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165 评论


《哪吒之魔童降世》影评(中英文)Domestic animation "The Devil Child of Naju" has developed the Taoist philosophy of Yin and Yang thoroughly and vividly, with full color, boiling role and happy spirit. It surpasses the "Return of the Great Sage" in a sense, especially for the presentation of "Shanhe Social Map", which shows the ups and downs, the brilliant brushwork and the fresh flowers like a magic brush and horse Liang.The film's comedy expression and violence aesthetics do not affect the depth of the theme of thinking, creating a record of continuous groping.The film is adapted from Chinese mythology and tells the story of Nazha's growing experience of "fighting against the heavens to the end" though he was born as a devil.There are also many colorful legends among the people: this is a "naughty boy" who is unruly and in high tension with his father, King Li Jing of Tota Heaven; like Monkey King, he is a representative of resistance to oppression, and they hold the belief that "my life is beyond my control".

295 评论


Nezha has been vigorous since childhood. He is vicious and belligerent. He can't be bullied. He is bold and arrogant. He was born brave, fearless, rebellious and tenacious. He dared to love, hate, resist and challenge the oppression of patriarchy. He is loyal to Zhou Guozhong and has made great achievements in fighting. In the face of the enemy, he is fierce, brave, aggressive, heroic, and indomitable. It combines the duality of angels and demons, and has a special personality of being both good and evil.哪吒自小就血气方刚、毒舌好战、不容人欺、胆大包天、心浮气盛。生来好勇斗狠、生死无畏、叛逆顽强,面对父权的压迫敢爱敢恨、勇于反抗与挑战。对于周国忠肝义胆、自强不息、战功显赫。面对敌军而暴戾刚烈、奋勇当先、冲锋杀敌、英伟不凡、越战越猛、不屈不挠。结合天使与恶魔的双面性为一身,具有亦正亦邪的特殊个性。

106 评论


Domestic animation "The Devil Child of Naju" has developed the Taoist philosophy of Yin and Yang thoroughly and vividly, with full color, boiling role and happy spirit. It surpasses the "Return of the Great Sage" in a sense, especially for the presentation of "Shanhe Social Map", which shows the ups and downs, the brilliant brushwork and the fresh flowers like a magic brush and horse Liang.The film's comedy expression and violence aesthetics do not affect the depth of the theme of thinking, creating a record of continuous groping.The film is adapted from Chinese mythology and tells the story of Nazha's growing experience of "fighting against the heavens to the end" though he was born as a devil.There are also many colorful legends among the people: this is a "naughty boy" who is unruly and in high tension with his father, King Li Jing of Tota Heaven; like Monkey King, he is a representative of resistance to oppression, and they hold the belief that "my life is beyond my control".

259 评论


  • 哪吒英文介绍

    where(哪) take it off(脱下)

    yoyoyoyoyo224 4人参与回答 2024-06-11
  • 哪吒闹海英语翻译


    datang1201 8人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 电影影评英语

    ,this movie is so beautiful,the pride sang well,those ghosts w

    傻喵喵123 3人参与回答 2024-06-12
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    《阿凡达》影评: Avatar is directed by James Cameron.The two main characters are Jake Su

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