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环球教育老师为同学们总结近期雅思口语Part2高频话题如下,希望对您的备考有所帮助~Describe an interesting conversation you had with a strangerYou should sayWho this person wasWhat the conversation was aboutWhy you had this conversationAnd how you felt about itYou should say:Who this person isWhat kind of job this person doesHow you knew him or herAnd explain why this person is good at his or her someone you would like to study or work with You should say:Who this person isHow long you have known this personWhat you have done togetherAnd explain why you would like to work/ study with this personDescribe a time you borrowed something from should say:What the situation wasWhat you borrowedWhom you borrowed it fromAnd explain why you borrowed a gift that took you a lot of time to prepareYou should say:What it wasWho you gave it toHow you prepared itAnd explain why you spent a lot of time preparing itDescribe something lost by others but found by should say:When it happened;What you picked up;How you did with the lost thing;And how did you feel about a time you felt tired but had to keep awakeYou should sayWhy you felt tiredWhy you had to keep awakeWhat you had to do to keep awakeand explain how you felt about the experienceDescribe a school you went to in your childhoodWhere it wasWhat it was likeWhat you learned thereAnd how you felt about it不知道以上内容能否对您的雅思备考有些许帮助,如有雅思备考相关问题可以在评论区交流讨论~~看见后第一时间为同学们解答疑问,希望同学们都可以取得理想的雅思分数~环球教育秉持教育成就未来的理念,专注于为中国学子提供优质的出国语言培训及配套服务。环球教育在教学中采用“九步闭环法”,帮助学生快速提升学习效能,同时提供优质的课后服务,跟进学生学习进程,为优质教学提供坚强的保障。目前,环球教育北京学校已构建了包含语言培训、出国咨询、国际课程、游学考察、在线课程等在内的一站式服务教育生态圈。相关问题可在线免费咨询,或拨打免费热线~~

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感谢您关注智课网(SmartStudy)!话题——老人Respecting oldpeople is a long-standingtradition of china.^敬老是中国的传统美德。China has entered theaging society period.^中国已经进入了老龄化社会的阶段。Old peoplesometimes behave like children.^老年人的举止有时就跟小孩子一样。The rich lifeexperiences and wisdom ofelderly people are a treasure.^上了年纪的人丰富的生活阅历和智慧是一种财富。Aging is anunavoidable natural process.^变老是一种无法避免的自然过程。In my family oldpeople are honored.^在我的家庭里,老年人是受到尊敬的。When people growold, sometimes they turn tobe irritable and stubborn.^当人们变老.有时他们就会变得暴躁而又顽固。Many youngpeople neglect their duties tothe old ones in the family.^许多年轻人忽视了他们赡养父母的责任。Differentgenerations shall be moreunderstanding to each other.^几代人之间的相处要求更多的包容和理解。InChinaold people often shoulder theresponsibility of taking care of the babies.^在中国.老年人经常肩负起照顾婴儿的责任。Old people passdown tradition to theyounger generation.^老年人把传统传承给下一辈。Many old peopletoday are even moreopen-minded than the young.^现在许多老年人甚至比年轻人更加思想开明。智课网官方网址:

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