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真题列举:处理细节的听力教学活动,关于ways to get good results when students study口语教学关于school rules一篇阅读文章是关于城市最好的电影院。要求:阅读全文并且讲出划线单词单词是比较级最高级。听力课。一段对话,开头一句是shall we have class party after class?要求:全英文作答,朗读课文,要有板书。所给短文大意为“大多数人probably会对朋友老师父母生气,perhaps是因为误会而生气,maybe是因为受到不公正对待而生气,但只要我们生气就会影响心情”。要求:辨析probably,perhaps和maybe。

115 评论


词汇句型篇导入1.Everybody, now let's play a guessing game.2.Imagine you're trapped in a loney island, you can only choose one thing with you,which one would you like to choose?A. a lot of money B. some water C. a map3.sing a song and ask questions about this song. (导入环节0.5—1.5分钟)如:以课题What are you doing?导入为例:教师可以现场做一个动作,比如唱歌的动作,然后问学生Class,what am I doing?(Singing.)Great.Today we are going to learn”What are you doing? (此处在黑板上板书课题)导入话题之后开始讲解知识点:——5分钟左右新授导入的句子写黑板上(创设情景/举例子),然后带领学生读这几个句子,每个句子读一遍展示一下过程即可。如:look at me again.What am I doing?(You are reading a book.) Another one.Now I will ask one student to come here and show teh guesture to the class. Who wants to try?Coco,please.What is Coco doing?(She is swimming.)Now read after me. (带领学生把黑板上板书的句子读一遍,建议教师只需读一遍展示一下即可)操练部分1.可以给出情景,两人一组练习对话;2.老师举例子,其他同学模仿练习——2分钟左右。然后老师叫一两组同学来展示一下刚刚的练习。如:Now,I will ask some students to come here and show some guestures.One shows and the others guess and say sentences. Anyone from Superman?Tom,please.Running man,what is Tom Doing?Amanda,you please.(He is jumping.)Both of you get one point.The last chance for Superman.I will choose the one whose hand is the highest.Sarah.What is Sarah doing?(Superman:She is dancing.)复习环节:一般用于讲完内容的时候复习的时候注意不是老师来总结,而是引导学生来说在这节课学到什么内容。Let’s review what we have learned today.What’s it?Do you remember……?——1分钟作业布置——0.5分钟1.课本第几页练习题(commom,不建议)。2.设置和本章相关的创造性作业。如:After class,please make a telephone call to your good friend.Ask him/her”What is your father/mother doing?”3.Listen to a ……song(与本堂课知识相关的歌曲)。评小组输赢:——0.5分钟Let's see who is the winner today.Superman,5 points.Running man,4 points.Superman is the winner.Congratulations.But Runningman also did a very good job.Give all of you applause.Class is over.See you.语音篇导入:设置的导入问题,要与题目要求中要教授的重点单词语音保持一致如:Colour song的导入:Class,which colour do you like best?Who can tell me?……Today we will learn a new song:Colour song.(导入环节0.5-1.5分钟)引出话题之后开始进入听歌和学唱环节:——5分钟左右新授(1)老师先播放一次歌曲:First,let's listen to the song.(2)然后带领学生一句句认歌词学唱:Now,please look at the fiest sentence.教师教唱每个句子之前,先在黑板上板书这一句歌词,然后教唱,以此类推。如教师不会唱本句,直接说一句Please sing after me,稍作停顿1-2秒做一个教唱的环节展示即可。(3)教师板书每个句子的时候,如果句中出现要求重点教授的单词语音,就要着重让学生注意,可以标记下划线,并且把这类单词挑出来带领学生读。如:Class,please pay attention to the words about colour.Now read after me……(4)最后集体合唱一次:Class,now let's sing this song together.One,two,three,go.操练部分教师给出不同颜色的卡片,请学生抢答对应颜色的英文名称,答对一个加1分,两个小组竞赛得分:Next,I will show you some cards about diffrent colours.Please tell me the right colour in English.——2分钟左右复习环节:一般用于讲完内容的时候复习的时候注意不是老师来总结,而是引导学生来说在这节课学到什么内容。语音课可以先让学生复习一下课题是什么,然后复习当堂重点讲解的单词语音,也就是单词的读法,可以老师带头,让学生把这些重点单词按照板书的顺序进行朗读。Let’s review what we have learned today.What’s it?Do you remember……?——1分钟作业布置——0.5分钟课后把这首歌唱给自己的家人或者朋友听,把今天学到的颜色的英文表达说给自己的父母或者朋友听:After class,please sing Colour song to your good friend or family members and tell them the new words about colour.评小组输赢:——0.5分钟Let's see who is the winner today.Superman,5 points.Running man,4 points.Superman is the winner.Congratulations.But Runningman also did a very good job.Give all of you applause.Class is over.See you.游戏篇导入:设置的导入问题,要与题目中的内容保持一致如:关于交通工具的导入:Class,how do you come to school every day?Who can tell me?……Today we will learn different ways to go to places.(导入环节0.5-1.5分钟)引出话题之后开始进入教学环节新授教师通过发问,引导学生回答问题,并且板书相应的句子。如:Lily,how do you come to schllo today?(By bus.)Where do you travel?(Beijing.)How do you go to Beijing?(By plane.)操练部分(1)教师给出不同交通工具的卡片,请学生抢答对应工具的英文名称,答对一个加1分,两个小组竞赛得分(此处可根据实际时间练习2~3个):Now,I will show you different pictures about ways of going to places.Please tell me the right answer in English.(2)第二个游戏环节可以根据实际课堂时间情况选择加入与否。这个游戏环节是,老师用英文描述交通工具的特征,让学生抢答猜是哪种交通工具。如:Next,I will describe a way of going to places.Please listen to me and guess what it is.It has no wheels and walks in water.(Ship.)Wonderful,you are so clever.I will give you one point.(以此类推,试时间情况练习2个即可)复习环节:一般用于讲完内容的时候复习的时候注意不是老师来总结,而是引导学生来说在这节课学到什么内容。Let’s review what we have learned today.What’s it?Do you remember……?——1分钟作业布置——0.5分钟课后找五位好朋友及你的家人,询问他们上班或上学的交通方式,记录下来明天和全班同学分享。评小组输赢——0.5分钟Let's see who is the winner today.Superman,5 points.Running man,4 points.Superman is the winner.Congratulations.But Runningman also did a very good job.Give all of you applause.Class is over.See you.写作篇导入:设置的导入问题,要与题目中的内容保持一致如:关于业余爱好的导入:Class,what do you like to do in your part-time?Who can tell me?……Today we will learn a letter about hobbies.(导入环节0.5-1.5分钟)引出话题之后开始进入教学环节新授教师先给学生2分钟左右时间,让学生把文段阅读一遍,并且思考相应问题。如:Now I will give you two minutes.Please read the letter carefully and find the answers to the questions.I will write the questiona on the blackboard.Q1:What is the writer's hobby?Q2:How does the writer feel?学生阅读结束后,教师点学生回答以上两个问题,在黑板上板书答案。操练部分(1)教师提问,学生回答问题:What's your hobby?How do you feel?教师把问题和学生给出的答案对应写在黑板上。新授和操练部分的板书内容,可以并排板书在黑板上,把问题和答案都形成对比,便于学生仿照句子回复信件内容。(2)让学生根据所讲知识以及自己的实际情况,回复信件:Now please write back to tell the writer your hobby according to what we have learned.(如果时间不允许,可以把回信作为课后作业)复习环节:一般用于讲完内容的时候复习的时候注意不是老师来总结,而是引导学生来说在这节课学到什么内容。Let’s review what we have learned today.What’s it?Do you remember……?——1分钟作业布置——0.5分钟(1)Finish your letter.(2)Make a telephone call to your good friend and ask him/her"What is your hobby?"评小组输赢——0.5分钟Let's see who is the winner today.Superman,5 points.Running man,4 points.Superman is the winner.Congratulations.But Runningman also did a very good job.Give all of you applause.Class is over.See you.

220 评论



239 评论



初中英语 语法




Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Students will master the rule of the Simple Past Tense.

Ability aim:

Students will able to talk about the things happened in the past in their daily life.

Emotional aim:

Students will learn how to cooperate with others.

Key and difficult point:

Key Point: Students will master the structure of the Simple Past Tense.

Difficult Point: Students will use the structure of the Simple Past Tense in daily life.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Ask students a question: what are you reading recently? And ask some students to share with the whole class.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Review the knowledge about the past tense of verbs: write some verbs on the blackboard and ask students to change the verbs into their past tense.

2. Ask students to read the dialogue and pay attention to the background information about Mark Twain. Then ask students some questions: What’ Mark Twain’ real name? When did he born? When did he begin to work? And then invite some students to share the answers with the whole class and write down on the blackboard.

3. Then ask students when these things happened and then tell them the rule of past tense: Simple Past Tense refers to the actions or states happened at a certain moment in the past, or a certain period of time in the past. It is often used with temporal adverbial, such as yesterday, last week and so on.

4. Ask students to read the dialogue again and try to find other sentences which used the Simple Past Tense and share with class. Then tell students the rule of general and special interrogative sentences in the past tense: general interrogative sentences use auxiliary verbs (did) and special interrogative sentences use special interrogative words (what, when, how...).

Step 3: Practice

1. Ask student to role play the dialogue and ask two groups to show in class.

2. Play a game: magic box. There is a magic box which is full of all kind of verbs, ask students to choose one card and then make a sentence with it using the Simple Past Tense.

Step4: Production

Discussion: ask students to talk about what happened to them in the last weekend, they should use the Simple Past Tense and then invite two of them to show their conversation.4 in 1, 5 minutes will be given.

Step5: Summary and Homework

Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.

Homework: ask students to practice the usage of Simple Past Tense learned today with desk mates after class.

Blackboard design:


1. Could you list any other temporal adverbials which can be used in The Simple Past Tense?


Usually, we can use yesterday, last night/night/month/weekend/year, the day before yesterday, in 1992 (a year in the past), in the 1990s, at the age of 16 and so on.

159 评论


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