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首页 > 英语培训 > 规矩的英语怎么说

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问题一:规则一用英语怎么说 rule 1规则一 不要带书包Don't bring your bag 希望采纳 问题二:遵守规则 英语怎么说 to follow the rules to obey the rules to ply with the rules to abide by the rules 有很多很多说法~~这里就不一一列举了~最上面上个是最常用的~~希望能帮助您~ 问题三:但是我们这里有一些规矩用英语怎么翻译 But we have rules here. 问题四:这是我的全部规则用英语怎么说 英文原文: These are my total rules 英式音标: [ei?z] [?] [maɪ] [?t??t(?)l] [ru?lz] 美式音标: [eiz] [r] [ma?] [?totl] [rulz] 问题五:也有一些规则英语怎么说也用什么意思 也有一些规则There are some rules 也有一些规则 There are some rules 也有一些规则 There are some rules 问题六:没有规矩不成方圆 用英语怎么说 rules get things done 问题七:符合规则 英语怎么说? it meets the req常irements of the rule it meets the rule 问题八:在我家里有很多规矩用英语怎么说用两种方式 可用There‘re too many rules in my house和There are many rules in my house 希望能帮到你 问题九:规则一用英语怎么说 rule 1规则一 不要带书包Don't bring your bag 希望采纳 问题十:遵守规则 英语怎么说 to follow the rules to obey the rules to ply with the rules to abide by the rules 有很多很多说法~~这里就不一一列举了~最上面上个是最常用的~~希望能帮助您~

120 评论


问题一:但是我们这里有一些规矩用英语怎么翻译 But we have rules here. 问题二:没有规矩不成方圆 用英语怎么说 rules get things done 问题三:这些规矩让我更好的成长,用英语怎么说? this rules make me grow better. 问题四:在我家里有很多规矩用英语怎么说用两种方式 可用There‘re too many rules in my house和There are many rules in my house 希望能帮到你 问题五:没有规矩,不成方圆用英语怎么说 Nothing can be acplished without norms or standards 问题六:"无规矩不成方圆"用英语怎么说啊? Nothing can be储acplished without norms or standards. 英语俚语 问题七:不以规矩无以成方圆 英语怎么说 不以规矩无以成方圆,我接触到的几种翻译版本有 1.No one can draw a square and a circle without proper tools. 2.you cannot draw squares and circles without the pass and square 3.Nothing can be acplished without norms or standards. 4.No工scale, no rectangle. 5.No rules,no standards. 前两个属于直译,请斟酌选用 问题八:"去他妈的规矩"用英语怎么说?? F u c k the rules *** ing rules

256 评论


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