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首页 > 英语培训 > 江西培训通知模板英语

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252 评论



238 评论


你好,以此为模板!!NoticeA meeting is going to be held in Room 103 of Building 3 at 7 on the evening of April 5. Problems to be talked about at the meeting include the safety of the dormitories, proper use of electricity, what to do in case of fire, prevention of theft and so on. A member of each dormitory is required to be present. They should take notebooks with them and arrive on time. They should take notes carefully and after the meeting they are to inform their roommates of what is discussed and what measures will be taken.The Dormitory CommitteeApril 2nd, 2007

225 评论


The company will be organized by learning how to operate a new system of training courses to fulfill orders, hoping that all the class and group leaders to learn the system first in order to online shipping companies and related business contacts effectively, if done, please telephone to inform the Secretary of requirements: bring notebook and pen ; the middle of a break with coffee and tea training time :2008-7-23 Wednesday 9:00

164 评论


关于开展XXXX培训的通知各室、部……:根据《XXXX》、《XXXX》……相关内容(或写:为提升员工技术),结合XXXX要求,为更好地推动XXXXX工作,XXXX将开展XXXX培训,现将相关事宜安排如下:一、培训时间:XXX年XX月XX日(周X), X:XX-XX:XX。二、培训地点:XXXXX 三、培训对象(按部门、层级或类别):(一)XXXX (二)XXXX (三)XXXX (四)XXXX 五、 相关要求: (一) 参训人员X:XX进入会场,培训期间不得无故离席、早退、缺勤,培训出勤情况将与绩效考核挂钩; (二) 请各部门于XX月XX日XX:XX前将参训人员名单报送至XXXXX部XXXX处,邮箱:;如有特殊情况无法出席的需在XX月XX日XX:XX前将人员变更名单上报至XXXX部; (三) 参训人员按照公司着装要求着装; (四) 参训人员自带笔记本、笔,培训期间将电话关机或调制无声状态,保持教室安静。 特此通知!

341 评论


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