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102 评论


car broke downMy car broke down in the middle of the highway.我的车在高速公路上抛锚了.

194 评论


the car diedthe car stalled

157 评论


英语our car broke down的中文翻译是:我们的车抛锚了双语例句Our car broke down on the freeway. 我们的车在高速公路上抛锚了。Our car broke down on the way home. 在回家的路上,我们的车子出了故障。

165 评论



129 评论


该句的翻译是:The car broke down.----------具体情况 抛锚有多种翻译 请看举例 1. Faber realized that the car would soon stop altogether. 费伯知道,汽车很快就要抛锚了。 2. So we dropped anchor, and swung out our cable toward the shore. 我们于是抛锚停泊,把一条缆绳向岸上甩去。 3. If your car Breaks down, just sit tight and wait for the police to come along. 如果你的车子抛锚,就留在原处不动,等警察来。 4. Where can I moor? 我在哪儿抛锚呢? 5. "If your car breaks down, just sit tight and wait for the police to come along." "如果你的车子抛锚,就留在原处不动,等警察来。" 6. The ship is at anchor. 这只船抛锚停泊。 7. The bus broke down on the hill 公共汽车在小山上抛锚了。 8. My car broke down; can you give me a tow? "我的车抛锚了,你能让我把车挂在你的车后面拖行吗?" 9. "If the car should break down on the way, you would have to walk back." "万一汽车中途抛锚,你就得走回来。" 10. Fishing boats were anchored all along the coast 渔船沿着岸抛锚停泊 11. The ships cast anchor because of the heavy fog. 船因浓雾抛锚。 12. The ship anchored off the island. 船诘和?span>抛锚。 13. The ship anchored along the shore. 这船沿岸抛锚。 14. I reasoned that he did not come because his old car had broken down again. 我推想他没有来是因为他的老爷车又抛锚了。 15. "If your car breaks down, just sit tight and wait for the police to come along." "如果你的车子抛锚,就留在原处不动,等警察来。" 16. landed at a crowded dock. 在拥挤的码头抛锚 17. As for me, I must look after the anchoring, and dress the ship in mourning." 我还得去照顾抛锚和给这只船挂丧的事。 18. Then calling to the crew, he said--"Let go!" "然后他对船员喊道,"抛锚! 19. We broke down on the motorway. 我们在高速公路上抛锚了. 20. We anchored close to the shore. 我们近岸抛锚停泊.

136 评论


  • 抛锚英文break

    car broke downMy car broke down in the middle of the highway.我的车在高速公路上抛锚了.

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