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books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters.

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Why We Learn English-我们为何要学英文Learning English is much more than a fad; it is really a must! Let's take a look around us: the latest information around the world is written in or translated into English. To keep up with the ever-changing world, we must be equipped with a good command of English. From a more practical point of view, armed English is one of the most important required subjects for the university and high school entrance exam. To do well on the exam, we must, again, study hard to score high in the subject. Frankly, my English is not good. But I have been doing my best to improve my English in order to pass the college entrance examination .In my case, I force myself to memorize at least a few new words every day because a large vocabulary is essential in learning English well. Second, I review some grammar rules every week, which helps me make fewer mistakes in writing English. Third, I read short articles and then write an English composition every other day. I hope to get high marks in both reading and writing. Now my English is improving day by day, and I hope I can do well in the English test for the coming college examination. 学英文不仅只是一个流行而已,而是一件必须要做的事。就让我们看看生活周遭的事物吧:世界上最新的信息是用英文写的,或是被译为英文。为了要跟上这日新又新的世界潮流,我们必须要具备好的英文能力。用一个更实际的观点来说,英文是大学课程中最重要的必修科目,也是高中联考中最重要的。为了能使考试成绩出色,我们要再次强调,要用功读英文才能得高分。 老实说,我的英文并不好。但是我一直在努力用功,使我的英文进步些,以使通过大学联考。就我而言,我每天强迫自己至少背几个单字,因为要学好英文,必须具备足够的字汇能力。其次,我每周阅读一些文法规则,让我在英文写作方面错误减少。第三,每隔二天,我就读些短文且写一篇英文作文。我希望在阅读及写作方面能得到高分。如今,我的英文每天都在进步,且我希望在未来的大学联考中英文考试能考得好。

82 评论


我个人观点是应该的 英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言这一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。随着我国对外开放的不断扩大化,科学技术的不断进步,国际地位的不断提高,迫切需要造就一大批精通外语的专门人才,以加速我国“四化”进程,使我国在国际事务中发挥更大更积极的作用。因此,学好英语对实现上述目标具有重要大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。我们需要学习别人的先进技术 中国在近几十年的确发生了翻天覆地的变化,各方面都发展得很快。但是,不容置疑的是,我们在很多技术方面仍然落后于西方先进国家。要发展,要进步,要在较短的时间内掌握各种技术,我们不可能单靠自己搞研究,必须学习别人先进的技术。而学习的必要前提便是要掌握世界通用技术交流语言,我们的工具-英语。就计算机程序开发为例:虽然目前的计算机操作系统已经有中文版,但要进行应用程序开发,程序还是用英语编写的。高新技术资料大部分都是以英语编写。印度虽然在很多方面的发展比不上中国,但印度的软件开发业却比中国发达很多。造成这种差距,其中一个重要原因就是印度程序员普遍英语应用水平比中国程序员高。 与世界各国合作需要英语 我们在学习别人先进技术,经验的同时,也需要与世界各国展开各种技术上和经济上的合作。如果不懂英语,便无法与合作方沟通交流,也更谈不上合作了。譬如某公司开发了一个具有世界水平的产品,如果能打开国际市场,前途将是一片光明。但偏偏公司人员不懂英语,无法很好地与国外客户沟通,无法将产品的优良性能展示出来,这将是一个惨重的损失。My personal point of view is that English is the main international language in the world today. It is also the most widely used language in the world.With the continuous expansion of China's opening to the outside world, the continuous progress of science and technology, the continuous improvement of the international status, the urgent need to create a large number ofTo master a foreign language professionals to accelerate the process of China's "four modernizations", make our country develop bigger more active role in international affairs. Therefore,To learn English well is of great realistic significance and far-reaching historical significance for the realization of the above objectives.We need to learn other people's advanced technology.In recent decades, China has indeed changed dramatically, all aspects of development are very fast. But, no doubt, we still lag behind the western advanced countries in many aspects of technology. To develop, to progress, in a relatively short period of time to master a variety of technologies, we can not rely on their own research, we must learn from other advanced technology. And the necessary prerequisite for learning is to master the world's common language, our tools - english. Computer program development for example: Although the current computer operating system already has the Chinese version, but to carry out the application development, the program is written in english. Most of the information is written in English. Although India in many aspects of development than China, but India's software development industry is much more developed than china. This gap, one of the important reasons is that the general level of English application programmers in India than the Chinese programmers.To cooperate with all the countries in the world need EnglishWe learn other people's advanced technology, experience at the same time, also need to start a variety of technical and economic cooperation with the countries of the world. If you don't understand English, can not communicate with partners, also mention cooperation. For example, a company has developed a world-class products, if you can open the international market, the future will be a bright. But it happens that the company staff do not understand English, can not be a good communication with foreign customers, the product can not be the excellent performance of the show, it will be a heavy loss.

162 评论


翻译如下作为中国人我为什么要学英语Why we have to learn English? First of all, English is a worldwide language. Nearly every country is using it, including China. If we want to earn a good position in China, we need to learn English. Besides, learning English can provide us more chances when finding jobs. With the development of China, we have more chances to work with or work for foreigners. What’s more, learning English is helpful to build our confidence. The more knowledge we know the more confidence we will have. 为什么我们要学英语?首先,英语是一门世界性的语言。几乎每个国家都在使用它,包括中国。如果我们想在中国获得一个好的职位,我们需要学习英语。此外,学习英语能给我们找工作的机会。随着中国的发展,我们有更多的机会为外国人工作或工作。更重要的是,学习英语有助于增强我们的信心。我们知道的知识越多,我们就越有信心。

220 评论


why we learn English,English is useful for us,learn EEnglish we can to translate E nglish book,newspaperand magaziies,we can go abroad,communicate with foregines, After graduated from college ,we can to be a English teacher,to share English interestings,to join in English club,

262 评论


Why we should learn English. First of all, America, England, Austrilia etc. are English Speaking countries, as those countries are develped counties, they have many advance technology and useful theories. While, they are very powerful many things we need to learn in order to develope our country effectively, but the obstacle is the language, if we can't communicate with them because we don't understand English, how can we learn their technology, moreover, now globlization is implemented, and we need more elites to do bussiness with foreign people, as English is the universal language, we can talk most people in the world in English. Secondly, it's easy to learn English as foreign language than any other language and that is a big reason for English as an universal language. English, obviously, is not very hard to study for it only has 26 different letters, and all the words in English are just mix them up in different order, if we can just calm down and try to remember those terms, it's not a really big deal. As for those people who say English is hard to study, I want to ask those do you really make enough efforts to learn? Last, after we have flute English, it's not a big problem to travel all around the world, do not need to worry about the language in most counties, and we are able to learn their culture through English.

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