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2005年4月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试卷+答案 (课程代码 0832) 第一部分 选择题 I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%) 1. There are two approaches to the study of polysemy.Theyare______. A.primary and secondary B.central and peripheral C.diachronic and synchronic D.formal and functional [ ] 2. Which of the following is NOT a stylistic feature of idioms? A.Colloquial B.Slang C.Negative D.Literary [ ] 3. Synonyms can be classified into two major groups,that is:_____. A.absolute and relative B.absolute and complete C.relative and near D.complete and identical [ ] 4. In the early period of Middle English,English,____existed side by side, A.Celtic and Danish B.Danish and French C.Latin and Celtic D.French and Latin [ ] 5. Amonomorphemic word is a word that consists of a single_______morpheme. A.formal B.concrete C.free D.bound [ ] 6. Whch of the following groups of words is NOT onomatopoeically motivated? A,croak,drum B.squeak,bleat C.buzz,neigh D.bang,trumpet [ ] 7.LDCE is distinctive for its____. A.Clear grammar codes B.usage notes C.language notes D.all of the above [ ] 8. From the historical point of view,English is more closely related to A.German B.French C.Scotttish D.Irish [ ] 9. Which of the following is NOT an acronym? A.TOEFL B.ODYSSEY C.BASIC D.CCTV [ ] 10. In the course book,the author lists____types of context clues for inferring word meaning. A.eight B.six C.seven D.five [ ] 11.Sources of homonyms include____. A.changes in sound and spelling B.borrowing C.shortening D.all of the above [ ] 12.The written form of English is a(an)________representation of the spoken form. A.selective B.adequate C.imperfect D.natural [ ] 13.Structurally a____is the smallest meaningful unit of a language. A.molpheme B.stem C.word D.compound [ ] 14.Unlike affixes,____are often free morphemes. A.sufrixes B.prefixes C.inflectional morphemes D.roots [ ] 15.The four major foreign contributors to the English vocabulary in earlier times were French. Latin,____. A.Scandinavian and Italian B.Greek and Scandinavian C.Celtic and Greek D.Italian and Spanish [ ] 第二部分 非选择题 Ⅱ.Complete the rollowing staternents with proper words or expressions according to the course book. 16.The name given to the widening of meaning which some words undergo is____. 17.Longman lexicon of Contemporary English is a____dictionary. 18.When a new word appears for the first time,the author usually manages to give hints or ____in the context to help the readers. 19.Radiation and____are the two coinages which the development of word meaning follows from monosemy to polysemy. 20.Middle English refers to the language spoken from 1150 to____. Ⅲ.Match the words or explessions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1)word Origin,2)word formation. and 3)types of Synonyms or antonyms. A B ( )21.skill A.back—formation ( )22.babysit B.blendlng ( )23.telequiz C.French origin ( )24.composition/compounding D.SCandinavianorigin ( )25.government E.clipping ( )26.same/different F. relative synonyms ( )27.gent G. Germanic ( )28.English H.absolute synonyms ( )29.change/alter I. contradictory terms ( )30.big/small J.contrary terms IV.Smdy the following words or expressions and identify 1) types of bound morphemes underlined, 2) types of meanings,3)processes of meaning development,and 4) forlnation of eompounds. 31.neck→primary meaning:that part of man joining the head tO the body; a secondary meaning:the narrowest part of anything.( ) 32.contradict ( ) 33.mother:love,care ( ) 34.upcoming ( ) 35.window shopping ( ) 36.radlos ( ) 37.property developer ( ) 38.Candidate→earlier meaning:white-robed; later meaning:a person proposed for a place,award etc. ( )overcoat 39.handsomo-tyoewhter ( )man 40.northward ( ) V. Define the following terms. 41.encyclopendia 42.borrcwed 43.blending 44.extension 45.phrasal verb VI. Answer the following questing questions. Your answers should be Clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below. 46.what is the difference prefixation and suffixation? Explain with two examples. 47.what is extra-linguistic context? 48.what is polysemy? Illustrate your points. VII. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below. 49. Study the following sentence and try to guess the meaning of the word in italics. Then what contextual help you to work out the meaning. Carnivores are very dangerous. Not long ago, a tiger escaped from the zoo and killed a dog in The street and ate it. 50.Connotative meaning is not stable. Comment on this statement with one example. 英语词汇学答案 (课程代码 0832)I.Each Of the smtements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket. 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B II Complete the following statements with proper words Or expressions according to the course book. 16.extension 或generalization 17.specialized 18.clues 19.concatenation 20.1500 III.Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according tO 1) word origin,2)word formation,and 3)types of synonyms or antonyms. 21.D 22.A 23.B 24.H 25.C 26.I 27.E 28.G 29.F 30.J IV.Study the following words or expressions and identify 1)types of bound morphemes underlined,2)types of meanings,3)processes of meaning development,and 4)formation of compounds. 31.radiation 32.bound root 33.connotative meaning 34.adv+v-ing 35.n+v-ing 36.inflectional affix/inflectional morpheme 37.n+v-er 3.concatenation 39.collocative meaning 40.suffix/derivational affix V.Definethefollowingterms. 41.An encyclopedia provides encyclopedic information concerning each headword;it is not concerned with the language per se. 42.Borrowed words,also,known,as loan words,are words taken over from foreign languages. 43.It refers to the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word with a part of another word. 44.Extension is a process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized. 45.idiom composed of a verb plus a preposition and/or a particle. VI.Answer the following questions.Your answers should be clear and short.Write your answers in the space given below. 46.Prefixation does not generally change the word-class of the stem;it only modifies its meaning. e.g.treat--maltreat Suffixation,On,the other hand,changes the word-class instead of its meaning.e.g.employ—— employer 47.(1)Known as non-linguistic context or context of situation. (2)components a.participants(addresser and addressee) writer and reader speaker and listener/hearer b.time and place c.cultural background 48.要点:1)a common feature peculiar to all natural languages. 2)have more than one sense. 3)The problem of polesemy Can be dealt with from two angles:diachronic approach and synchronic approach. VII.Analyze and comment on the following.Write your answers in the space given below. 49(1)tiger is a hyponym,of carnivore (2)carnivore is a superordinate of tiger (3)tiger feeds on meat as known by all (4)carnivore may feed on meat (5)therefore,a carnivore is a meat-eating animal 50.(1)connotative meaning,known as connotation,refers to the overtones or associations suggested by the conceptual meaning. (2)connotative meanings are not given in the dictionary.but associated with the word in actual context to particular readers or speakers.Thus they are unstable.varying considerably according to culture,historical period and the experience of the individual. (3)For example,home may remind one child of warmth,safety or love,while to another child who is often scolded or beaten at home,it may mean indifference,hatred,or even hell.

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49答案 1.difference in denotation.synonyms may differ in the range and intensify of meaning, some words have a wider range of meaning than others. for example:the verb understand is used in a much more extended sense and than comprehend. whatever is comprehended is understood, but in many cases,comprehend cannot take the place of understand. 2.difference in connotation.by connotation we mean the stylistic and emotive colouring of words.some words share the same denotation but differ in stylistic appropriateness. for example:the words borrowed from Frence and Latin are generally more formal than native words. 3.difference in application.many words are synonymous in meaning but different in usage in simple terms,they form different collocations and fit into different sentence patterns. for example:allow and let are synonyms, but we allow sb.to do sth. and let sb. do sth. 50答案 out-going,sit-in and forty-story are compounds. out-going is an adjective compound combined of adverb "out"and -ing participle"going".sit-in is a noun compound combined of verb "sit"and adverb"in".the last one forty-storey is also an adjective compound consists of a numeral"forty"and a noun"storey". 报告形式我恐怕帮不了你了 因为我也不清楚你要那种报告形式 我建议你把问题补充得更详细点 应该会有好心人来帮你的。哎……爱莫能助啊

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