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【昆明育萃教育】为你解答云南教师资格证面试英语说课稿(模板) Dear teachers and judges: Good morning. It’s my great honor to stand here to share my teaching ideas with you. Today , I am talking about the first period of Unit 5 Do you like pears?Analysis of the teaching material: The topic of this unit is about fruits, and ask others what fruits they like. In this period, students need to master two key important words about fruits—oranges and pears. And students also need to master the sentence “Do you like ..? Yes, I do. / NO, I don’t.” This period is very important to help students learn the following parts, part B and Part C.Teaching Aims:1. master the words orange and pear.2. master the key sentence “Do you like …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.” 3. help students form a habit of using English in daily life. Teaching important points:1. teach students to learn to listen , read and speak the words orange and pear.2. teach students to learn to listen ,read and use the key sentences . Teaching difficult points: Use the sentences in daily life and master the sentence pattern. Teaching methods: In order to help students master the words and sentences well, I will use “situation communicating” method and game. Teaching procedures:# Warming - up (sing a song ---Hello, peach do oh do, Hello, pear do oh do)Before we begin our class, I will let students sing a song with me to let students become active and create an environment of learning English.(the purpose of designing: let students become active and creat an environment of learning English.)# lead-in (用实物果导入)T: Boys and girls, what’s this? S: Apple.T: Great! And What’s this?S: It’s a pear.T: You are very clever! Now, please follow me . Let ‘s chant!I have an apple , I have an apple , me too , me too!I have a pear, I have a pear, me too,! me too(the purpose of designing : Let students review the words about fruit they have learnt before, and lead students come to the new class by this chant.)Presentation:Step 1. Teach new words “pears and oranges” (Guessing- game )T: boys and girls, Today , I brought some fruits . can you guess? (实物展示)S: pear, banana…..T: …You are right! Ok, read after me. Pear, pear, pear p-e-a-r pear! ( 图片教学) # I will use the same method to teach students the word “orange”(the purpose of designing: Use the pictures and objects of fruits to make a real learning environment to the students ,and help them learn to read and learn to speak) Step2: sentence pattern# After learning the words “pear and orange”. I will let students review the two words again by repeating the sentence: I have a pear, I like pears. I like an orange, I like oranges.Then I will ask the students : “Do you like pears…? S: –Yes, I do . / No, I don’t.”Then I will take out an orange and use the same method to teach them.# This part is very important in this period, So I will create a real situation , and let students to practice the sentence again and again.Train Game: I will divide students into several group , four students each, and one of them is the host and the other three are guests. The host can hold a plate of different kinds fruit to ask his guests : Do you like …? The other students can answer : Yes, I do ./ No, I don’t, I like …and then change the role to play this game.(the purpose of designing : While playing the game , students can master the key sentence in an active atmosphere and learn to use it freely in daily life.)Step3: Practice 1. match game( I will stick some pictures on one half of the blackboard , and write down the Words on the other half of the blackboard, then divide students into two groups to let them match as quick as possible. The group who can match fast is the winner. )2. Let students use the sentence “Do you like …, Yes, I do ./ No, I don’t…” according the pictures on the blackboard to make a conversation with desk mates.(the purpose of designing : In this match game , students can review the words and remember the words quickly, and use the sentence freely )Step4: consolidation (group - work)1. show the dialogue in the text book, and let students read after me.2. Situation: in a supermarket, some people want to buy fruits. You are the salesperson, please ask them what fruit they like. I will set an example for them.Eg. ---Do you like pears? -- Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. (the purpose of designing: Help them consolidate the sentence, and students make a good habit of using English in daily life through this situation.)Step5: Pass cardStep6:Homework 1. draw pictures about the fruits that we have learnt in this class, and color them. 2. make a dialogue with parents by using the words and sentences we have learnt today.As an English teacher, I want to say “Tell me, I forget it; Teach me, I learn it; Involve me, I understand it.” This is my teaching plane about this period, thank you for your listening希望对你有帮助,谢谢

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你好【育萃教育为你解答】:云南教师资格证考试原题的话一般很少出现,但知识点的话重复的还是很多的,尤其是教育学和心理学里面各种理论提出的名人和代表作及代表内容等考的都差不多:以下是育萃2015年下半年教师资格证考试培训班部分预测题:心理学部分1.1903年美国心理学家桑代克出版了《教育心理学》,标志着心理学作为一门独立学科的开始。因此桑代克被称为 ( )A.教育心理学之父 B.心理学之父 C.现代教育心理学之父 D.现代心理学之父2.根据埃里克森的理论,自主感对羞辱感是在 ( )A.0~1.5岁 B.2~3岁 C.4~5岁 D.5~6岁3.根据学习动机的强化理论,力求成功动机者倾向选择的学习任务难度是 ( )A.大于50% B.小于50% C.50% D.不一定4.根据科尔伯格的道德判断理论,一个孩子认为利他的动机就是好的,利己的动机就是坏的,此阶段的儿童处于 阶段。 ( )A.惩罚服从取向阶段 B.寻求认可取向阶段 C.遵守法规取向阶段 D.社会契约取向阶段5.卢布姆等人在其教学目标的分类系统中,将教学目标分为认知目标、情感目标和 ( )A.动作技能目标 B.心理目标 C.生理目标 D.社会目标6.一般情况,课堂气氛包含三种类型,积极的、 的和消极的。 ( )A.正向的 B.稳重的 C.依存的 D.对抗的7.马斯洛需要层次理论中的最高层次是 ( ) A.安全需要 B.尊重的需要 C.爱与归属的需要 D.自我实现的需要8.教育心理学研究的核心内容是 ( )A.教学过程 B.教师 C.学生 D.学习过程9.教育心理学的初创期大致为 ( )A.20世纪20年代以前 B.20世纪20年代到50年代末C.20世纪60年代到70年代末 D.20世纪80年代以后10.同一机能特性在发展的不同时期有不同的发展速率,这是指心理发展的 ( )A.阶段性 B.顺序性 C.不平衡性 D.个体差异性11.小红认为,她喜欢红色,所以每一个人也都喜欢红色。她所表现出来的是前运算思维的何种特征?( )A.不可逆性 B.单维性 C.自我中心 D.集中化12.某学生喜欢结构化的学习任务,偏爱人文社会科学知识,难以从复杂图形中找出镶嵌于基中的简单图形。根据威特金的理论,该生的认知方式属于 ( )A.场独立型 B.场依存型 C.冲动型 D.沉思型13.学生学习功×力=距离,这种学习是 ( )A.辨别学习 B.概念学习 C.规则或原理学习 D.解决问题学习14.学生通过学习后,能说出“诚信”的含义。根据加涅的学习分类,这种水平的学习主要属于( )A.言语信息学习 B.智慧技能学习 C.认知策略学习 D.态度学习15.学生在英语学习中对相似的单词不能加以正确区分的现象属于 ( )A.遗忘 B.条件作用消退 C.刺激泛化 D.刺激分化16.根据斯金纳的强化理论,教师在课堂上通过减少惩罚来鼓励学生学习积极性属于( )A.正强化 B.负强化 C.消退 D.惩罚17.在有意义的学习中,在呈现正式的学习材料之前,先用浅显的、易懂的语言介绍的一种引导性材料是 ( )A.概念 B.先行组织者 C.学习定势 D.认知结构18.认为知识只是一种解释,一种假设而不是问题的最终答案的学习理论是 ( )A.行为主义学习理论 B.人本主义学习理论 C.认知学习理论 D.建构主义学习理论19.哪个学习理论学派的学生观强调引导儿童从原有的知识经验中“生长”出新的知识经验?( )A.完形顿悟说 B.认知结构学习论 C.信息加工学习理论 D.建构主义学习理论20.建构主义强调,知识的特点具有 ( )A.主观性 B.客观性 C.普遍适应性 D.永恒性21.立榜样、树标兵和杀一儆百、杀鸡儆猴的做法,让学习者因榜样受到强化而间接受到强化。这种强化就是 ( )A.替代强化 B.自我强化 C.直接强化 D.外部强化22.从迁移的观点来看,“温故而知新”属于 ( )A.顺向正迁移 B.逆向正迁移 C.顺向负迁移 D.逆向负迁移23.闻一知十、触类旁通指的是学习中的 ( )A.定势现象 B.迁移现象 C.记忆现象 D.应用24.知识学习中,理解某一原理意义的学习属于 ( )A.陈述性知识学习 B.程序性知识学习 C.策略性知识学习 D.操作性知识学习25.学生先学习了“蔬菜”以词,再学习“青菜”、“白菜”,属于 ( )A.上位学习 B.下位学习 C.并列结合学习 D.整合学习26.学习质量与能量、热与体积、遗传结构与变异、需求与价格等概念之间的关系属于( )A.上位学习 B.下位学习 C.整合学习 D.并列结合学习27.根据过度学习的理论,学习的熟练程度达到多少时,记忆效果最好? ( )A.100% B.120% C.150% D.180%28.考前复习了几天后,这一天的学习效率很低,就好象再也记忆不进去了,这很可能是记忆到了 ( )A.生理极限 B.高原期 C.饱足 D.缺乏动机控制29.安德森的心智技能形成的第二个阶段是 ( )A.认知阶段 B.联结阶段 C.自动化阶段 D.评价阶段30.在历史学习中,有人按古代史、近代史、现代史来学习,有人按经济史、文化史等方面来学习,这属于 ( )A.组织策略 B.精细加工策略 C.资源管理策略 D.复述策略31.小明的爸爸教小明用编歌谣的方式记忆古诗词,这种认知策略属于 ( )A.组织策略 B.精细加工策略 C.资源管理策略 D.复述策略32.以下属于认知策略的是 ( )A.在阅读困难或不熟的材料时放慢速度 B.对每一天的活动都列出一张活动顺序表C.将所学的知识再用实验证明、写成报告、做出总结D.意识到不理解课文的某一部分时,退回去读困难的段落33.在学习过程中,学习者采用在主题句下画线的方法帮助学习,这种学习策略是 ( )A.组织策略 B.精细加工策略 C.资源管理策略 D.复述策略34.看到某件制品时常被其惯常的用途所束缚,很难想到它别的方面的功能。这种现象被称为( )A.习惯 B.功能固着 C.定势 D.定向35.研究者认为,创造性思维的核心是 ( )A.发散思维 B.聚合思维 C.形象思维 D.抽象思维36.内化是指在思想观点上与他人的思想观点相一致,将自己所认同的思想与自己原有的观点、信念融为一体,构成一个完整的 ( )A.认知结构 B.价值体系 C.观念系统 D.策略框架37.一位教师时刻关心学生对自己上课的满意程度,从教师成长阶段来看,该教师处于 发展阶段。 ( )A.关注生存 B.关注情境 C.关注学生 D.关注自我感受38.根据福勒和布朗的教师成长阶段,某教师在课堂教学中主要精力总是集中在对学生成绩的关注上。据此,这位教师的成长可能处在 ( )A.关注生存 B.关注情境 C.关注学生 D.关注自我感受39.在真实的课堂环境中控制相应的条件,对教学进行比较长时间的考察称为 ( )A.自然实验 B.个案研究 C.调查法 D.观察法40.教学中要贯彻因材施教原则,这是因为学生身心发展具有 ( )A.阶段性 B.顺序性 C.不平衡性 D.个体差异性41.学生学习体操,这种学习属于 ( )A.信号学习 B.连锁学习 C.辨别学习 D.言语联结学习42.在试误学习中,任何刺激与反应的联结,一经运用,联结的力量逐渐增大,而如果不运用,联结力量就会减弱,这是 ( )A.效果律 B.练习律 C.准备律 D.试误律43.学习是学习者通过尝试—错误,使某情境和某行为之间形成稳定的联系。该学习理论观点的提出者是 ( )A.巴甫洛夫 B.桑代克 C.布鲁纳 D.加涅44.以下哪种学习动机属于内部学习动机 ( )A.万般皆下品,唯有读书高 B.读书是一种乐趣 C.书中自有黄金屋 D.为中华之崛起而读书45.下列情境中代表内在动机的情境的是 ( )A.课间休息时,小李自觉回到教室里看书 B.王老师对小红的测验成绩表示满意C.校长在全校大会上宣布优秀学生名单 D.小英每天独自看几小时电视46.讲果实的概念时,既讲苹果、西红柿、花生等可食植物,也讲橡树子等不可食植物,让学生掌握果实都有“种子”这一关键属性叫 ( )A.正例 B.反例 C.变式 D.比较47.操作技能与心智技能相比,在结构上的特点是 ( )A.具有观念性 B.具有外显性 C.具有展开性 D.具有整体性48.可以将教学目标划分为知识、领会、应用、分析,综合和评价等六个层次的是布卢姆教育目标分类系统中的 ( )A.行为目标 B.认知目标 C.情感目标 D.动作技能目标49.课堂里从众现象的发生,一般认为是 的结果 ( )A.群体凝聚力 B.群体规范 C.课堂气氛 D.课堂里的人际关系50.某教师在一个学期教学之后,仅仅出一个作文题测验学生的语文成绩。从有效自编测验的条件来看,这种做法难以保证测验的 ( )A.区分度 B.效度 C.难度 D.信度亲,还有更多资料但不知如何给你!

238 评论



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