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2009年12月雅思口语Part one1. Major/workAre you studying or working? Do you love your major or job? What is your ideal job? Which way do you prefer , team work or individual work? Have you received any training before? How do you feel about training? what are the difficulties in your work or study?2. HometownWhere are you from? Tell me something about your hometown? Are there any changes happened in your hometown these years? What is the thing attracts you most in your hometown?3. Flats & Houses & Cooking & FruitsWhere are you living, in a flat or a house? What can you see from your flat window? What are the things on the walls of your flat? Is there anything which needs to be improved in your flat? why do you people like to hang some paintings on the walls? Do you love eating fruits and vegetables? why? What kind of food is popular in china? What kind of food do you love most? Do you love cooking? Explain . Shopping & Travelling & Holidays & Parties Do you love shopping? Where do you love to go shopping more, big shopping malls or small stores? How do you feel about online shopping? Do you love traveling? among all the places you have ever been to, where impressed you most?where do you want to go most, which country or place? what is the thing you don't like and like most about holidays? which parties do you love more, family parties or friends parties? when you hang out, you prefer to hang out along or with your friends?5. Internet/ News/phones/ TV advertisements/ Letters/When do you usually surf the internet and what do you usually do on the internet? When did you start learning to suf the internet? How do you usually get news? what kind of news do people in China love? Cell phones, E-mails and letters, which ones do you love most? how often do you usually use E-mails? when was the last time you wrote letters? Do you love writing letters? what is the importance of writing letters? Do kids in China love reading? explain kind of TV programs do you love watching? do you love watching foreign TV programs? why?How do you think of those ads on TV? what are the differences between TV advertisements and magazine advertisements? what are the differences between magazines and newspapers? 6. Birthdays & Gifts & PaintingsHow do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays? what are the important birthdays for chinese? Do you consider the price a lot when you select gifts for others? Do you love paintings? Why do you think parents in China are always forcing their kids to learn how to paint?7. Leisure Activities & VisitsDo you love going to art galleries or museums? How do you like to relax? What do you usually do to relax? How often do you usually get visits? How do you usually prepare for the visitors who go to your place? 8. Sports & Swimming &Transportations &Bicycles & drivingDo you love swimming? Do you want to learn how to swim? Is there any swimming course in your school? is learning swimming necessary? What is the most popular sport in China? What is your favorite sport? Are there any good ways to keep fit? What are the advantages of riding bicycles in China? What is the most popular transportation in china? What is your favorite transportation? Do you know how to drive? When do you think is the right age for kids to learn how to drive? why?Part twoA People & Animals* A great cook, *A good friend=A family member you want to talk to/spend time with=*A person who helped you, *A leader=A famous person=A person you want to become one day=An idol=An intelligent person, A champion in a match, An animalB Objects *A piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion, *A piece of electronic equipment=A gift you received; A toy in your childhood=A childhood memory=* An old thing you keep in your family, * A letter=A photo, A thing you want to save money to buy in the future *A painting=A thing you DIY=A handicraft * A statue or a sculpture=A piece of art, A vehicle you want to have in the futureC Events*A long journey you had lately=A trip that didn't go as planned=*A traffic jam you experienced *A piece of advice=A visit=An important conversation you had=*An important stage in your life=A positive change in your life,* An educational visit you made, *A sports event you watched=An extreme sport=A training you received , A performance or a show you watched=A public event *A game you played in your childhood=A happy childhood memory, One favorite meal=A successful experience=A party you had=A happy event=A project (the group work) you did with others, A festival * A lecture or a speech you love; An outdoor activity=A leisure activity=A picnic at a park, *A science course you had (biology, chemistry...), A change you want to make in the future=your future plan * A piece of good news you got from a phone call D places* A museum, A park =A place that features water=Your favorite season=A city you have been to=A tourist attraction=A historical attraction *A library *A place you love to listen to music=A small store=A restaurant=Your favorite part in your hometown=A flat or a house * An organization or a big companyE Media *A childhood song you love *A piece of news you watched on TV or read from a magazine*A law in China=An advertisement=A film you love *A book you read before=A TV program=A magazine=A website *A second language you want to learn (except English)=A course you want to take

290 评论



所需证件: 护照 (正本) 及准考证



1. 上午8:00 前到达考试中心。

2. 在考场张贴的名单上找到自己的名字,记住自己的考场号。

3. 听从考试中心工作人员的指挥到候考室候考,并将您的私人物品存放在指定的区域。

请注意:8:30 停止进场。迟到的考生将被取消参加笔试的资格,并不得转考、雅思退考或雅思退费。笔试迟到的考生有权利选择参加口语考试。


1. 进入考场后,监考人员将宣读考试注意事项。

2. 考生的身份证会被暂时集中收起,并在笔试结束前归还。

3. 监考人员发放听力与阅读答题纸,请根据监考人员指示进行填写。(考试答题纸为一张,两面分别为听力与阅读,请注意区分)

4. 请根据提示测试耳机。

5. 监考人员将会现场拆封并分发听力试卷,指示考生填写姓名与考号。

6. 考试正式开始之前,监考人员会提示考生再次检查耳机。

7. 听力考试录音将会提示考生何时可以打开试卷。在此之前,请勿打开。

















1. 考生请在位置上保持安静。

2. 按照监考人员指示,按顺序离场。

3. 请带好自己的身份证件和桌卡。

4. 请勿忘记自己考场外的私人物品。

口语 开考时间分配不同 考试共用时15-20mins













212 评论




1. 雅思口语题库明了的前提,可对应收集整理素材




考前就知道雅思口语考题是一面双刃剑。对考生而言可以针对性的进行充分准备,但对考官们而言,手里的能提问的问题翻来覆去就那么一些,听到的回答总体也会大同小异,想要让考官对你印象深深,高级词汇、同义词替换、地道俚语积累也是比不可少的,用细节在不经意间向考官展现自己精心准备的show time,低调“炫技”。

如果描述交通堵塞,除了会说traffic jam,还经常会说traffic congestion,the conject traffic,heavy traffic等。






5. 不迟到、有礼貌,沉着冷静自信应对考试中的一切



206 评论


12月5日雅思考试口语话题回忆1. A speech that influences you2. 历史遗迹 扩展---你喜欢旅游吗? 你去过哪里? 中国有历史课没? 如何学好历史? 如何看待历史?3. 健康 how to keep fit and stay healthy?4. tv program 扩展---hobby 电视节目好不好? 电视节目应该有什么限制?5. 玩具6. 假期计划7. 图书馆8. a change in your life 扩展---人们喜欢不喜欢改变? 你现在做的和你小时候做的有什么不同?9. 电影10. 你想学的一个科目11. 你最喜欢的家乡的一个地方12. 一首有意思的儿歌13. a family member you want to live with 扩展---how long have you lived with her/him? how does he/she influence you?14. traffic jam/ block15. 你从电话里听到的一个好消息题目分析:民间传说年底不会出太多新题,今天的口语也体现了这一点,在重庆地区考的口语题目基本就是大家比较熟悉的常见的题目。TIPS:大家在回答第2部分的问题的时候,如果一下没有头绪或者思路,可以根据他给的CUE CARD上面的提示进行解答,用一些连接的词语或者句子连接起来就构成了你的回答。例如:decribe a movie you like bestyou should say:what movie it iswhen you saw itwhat the movie is aboutand explain why you like the movie你可以这样来组织你的语言well, i am going to start off by telling you which movie is my favorite. it 's called life is first saw it when i was in high school. i have to admit that it's a great movie and everytime i watch it and my eyes are alwaying filling with would love to share with you what the movie about since i just adore the movie. it's a story of a jewish italian, who must employ his fertile imagination to help his son survive in the concentration camp. (可以再具体一点)going on to my next point which is why i am so into this movie is that...加入自己一点原因in addition to that/ additionally/ moreover/ furthermore/ 加入自己另一点原因基本上第2部分都可以这样来构思。我们现在来分析几个今天考的试题speechwhen it comes to the speech which influences me most, i would not hesitate to say it's the one given by our headmaster in high school. it was on the first day of school. you know, my high school is not really a great one and a lot of students were not satisfied with the situation, neither was i. i was angery at myself and really puzzled about my future---how could i get into a decent university from this shabby school? then her speech totally changed my attitude towards my life. i still remember she was wearing a red dress, standing in front of all the students. she said, i know you are not happy with everything right now--- the school, the score you got which got you here... but i want you to know that, every school has good and bad students, even the top schools in the you can be still be excellent in a not so good school as long as you work harder. after she finished her speech, the students all stood up and gave her a big hand. i was totally welling up. that was defintely what i needed at that moment, a push from the teacher, to tell me my life still could be great if i want to make it happen. that was also a lessen for life. everytime i am almost about to complain or give up on something, i will think about her speech, everything is possible if you let it be possible.这个也可以用来说a change in life,对你生活的一个改变。 healthpeople will never argue that health is important to us. within six decades, china has lifted hundreds of people out of poverty(学奥巴马的,呵呵)and the health condition of chinese people has been also improved a lot. people are beginning to pay attention to their own my mum for example, she is really into collecting info of keeping fit. i am more than happy to share my mum's secret health-keeping ways with you. she asks us to drink a glass of warm water with honey every morning with empty stomach. we should eat enough vegetable to get enough vitamine...continuing with my next point which is why health means so much to us... toy玩具题在长沙考区出现的次数也是非常多的,还记得有次我在北雅的一节沙龙课中也总结了玩具和儿时游戏的这2个常考的话题。男孩常玩的popgun/water gun, transformer robot, romote car/ship, marbles, yo-yo ball女骇常玩的barbie dolls/ stikers/ jigsaw puzzle/ lego介绍什么是你儿时最喜欢的玩具,为什么对你的意义很大,一般采取讲故事的方法比较简单 traffic jam/blockwhen/when/how do you feel about itwhen i saw the topic of this cue card, i got goose bumps all over.:) i have to admit that i really loathe traffic block! i still remember my experience in guilin. i was there on holiday 1 year ago. i would use a chinglish phrase to decribe it, literally, people mountain, people see,which is similar to the english phrase "packed like a sardine can"(大家使用人山人海的时候,一定要体现自己能够解释的能力,要不是反倒弄巧成拙,搞的考官一头雾水) we were traveling with a tour agency. they took us to different scenic spots there. you know what, we spent twice as much time on the road as we were in the park. and the time in the park was as miserable as on the bus. i simply couldn't see the so-called beautiful views, instead of that, we could only see thousands of people moving in front of us....其他的题目大家基本能在MILLY老师最近几次的雅思的题目分析中可以找到,相信大家只要考前做足了功课应该是没有问题的,最后祝明天考试的烤鸭们发挥超常,考出理想的分数!!!

274 评论



89 评论


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