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“瞎的,失明的”英语是blind,读音是:英 [blaɪnd],美 [blaɪnd]。

adj. 盲目的;瞎的;未察觉的

vt. 使失明;隐藏

adv. 盲目地

n. 百叶窗;幌子




1、blind advertises 不具名广告

2、blind alley 死胡同

3、blind angle 盲角

4、blind area 无信号区

5、blind axle 游轴,侧轴



adj. (形容词)



例句:Love is blind and sometimes deaf.


141 评论


“瞎的,失明的”英语是blind,读音是:英 [blaɪnd],美 [blaɪnd]。adj. 盲目的;瞎的;未察觉的vt. 使失明;隐藏adv. 盲目地n. 百叶窗;幌子副词:blindingly,比较级:blinder,最高级:blindest,名词:blindness过去式:blinded,过去分词:blinded,现在分词:blinding,第三人称单数:blinds短语:1、blind advertises 不具名广告2、blind alley 死胡同3、blind angle 盲角4、blind area 无信号区5、blind axle 游轴,侧轴扩展资料:blind的用法adj. (形容词)1、blind在句中可用作定语、主语补足语或宾语补足语。2、blind前加定冠词the,可表示“盲人”这一类人。在句中用作主语时,其谓语动词一般要用复数形式。例句:Love is blind and sometimes deaf.翻译:爱情是盲目的,有时甚至是聋的。查看全部4个回答51talk英语多少钱?51talk英语怎么样...最近8分钟前有人申请相关服务适合4-15岁学生学英语,精选全球好外教, 1对1教学,不背...wap.51talk.com广告 51talk英语好不好,价格多少呢...最近34分钟前有人咨询相关问题阿卡索-满足不同基础孩子的英语学习。量身定制专属课程+...szsgzsh.com广告 相关问题全部瞎英语怎么读英文原文: blind 英式音标: [blaɪnd] 美式音标: [blaɪnd]6 浏览2532016-11-19这个人是失明的,他看不见用英语怎么说?This person is blind. he can't see anything浏览142019-12-22瞎的英语翻译 瞎用英语怎么说瞎 blind;foolishly;to no purpose;aimlessly;eternal night 瞎 foolishly 瞎搅和 Mess Up 瞎琢磨 Blind Sato2 浏览962018-01-15瞎子用英语怎么说?、blind [blaind] adj. 失明的, 瞎眼的 He is a man blind from birth. 他生来就盲。 视而不见的, 盲目的 Blind worship must be ended. 盲目崇拜必须停止。13 浏览21222017-11-26你瞎了用英语怎么说?you are near-sightedness..3 浏览477评论两句抢首赞

330 评论



132 评论


mindwindqrindfind abscindkind bindAmerindrindtamarindbehind

331 评论


瞎的,失明的英语blind,英式发音 [blaɪnd]、 美式发音 [blaɪnd]。adj. 盲目的;瞎的adv. 盲目地;看不见地n. 掩饰,借口;百叶窗vt. 使失明;使失去理智n. (Blind)人名;(法)布兰;(德、瑞典)布林德英文解释及例句:1.ADJ Someone who is blind is unable to see because their eyes are damaged. 失明的例:I started helping him run the business when he went blind.他失明以后,我就开始帮他打理生意。2.N-PLURAL The blind are people who are blind. 盲人例:He was a teacher of the blind.他过去是位教盲人的老师。3.N-UNCOUNT 失明 blindness例:Early diagnosis and treatment can usually prevent blindness.早期诊断和治疗通常可以防止失明。4.V-T If something blinds you, it makes you unable to see, either for a short time or permanently. 使看不见; 使失明例:The sun hit the windshield, momentarily blinding him.阳光射在挡风玻璃上,使他一时看不见。5.ADJ If you are blind with something such as tears or a bright light, you are unable to see for a short time because of the tears or light. 因 (眼泪或强光) 而暂时看不见的例:Her mother groped for the back of the chair, her eyes blind with tears.她妈妈摸索着椅背,她的眼睛被眼泪遮住了视线。6.ADV 暂时看不见地 blindly例:Lettie groped blindly for the glass.莱蒂瞎子似地摸索着找杯子。7.ADJ If you say that someone is blind to a fact or a situation, you mean that they ignore it or are unaware of it, although you think that they should take notice of it or be aware of it. 视而不见的; 没有觉察到的表不满例:David's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults.大卫俊朗的外表和完美的风度总是令她对他的缺点视而不见。8.N-UNCOUNT 忽视 blindness例:...blindness in government policy to the very existence of the unemployed.…政府政策中对失业人员的存在这一事实的忽视。9.V-T If something blinds you to the real situation, it prevents you from realizing that it exists or from understanding it properly. 使觉察不到; 使理解不当例:He never allowed his love of Australia to blind him to his countrymen's faults.他从来不因自己对澳大利亚的热爱而无视同胞的过错。10.ADJ You can describe someone's beliefs or actions as blind when you think that they seem to take no notice of important facts or behave in an unreasonable way. 盲目的表不满例:...her blind faith in the wisdom of the church.…她对教会箴言的盲目信仰。11.N-COUNT A blind is a roll of cloth or paper which you can pull down over a window as a covering. 窗帘; 百叶窗帘例:Pulling the blinds up, she let some of the bright sunlight in.她拉起窗帘,让一些明媚的阳光照进来。12.→see also blinding , blindly13.PHRASE If you say that someone is turning a blind eye to something bad or illegal that is happening, you mean that you think they are pretending not to notice that it is happening so that they will not have to do anything about it. 视而不见表不满例:Teachers are turning a blind eye to pupils smoking at school, a report reveals today.今天的一篇报道称,教师对学生在校抽烟视而不见。

133 评论


independent 的缩写是 Ind 参考《柯林斯高阶英语词典》,如下: independent noun (abbreviation Ind.) a member of parliament,candidate, etc. who does not belong to a particular political party: She's standing as an independent at the next election.(无党派人士:指不属于任何政党派别的国会成员或者候选人。)

332 评论


mind, kind, bind, find, wind,

98 评论


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