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2020-2021学年英语周报高一课标版第1期答案及试题(第一期),将发布在下图中,扫码即可查看! 21.Flying over India, Judith ________. A.began to see her relatives and friends B.seemed to be in a dream­like state C.felt too tired to imagine her relative D.didn't feel like sleeping at all 答案与解析:B文章的开头与结尾处都提及Judith由于长途飞行,身体和精神上极端疲劳,出现了幻觉。 22.The plane was probably struck by lightning ________. A.on the way to India B.over Australia C.over Sri Lanka D.near London 答案与解析:C文中第二段提到Judith原打算在印度着陆,但又不想耽搁,遇到风暴时正飞越印度去斯里兰卡途中,由此推测她的飞机遭雷击时可能在斯里兰卡上空。 23.The writer wrote the article with ________. A.excitement B.astonishment C.admiration D.disappointment 答案与解析:C通观全文,可感受到作者对Judith满怀钦佩之情。

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2020-2021学年英语周报高一课标版第10期答案及试题(第十期),将发布在下图中,扫码即可查看! 21.According to the passage, the philosophy “two steps forward,one step back” means that ________ when meeting with a setback. A.we are supposed to quit and ignore the hard work B.we'd better think it over before making a decision C.we should stop to think before taking further action D.we are expected to look at things in an all­round way 答案与解析:C作者认为很多事情都是按“进两步退一步”的模式发展的,所以遇到挫折时,要三思而后行,故选C。 22.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to ________. A.a performance   B.a success C.a goal   D.a project 答案与解析:D从第三段中的Instead of looking at your project as a disaster or failure, view it with success. Concentrate on how great it will feel after it is finally done, or after you have put your all into it.可知,作者建议我们不要把自己的计划(project)所遭遇的挫折看成是一种灾难或失败,而是站在成功的角度去看,精力集中在如果最终成功后结果会是如何的惬意上面。由此可以推断出,it指代前面的project,故选D。 23.When we suffer a setback, the most important thing to do is ________. A.to keep moving forward to your goals B.to depend on others' support and advice C.to sit back and reward yourself for your success D.to focus on a possible unsatisfactory performance 答案与解析:A由最后一段中的Above all, don't live with regrets...Keep reaching for your goals...再结合第三段的内容可知,遇到挫折要继续坚持自己的目标才是最重要的,故选A。 24.What is the passage mainly about? A.How to avoid the bumps. B.How to deal with the setbacks. C.Different attitudes to the setbacks. D.Different suggestions on your goals. 答案与解析:B作者告诉人们要正确看待人生中遇到的挫折,要学会战胜它,而不是放弃。

310 评论


2020-2021学年英语周报高一课标版第5期答案及试题(第五期),将发布在下图中,扫码即可查看! 32.How many ways does the phrase “to face the music” come from? A.1.  B.2. C.3.  D.4. 答案与解析:C由全文内容可知一共有三种对“to face the music”出处的解释。 33.What's the meaning of “face the music”? A.To face something far less pleasant. B.To face the stage. C.To face the back of one's horse. D.To face one's leader. 答案与解析:A“It is something far less pleasant”,在原文中已有答案。 34.Which of the following is when may we face the music? A.When we are having a party. B.When we are making a speech. C.When we are playing basketball. D.When we are talking with somebody. 答案与解析:B进行讲座就要登上讲台或者主席台。和“to face the music”出处的第一种解释相对应。 35.The word “hostile” in the third paragraph means ________. A.unfriendly  B.unhappy C.unkind  D.unnecessary 答案与解析:A由“might be friendly or perhaps hostile,”可推断出“hostile”是“friendly”反义词。

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