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It is a mixture of birth and rebirth. Shelley is concerned with the regeneration of himself spiritually and poetically and of Europe politically. He is appealing to the west wind to effect this regeneration. In the first three stanza, the dynamic force of the west wind is manifested in its power on the land,in the air,and in the sea in different seasons. It is the destroyer and preserver. It will destroy the old world and herald in a new one. In the fourth stanza Shelley wishes that he were a leaf, a cloud, and a wave, so that he could feel the power of the wet wind; but he is aware of his age and his sufferings in his life which have bent him down. Finally, he appeals to the wind, the wind of aspiration and change, to reinvigorate him and to give force and persuasiveness to his poetry.来源于罗经国的《新编英国文学选读》。考虑到本人理解会有偏差,给你一个最佳答案作参考。当然,文学更主要的还是靠自己理解,希望对您有帮助!

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But on his brest a bloudie Crosse he bore,然而--他胸前带着一个血十字The deare remembrance(回忆) of his dying Lord,这是他对垂死的主耶稣的珍贵记忆--For whose sweete(sweet) sake that glorious badge he wore,就为了耶稣--他佩带那光荣的徽章--And dead as living ever him adored:虽死犹生--耶稣永受他崇敬--

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