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1. The study of the phonic medium of language is defined as A. A. phonology B. phoneme C. phonetics D. phone 2. __C____ studies how a speaker uses hi speech organs to articulate the sounds. A. Acoustic phonetics B. Articulatory phonetics C. Auditory phonetics D. phonetics 3.____A_ studies how the sounds are perceived by the hearer. A. Acoustics phonetics B. Auditory phonetics C. Articulatory phonetics D. Phonetics 4. Vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech sound called_____C___. A. voiceless B. plosive C. voicing D. nasals 5. The greatest source of modification of the air stream is found in the___D___. A. oral cavity B. lung C. pharyngeal cavity D. nasal cavity 6. Among the following, the__B____ isn’t the organ located in the oral cavity. A.soft palate B. teeth ridge C. uvula D. glottis 7. Obstruction between the back of the tongue and the velar area results in the pronunciation of___B____. A. [f] and [v] B. [p] and [b] C. [t] and [d] D. [k] and [g] 8. Obstruction between the lips creates the sound___D___. A. [f] and [v] B. [t] and [d] C. [p] and [b] D. [k] and [g] 9. As for the orthographic representation of speech sounds, transcription with letter-symbols only is called___A__. A. broad transcription B. diacritics C. orthography D. narrow transcription 10. Classification of English speech sounds in terms of manner of articulation involves the following EXCEPT____C_. A. fricatives B. lateral C. affricates D. bilabial 11. Classification of English speech sounds in terms of place of articulation involves the following EXCEPT____C__. A. glottal B. palatal C. nasals D. alveolar 12. Which of the following isn’t the plosives in English? CA. [t]. B. [g]. C. [f]. D. [b] 13.Which of the following isn’t the fricatives in English? CA.[v]. B.[z]. C.[ts]. D.[s] 14. [d3] is a (an) __A____ sound. A. plosive B. fricative C. alveolar D. affricate 15. The only glottal sound in English is .C. A. [l] B. [h] C. [r] D. [j] 16. Vowels may be classified according to the following factors EXCEPT ___B__. A. position of tongue in mouth B. shape of the lips C. the openness of the mouth D. place of articulation 17. Which of the following is the front vowel? DA. [i:]. B. [u:]. C. [ə] D.[A]. 18. The following vowels are back vowels EXCEPT___B__. A. [u] B. [α] C. [u:] D. [α:]

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