final unreasoning assault I overpowered the child's neck any jaws. I forced the heavy silver spoon back of her teeth and down her throat till she gagged. 果然,两个扁桃体上有着一层膜状物。她勇敢地反抗就是为了不让我发现她的这个秘密,她至少隐瞒了3天嗓子疼,并对父母撒谎,都是为了逃避这样一个结果。 And there it was – both tonsils covered with membrane. She had fought valiantly to keep me from knowing her secret. She had been hiding that sore throat for three days at least and lying to her parents in order to escape just such an outcome as this. 现在,她真的狂怒了,在这以前她一直处于守势,但是现在她开始进攻了。 Now truly she was furious. She had been on the defensive before but now she attacked, Tried to get off her father's lap and fly at me while tears of defeat blinded her eye.

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工 作 Lesson Thirteen Work 究竟工作是幸福还是痛苦的源泉,这可能是一个难以回答的问题。 Whether work should be placed among the causes of happiness or among the causes of unhappiness may perhaps be regarded as a doubtful question. 毫无疑问有许多工作是非常令人厌烦的,而且过多的工作总是十分痛苦的事。 There is certainly much work which is exceedingly irksome, and an excess of work is always very painful. 然而我认为,只要不过量,对多数人来说即使是最枯燥的工作也比终日无所事事要好些。 I think, however, that, provided work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness. 工作给人的愉快的程度多种多样,从仅仅是消烦解闷到产生巨大的快乐,这会随工作的性质和工作者的能力而异。 There are in work all grades, from mere relief of tedium up to the profoundest delights, according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the worker. 大多数人不得不从事的工作本身大都无乐趣可言,但即使是这样的工作也有一些很大的好处。 Most of the work that most people have to do is not in itself interesting, but even such work has certain great advantages. 首先,工作可将一天的许多时间占满,人们不必再费神来决定应干些什么,大多数人在可以自由地按自己的愿望打发时间时,常常会不知所措,想不起有什么令人愉快的事值得去做。 To begin with, it fills a good many hours of the day without the need of deciding what one shall do. Most people, when they are left free to fill their own time according to their own choice, are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing. 而他们的决定又总是受到干扰,觉得干别的什么事也许会更令人愉快。 And whatever they decide on, they are troubled by the feeling that something else would have been pleasanter. 能够有意义地利用闲暇时间是文明发展到阶段的结果,而目前很少有人能达到这一层次。 To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level. 何况作出选择本身就是件令人厌烦的事。 Moreover the exercise of choice is in itself tiresome. 除了那些具有非凡主动性的人,其他的人肯定有人乐于被告诉一天中的每时每刻该做什么,当然命令他们做的事不能太令人厌烦。 Except to people with unusual initiative it is positively agreeable to be told what to do at each hour of the day, provided the orders are not too unpleasant. 多数无所事事的阔佬免遭从事单调乏味工作之苦,但代价是莫名其妙的无聊。 Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery. 有时他们去非洲猎取巨兽或环绕世界飞行来解闷,但这类刺激的数量有限,尤其到了中年以后更是如此。 At times they may find relief by hunting big game in Africa, or by flying round the world, but the number of such sensations is limited, especially after youth is past. 因此较为明智的阔佬们工作起来几乎像穷人一样卖力,而有钱的女人则大多忙于她们自以为具有震撼世界般重要性的无数琐事。 Accordingly the more intelligent rich men work nearly as hard as if they were poor, while rich women for the most part keep themselves busy with innumerable trifles of whose earthshaking importance they are firmly persuaded. 因此人们愿意工作,首先因为工作可防止产生无聊感。比起终日无所事事而造成的无聊来,人们在干着虽必要但缺乏兴趣的工作时所感到的枯燥无聊就不值一提了。 Work therefore is desirable, first and foremost, as a preventive of boredom, for the boredom that a man feels when he is doing necessary though uninteresting work is as nothing in comparison with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days. 与工作的这一好处相关的还有一个好处,那就是假日到来会令人感到更加美妙。只要一个人的工作不至于累得他体力不支,那么他就会从他的闲暇时间里得到无所事事的人绝对得不到的极大乐趣。 With this advantage of work another is associated, namely that it makes holidays much more delicious when they come. Provided a man does not have to work so hard as to impair his vigor, he is likely to find far more zest in his free time than an idle man could possibly find. 多数有报酬的工作和某些没有报酬的工作还有第二个好处,那就是它们提供了成功的机会和实现抱负的可能。 The second advantage of most paid work and of some unpaid work is that it gives chances of success and opportunities for ambition. 在多数工作中,收入的多少是衡量成功与否的标准,当我们这个资本主义社会继续存在时,这是不可避免的。 In most work success is measured by income and while our capitalistic society continues, this is inevitable. 只有在工作的情况下收入才不再被用作当然的衡量标准。 It is only where the best work is concerned that this measure ceases to be the natural one to apply. 人们想增加收入当然是出自钱多了可以获得更多的舒适享受这一愿望,但同样也出自想获得成功的愿望。 The desire that men feel to increase their income is quite as much a desire for success as for the extra comforts that a higher income can procure. 无论工作多么枯燥单调,如果它是能够使人逐渐成名的手段,无论是在世界上出名还是就在自己的圈子里出名,那么这工作就不再难以忍受了。 However dull work may be, it becomes bearable if it is a means of building up a reputation, whether in the world at large or only in one's own circle. 归根结底,幸福的最重要的因素之一是有始终如一的目的。而对多数人来说这样的目的主要来自他们的工作。 Continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingredients of happiness in the long run, and for most men this comes chiefly through their work. 在这一点上,终日从事家务的妇女便远不如男子幸运,也没有走出家庭参加工作的妇女幸运。 In this respect those women whose lives are occupied with housework are much less fortunate than men, or than women who work outside the home. 家庭妇女没有工资,无法改善自己的状况,她所干的一切在她的丈夫看来都是理所当然的(她的丈夫对此几乎是熟视无睹),丈夫欣赏的不是她干的家务活,而是她的其他品质。 The domesticated wife does not receive wages, has no means of bettering herself, is taken for granted by her hu and (who sees practically nothing of what she does), and is valued by him not for her housework but for quite other qualities. 当然对那些有足够的钱可以把住宅和花园搞得十分漂亮而成为邻居们的羡慕对象的女人来说,情况就不一样,但这样的女人相对来说数量较少,对于大多数妇女,家务带给她们的满足远不如其他工作带给男子或职业妇女的满足。 Of course this does not apply to those women who are sufficiently well-to-do to make beautiful houses and beautiful gardens and become the envy of their neighbors; but such women are comparatively few, and for the great majority housework cannot bring as much satisfaction as work of other kinds brings to men and to professional women. 多数工作都能使人满意地消磨掉时间,而且给人们实现抱负提供某种令人满意的途径,虽然这途径不起眼。一般说来这种满足足以使一个即使工作枯燥无味的人也比无事可做的人感到快乐。但如果从事的是有趣的工作,就能给人带来比仅仅是解闷高级得多的满足。 The satisfaction of killing time and of affording some outlet, however modest, for ambition, belongs to most work, and is sufficient to make even a man whose work is dull happier on the average than a man who has no work at all. But when work is interesting, it is capable of giving satisfaction of a far higher order than mere relief from tedium. 有兴趣的工作可以按其包含乐趣的大小顺序排列,我先谈小有乐趣的工作,最后谈那些值得伟大人物投入全部精力的工作。 The kinds of work in which there is some interest may he arranged in a hierarchy. I shall begin with those which are only mildly interesting and end with those that are worthy to absorb the whole energies of a great man. 两个使工作有趣的主要因素,一是需要运用技巧,二是有建设性。 Two chief elements make work interesting: first, the exercise of skill, and second, construction. 凡是掌握了不同寻常的技巧的人都喜欢运用这种技巧,直至他感到太平常或他再也不能提高时为止。 Every man who has acquired some unusual skill enjoys exercising it until it has become a matter of course, or until he can no longer improve himself. 这种想要自我表现的动机从幼儿时代就开始了:一个能倒立的男孩总是不想用脚站立。 This motive to activity begins in early childhood: a boy who can stand on his head becomes reluctant to stand on his feet. 许多工作同靠技艺取胜的游戏一样给人以快乐。 A great deal of work gives the same pleasure that is to be derived from games of skill. 律师或政治家的工作一定更愉快而且包含着许多和打桥牌同样的快乐。 The work of a lawyer or a politician must contain in a more delectable form a great deal of the same pleasure that is to be derived from playing bridge. 当然这里不仅运用了技巧,而且还在智力较量上胜过了一个本领高超的对手。 Here of course there is not only the exercise of skill but the outwitting of a skilled opponent. 即使在不存在竞争因素的情况下,表演高难的绝技也是件令人惬意的事情。 Even where this competitive element is absent, however, the performance of difficult feats is agreeable. 能驾驶飞机进行特技飞行的人会从中获得极大的快乐,以至为此甘愿冒生命危险。 A man who can do stunts in an aero——plane finds the pleasure so great that for the sake of it he is willing to risk his life. 我想像尽管一个能干的外科医生工作时处在令人痛苦的气氛中,他还是能从精湛的手术中得到满足。 I imagine that an able surgeon, in spite of the painful circumstances in which his work is done, derives satisfaction from the exquisite precision of his operations. 从大量层次较低的工作中也能得到同样的,只是在程度上没有那么强烈的快乐。 The same kind of pleasure, though in a less intense form, is to be derived from a great deal of work of a humbler kind. 只要工作中需要的技巧不是一成不变的,或存在着不断提高的余地,那么一切需要熟练技巧的工作都会是令人愉快的。 All skilled work can be pleasurable, provided the skill required is either variable or capable of indefinite improvement. 但如不具备上述两个条件,在人们掌握的技巧达到顶峰以后,这种工作便不再有兴趣了。 If these conditions are absent, it will cease to be interesting when a man has acquired his maximum skill. 一个从事3英里长跑的运动员到了不能再打破自己纪录的年龄以后,就不会再从这个职业中获得乐趣。 A man who runs three-mile races will cease to find pleasure in this occupation when he passes the age at which he can beat his own previous record. 幸而有相当数量的工作随新的情况出现而需要新的技巧,人们可以不断提高自己的技巧,至少可以一直继续到中年以后。 Fortunately there is a very considerable amount of work in which new circumstances call for new skill and a man can go on improving, at any rate until he has reached middle age. 从事某些技巧性工作的人,比如从政的人,似乎在60岁到70岁之间才达到颠峰状态,原因是在这些职业中,丰富的阅历至关重要。 In some kinds of skilled work, such as politics, for example, it seems that men are at their best between sixty and seventy, the reason being that in such occupations a wide experience of other men is essential. 因此有成就的政治家在70岁时往往会比其他同龄人幸福。 For this reason successful politicians are apt to be happier at the age of seventy than any other men of equal age. 在这一点上惟一能与他们相比的是大公司的首脑人物。 Their only competitors in this respect are the men who are the heads of big businesses. 然而的工作还具有另一因素,作为幸福的源泉它比运用技巧更为重要,这便是建设性。 There is, however, another element possessed by the best work, which is even more important as a source of happiness than is the exercise of skill. This is the element of constructiveness. 有些工作在完成后,结果会像纪念碑一样存在下去,尽管并非多数工作都能如此。 In some work, though by no means in most, something is built up which remains as a monument when the work is completed. 我们可以用下列标准区分是建设还是破坏。 We may distinguish construction from destruction by the following criterion. 如果是建设,则初始阶段事物较为缺少章法,而到最后阶段则体现出某个目标来;如为破坏,则正好相反,初始阶段体现出某个目标,而最后阶段则是缺少章法,也就是说,破坏者惟一的目的是制造出一个不具备某一目标的状态来。 In construction the initial state of affairs is comparatively haphazard, while the final stale of affairs embodies a purpose. In destruction the reverse is the case; the initial stale of affairs embodies a purpose, while the final state of affairs is haphazard, that is to say, all that is intended by the destroyer is to produce a state of affairs which does not embody a certain purpose. 适用这一标准的体最明显的一个例子,就是建造和拆除房屋。 This criterion applies in the most literal and obvious case, namely the construction and destruction of buildings. 在建造房屋时,预先制定好的方案得到实施,而在拆除房屋时没有人明确规定拆毁后残砖烂瓦应如何处置。 In constructing a building a previously made plan is carried out, whereas in destroying it no one decides exactly how the materials are to lie when the demolition is completed. 当然破坏常常是随之而来的建设的必要前提,在这种情况下它便成了整个建设的一部分。 Destruction is of course necessary very often as a preliminary to subsequent construction, in that case it is part of a whole which is constructive. 但有时一个人从事的活动旨在破坏而不是考虑此后可能进行的建设活动,他常常会标榜自己是为了重新建设而扫平一切,但一般说来如果这是个借口,只要问他随后的建设是什么样就会揭穿他。人们会发现在这一问题上他会含糊其词,毫无热情,但对于作为准备工作的破坏他却津津乐道,谈得十分具体。 But not infrequently a man will engage in activities of which the purpose is destructive without regard to any construction that may come after. Frequently he will conceal this from himself by the belief that he is only sweeping sway in order to build afresh, but it is generally possible to unmask this pretense, when it is a pretense, by asking him what the subsequent construction is to he. On this subject it will be found that he will speak vaguely and without enthusiasm, whereas on the preliminary destruction he has spoken precisely and with zest. 不少的革命者、尚武分子及其他暴力的信徒们就是如此。 This applies to not a few revolutionaries and militarists and other apostles of violence. 他们为仇恨所驱使,但自己往往还没意识到这一点……他们的真正目的是毁灭他们所仇恨的事物,相对来说对随后应做什么的问题并不关心。 They are actuated, usually without their own knowledge, by hatred: the destruction of what they hate is their real purpose, and they are comparatively indifferent to the question what is to come after it. 我无法否认从事破坏性工作和从事建设性工作一样也可能有快乐。 Now I cannot deny that in the work of destruction as in the work of construction there may be joy. 这是一种更为狂暴的快乐,也许有时更为强烈,但却不能给人以那种更深的满足,因为从它的结果中几乎找不到什么满足。 It is a fiercer joy, perhaps at moments more intense, but it is less profoundly satisfying, since the result is one in which little satisfaction is to be found. 你杀死了敌人,他死了你的职业就不存在了,你从胜利中得来的满足很快就消失了。 You kill your enemy, and when he is dead your occupation is gone, and the satisfaction that you derive from victory quickly fades. 从另一方面来说,建设性的工作在完成后一回想起来就令人愉快,而且这种永远也不会做到再也无事可做的地步。 The work of construction, on the other hand, when completed, is delightful to contemplate, and moreover is never so fully completed that there is nothing further to do about it. 最令人满意的目标是那些能永远从一个成功通向另一个成功而从不会走进死胡同的目标,在这个方面人们会发现建设比破坏更能带给人幸福。 The most satisfactory purposes are those that lead on indefinitely from one success to another without ever coming to a dead end; and in this respect it will be found that construction is a greater source of happiness than destruction. 也许更准确的说法应该是,在建设中寻求满足的人得到的满足要比热衷破坏建设的人从破坏中得到的满足更大,因为你一旦变得满腔仇恨,就很难从建设中得到别的人从中得到的乐趣。 Perhaps it would be more correct to say that those who find satisfaction in construction find in it greater satisfaction than the lovers of destruction can find in destruction, for if once you have become filled with hate you will not easily derive from construction the pleasure which another man would derive from it.

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