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China is a developing coastal power. China attaches great importance to marine development and protection, the development of marine industry as a national development strategy, strengthening comprehensive marine management, steadily improving its marine legal system, and actively develop marine science and technology and education. China's active participation in the UN system, marine affairs, promoting inter-country and regional maritime cooperation, and earnestly fulfilled its obligations for the global marine development and protection and make a positive contribution. In 1998 the United Nations as the International Year of the Ocean, the Chinese government is willing to take this opportunity to introduce the development of China's Marine Programs

246 评论


你好、 China is a developing coastal power. China attaches great importance to marine development and protection, the development of marine industry as a national development strategy, strengthening comprehensive marine management, steadily improving its marine legal system, and actively develop marine science and technology and education. China's active participation in the UN system, marine affairs, promoting inter-country and regional maritime cooperation, and earnestly fulfilled its obligations for the global marine development and protection and make a positive contribution. In 1998 the United Nations as the International Year of the Ocean, the Chinese government is willing to take this opportunity to introduce the development of China's Marine Programs

349 评论


你的改译部分是指翻译句子吗因为这科我是两年前考过的 没有改译 只有翻译句子

262 评论


Key to Test 2007071. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. B11. B 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. B16. 候选人 17. 开凿运河18. 西部荒原 19. 测量总监20. 总产量 21. 所有权22. 注册资本 23. 科普24. 世界卫生组织 24. 环境质量评估26. industrial property right 27. traffic jam28. ecological balance / equilibrium 29. literature for the common people30. the Palace Museum 31. joint venture32. the silk road 33. Hope Project34. sustainable development 35. international economic cooperation36.市区有精美的澳大利亚早期建筑物多处。37.希腊史学家赫卡泰奥斯写道:埃及是尼罗河送来的礼物。38.春夏两季雷雨交加,猛烈异常,往往顷刻之间暴雨成灾。39. “真是万分可惜”,安吉尔对近旁的两个姑娘说。“亲爱的,你们的小伙子都到哪里去啦?” 40. 工业革命是从1760年左右开始的一系列的变革。41. A few days ago, a Japanese author asked me how I was able to appreciate authors and books of so many different schools.42. In the coming 21st century, mankind will have new opportunities to develop and utilize the ocean. 43. At thirteen, as the eldest child, I acted to help support the family.44. Learning English should not be a boring rote, but a lot of fun.45. Although times are different, the historic sites, I presume, must have remained the same. 46. 我们这个世界以前要简单得多,只有富国和穷国之分。换句话说,只有两个世界,即:“第一世界”和“第三世界”。但在最近几十年,许多亚洲国家加入了富国的行列。当然,依据大部分标准,日本和新加坡等国家都是富有的国家。但就在这些国家(因加入了富国的行列而)想松口气的时候,突然面临着一个新的挑战,那就是:经济领域的游戏规则变了。划分国家的标准不再是传统意义上的“富”和“穷”,而是网络覆盖率的“高”和“低”。诚然,发达国家已经占据了优势。新加坡的人口虽然只有400万,但拥有的计算机却超过了50万台,而拥有8000万人口的越南却只有6000台。47. Every Spring, tens of thousands of business people from home and abroad pour/swarm/flock into Shanghai to attend the annual/yearly East China Export Commodity (Trade) Fair. Here, all kinds of goods from Shanghai compete with those from other parts of china. The advantage of Shanghai lies in its scientific and technological strength, so the export of high-tech products should play a leading role in foreign trade and export. Professor Yang Zhenning, a famous physicist, once said, “The high-tech battlefield is the main as well as the last battlefield for China to surpass the developed countries.” The development of high-tech trade is inexorable not only in history but also in the future.

169 评论


China is a developing country with a long coastline. China attaches great importance to the development and protection of the Marine, and takes it as the national development strategy, strengthen comprehensive Marine management, perfecting the legal system, actively develop ocean Marine science and technology and education. China actively participated in the UN system, promote the Marine affairs between countries and regional Marine areas of cooperation, and earnestly perform their obligations for global ocean exploitation and protection to make positive contribution. In 1998, the United Nations is determined as international ocean year, the Chinese government would like to take this opportunity to introduce Chinese Marine development situation

332 评论


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