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全国2012年4月高等教育自学考试英语语法试题课程代码:00831一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. 1.There are a lot of ________ in Xinhua Children’s Hospital. ( )A.woman doctors B.woman doctor C.women doctors D.women doctor 2.We ________ . Please fasten your seat belt. ( )A.have landed B.are landing C.landed D.land 3.Mary and John ________ each other since childhood. ( )A.have been knowing B.knew C.have known D.had known 4.Almost all the main roads in the city center ________ by the end of next year. ( )A.will be widened B.were widened C.will have been widened D.would be widened 5.The factory will be fined if the work ________ by the end of the month is delayed. ( ) A.to be completed B.will be completed C.being completed D.completed 6.I don’t think it advisable that the young man ________ to the important post since he has no practical experience. ( )A.is appointed B.will be appointed C.be appointed D.has been appointed 7.Mary’s score on the test is the highest in her class; she ________ have studied very hard. ( )A.may B.should C.must D.ought to 8.The students are staying up late these days ________ for the final exams. ( )A.to preparing B.to prepareC.being prepared D.prepared9.He tried ________ a new microphone and was able to make himself heard. ( )A.to use B.to be used C.to using D.using 10.Mr. Johnson met ________ at the party that day. ( )A.a certain retired movie funny star B.a retired certain funny movie star C.a funny certain retired movie star D.a certain funny retired movie star 11.Tom likes watching TV ________ novels. ( )A.more than to read B.more than reading C.than reading D.rather than to read 12.The Conservative Party is one of the ________ parties in Britain. ( )A.major B.mainC.big D.huge 13. ________ , he couldn’t deal with these problems. ( )A.Obviously speaking B.Obviously to speak C.Obvious D.Obviously 14.The room is too cold without heating and too small for a family of four. ________ , it is better than I expected. ( )A.Still B.But C.And D.So 15. ________ their differences, John and Mark remain good friends all their lives.( )A.But for B.For all C.Above all D.Except for16.She is a gentle and quiet girl, ________ none of her sisters is. ( )A.who B.whom C.that D.which 17.She is married to a man who she believes ________ both makes a lot of money and loves her. ( )A.who B.whom C.that D./ 18.Neither of them who had applied for a position in the company ________. ( )A.has been accepted B.have been accepted C.was accepted D.were accepted 19.What she wanted from him ________ just promises at that time. ( )A.is B.areC.was D.were 20.I know I need a good car, but I can’t afford ________. ( )A.it B.one C.that D.this 二、填空题(本大题共28小题,共36分)Section A: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the group. (共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)21.go, goes, is going, advice, advices, piece of advice My special thanks ____________ to Professor Brown, who read the first draft of this book and gave me a lot of invaluable ____________ . 22.a, a, the, the, some, such ____________ beautiful is not always the same as ____________ good. 23.worrying, are worrying, has been worrying, fining, being fined, is fined The browns ____________ about their son ____________ for overspeed.24.was, were, be, never, being, will never be, has never to be Though be ____________ reduced to poverty, he ____________ dishonest. 25.work, worked, working, tell, told, telling ____________ hard until ____________ to stop. 26.which, which, what, what, that, that There is something ____________ I want you to do but ____________ you hate to do. 27.what, which, that, is, are, was What he did and ____________ he said ____________ totally different. 28.such, so, it, make, to make, made ____________ is not funny at all ____________ fun of a disabled man. Section B: Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets. Make changes or add something where necessary. ( 共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)29.Let’s not talk to the director, ____________ (we)?30.You say you took the book without his permission. ___________ (other words), you stole it. 31.The book will provide a ____________ (stimuli) to research in this very important area. 32.They speak ____________ (not French) nor German, but a curious mixture of the two. 33.In my ____________ (mind) eye, she remains a little girl of six although she’s actually a grown woman. 34.I’m afraid you ____________ (have) to be responsible for everything you do after you’re eighteen. 35.Look at the dark clouds. It ____________ (rain).36.Mary is naughty, but she____________(be) a good girl today.37.Congress has decided that the present law____________(maintain).38.­—The lights have gone out. —A fuse____________(blow).39.Having finished the first project, John went on____________(work) on another one. 40.____________ (stand) on the church tower, the whole village could be seen.41.When I told her the news, she became all____________(depressed).42.How much did the second____________ (expensive) has cost?43.I think the noise____________(come) below the window.44.Don’t get____________(mad) the children. They don’t know what they’ve done.45.____________ (consider) the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score two goals.46.That is the reason____________(for) he is leaving so soon.47.Each man and woman____________(be) asked to complete a form.48.I don’t want____________(there be) any disturbance during my lunch break.三、改错题(本大题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分) Correct one error in each of the following sentences.49.—Did you work out the solution to this problem?—I am at my wits end with this problem.50.I’m going to buy a new coat. The weather report says it is very cold.51.Far is it from me to call him a thief.52.She talked a long time, and in the end she could make him believe her.53.The Himalayas have a magnificent variety of plant and animal life.54.The additional work will take five another weeks.55.Such chances should never be let to slip.56.There is something wrong with the car; it needs overhauled.57.Having paid my taxes, the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.58.Just take a look at that fellow, so you’ll get sick.59.Brown bread and butter are usually eaten with smoked salmon.60.Not a single page he read the whole semester.四、改写句子(本大题共12小题,每小题2分,共24分) Rewrite the following sentences as required.61.Adding a suitable tag to the following statement: I don’t believe you’ve finished knitting that cardigan yourself.62.Reinforcing the negation in the following sentence: No one on the committee approved of my proposal.63.Combining the two sentences by using coordination: He himself is interested in the subject. All his students are beginning to show an interest in it.64.Combining the two sentences by using an adverbial clause: John spoke through a microphone. He could be heard in every room.65.Combining the two sentences by using a conjunct:The house was in bad repair. It was to be sold at a reduced price.66.Combining the two sentences by using a conjunct: The term papers were very brief. They were better than I had expected.67.Using extraposition: Whether there was gold left in the mine was not known.68.Using fronting: The plane dived into a large crowd of spectators.69.Using a modal auxiliary: I’m sure that he is working late at the office.70.Using whatever cohesive device is appropriate: We are told that he will come tonight, and if he comes tonight, our meeting will be held tomorrow. If he doesn’t come tonight, there won’t be any meeting tomorrow.71.Using whatever cohesive device is appropriate: I finally threw out my dirty tennis shoes, which pleased my mother tremendously.72.Using subjunctive mood: I had recommended him to be placed in a more responsible position.五、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题4分,共8分) Answer the following questions.73.Give a brief answer to the criteria of the classification of open class words and their significance.74.List the types of subjunctive mood with examples.

146 评论


试 2013年4月的要吗?答案

214 评论


全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试现代汉语试题课程代码:00535一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1.汉语的方言大体上可以分为( )A.北方方言和南方方言 B.北方官话和西南官话C.官话方言区和非官话方言区 D.长江以北地区方言和长江以南地区方言2.韵头都由( )A.i、u、o充当 B.a、o、e充当C.o、e、u充当 D.i、u、ü充当3.注音为“fù、guī、xī、yín”的一组汉字是( )A.夫、轨、隙、阴 B.肤、瑰、膝、殷C.浮、贵、袭、姻 D.附、龟、夕、吟4.在普通话中,下列韵母都不能和声母h相拼合的一组是( )A.ian、ueng B.a、uoC.en、in D.uang、ong5.在普通话语音系统中,“子”都读轻声的一组是( )A.莲子、虾子 B.桌子、帘子C.瓜子、椅子 D.孙子、棋子6.决定汉语声调的要素主要是( )A.音高 B.音强C.音长 D.音色7.汉字字体中称作“真书”的是( )A.隶书 B.楷书C.草书 D.行书8.下列各组中,每个字都是会意字的是( )A.拳、信、本 B.拿、行、尘C.奴、集、徒 D.丹、泉、价9.下列各组中属于成词语素的是( )A.丽、言、民、伟 B.展、济、基、宏C.火、人、风、大 D.圾、蝠、蛛、朦10.下列各组同义词中,用法(句法功能)不同的一组是( )A.幽静、幽寂 B.突然、忽然C.亲密、亲昵 D.优秀、优异11.下列各组中,属于同音词的一组是( )A.公式、公事、工事 B.公使、宫室、攻势C.工时、共事、公式 D.共视、工时、公使12.下列各组中,属于支配式合成词的是( )A.革新、笔记、图书、纠正 B.眼花、心虚、矛盾、甲鱼C.依靠、解放、眼红、突破 D.建议、司机、冒险、掌柜13.下列各组中,每个成员都带有定位语素的是( )A.条子、带子、瓜子 B.木头、石头、磁头C.老虎、老兄、老话 D.花儿、画儿、头儿14.能受程度副词修饰又能带宾语的词是( )A.心理动词 B.形容词C.助动词 D.不及物动词15.“他在黑板上写字”和“他在干活”中的两个“在”分别是( )A.动词、介词 B.副词、动词C.介词、介词 D.介词、副词16.下列都属于加词性短语的一组是( )A.首都北京、把车开走、远距离 B.看看去、关键时刻、朝南的房子C.为人民服务、想去、不久的将来 D.超大型、高速度、关于孩子17.下列都属于述补短语的一组是( )A.知道错了、不会参加、不去也好 B.说下去、写得潦草、拉他一把C.不很聪明、想不干了、很像老虎 D.请他留下、严肃活泼、认真学习18.下面属于主谓谓语句的是( )A.关于这件事他的心里有数 B.这药的味道真难闻C.他考试成绩很好 D.像这种地方去的人不会多19.下面属于并列复句的是( )A.不是我不愿去,而是实在没有空 B.下午我不是在教室,就是在办公室C.雨不但没有停,反而越下越大了 D.他爱玩保龄球,但不喜欢踢足球20.“芦柴棒着急地要将大锅了里的稀饭烧滚,但是倒出来的青烟引起了她一阵猛烈的咳嗽。”句中加点处运用的修辞格是( )A.借代 B.双关C.比拟 D.借喻二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选、少选或未选均无分。21.下列韵母中属于中响复韵母的是( )A.iao B.ianC.uai D.ueiE.iou22.下列各组中,属于反义词的是( )A.积极、消极;热情、冷淡 B.先进、中间;赞成、弃权C.肯定、否定;化合、分解 D.进攻、防御;左派、中间派E.高尚、蔑视;上方、中间23.下列句子属于正反问句的是( )A.奖金发了多少? B.是发奖金还是不发奖金?C.奖金还发不发? D.是不是发了奖金?E.奖金发了没?24.下列句子属于多重复句的有( )A.或者小王去,或者小李去,或者他们都去。B.如果你的看法正确,你就不怕别人批评;如果你的意见不正确,批评正好能帮助你纠正错误。C.老王有两个孩子,一个在北京上学,一个在本市工作。D.翠竹滑下溪水,转入大河,挤上火车,走上迢迢的征程。E.野花开满山冈,溪水哗哗地流淌,春天迈开大步,庄稼抢着生长。25.“小鸟在欢唱,溪水在奔流,人们在嬉笑。”中运用的修辞格是( )A.比喻 B.对偶C.比拟 D.排比E.夸张三、判断说明题(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)正确的在括号内打“√”,不用说明理由;错误的在括号内打“×”,并说明理由,不说明理由的扣分。26.从语言学的角度看,口语和书面语的差别主要在风格方面。27.“统一”和“一般”中的两个“一”,虽然所处的位置不同,但声调读法应该是一样的,都是阴平字。28.汉字代表的是汉语的语素,所以每一个汉字都记录汉语中的一个语素。29.“天”和“天空”、“静”和“安静”因为音节数不同,所以不能构成同义词。30.以动词、形容词为中心语的句法结构不一定是谓词性句法结构。四、术语解释题(本大题共2小题,每小题3分,共6分)31.声母的发音方法32.关联词语五、分析题(本大题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分)33.拼写下列带点的字:A.步骤 麻痹 B.簇拥 粗犷C.鞭笞 联袂 D.混淆 冗长34.分析下列汉字的音节结构:35.根据表中的提示,把下列汉字填入表中:看、羊、刃、燕、龚、涉、下、演 象形字 指事字 会意字 形声字 36.“稳定”和“稳固”是一组同义词,请辨析它们之间的相同点和不同点。37.将下列各词按下表所示填入表内:但是、毕竟、最近、突然、某、人次、自从、似的 名词 代词 形容词 量词 副词 连词 介词 助词 38.用层次分析法分析下列短语,是多义短语的分别分析:A.做 有 创 新 精 神 的 青 年B.他 们 五 个 人 一 组C.雨 后 的 天 空 显 得 比 平 时 更 晴 朗39.指出下列语句中比拟的类型:(1)什么都看到了的月亮带着永久性的沉默,一次次来,一次次去,那么世故,那么刁滑。(2)我到了自家的房外,我的母新早已迎着出来了,接着便飞出了八岁的侄儿宏儿。(3)解放军把土匪打得夹着尾巴逃跑了。(4)油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟀们在这里弹琴。六、改错题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)40.改正下列词语中声调归类的错误:A.供应(去声,去声)B.差别(去声,阳平)C.装载(阴平,上声)D.勉强(上声,阳平)41.下列音节在声韵配合上有错误,请改正并说明原因:A.波 buō B.扉 fī42.改正下列词语中的错别字:忍劳忍怨 手屈一指 相形见拙 置若枉闻43.用波浪线标示下面句子中使用不当的词语,加以改正后说明理由:谈及那段屈辱凄苦、不堪回首的往事,她哽咽不止,流下了心酸的眼泪。44.用波浪线标示下面句子中使用不当的词语,加以改正后说明理由:这栋楼的界限只能划到这里,绝不允许随意侵占耕地。45.修改病句并说明错误的原因:经过这一阶段的整顿,见到了成效,初步改变了这一条街长期以来一直比较混乱。46.修改病句并说明错误的原因:作为一个翻译工作者,一方面要学好外语,一方面要学好本民族语言也是非常重要的。47.修改病句并说明错误的原因:我把这篇小说没有来得及看完,所以很难发表意见。七、论述题(本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分)48.音高、音强、音长、音色是不是和现代汉语语音都有关系?49.举例说明什么是词义的模糊性?词义为什么具有模糊性?为什么词义的模糊性不会影响交际?50.请谈谈紧缩句和连动谓语句的区别。

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