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在英语教学中,我们经常会遇到一些用than和as表示差比与等比的比较句型.这类句型意思隐晦,学生较难理解与掌握.碰到这样的句型,通常应采用意译,揭示其内含的比较意义.1. better than 不致于……(后接动词不定式) She drives better than to fail in getting the driving licence. 她驾驶得好,决不致于拿不到驾驶证.2. better...than... “与其…,不如…” (better 和than 后接名词,形容词,动词.就事物性状或动作行为方面,作优劣比较,多见于格言和谚语.) Better the last smile than the first laughter. 笑得最后,笑得最好.3. no better than 简直是…, 实际上等于…(后接名词或从句) He is no better than a beggar. 他简直是个乞丐。4.not better than 顶多不过是… ,并不比…好 (后接名词)He is not better than a small clerk. 他顶多不过是个小职员。 5. no more than只,仅仅,只不过是,(后面接名词或数词)The street is no more than two miles long.这条大街只有两英里长。6. no more... than 和……一样不(后接名词或从句)Than前后都是否定的含义。A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. (= A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is.)鲸和马都不是鱼。(鲸之非鱼类,正如马之非鱼类。)7.no other than 只有,正是 (后接名词或动词不定式)。它常用来加强语气,多用于书面语。The murderer turned out to be no other person than the inspector himself.结果是,那个杀人犯不是别人,正是巡官自己。8.no less... than 和……一样,不逊于(后接名词或从句)。其中的than前后都是肯定的意思。This person is no less diligent than he used to be.这个人和从前一样勤奋。9. no less than 多达,竟有……之多,不下于( 后接名词或数词)In the battle, the Red Army wounded were no less than twenty thousand.在这次战斗中,红军伤员不下两万人。10. other than不同于,除……之外 (后接名词)This crop doesn't do well in soils other than the one for which it has been specially developed.除了这块专门为它培育的土壤,这种作物在其它土壤上都生长不好。11.形容词与副词(比较级)+than成功做某事而不失误,应意译,不可直译。(than后接动词不定式或从句)He works harder than to fail in the exam. 他学习努力,考试定能过关。12.as much as 尽可能…… (后接从句,从句谓语用情态动词 can/could) It was as much as he could do to help us. 他尽最大力量帮助我们。13. not so much…as 与其说是……,还不如说是…… (后接名词) He is not so much a scholar as a writer. 他与其说是学者,不如说是作家。

108 评论


she is taller than her mothershe is stronger than her fathershe is ....

242 评论


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