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C组贸易术语是主运费已付,象征性交货:卖方凭单交货,买房凭单付款,CIF的全称是cost Insurance and Freight 就是出口商就是卖方负责交保险费和运费。FOB全称Free on board就是卖方负责交保险费和运费,我是学国际贸易的,就会这一点点,嘿嘿,可以和我交流哈!

90 评论


英译汉:1。请务必附上提货单、海上保险证明书作为装运单据的汇票,你画。 2。仲裁条款不阻止任何一方请求临时或音乐学院的措施 3。你方的价格是不足够的竞争力,这里的市场上,我们希望你能注意到一些价格的削减将会证明自己的生意 4。我们确认你的订单每s.s讯。“东风”为您港口启航9月15。 5。你需要的旧设计已经卖完了。我们打算向你提供我们的新设计作为一种替代,质量好,将提供最优惠的价格。 6。我方销售确认书号码HA178副本已附上你. 请签回一份存档。 7。我们想知道你是否可以按我们的要求,即每个桌布放在纸袋里,5件不同的颜色来一个盒子。 8。在我们先前的字母作为通知你方这批货物是在极低,我们的客户都不肯提货。 9。我们是一家国营公司,在中国纺织品出口业务,接受命令对客户的特殊要求。 10。请解释我们的情况,你的顾客,试图让他们同意延长有效期到11月底。汉译英:1. Payment by seller's bank acceptable to the good reputation of confirmed irrevocable l/c2 for the excellent quality, reasonable price, the area of goods that there will be a steady demand.3 because from Shanghai to your port, we have direct ship to the textiles transshipment at Hong Kong.4. As long as it is within the scope of coverage, insurance company shall be responsible for compensation.5. Due to recent energy shortages and rising raw material costs, we may have been unable to maintain the current price level.作文;Respect of Mr. :Very pleased to hear from your letter of August 10 permanent Forever (about) the inquiry brand bicycles.This reply, we reported three cars yongjiu brand price CIF New York 60,00 dollars for each car, the offer before the end of this month we receive your reply. Prices quoted for excluding commissions of the net price. If your order is more than 500, we will give a 2% discount.Yongjiu brand its superior quality and reasonable price, all over the world to sell very well. We suggest you place as soon as possible so that we can guarantee the availability timely delivery arrangements.XXX xx.

293 评论


CIF的全称是cost Insurance and Freight 就是出口商就是卖方负责交保险费和运费。FOB全称Free on board是买方负责交保险费和运费,还有例如CFR,CIIF之类的很多,这些都是国际贸易术语,这么解释也解释不清,建议你买本国际贸易理论与实务,我用的是湖南大学出版社的莫莎编辑的,不错,你花谢时间就马上全能弄懂。例句,Please quote us your most favorable CIF newyork for vietmnE at your eariist convenience 请尽早报维他命E CIF 纽约价。像CIF,FOB之类的贸易术语都是后面接地点,表示交货的地点,贸易术语本生规定的只是买卖双方各自的责任义务和费用划分。CIF的全称是cost Insurance and Freight 就是出口商就是卖方负责交保险费和运费。FOB全称Free on board是买方负责交保险费和运费,例句终究是要卖方负责交保险费和运费,并且他们的目的地是CIF后接的地名,也就是纽约这里的解释有限,买本书看,才是最终解决之道

154 评论


英译汉: 1。请务必附上提货单、海上保险证明书作为装运单据的汇票,你画。 2。仲裁条款不阻止任何一方请求临时或音乐学院的措施 3。你方的价格是不足够的竞争力,这里的市场上,我们希望你能注意到一些价格的削减将会证明自己的生意 4。我们确认你的订单每s.s讯。“东风”为您港口启航9月15。 5。你需要的旧设计已经卖完了。我们打算向你提供我们的新设计作为一种替代,质量好,将提供最优惠的价格。 6。我方销售确认书号码HA178副本已附上你. 请签回一份存档。 7。我们想知道你是否可以按我们的要求,即每个桌布放在纸袋里,5件不同的颜色来一个盒子。 8。在我们先前的字母作为通知你方这批货物是在极低,我们的客户都不肯提货。 9。我们是一家国营公司,在中国纺织品出口业务,接受命令对客户的特殊要求。 10。请解释我们的情况,你的顾客,试图让他们同意延长有效期到11月底。汉译英:1. Payment by seller's bank acceptable to the good reputation of confirmed irrevocable l/c2 for the excellent quality, reasonable price, the area of goods that there will be a steady demand.3 because from Shanghai to your port, we have direct ship to the textiles transshipment at Hong Kong.4. As long as it is within the scope of coverage, insurance company shall be responsible for compensation.5. Due to recent energy shortages and rising raw material costs, we may have been unable to maintain the current price level.compositionRespect of Mr. :Very pleased to hear from your letter of August 10 permanent Forever (about) the inquiry brand bicycles.This reply, we reported three cars yongjiu brand price CIF New York 60,00 dollars for each car, the offer before the end of this month we receive your reply. Prices quoted for excluding commissions of the net price. If your order is more than 500, we will give a 2% discount.Yongjiu brand its superior quality and reasonable price, all over the world to sell very well. We suggest you place as soon as possible so that we can guarantee the availability timely delivery arrangements.XXX xx.

248 评论


31. via32. until

104 评论


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