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I want to be an actress I want to be a famous actress when I grow up.Why?Because I have a gift for performing and I take an interest in it.Personally,if I turly become an actor in the future,I will have much money.To tell you the truth,I will use a part of money to help the poor,and give my parents to use.The most important reason is that I could make people enjoy themseves.And an actress will be busy all the day,and l want the life that is full.

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my dream is to bee a teacher,and it will be not an easy thing to do.why do i want to be a teacher?first,being a teacher has been one of my dreams since my childhood. when i was a *** all boy,i saw our village education condition was prtty limited because our village was so poor.it was often drewing from the roor when we had lessons.therefore.when i studyed in the primary school,my dream had turned to plant in my heart.at that time,i sweared i would change my life becauce this dream has been hiding in my inner heart.so i do my efforts to make my dream e true.despite of a lot of difficulty and hardship,i believe my dream will be realized.


小时候,我太不懂事,不懂得父母对我的爱,长大后,我开始懂得。 小时候,爸爸妈妈对我的生活照顾很得周到,从早到晚,不仅要为工作忙,还要为我而操劳。爸爸负责接送我上下学,不管是严寒酷暑,他都会准时到达,生怕晚一点,让我着急。而妈妈负责我的饮食健康,她每天下班之后都要去菜市场卖最新鲜最营养的食品,晚上做给我吃,以保障我的健康和营养。另外妈妈还要为我洗衣服,以保证我看上去干干净净的。而在学习上,他们对我也很关心,对于学校的一些知识,要求我必须掌握,对于课外知识,要求我必须学习。周六周日,他们还会不辞辛劳递送我去上一些课外补习班。他们对于我在行为道德上也很重视,从不让我和别的孩子攀比,从不让我和坏孩子接触,从不让我乱花钱……对于这些,我总是不理解,饭菜稍微不对胃口,我就会不高兴;学习稍微累一点,我就会不停地埋怨他们对我太严格;而虚荣心却总趋使我把钱花到一些不该花的地方,总让我因为衣服不好看,或别人的衣服哪里好看而对他们不满意。我经常会为这些而生气,和他们斗嘴、吵架。 随着岁月的推移,我也长大了,父母也老了。不知是受电视上的影响还是受书本的影响,我渐渐的懂得了许多以前不懂的东西。我不再会为了一点小事而和他们翻脸,我可以清楚地理解他们的心情,我会时不时的帮他们做一些家务事,会时不时地让他们为我的改变而惊讶。吃饭时,我总会把好吃的向他们的碗中夹去,平时他们遇到不顺心的事,我总会开导他们,想办法让他们高兴。在学习上,我不再需要他们的督促,很少要他们操心,而在我成绩不好时,他们训斥我时,我也不再和他们顶嘴,我明白了他们也是为我好。在其它的方面上,我基本上不会惹他们生气。我对父母的关心也越来越多了,在他们出门的时候,我会叮嘱他们小心一点,早点回来,他们稍微晚一点,我的心里都会很不安。他们生病了,我会给他们找药吃,在家物事上,我也总是去做一些力所能及的活。 小的时候,父母经常对我说他们很爱我,我总会想到底什么是爱,怎样去爱他人,我一直在寻找爱的答案。现在,我长大了,我懂得了什么是爱,更懂得了怎样去爱我的父母,我的亲人,还有我的老师和朋友。 爱是一种关心、一种付出、一种理解,爱也是一句问候、一个微笑,只有你付出了爱,才能得到别人对你的爱。就像一首歌中唱的“只要人人都献出一点爱,世界就会变成美好的人间”。 这个不知可不可以,希望能帮你 麻烦采纳,谢谢!

I wanna be an actor I wanna be an actor afterwards,Because i like to feel Various lives and Characters。To play in different poses and with different expressions of Human life。Regardless of kind or Evil,it's a sort of challenge for me。However,i prefer to play in adventruous movies or Kung Fu。As Jackie Chan,he is always self-progressing,humor and acrobatic fighting bine。I Really wanna bee so,it's what oupation i wanna be。

小时候,我太不懂事,不懂得父母对我的爱,长大后,我开始懂得。 小时候,爸爸妈妈对我的生活照顾很得周到,从早到晚,不仅要为工作忙,还要为我而操劳。爸爸负责接送我上下学,不管是严寒酷暑,他都会准时到达,生怕晚一点,让我着急。而妈妈负责我的饮食健康,她每天下班之后都要去菜市场卖最新鲜最营养的食品,晚上做给我吃,以保障我的健康和营养。另外妈妈还要为我洗衣服,以保证我看上去干干净净的。而在学习上,他们对我也很关心,对于学校的一些知识,要求我必须掌握,对于课外知识,要求我必须学习。周六周日,他们还会不辞辛劳递送我去上一些课外补习班。他们对于我在行为道德上也很重视,从不让我和别的孩子攀比,从不让我和坏孩子接触,从不让我乱花钱……对于这些,我总是不理解,饭菜稍微不对胃口,我就会不高兴;学习稍微累一点,我就会不停地埋怨他们对我太严格;而虚荣心却总趋使我把钱花到一些不该花的地方,总让我因为衣服不好看,或别人的衣服哪里好看而对他们不满意。我经常会为这些而生气,和他们斗嘴、吵架。 随着岁月的推移,我也长大了,父母也老了。不知是受电视上的影响还是受书本的影响,我渐渐的懂得了许多以前不懂的东西。我不再会为了一点小事而和他们翻脸,我可以清楚地理解他们的心情,我会时不时的帮他们做一些家务事,会时不时地让他们为我的改变而惊讶。吃饭时,我总会把好吃的向他们的碗中夹去,平时他们遇到不顺心的事,我总会开导他们,想办法让他们高兴。在学习上,我不再需要他们的督促,很少要他们操心,而在我成绩不好时,他们训斥我时,我也不再和他们顶嘴,我明白了他们也是为我好。在其它的方面上,我基本上不会惹他们生气。我对父母的关心也越来越多了,在他们出门的时候,我会叮嘱他们小心一点,早点回来,他们稍微晚一点,我的心里都会很不安。他们生病了,我会给他们找药吃,在家物事上,我也总是去做一些力所能及的活。 小的时候,父母经常对我说他们很爱我,我总会想到底什么是爱,怎样去爱他人,我一直在寻找爱的答案。现在,我长大了,我懂得了什么是爱,更懂得了怎样去爱我的父母,我的亲人,还有我的老师和朋友。 爱是一种关心、一种付出、一种理解,爱也是一句问候、一个微笑,只有你付出了爱,才能得到别人对你的爱。就像一首歌中唱的“只要人人都献出一点爱,世界就会变成美好的人间”。

At the beginning of this term, you might have heard a called "The Health Club". The Health Club aims to raise awareness of the mon health problems that is ouring within teenagers, and targets the removal of them. This year, we are making the plans better and greater: in o weeks time, we will be helding our annual mini-marathon, a course consisting of 4 km and the first person to finish in each grade gets $300 dollars. Come and join us now, to participate in the fun events!

This is our lab. Now I will tell you something about how we use it. Before we e to the lab, we should get prepared for it. We should take the test tubes or other things we need. When we are in the lab, we should follow the teacher's instructions. We mustn't touch anything without permission. Some experiments may be dangerous. So we should do as the teacher tells us to. When we leave the lab, we should put the intruments back in the cupboard. And we should clean the lab, close the window and lock the door.

I have a dream.I want to be a actor(actress女演员)when I grow up.Why am I want to be a actor?Because in the future,the actor maybe is a popular job.And I think this job is very good for me.It can make me bee braver.But if you want to be a actor ,you must very hard.Because this job is defficult too.Now ,I must had in my study,so that I can finish my dream---I want to be a actor!

;  In my opinion,Charity is the responsibility for all of us .I really think a person living on the earth should do something helpful and useful to others. Why? The reason is obvious. Because nobody can foresee tomorrow, if you do not give your hand to others today, maybe tomorrow when you are in trouble, similarly, nobody will help you out. However, vice versa. There are, if you are able to help others in trouble, please do not hesitate, justdo it! With charity from everyone of us, the world can be brighter and  beautiful.

首先人长的要么好看,要么极丑,要突出 海要所有实力的演技,当然机会更是不可少的 当演员最重要的是能吃苦,能忍

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