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用Excuse me,Iam a reporter (of.....哪里的记者),may I ask some questions?然后如果对方说可以的话就可以开始采访了。

246 评论


Excuse me,Iam a reporter ,may I ask some questions?May I interrupt you for a second?Dear Mr./Ms, may I ask you a question?Excuse me,i am ... sir/ms, may i have a short interview with you?Excuse me,i am... can i ask you a question about 2008 beijing olympics?Excuse me, Detain you a few minutes. Can I interview you about your ideas or expectations  for the 2008 Olympics, ... and the impression of China ?

273 评论


若是让你用英语采访校园的同学们,你首先想到的问题是什么呢?下面是我给大家整理了英语采访小对话,供大家参阅!英语采访简短小对话:喜欢的食物 A: Which food do you like best? B: I like humburger best. A: Why? B: Because there are delicious meat in the I also like the vegetables, I think they test good. What about you? A:Me? I think I like noodles. 采访英语简短小对话:采访预约 A: Hello, this is the journal from Weekend Forum. I read several reports concerning the creative idea of your company management recently. I am very interested so that I wonder if I can interview the person in charge on the phone. B: Thank you for your attention, but I'm sorry that we don't accept temporary on-line interview commonly. If you want to gather materials, please offer a copy of written interview outline,we wii give you a reply after we render to the upper. A:what precise are your requirements about the outline? B:You'd better lay out the theme specific questions,the interview time form of the interview and name and ground, etc. A: I see. I'll compose it as quickly as possible. B:Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We'll call back within the next few days. A:您好,我是《周末论坛》的记者.近来我读了一些有关贵公司管理方面创新理念的报道,非常感兴趣,希望能电话采访一下相关负责人。 B:谢谢您的关注,不过不好意思,我们一般不接受临时电话采访。如果您想要访谈的话,需要提交一份文字形式的采访提纲,我们向上级汇报后才能答复。 A:采访提纲你们有什么具体的要求吗? B:您最好列出主题、具体问题、采访时间、采访形式以及采访人姓名、背景等。 A:我明白了,我会尽快做出来的。 英语采访简短小对话:环境问题 A: What do you think is the biggest environmental problem today, B: There are much threat to our environment nowdays, but I think the biggest problem is the attitude of human. How we treat our environment can influent the environment directly. A: And would you like to tell me how the way that human beings see environment can effect our environment? B: Ok! Most of people see everything as independent from another and ignore the relation among them. For example, the forest is related to the soil, sunshine, water and it can influent the climate nearby as well. If we are blind to their relationships and destroy any part of them,like deforesting, and our destory the climate by the same time. A: That's really too bad! So how can we protect the environment well? What can we do? B:In my own opinion, the most efficent way to help our environment is not to impact on them. Just let our environment developes itself. A: But I think we can save water in our daily life or don't leave rubbish every. These behavior also can protect our enviroment. B: Yeah,everyone can make a contribution in daily life. 英语采访简短小对话: 网球 冠军的采访(虚拟) Interviewer [A]: Hi, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions today. Interviewee [B]: Hello. Thank you for the opportunity. A: It has been a few days since you won the tennis world championships, how do you feel now? B: I'm still pretty excited to be honest, I wasn't expecting to win. A: This is your... third championship win? B: Yes, though the other two wins were back when I was just starting out. It has been a few years. A: Some people didn't believe you still had it in you, what do you say to them? B: Well, obviously I still do have it! [Laughs.] A: [Laughs too.] Yes, that's true. Could you please tell us a little about how you got started? B: Sure. I was eight, my dad and I started playing tennis in the backyard. He was a pretty good player too before his retirement. Guess it runs in the family. A: It seems to be the case! What are your plans now? I believe more congratulations are in order, I hear your and your wife are expecting another child. B: Oh, yes, we're expecting our second child any day now. I guess after the excitement dies down I need to prepare to be a full-time dad. I'm not sure if I'll be entering the next championship just yet to be honest, but we will see. A: Well, I for one hope to see you on the court again. It was a magnificent win. Thank you very much for your time, and good luck with your new kid!

119 评论


Excuse me, I'm a reporter of (.....来自哪个单位), can I delay you a little time, do an interview?(同意后陈诉采访内容)。采访技巧一、要通过提问营造一种融洽的气氛,从而拉近同被采访对象的距离。被采访对象千差万别,有的很容易调动情绪,有的却很拘谨,这时可以用拉家常的办法来拉近距离。二、提出的问题要具体细致,不要泛泛而谈。有的记者在采访中经常会问这样的问题:“您遇到了哪些困难?”“您的感受是什么?”“您的愿望是什么?”“您的打算是什么?”等。这些问题就像简单的公式,缺乏个性。泛泛地提问,往往得到的是泛泛的回答。那么,怎样避免泛泛提问呢?经验是:记者提出的问题要具体。三、要善于运用层层追问的办法来挖掘故事的细节、深入了解人物的内心世界。采访中,常常会遇到这样一种情况:被采访对象往往对自己做过的事情当中的好多细节不以为然,蜻蜓点水、浅尝辄止。这时记者就要以敏锐的眼光迅速捕捉住、追问下去。四、记者在遇到采访对象不愿直面回答的问题时,可以采取迂回式提问的办法,避开正面提问而从侧面深入。比如,一个名模的成功受人注目,她成功背后的故事更引人关注。但这类问题她们是不会正面回答的,于是在采访时我们不去就事问事,而是从侧面了解、观察,从她对这些问题的看法中看出她的处事之道。人物采访中关于提问的技巧还有很多,比如采访一些专家学者提出的问题就要比较专业一点,那样才能和被采访对象拉近距离;当遇到被采访对象文化层次比较低、表达能力比较差时,记者要有耐心;当遇到被采访对象说话跑题时,记者要想办法引导他们回到正题等。总而言之,采访的目的是为了获得素材,记者所有的采访技巧都应该为这一目的服务

146 评论




Here is an interview with Li Li. We can see that is her favorite band, because the band is energetic and has good singers.

Among all the books she has read,Harry Potter is her favorite, because she thinks it’s an interesting book, and the book tells people about magic power. As for the movies, she likes Titanic most.

It’s moving though it’s kind of sad. She likes Zhuhai best, because it’s a clean and quiet city, and she can go fishing there.


Today is May 11. When I had arrived at Anzhen Centre, I was suddenly notified by a teacher that I need to make a report about the first examination of the Popkids English Talent Competition.

I went into the 304 classroom without thinking. It was really quiet in the classroom when I went in and all the competitors were concentrate in the listening test. I could see some of them writing confidently, but some of them were not certain about the answer.

After the exam, one of the students told me that she thought the part 4 and 5 were a bit difficult, but the rest were very easy, and she was sure that she can pass. Other students also gave similar answers to my question.

At last, I wish all of these students can pass the test!


such as digital cameras and recording pens besides pens and note-books at the about what achievements they made last year, 2009, as well as beautiful trees and grass and modern buildings there, how they were to attract more investment and how the zone would be developing over the next three years.

Wang gave them satisfactory were deeply impressed by the first-class design of the zone, the reporters asked Ms.

At the interviewForty teenage reporters from different middle schools in our city paid a visit to the Economic Development Zone and had an interview with Wang Qingmei, on June 30th, head of the Zone.

They used modern equipment.

151 评论


  • 被采访英语

    I do not mind being interviewed?

    夏小麦521 5人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 采访你英文


    修普诺斯0907 8人参与回答 2024-06-11
  • 采访英文稿

    一楼的,你没心思翻译也不能在网上随便弄一下就拿来误导别人啊!我来试试,按初一的水平。Today, I will talk to an english teach

    可爱多O 5人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • rotk英文采访


    小英子0113 10人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 采访的英语

    communicate 动词 communication名词

    哎呀呀biubiubiu 9人参与回答 2024-06-11