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Grandma Li lived alone in an old building. She was old and didn’t like noise at all. The young man and woman 46 always made much noise every night, so she couldn’t 47 .When the young man and woman moved out of the building, Grandma Li was very 48 . Another young man moved in and Grandma Li thought, “Well, he 49 .”

But at three o’clock the next morning, when Grandma Li 50 , some noise 51 . She 52 carefully. It was a dog. She thought, “There wasn’t any dog here before. It 53 be the young man’s.” She 54 him and telephoned the young man at once. Before the young man could say something, she stopped the call.

Nothing more happened 55 four o’clock. Then Grandma Li’s telephone rang. When she answered the phone, she heard, “I’m the man upstairs. I’m sorry to trouble you, but I want to tell you I don’t have a dog at all!”

The story happened during the Second World War(战争).An old man lived in a small town of Germany. He had three sons and they all worked in the same factory where he had worked. After the war had begun , his sons were all made to join the army one after another and they all died in the frights . The old man was very sad . he didn’t have enough food and was often hungry . And nobody helped him and he didn’t know how to go in living .

It was a very cold winter night . The old man couldn’t go to sleep . He had been hungry for two days and it was so cold in his room that ice could be seen . He had to get up and begun to run in the room until he lay down on the ground. The next morning he had to beg from door to door. He had been to a lot of cities and knew a lot.

Once he came to a village , but the villages were all poor and couldn’t give him anything . He was too hungry to go to another village . He thought hard and found a way . He came to a police station and called out , “Hitler is a foolish pig (希特勒是蠢猪)!"

Out came an old policeman at once . He took the old man into a room , gave him some bread and a cup of tea . Then he said , “Don’t say in our village , sir !”

“I’m sorry, sir.” Said the old man . “I don’t know it’s Hitler’s hometown .”

“No, no , sir.” The policeman said in a hurry. “It’s pig’s hometown !”

It was Mondy. Mrs Smith’s dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.

Considering that there was no better way. Mrs Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it: “Give my dog half a pound of meat.” Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently: “Take this to the butcher (person whose job is selling meat), and he’s going to give you your lunch today.”

Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butcher’s. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the lady’s handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up at once.

At noon, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.

The next day, the dog came again exactly at noon. And as usual, it brought a piece of paper in the mouth. This time, the butcher did not take a look at paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers (* people who buy something from a shop).

But, the dog came again at four o’clock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butcher’s more surprise, it came for the third time at six o’clock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He said to himself, “This is a small dog. Why does Mrs Smith give it so much meat to eat today?”

Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words on it!

One day one of God messengers descended to the world and happened to meet an eminent monk who was telling fortunes for two boys. The monk pointed at one of the boys sayingldquo;Number One Scholar,rdquo; and at another oneldBeggar.一天,上帝的一个使者来到了人间,他遇到了一位高僧,这位高僧正在为两个孩子占卜前程。高僧指着其中一个孩子说状元,然后指着另一个孩子说乞丐

Twenty years later, the messenger came down to the world again. When he saw the previous two boys, he was puzzled about the outcome: the originalldquo;Number One Scholarrdquo;now became a beggar while the originalldquo;Beggarrdquo;turned into a Number One Scholar 年后,上帝的使者又来到了人间,看到了先前的那两个孩子,结果让他百思不得其解:当初的ldquo;状元rdquo;如今成了乞丐,而当初的ldquo;乞丐rdquo;反而成了状元。

So the messenger went to ask God.于是,使者去问上帝。

God answered,ldquo;I endow everyone with talent, which only decides one third of his destiny while the rest lies in how he grasps ;上帝说:ldquo;我赋予每个人的天分只决定他命运的三分之一,其余的则在于他如何去把握。

Life is just like this.人生就是这样。

Long, long ago there were only a few thousand people in the world. These people move form place to place over the land, hunting animals for food.

No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their lives changed. They did not have to look for food any more. They could stay in one place and grow it.

People began to live near one another. And so the first village grew. Many people came to work in the villages. These villages grew very big. When machines appeared(出现), life in the villages changed again. Factories were built. More and more people lived near the factories. The cities grew very big.

Today some people are moving back to small towns. Can you tell why?

During World War II, a lot of young women in Britain were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers.

One evening she met Captain Humphreys at a dance. He said to her, "I“m going abroad tomorrow, but I“d be very happy if we could write to each other." Joan agreed, and they wrote for several months.

Then his letters stopped, but she received one from another officer, telling her that he had been wounded and was in a certain army hospital in England.

Joan went there and said to the matron, "I“ve come to visit Captain Humphreys."

"Only relatives are allowed to visit patients here," the matron said.

"Oh, that“s all right," answered Joan. "I“m his sister."

"I“m very pleased to meet you," the matron said, "I“m his mother!"









A man goes into a pet shop and tells the owner that he wants to buy a pet that can do everything. The shop owner suggests a faithful dog.


The man replies, "Come on, a dog?"


The owner says, "How about a cat?"


The man replies, "No way! A cat certainly can't do everything. I want a pet that can do everything!"


The shop owner thinks for a minute, then says, "I've got it! a centipede!"


The man says, "A centipede? I can't imagine a centipede doing everything, but okay... I'll try a centipede."


He gets the centipede home and says to the centipede, "Clean the kitchen."


Thirty minutes later, he walks into the kitchen and... It's immaculate! All the dishes and silverware have been washed, dried, and put away; the counter-tops cleaned; the appliances sparkling; the floor waxed.


He is absolutely amazed.


He says to the centipede, "go clean the living room."


Twenty minutes later, he walks into the living room. The carpet has been vacuumed; the furniture cleaned and dusted; the pillows on the sofa plumped; Plants watered. The man thinks to himself, "This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. This really is a pet that can do everything!"


Next he says to the centipede, "Run down to the corner and get me a newspaper."


The centipede walks out the door. 10 minutes later... no centipede. 20 minutes later... no centipede. 30 minutes later... no centipede.


By this point the man is wondering what's going on. So he goes to the front door, opens it... and there's the centipede sitting right outside.


The man says, "hey!! I sent you down to the corner store 45 minutes ago to get me a newspaper. What's the matter?!"


The centipede says, "I'm goin'! I'm goin'! I'm just putting on my shoes!"


My father is very busy with his work and seldom accompanies me. One day, my father accompanied me to an after-school class. He was listening with me, because it was too early for me to yawn in class. However, my father was very earnest. After class, I saw the homework assigned by the teacher. I went to ask my father, and he told me all the things I didn't have to listen to in class.

My father told me, "you are not afraid of not being serious." I want to thank my father for letting me know that.



1、The fox and the grapes

Hungry fox saw the vine hanging from a string of crystal clear grapes, slobber DC, want to eat off, but also Can't reach. At the moment, feel helpless to go, he said while walking his own comfort:" this has not cooked grape, sure Are sour."

That is to say, some capacity is small, do not a thing, on the pretext that premature.



2、The little boy and the Scorpion

There is a child in the front wall to catch the grasshopper, while to catch a lot. Suddenly he saw a scorpion, he thought that is the grasshopper,

Then two go to catch him. The scorpion his sting, said: "come, if you really dare to do like this, even you catch a grasshopper Grasshopper will completely lose."

This story warns people, to distinguish good and bad, to treat them differently.




3、The wolf and the crane

Wolf mistakenly swallow a piece of bone, very hard, running around, looking for a doctor. He met the egret, stipulated fees to invite him

Bone removed, Lusi their head into the wolf's throat, and drew out the bone, so the wolf to be a good reward. The wolf answered

Say:" Hey, friend, you can wolf mouth all is well. Withdraws head, can not meet, how to speak reward?"

This story illustrates, the bad guys do no reward, and be thankful if you say the essence of credit.






4、The widow and the hen

A widow woman kept a hen, hen lays an egg every day. She thought some more chicken feed barley, a day will be two

Egg. Therefore, such a day to feed her, the result looks more and more fat hen, an egg a day is not even under the.

This story explained that, some people because of greed, want more benefits, the results are even deprived of the existing.




5、Standing on the roof of the goat and Wolf

The little goats on the roof, saw a wolf from the pass underneath, and cursed him, laughing at him. The wolf said:" Oh, man, scold

I is not you, but you are in the ground."

This story illustrates the advantages and the secret, often give a person with strong courage to fight.




6、Mountain Earthquake

One time, a mountain happened a big earthquake, vibration sounds like a loud moan and shout. Many people gathered

At the foot of the mountain to watch, do not know what had happened. While they were assembled in anxious, worried about seeing something bad omen, only

Saw a mouse running from the mountain.

Don't make much ado about nothing.

山 震





7、Good and evil

Weak forces of good, evil away to heaven by. Asked Zeus is good at, how can we return to earth to. Zeus told

He, you don't go, one of the world's visit. Evil and people very close, so continuously to find him

Are. Good because down from the sky, on the very slow to very slow.

That is to say, people is not easy to meet good, but every day of the injury or harm.

善 与 恶





8、Two pockets

Prometheus created man, and in each of them hanging round her neck has two pockets, a pack the faults of others, the other

Of their own equipment. He put the loaded others faults pocket hanging in the chest, the other is hanging behind his back. Hence it is that men are

Quick to see the faults of others, and their total however invisible.

This story explained that people often like to find fault with others, but ignore their shortcomings.




9、The hunting dog

An old dog young and strong never yielded to any beast of the forest, the elderly, in a hunting, met a Wild boar,

he bravely rushed to bite pig ears. Because of his dental aging weakness, not snapped, wild boar Run away.

Master came running greatly disappoint one's hopes, give him a meal. Old dogs raised his head and said:" master ah! This cannot be Blame me not.

My brave spirit and the youth are the same, but I can't resist the natural law. I used to act by Your praise, it should not be your blame."

That is to say, the birth and death is the inexorable law.

老 猎 狗






10、The ants and beetles

Summer, other animal have a leisurely life, only the ants run around in the fields to collect, wheat and barley, give yourself aWinter food storage. Surprised todung beetle asked him why he was so diligent. Ant at the time said nothing.

Winter came, a heavy rain washed cow dung, dung beetle hungry, where ant went begging, ants said to him:" hey,Buddy, if at the time when I work, you not criticize me, but also to work, we would not have the hungry."

It is said that, despite the changing situation, the people can avoid disaster save.



A child was careless Ramie stabbed, he rushed home and told his mother: "I only lightly Pengyi what, it was my painful thorns." Mom said: "Because of this, it will thorn you. if the next time you met Ramie, to a courageous and seize it, it will be in your hands become soft as silk, you will no longer be stabbed. "


160 评论




花生The Peanuts

A guy goes to visit his grandma and he brings his friend with him. 一名男子带着朋友去探望他的祖母。

While he's talking to his grandma, his friend starts eating the peanuts on the coffee table, and finishes them off. 当他和祖母聊天时,他的朋友开始吃咖啡桌上放的花生,并把花生都给吃光了。

As they're leaving, his friend says to his grandma, "Thanks for the peanuts." 他们离开时,他的朋友对祖母说:"谢谢您的花生。"

She says, "Yeah, since I lost my dentures I can only suck the chocolate off." 结果祖母说:"唉!自从我牙齿掉光后,我就只能吮掉花生豆外层的巧克力了。

A Cat Is Fishing

A cat goes to a river every day. He wants to go fishing. But he can’t catch any fish.


One day, he goes to the river as usual. Suddenly a fish comes out. He catches the fish. He is very happy. He forgets to put the fish in the basket. He dances and sings. He shouts, “I have a fish! I have a fish!” All his friends come to see him.


“Where is your fish? Let us have a look at it. ” his friends say.


“It’s there, near the bank.” the cat answers. But he can’t find the fish. When he sings and dances, the fish jumps back into the river.


The Two Soldiers And The Robber

Two Soldiers travelling together were set upon by a Robber. One of them ran away, but the other stood his ground, and laid about him so lustily with his sword that the Robber was fain to fly and leave him in peace. When the coast was clear the timid one ran back, and, flourishing his weapon, cried in a threatening voice, “Where is he? Let me get at him, and I’ll soon let him know whom he’s got to deal with.” But the other replied, “You are a little late, my friend: I only wish you had backed me up just now, even if you had done no more than speak, for I should have been encouraged, believing your words to be true. As it is, calm yourself, and put up your sword: there is no further use for it. You may delude others into thinking you’re as brave as a lion: but I know that, at the first sign of danger, you run away like a hare.”


154 评论


英语 故事 会出现学生认识或是不认识的单词,而这个单词的重复不断出现,会加深同学们对单词的记忆。这种记忆不是死记硬背,而是在潜移默化中,让学生记住。这次我给大家整理了英语幽默小故事,供大家阅读参考。








Don't Pick Up the Money on the Ground

An economist professor and a student are walking down the street when they see a $20 bill lying on the sidewalk in front of them. The student goes to pick up the money but his professor stops him and tells him not to bother.

Why not?

If it were a real twenty-dollar bill, someone would have picked it up  already.

Everything that can be invented has been invented.







The Less You Know, the More Money You Make

Theorem: Engineers and scientists will never make as much money as business executives.

Now a rigorous mathematical proof that explains why this is true:

Postulate 1: Knowledge is Power.

Postulate 2: Time is Money.

As every engineer knows, Power=Work/Time. Since Knowledge=Power, and Time=Money, we have

Knowledge=Work/Money. Solving for Money, we get: Money=Work/Knowledge.

Thus, as Knowledge approaches zero, Money approaches infinity regardless of the Work done.

Conclusion: The less you know, the more money you make.






每个工程师都知道:功率(Power)= 。既然知识=力量,时间=金钱,我们有:知识= 。求解金钱表达式,我们得到:金钱= 。




They Should Be Playing at Night

A therapist, a priest and an economist go golfing. The group ahead of them is extremely slow, leading to  some frustration among the three. Their complaints are overheard, and a man from the group ahead walks over  to them. He introduces himself as an aide because the group of golfers he is with is blind! The aide thanks the three in appreciation for  their patience for the blind golfers. The priest goes, "Oh no, all my life I've preached for all to be better to my fellow man and here I am complaining about  the blind!" The therapist says, "I've been trained my whole life to help others and here I am complaining about the blind, shame on  me!" The economist says, "Oh no! They should be playing at night."


神父、心理学家和经济学家三人结伴打高尔夫。前面的一组打球进度极其缓慢,这让三人大为恼火。他们开始抱怨,前面那组中的一人听到抱怨声后朝他们走了过来。他 自我介绍 说是前面那组球手们的助手,因为那组球手都是盲人。助手感谢他们三位耐心等待。神父听后忙说:“哦,不会吧?我一辈子都在祈祷同胞们过上更美好的生活,而我却在这里抱怨这些盲人!”心理学家也赶紧说:“我一生的信条是帮助别人,可是我却在这里抱怨这些盲人,我真惭愧!”这时只听经济学家说:“哦,别这样!他们本该在晚上打球的。”


A fellow pilot flying over the Midwest heard an air-traffic controller trying to contact an airliner for normal frequency change.“Flight 354,“said the controller,"contact Kansas City Center on frequency .“The request was repeated several times with no reply from the ,in exasperation the controller raised his voice."Flight 354,Simon says contact Kansas City Center on frequency .”The call was acknowledged with an emharrassed reply and prompt compliance.

一名飞行员在中西部上空听到地面指挥塔的指挥员在呼叫一民航调整其正常接收频率。"354航班,”指挥塔在呼叫,“请与堪萨斯市中心频率联系。”这一指令重复了几次之后,竟没得到任何回音。最后,指挥塔的指挥员显然是被激怒了,他大声地锐:"354航班,西蒙说速与135. 5预率联系。”这一声显然奏效,只听对方慌忙地做了回答并迅速服从了指挥。”


Even My Driver Can Answer that Question

A famous game theorist, having won the Clark prize, was set to give a series of lectures at prestigious universities throughout the northeast. For the task, he hired a car and driver to take him from place to place . With nothing else to do, the driver would sit in on  the highly technical lectures. After several lectures, the driver commented to the economist, "You know, I've heard your lecture so much that I think I could deliver it myself." The economist found this idea intriguing and decided to switch places with him at his next lecture.

The driver gave the talk flawlessly. However, after the lecture, some one in the audience asked him a rather technical question that the driver had no idea how to even begin to answer. The driver considered it for a moment, and then replied, "That question is so easy, even my driver can answer it."




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