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回答 培训总结报告范文(一)转眼间培训班的课程已经接近结束,经过十一天的学习,我想我们每一位学员都有不同的但很大的收获。对于我个人,我认为这次培训班举办的非常有意义,非常有必要,因为它不仅让我充实了更多的理论知识,更让我开阔了视野,解放了思想,打动了内心。无论是从党校到复旦,从听课到交谈,还是从所听到所闻,每时每刻、每一堂课,都让我有所感动和收获,许多不可言语表达的收获。加之与来自不同县市区、不同工作岗位的同学们聚集一堂,相互交流借鉴工作经验、思路方法,较全面的提高了自己的理论水平和工作能力。以下是这些天的几点体会:一、多种形式的学习,提高了理论水平作为一名年轻的基层干部,我有了一定的理论知识和工作经验,但既不够系统也不够丰富。通过老师深入浅出的讲授,感觉豁然开朗,许多问题从理论上找到了依据,对原来在工作实践中觉得不好解决的棘手问题找到了切入点,感觉收获很大。通过系统地学习十七大精神,让我强化了服务大局的意识,同时让我更清晰更全面地看到了加快乡镇政府职能有管理型向服务型转变的意义。总的来说,各位老师们以朴实无华的语言为我们授课解惑,对我们来说是一次难得的学习机会,更是一次书本知识与具体工作相结合的锻炼机会。二、不同地域的学习,开阔了视野这一次培训给了我们接受高端教育的机会,让我们开阔了眼界,丰富了知识,打开了思路,不仅对本地本土有了更加深入的认识,也对开放先进的城市、理念有了进一步的了解。复旦、同济大学教授的五堂课,让我们站在了更高的台阶上重新地认识、学习各方面的理论知识,这样让我们站在更高的层次上看待我们的工作,看待我们的缺点和不足。昆山一天的考察让我有很大的感触——一个地方的发展如此惊人。当我们感叹她现在的发展成果时,我们更应想到当初为了现在的成果有多少人付出了多少的努力。我们不认同“人有多大胆,有多大产”,但一味的甘于落后、甘于现状是绝不能有现在全新的现代化的昆山。对宝钢的参观,让我们感受了世界五百强企业的生命力和自身文化。更认识到一个企业并非一开始就是大企业、强企业,而都是要从小从弱做起来的,坚强的毅力、创新的思维和团结的合作是每个企业做强作大的前提。通过对一个企业的发展过程的了解,让我们看到了自己的影子,我们不能一直梦想着晋升、提拔,而是要在精神上更高。每个人的人生都不是一帆风顺或布满荆棘的,所以我们要一颗健康、乐观的心来看待人生
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一篇总结性的文章,应包含以下内容:一、对参加培训的员工的总体介绍。例如,培训的费用,培训的员工人数,总体来说哪些培训效果显著,哪些培训方面欠缺。二、根据员工培训的表现进行具体分析,培训的各个方面取得了什么成果,什么缺点要进行改正。1、  公司文化的培训方面;2、  业务知识的培训方面;3、  安全知识的培训方面。三、根据培训的实际情况,制订了哪些培训方案。四、经过的培训,整体取得了怎样的实际效果,并总结反思培训的过程中存在的问题。六、计划下一步的培训工作措施。

339 评论


在外企工作的朋友们,大家知道怎么用英语书写工作总结吗?以下是我精心准备的英文工作报告参考范文,大家可以参考以下内容哦! 航空货运公司年终总结【1】 As 20XX draws to a close, a handful of air cargo leaders have taken the time to reflect on a tumultuous year. From supply chains ravaged by the Japanese tsunami to economic instability permeating the U.S. and the eurozone, the airfreight industry has taken numerous hits throughout 20XX. But can the lessons gleaned from these difficult times be used to avoid similar fates in the future? In the final installment of the three-part series (view parts one and two here), Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Ltd. Managing Director Mark Whitehead and Emirates Airline’s Divisional Senior Vice President, Cargo, Ram Menen discuss the past year and their projections for 20XX. What was the most significant storyline of 20XX? Mark Whitehead: Amid the Japanese tsunami and its commercial aftershocks, the New Zealand earthquake, squabbles with the Transportation Security Administration over deadlines to meet their heightened security requirements and the ongoing saga of surcharges, the dominant storyline for us in 20XX was falling tonnages on major routes — particularly those out of Hong Kong. But we are not convinced that this swath of negative coverage is really justified — we feel there have been too many comparisons to 20XX, leading to the impression that 20XX has turned out to be much worse than it should. In Hactl’s own case, we could fall farther and yet still beat our previous peak of 2007, which would be no small achievement. 20XX was a post-recession bounce fueled by global restocking, so it was always going to be hard to beat. But many in the air cargo industry thought 20XX was a sign of even better things to come and budgeted for incremental growth in 20XX. They now have a major problem. Ram Menen: The market slowdown is, obviously, the topic that has dominated the industry. But what is most remarkable about 20XX is the number and diversity of factors that contributed to the slowdown. Natural disasters, such as the tsunami in Japan and the Thai floods, were major events that not only impacted exports and imports in those countries directly, but also hit global supply chains. Production lines in factories were halted due to the sudden shortage of vital components. Economic instability has also been a significant issue, with the various crises across Europe and the politicalization of the deficit ceiling in the U.S. all rocking consumer confidence. We also can’t forget the sustained high cost of fuel, which is an ongoing challenge for the air cargo industry. On the plus side, it was good to see the Boeing 747-8F enter service, while the Arab Spring heralds a new beginning for many businesses in the region and will stimulate international trade. What lessons have you learned in 20XX that will help you have a successful 20XX? Menen: You can never trust forecasts. Old rules don’t apply, and the new rules haven’t been written. The industry is becoming less predictable every year, with more and more challenges arising. Of course, the price of oil is always something we have to contend with, but, worryingly, natural disasters seem to be happening at a more frequent rate, while increasingly more national economies are struggling. We are continually learning, and every challenge helps us become better prepared to manage whatever new challenges 20XX brings. Whitehead: As a relative newcomer to this industry (I became Hactl’s managing director in September 20XX), but a long-term observer of others while working at a senior level, I have quickly learned how sensitive air cargo is to the health of the global economy and how reactive it is to consumer demand. Air cargo is a business that can boom in response to the release of a single, new piece of consumer technology (i.e, the iPhone 4, the latest Playstation or the Kindle) or crash because fears of defaults in one small economy have threatened to upset the currency of 16 others. I now realize that the major strength of air cargo — its ability to respond to sudden changes in consumer demand — is also its major weakness. I’m developing the view that any prediction in air cargo is pointless if it’s based only on a recent or short-lived trend (like the one displayed in 20XX), rather than the extrapolation of a long-term picture that has been proven right by history. You could say that this risks missing the next major opportunity, but I don’t think so. It avoids the equally serious risk of assuming lots of additional overhead that could quickly become a millstone if predictions fall short. History usually repeats itself, and long-term trends of the past, which incorporate past peaks and troughs, are a much better basis for predicting future trends. That alone is not enough, however. The trick is surely also to factor in additional growth from real prospects of business gains that are within your influence and consider the possible effects of any real or probable threats. But you must also accept that the short-term picture may still be impacted either positively or negatively by totally unforeseen events beyond our control. After all, that’s air cargo. 个人英文年终总结范文【2】 I. Review of the Work 20XX was an unusual year, the 60th anniversary of the grand celebration to bring everyone in China extremely encouraging and shocking, and in rejoicing in the motherland strong, proud people's well being summarized in the individual's work, I do feel more their work is noble mission of each staff member. 1) Jia Ruhong prevalence has nearly half the team out, let me into this much warmth and harmony, and I thank my colleagues care and work actively cooperate, nearly into the company, I know just the right tile of the conceivable, country homes through learning let me quickly into the ceramics that have strong competition in the industry, our company's brand (Grice) conducted in-depth understanding. 2) learning through this six tiles I personally feel that our company in the market has certain advantages (cheap goods America), but now the designer of the antique brick and propensity score is known, our company's antique brick ( camel) in the market have certain characteristics, but also by the designer's welcome, but supply and quality makes us feel a headache. 3) for doing home improvement design company Our company is difficult for designers to manipulate the price. Two work plans 'Hard work, practical man' has always been my motto. While we work hard, but we always have perfect from step away, after six months of hard work, work is not a big improvement, there is no major mistakes, mediocre performance makes me see more clearly the problems of their own 1) to strengthen the source of resources and consolidation of the entire nucleus, forming their own customer circle. 2) For a strong competitor with complex customer relationships make certain effective countermeasures 3) designer aspect I personally have been operating without a clear idea of the program hope to break through this year. 4) self-extracting, attitude adjustment, innovation and change. Attitude determines the quality of the work, so you want to keep working to adapt, and to control the direction of positive optimism, always greeted with enthusiasm daily work and challenges. Innovation is the soul of a nation, the only constant in the thinking and innovation, in order to work out the highlights. Three to find a good beacon positioning life 'The road is long Come, happiness and earth.' Our way of life will continue to move forward through ups and downs, so take each step is crucial that everyone should find a good life buoy, to find a their own way to go to the trials and hardships on the way to realize their value, to see the rainbow after the rain. I entered the building materials distribution industry is always done, 'project', 'works' in this business seems to be highly sophisticated, but from these years of work experience, I realize a lot, in fact, what is being done is not important is to be willing to learn and work hard, give yourself a good bit, each a work can explore their potential, because human potential is endless. Just entered this profession when visiting customers and let yourself feel timid self-esteem, even that they really are not suitable for the job, but he has been more insistent. Stubborn and do not throw in the towel, God is not innocent heart, slowly found they can overcome this obstacle, the site complex relationships not so terrible, and no longer worry about guests ignore me, not a long time to come with me signing a big anti-flicker, and gradually find its own direction. Maybe we do not know what will happen tomorrow, but I know I should do today. Silence, walking eternity. We crossed a hurdle towards tomorrow, do their work, striving to their own masters, tomorrow would be better fixed!

102 评论


在工作总结报告相对固定的格式基础上,结合培训的主要工作职责。核心工作进行细说和分析,再总结培训当中的技巧就可以,最后总结培训中的不足,以及以后自己改正的方法即可。范文:从3 月份开始参加省行的新行员培训至今,不知不觉间,我加入jh已有将近一年的时间,而正式从事现在这个综合柜员的岗位则只有半年的时间,在这半年的时间里,我经历了许多酸甜苦辣,认识了许多良师益友,也学习了许多经验教训,感谢hyzh领导们的鼓励和支持以及同事们的关怀和帮助,回顾过去的半年,现将工作做如下报告:在业务水平方面,我一直都在学习和进步着。还记得上柜第一天从库管员手中接过现金那种紧张的心情,还记得刚上柜时每天都担心自己传票出问题那种担惊受怕的心情,还记得遇到新业务时那种茫然无措的心情,作为一个新人,为了克服这一切的困难,我付出了很大的努力。一方面,我通过自身的努力勤练各种技能,提高工作效率;勤读各种业务文件,增长业务知识。另一方面,我相信“三人行,必有我师”,遇到不懂的业务就及时请教其他同事,待业务办完后再细细总结和消化,为尽快熟悉业务,我每天晚上都坚持做笔记和总结当天的业务。理论水平不够高。虽然平时每天都有坚持学习,但学习的内容不够全面、系统。大部分时候只是注重学习与自身业务有关的内容,跟业务无关的知识涉猎较少,对很多新事物、新知识学习掌握得不够好,运用理论指导实践从而促进工作方面还有较大的差距。在工作较累的时候,有时放松对自己的要求和标准,满足于过得去、差不多的状态。明年是扩大市场份额,逐渐实现“两化一行”战略重要的一年,在新一年时我将吃苦耐劳,勤勤恳恳,踏踏实实地做好每一项工作,处理好每一个细节,努力提高自己的专业技能和执行力,尽快地成长和进步。

347 评论


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